Pocket Watch Database

Illinois Watch Parts: Grade 123


Part Factory Part Number
Wheels: Center 119 Catalog Number: 6969
Teeth: 80
Configuration: Hunting or Openface
Finish: Gilt
Style: Flat Arm
Wheels: Center and Staff 349 Catalog Number: 7005
Teeth: 80
Configuration: Hunting or Openface
Finish: Gilt
Style: Flat Arm
Wheels: Center Complete 1256 Catalog Number: 7047
Teeth: Cannon Pinion: 12, Center Pinion: 12, Center Wheel: 80
Configuration: Openface
Finish: Gilt
Style: Flat Arm
Wheels: Crown or Main Winding 348 Catalog Number: 7079
Teeth: 32
Configuration: Hunting or Openface
Wheels: Escape 376 Catalog Number: 7100
Teeth: 15
Finish: Brass, Gilt
Wheels: Escape and Pinion 354 Catalog Number: 7137
Teeth: 15-8
Configuration: Hunting or Openface
Pivots: Straight
Finish: Brass
Wheels: Fourth 133 Catalog Number: 7166
Teeth: 80
Configuration: Hunting or Openface
Finish: Gilt
Style: Flat Arm
Wheels: Fourth and Pinion 356 Catalog Number: 7192
Teeth: Wheel: 80, Pinion: 10
Configuration: Hunting or Openface
Finish: Gilt
Style: Flat Arm
Wheels: Hour 357 Catalog Number: 7213
Teeth: 40
Configuration: Hunting or Openface
Wheels: Inter-Setting 351 Catalog Number: 7229
Teeth: 27
Configuration: Openface
Wheels: Inter-Winding 440 Catalog Number: 7241
Teeth: 15
Configuration: Openface
Wheels: Minute 310 Catalog Number: 7254
Teeth: Wheel: 36, Pinion: 10
Configuration: Hunting or Openface
Wheels: Ratchet 371 Catalog Number: 7276
Teeth: 40
Configuration: Hunting or Openface
Wheels: Setting 440 Catalog Number: 7298
Teeth: 15
Configuration: Openface
Wheels: Third 129 Catalog Number: 7317
Teeth: 75
Configuration: Hunting or Openface
Finish: Gilt
Style: Flat Arm
Wheels: Third: and Pinion 378 Catalog Number: 7343
Teeth: Pinion: 10, Wheel: 75
Configuration: Hunting or Openface
Finish: Gilt
Style: Flat Arm