Pocket Watch Database
OU see in the following pages the complete series of Howard Watches‐movement displays, . dial views and reproductions of the styles of cases in
which the Howard is supplied complete; together with the retail prices at which Howard Watches are sold by representative jewelers all over America.
Every year the jeweler who is dealing with discrim‐ inating purchasers finds the Howard Watch more and more essential‐one of the few lines for which there is no substitute.
A Howard is always a fine watch; adjusted to tem‐ perature, isochronism and positions, by the principles discovered and perfected by Edward Howard.
Special attention should be called to the Edward Howard model, on pages 6 and 7 ‐ t h e Finest Watch in the World.
Also totheseriesofnoble“Period”Howards,designed in the spirit of the great historic art motifs:
The Howard “Augustan” (pages 38 and 3.0), inspired by the architecture and decorations of the Augustan Golden Era of Imperial Rome.
The Howard “Victorian” (pages 1,0 and 1,1), taking its in‐ spiration from the period of the Restorationof‘English arts and crafts under William Morris, Burne-Jones and their brilliant associates.
RECISE adjustment for temperature isoch‐ ronism and positions‐constructive and per‐ manent.
Balance-wheel specially hard-tempered‐Will not knock out of true with jolt and vibration‐exclu‐ siveHowardinvention. BalancePivotsandTrain Pivots made of special steel. Designed for strength ‐finished for closest position adjustment.
Jewels a r e selected pigeon-blood rubies. Pallet‐ stonesareorientalsapphires. Double-rollerescape‐ ment. Steel escape wheel.
'Dials a r e hand-made‐of finest first-quality enamel (see pages 6, 20, 24, 34, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46'. 48, 50)~
16-size Hunting watches are pendant setting only. Open Face in the Railroad grades are supplied in either pendant or lever setting. 12‐ size watches are pendant setting only‐both Hunting and Open Face.
The Edward Howard is a n e w and remarkable achievement of horology.
Men capable of judging pronounce it the finest watch ever produced in this or any other country.
Jeweled with matched Oriental Sapphires. Three-cornered Sapphire Impulse Pin. Adjustable Sapphire Banking Pins. Extra-large Sapphire Cap-jewels on Balance, Pallet-arbor, and Escape-wheel Pinion. All Jewels hand-finished and selected forqualityanddepthofcolor. TrainWheelstruedandpoised on Pinions. Pinions hand-turned and hand-finished, running inOlive-holeJewels. Hand-madeCompensatingBalancewith Solid H u b and with Graduated Timing Nuts. Detachable Friction Balance-stafl'. Howard Patent Gravity Regulator. Free Vibrating Hairspring. Poised Escape Wheel, double recessed. Pallet Fork with Detachable Safety Tongue. Lower EscapementPlatedetachable. Mainspringwithhighestrevers‐ ible resiliency, imparting full impulse with lightest possible
motive power. Dial hand-ground Venetian Enamel. 18 K. Gold, Open Face, Plain Polish, $350.00
lh-Size, 23-Jewel, Bridge Model RAILROADSTANDARD
(Huntingor Open Face. Open Facesupplied eitherPendant or Lever Setting)
HE highest attainment in a Railroad Standard watch~nnequaled for I Railroad Men, Field Engineers and others who_se needs are exacting.
23 extra~fine jeivels. pigeon-blood rubies and sapphires. with ruby pallet stones; Trainandbalancehaveolive-holejewels, Recessedsteelescapewheel. Celebrated HOWARD Balance‘Wheel. specially hard tempered, insuring a
very close rate under in and vibration. ‘ Adjusted to five positionsa t e m p e r a t u r e and isochronis’m, and cased and
timed in itsown case at the HOWARD factory.
l6-Size, 21-Jewel, Bridge Model RAILROADSTANDARD (OpenFaceOnly‐eitherPendantor Lever-Setting)
FINE HOWARD time-piece. especially recommended to the Railroad Man who takes lpride in his professional equipment Precisely udjrnsted to five positions. temperature and isochronism, cased and timed in its .
own case at the HOWARD factory
21 jewels‐selected rubies and Sapphires. with oriental sapphire pallet '
stones. Train and balance have olivehole jewels.
Celebrated HOWARD Balance Wheel specially hard tempered, p r o o f ‐
againsty,ar and vibration. ,.
