Pocket Watch Database

We noticed that you entered a relatively short serial number.
"927" could possibly indicate the grade of the watch and not the serial number of your movement. Serial numbers are usually more than a few digits.

Due to the lack of existing factory records, our U.S. Watch Co. (Waltham, Mass) database has been reconstructed using observations of known watches.
As a result, the information may contain inaccuracies. Please let us know if you have details that can improve the database.

From the American Horology Archive:
U.S. Watch Co. (Waltham, Mass) Grade Dome Pocket Watch

U.S. Watch Co. (Waltham, Mass)

Grade: Dome

Manufacturer: U.S. Watch Co. (Waltham, Mass)
Manufacturer Location: Waltham, Massachusetts
Movement Serial Number: 927
Grade: Dome
Model: 1885
Estimated Production Year: 1887
Run Quantity: 4,200
Grade/Model Run: 2 of 3
Grade/Model Total Production: 5,750
Size: 16s
Jewels: 7j
Movement Configuration: Openface
Movement Finish: Gilt
Movement Setting: Pendant
Plate: Full Plate
Balance Type: Expansion
Regulator: Plain
Hairspring: Flat
Adjusted: No
Railroad Grade: No
Movement Markings: U.S. Watch Co.
Waltham, Mass.
Chas. W. Woerd's
Case: Various
Run ID: 2.G2.16S2.161885M2.O2.P2.7J2
Database Version: v52.407
Advanced Metrics
PWDB Absolute Rarity Index:
Scoped for Grade/Size/Model/Configuration
PWDB Relative Rarity Index:
Rarity within Manufacturer - Scoped for Grade/Size/Model/Configuration
Share of Production:
Share within Manufacturer - Scoped for Grade/Size/Model/Configuration
Registry Population:
Scoped for This Run Only
13 (0.31%)

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U.S. Watch Co. (Waltham, Mass) Grade Dome Pocket Watch