THE finest adiuttcd l9‐iewel Railroad Standard watch made t o d a y - ‐ extra adjustment to five positions, temperature and isochronism‘ Caséd at the HOWARD factory. each watch timed in its own case.
19 jewels, all selected rubies and sapphires. with oriental sapphire pallet stonest Train and balance have olive-hole iewels.
Celebrated H o w u m Balance Wheel. specially hard tempered; double‐ roller escapemenl and steel escape wheelt
re-sue, 17-Jew‘el, B r i d g e Model 4
RAILROAD.STANDARD' (OpenFaceOnly‐Jeither Pendanter Lever Setting) )
ms HOWARD is the finest l7-jewcl watch made.meetingall the require‐ ments0! RailroadTimeInspectors. Adjustedtofive”mumtempera‐ ture and l'sochronlsm: cased and timed in its own case at (lie HOWARD
against jar and vibration. Double-roller escapemcut and steel escape Wheel.
lctory. ' ’ l7ieweIs‐1nbiesandsapphires. TrainandbalancehaveOlive-holejewels. Celebrated HOWARD Balance Wheel, specially hard tempered. aprotection
‘l6-Size, 17-erwei,3/4 Plate Model
(DoubleRoller‐ThreePosition A d j u s t m e n t ‐ Huntingor O p e n F a c e ) _
CLOSBLY adjusted time-§icce dependabledespite e x t r e m e s of heat and cold and the iar and vibr’ption of daily porket use. Pendant setting only. ~ ‘ f'
17iewels~selected rubies and sapphires. Celebrated HOWARD Balance ‘ Wheel specially hard tempered to resist jar and vibration Doublc~roller = escapementandsteelescapewheel.
Adjusted t o three positionsi t e m p e r a t u r e and isochmnism, cased and , timedinitsowncasebeforeleavingtheHowmmfactory.
12-Size, 23-Jewer, Bridge M o d e l EXTRA T H I N (Huntingor Open Face.Pendant Setting)
'HE first thin model time-piece in the world to achieve the HOWARD standard ofv accuracy.
Bach watch adjusted to five paritlom. temperature and isochronism: cased at the HOWARD factory and timed in its o w n case.
23 jewels‐pigeon-blood rubies and sapphires with selected r u b y pallet stones. Train and balance have olive-hole jewels.
Celebrated HOWARD Balance Wheel double-roller e s c a p e m e n t with re‐ cessed steel escape wheel.
12-Size, 19_-Jewel, Bridge Model EXTRA THIN (Huntingor Open Face.PendantSetting)
STRICTLY high~ztade time~piece. HOWARD accuracy. Adjusted to fl y : paxitiom. temperature and isochronism; cased at the HOWARD lac‐
tory and timed in its own case,
19 selected jewels‐rubies and sapphires, with oriental sapphire pallet
stones. Train and balance have olive-hole jewels. Celebrated HOWARD Balance Wheel. specially hard tempered; double-roller escapement and steel escape wheel.
17selectedjewels‐sapphiresandrubies. Trainandbalancehaveolive‐ hole jewels. Celebrated HOWARD Balance Wheel. double-roller cscapemrm and steel escape wheel.
16-Size Watch
ANY critical buyers prefer the Howard Polished Case. It owes its distinction to its exquisite lines and the deep, pure
color of polished gold.
The Howard Polished Case is made in either 14 K. solid gold, or “Crescent” Extra or “Jas. Boss” Extra Gold Filled.
Any Howard movement m a y be had in Howard Polished Case. Howard movements and cases are not sold separately.
23-Jewel, 5 Positions.
16-Size Watch‐
They are furnished with the Howard 16-size movements of all grades, in 14 K. solid gold and “Crescent” Extra or “Jas. Boss” Extra Gold Filled. Howard movements and cases are not sold separately.
23-Jewel, 5 Positions. . . . . (SO‐Extra GoldFilled,23-Jewel,5Positions.... . 560‐Extra Gold Filled, 19-Jewel, 5 Positions. . . . . 920‐14 K 17-Jewel, 3 Positions.. . . . 960‐Extra Gold Filled, 17‐Jewel, 3 Positions. . . .
16-Size Watch
T is altogether noteworthy that almost as many business and professional men as rail‐ road men elect the open face type of Howard
watch. Of these m a n y prefer the Plain Polished case.
The Howard Open Face Plain Polished Case is made in either 18 K. or 14 K. solid gold, or “Crescent” Extra or “Jas. Boss” Extra Gold Filled. Any Howard movement may be had in Howard Plain Polished Open Face Case. Howard
23-Jewel, 5 Positions.
. . .23-Jewel, 5 Positions. . . 55‐Extra GoldFilled,23-Jewel, 5 Positions...
. 1035‐14 K 21-Jewel,.1Positions. .. . lO55‐Extra Gold Filled, 21-Jewel, 5 Positions...
. 555‐Extra Gold Filled, 19-Jewel, 5 Positions. . .
. 255‐Extra Gold Filled, l7-Jewel, 5 Positions. . .
. 935‐14 K 17-Jewel, 3 Positions. ..
. 955‐Extra Gold Filled, 17‐Jewel, 3 Positions. . .
16-Size Watch
HE way many men feel about a fine watch is shown by the constant heavy sale of the Open Face Engine‐Turned Howard in 16‐ A beautiful watch, dial visible as soon as it
is drawn from the pocket, in a case that will go through hardservice without showing scratches.
Open Face Engine‐Turned Cases are furnished withtheHoward16‐Sizemovementsofallgrades, . in 14 K. solid gold and “Crescent” Extra or “Jas. Boss” Extra Gold Filled. Every Howard Watch is timed in its o w n case before leaving the Howard factory. Howard movements and cases a r e n o t sold separately.
16-Size Watch
HE Howard Swing Ring Watch is especially practical for those whose occupation brings their watches in contact with dust, smoke,
oil and other forms of foreign matter apt to work Otheir way into the movement. See illustration on page 26 for construction of Howard Swing
Ring Case.
Supplied only in 16‐Size, Open Face 14 K. Gold, “Crescent” Extra or “Jas. Boss” Extra Gold Filled. With a n y grade of 16-Size, Open Face Howard movements. Howard movements and cases are never sold separately. Every Howard Watch is cased and timed in its own case before leaving the factory.
No. No. No. No. No.
15 S. R . ‐ 1 4 K 23-J, 5 Positions..$140.00
75 ‐ E x t r a Gold Filled, 23-J, 5 Positions 1015 S.R.‐14K 21-J, 5 Positions.. 1075 ‐ ‐ E x t r a Gold Filled, 21-J, 5 Positions..
575 ‐ E x t r a Gold Filled, 19‐J, 5>Positions.. 275 ‐ E x t r a Gold Filled, 17-J, 5 Positions.. ‐‐Extra Gold Filled, 17-J, 3 Positions..
16-Size Watch
HIS is a construction view of the Howard Swing Ring, Solid Back, Screw Bezel, Dust‐ proof Case. It is especially adapted to
watches intended for railroad, engineering, mining or factory use.
The Engine-Turned Swing Ring Case can be supplied only in 16-Size Open Face “Crescent” Extra or “Jas. Boss” Extra Gold Filled‐for any of our several grades of 16-Size, Open Face movements.
Howard movements and cases are never sold separately. Every Howard Watch is cased and timed in its own case before leaving the Howard factory.
The following prices are for Howard Swing Ring Engine‐Turned Watches:
No. 1085‐Extra Gold Filled, 21-Jewel, 5 Positions. . No. 585‐Extra Gold Filled, 19-Jewel, 5 Positions... . 285‐Extra Gold Filled, 17-Jewel, 5 Positions. . . . 985‐ExtraGoldFilled,17-Jewel,3Positions...
75.00' 60.00' 50.00
16-Size Watch
17 Jewels, Open Face Only
withtheabovemovement‐PlainPolished. Open Face only.
12-Size Watch
I G H Tin line with the growing tendency for simplicity in the outward appearance of men’s watches, y o u find these 12‐Size
Howards‐examples that show how delightful and appropriate simplicity m a y become when it is brought forth with a true regard and feeling for design.
Furnished1neither 18K. or 14K. gold or in “Crescent Extra or“Jas. Boss” Extra Gold Filled. Any 12-size, 23 or 17‐jewel Howard movement m a y be h a d1n Howard Hunting Plain Polished Case. Howard movements and cases are never sold separately‐every Howard Watch is cased andtimedin itsowncasebeforeleavingtheHoward
The prices following are for Howard 12-Size
Plain Polished Hunting Watches:
12-Size Watch
Any 12-size, 23 or 17‐jewel Howard movement m a y be furnished in Engine‐Turned Hunting Watch‐14 K. gold; or “Crescent” Extra or “Jas. Boss” Extra Gold Filled. Howard move‐ ments and cases are never furnished separately ‐every HowardWatchiscasedandtimedin its o w n case at the Howard factory.
These prices.are for the 12-SizeHowardHunting Engine-Turned Watches:
. 8 4 0 ‐ 1 4 K . . .' . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 - J e w e l , 5 P o s i t i o n s
. 860‐Extra Gold Filled, 23-Jewel, 5 Positions. .
. 740‐14 K 17-Jewel, 3 Positions. ‘ . . . 760‐Extra Gold Filled, l7-Jewel, 3 Positions. . . .
12-Size Watch
HE dial of this fine timepiece is character‐ ized by a feelingfor simple beautiful design particularly attractive to lovers of the small,
thin, open faced watch. A very distinctive watch ‐‐in dial, its exquisite lines and the deep,pure color of polished gold.
This Howard Watch m a y be had with either 23 or 19 jewels, timed and adjusted to 5 positions, temperature and isochronism, or with 17 jewels
The watch is sold at the following prices:
. 822‐18 K 23-Jewel, 5 Positions. . ' . $150.00 .835‐14K. ............23-Jewel,5Positions.... 125.00 . 855‐Extra Gold Filled, 23‐Jewel, 5 Positions... . 100.00
19-Jewel,5Positions.... 100.00 . 655‐Extra Gold Filled, 19-Jewel, 5 Positions. . . . 75.00
. 735‐14 K 17-Jewel, 3 Positions. . . .' . 755‐Extra Gold Filled, 17-Jewel, 3 Positions. . . .
12‐Size Watch
ACERTAIN dignity combined with fine wearing quality, a freedom from damage by scratching, characterizes the Howard
Engine-Turned Watch. With its beautiful simply designed dial, the 12-Size Howard Open Face Engine-TurnedWatchisoneofthemostfrequently m e t members of t h e H o w a r d g r o u p of fi n e watches.
It may be had with either 23 or 19 jewels, adjusted to 5 positions, temperature and isochro‐ nism,orwith17jewelsadjustedto 3positions,tem‐ perature and isochronism.
Your jeweler can furnish it to you in 18K. or 14 K. solid gold, or in either “Crescent” Extra or “J as. Boss” Extra GoldFilled, at the following prices
.845‐14K.............23-Jewel,5Positions... .865‐ExtraGoldFilled,23-Jewel,5Positions.... 19-Jewel,5Positions.... .645‐14 K.............lQ‐Jewel, 5Positions.... . 665‐Extra Gold Filled, 19-Jewel, 5 Positions. . . . 17-Jewel,3Positions.... 17-Jewel, 3 Positions. . . . . 765‐Extra Gold Filled, 17-Jewel, 3 Positions. . . .
125.00 100.00 125.00 100.00
75.00 100.00 75.00
The “Augustan” 12-Size, Extra Thin
23, 19 and 17 Jewels, Open Face Only
T was a decided step forward in the art of fine watch making when the Howard horologists produced this noble series of Period Watches
‐ t a k i n g their inspiration from the great historic art motifs.
On the page opposite is illustrated the Howard “Augustan,” embodying the emblems and the
No. 835A‐23-Jewel, 5 Positions No. 635A‐19-Jewel, 5 Positions No. 735A‐17-Jewel, 3 Positions
Open Face '
The "Victorian” 12-Size, Extra Thin
232 19 and 17 Jewels, Open Face Only
NE of the beautiful Howard PeriodWatches, taking its inspiration from the Victorian school of craftsmen, led by William Morris,
who restored the art of England from imported prettiness to its native common‐sense.
The Howard “Victorian” is recognized by art connoisseurs as o n e of the finest examples of p u r e and lofty design ever produced by the arts and crafts of America. It is one of the most popular of the Howard models.
The 23 and 19-jewel models are adjusted to 5 positions, temperature and isochronism, the 17‐ jewel model to 3 positions, temperature and isochrohism.
Furnished in Extra Gold Filled case.
N o . 855V‐23-Jewel, 5 “Positions No. 655V‐19-Jewel, 5 Positions N0. 755V‐l7-Jewel, 3 Positions
The “Tudor” 12-Size, Extra Thin
23, 19 and 17 Jewels, Open Face Only
N O B L E example of Period Watch designing ‐ i nthedistinctivestyleofHenryVIII,an English a r t period of great virility.
14 K. SOLID GOLD Plain Polish
No. 805T‐23-Jewel, 5 Positions No. 605T‐19‐Jewel, 5 Positions No. 705T‐17-Jewel, 3 Positions
The “Ionic” 12-Size, Extra Thin
23, 19 and 17 Jewels, Open Face Only
AHOWARD Period Watch especially popular with young men. Inspired by one of the most elegant periods of classic Greece‐‐
characterized by rich simplicity.
Cased in plain polished, Extra Gold Filled case of special design, exceedingly flat and compact.
“CRESCENT” Extra or “JAS. BOSS” Extra Gold Filled Plain Polish
No. 8951‐23-Jewel, 5 Positions No. 6951‐19-Jewel, 5 Positions No. 7951‐17‐Jewel, 3 Positions
Howard 12-Size "Carvel" New Extra-Thin Biodel
~ HIS watch is thinner by one and one-third millimeters than the regular 12-size extra‐ thin Howard. 17 selected ruby and sap‐
phire jewels. Adjusted to three positions. Pend‐ a n t setting only. 14 K. solid gold case of special design, exceedingly flat and compact.
Supplied only With this one grade of movement ‐ i n Plain Polished Case.
14K. GOLD.HEAVY No. 705C‐l7-Jewel. 3 Positions _
Howard “Cavetto” Case “ CRESCENT ” Extra Gold Filled
12-Size, Extra Thin, Open Face Only
HE Howard “Cavetto” case has met with decided favor amongcritical buyers every‐ where.
The “Cavetto” is the most distinguished case e v e r designed for an extra-thin watch. The “Cavetto” modeling defines the edge and adds to the apparent thinness of the watch.
In Plain Polished “Crescent” Extra Gold Filled Case only.
No. 855C‐23-Jewel, 5 Positions No. 655C‐19-Jewel, 5 Positions No. 755C‐17-Jewel, 3 Positions
Howard “ Doric” Case “CRESCENT” Extra Gold Filled
l2-Size, Extra Thin, Open Face Only
HE name “Doric” is peculiarly appropriate for this Howard case. It has the bold, square molding and the classic purity of line
which are the distinctive features of Doric archi‐ tecture, and which are seen at their best in the Parthenon at Athens‐conceded by artists to be the most beautiful building in the world.
It is supplied in Plain Polished only.
No. 855D‐23-Jewel, 5 Positions No. 655D‐19-Jewel, 5 Positions No. 755D‐17-Jewel, 3 Positions
Iii-Size, 23-Jewel, Hunting and Open Face
(Open Face, Lever Set is Railroad Standard)
16-Size, 21‐Jewel, OpenFace, LeverSet, RailroadStandard 9 16-Size, 19-Jewel, Hunting and Open Face 10
(Open Face, Lever Set is Railroad Standard)
16-Size, 17-Jewel, Open Face only
(Lever Set watches of this grade are Railroad Standard)
lfi-Size, 17-Jewel, % Plate, Hunting and Open Face I2-Size, 23-Jewel, Hunting and Open Face
12-Size, 19-Jewel, Hunting and Open Face
l2-Size, 17-Jewel, Hunting and Open Face
16-Size, Hunting, Plain Polished
lG-Size, Hunting, Engine-Turned
16-Size, Open Face, Plain Polished 21 16-Size, Open Face, Engine-Turned 23 lG‐Size, Swing Ring, Plain Polished 25 16-Size, Swing Ring, Engine-Turned
16-Size, “ Carvel,” Extra-Thin, Open Face
12-Size, Hunting, Plain Polished
12-Size, Hunting, Engine-Turned
12-Size, Open Face, Plain Polished
12-Size, Open Face, Engine-Turned
12-Size, “Augustan”‐‐‐Period Watch
12-Size, “Victorian"‐Period Watch
12-Size, “Tudor”‐‐-Period Watch
12-Size, “Ionic”‐Period Watch
12‐Size, “ Carvel”
12-Size, “
12-Size, “Doric”