Pocket Watch Database

Net Price List of Materials Manufactured by the Elgin National Watch Co. (1915)

This Material Catalog was distributed by the Elgin National Watch Co. in May 1915.

Copyright Status: Public Domain (+95 Years)

Acquisition Price: $38.77

Acquisition Date: July 23, 2017

Digitized Date July 31, 2019

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),.0m P , M“ 51 Tflfi FACTORiEs E L G I N -ILLS‐ BRANCH OFFICES I5 MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK TRADERS BANK BLDG.'.TORONTO ‐ -a.,;,- \i:"9 ' . ~6ENERAL OFFICE' ,_10 S.-WABASH-AVENUE~ ( V . f,’ ' I } ; CHICAGO. Eny 1896 we issued our last general material list. since which time we have published, as addenda. suppie’ments in sheet form. Owing to the introduction, during the past eight years, of almost an entire new line of watch movements, both as to sizes and models. it has been deemed advisable to revise our general price list of material, which we now take pleasure in presenting you. We have retained in general the form last used. but have made several altera‐ tions which we think have simplified it in many respects, and we trust will meet with your approval. The classification of movements as given in 1896 is still retained. and the new classes where [he maker/a! is [he same are embodied with them: this may at a glance be somewhat confusing, on account of not being able to as readily find the class required by this arrangement as in the old list. because in that the classes increased from top to bottom of page; but if you will first ascertain the size of material wanted. you can readily find the class, those of the same size being all kept together. Under the heading " Description of Movement " we have left out " Style." " Wind..” " Sett." and ”Series " substituting " Model." and on pages l6 to 20 illustrate the several models. and under the several illustrations of material state whether that shape is suitable for “ Htg. ' or ' O . F‘." movements, We have endeavored to embody in the same line all the classes of movements using material of one quality of finish. thereby condensing the arrangement con‐ siderably over the previous f o r m ‐ s o much so that in about the same space we are able to provide for something over three hundred and fifty different grades, while in the previous list only about two hundred were included. Bear in mind that the illustra/ions of material serve to give the shape only. the quality of finish being shown by the class, movements taking the same shape and finish being embraced in one line opposite the catalogue number of that particular shape. Serial numbers. with a full description of all movements manufactured to date. will be found commencing with page 122. " Classification of Movements as Originally Made.n on pages 5 to 9. will be of assistance. as it embodies a complete description of the several movements, as well as giving the class or quality of finish of material suitable for each particular grade. MAY, 1904. Respectfully yours, ELGlN NATIONAL WATCH CO. Grade, Advance ilruher Time .| Father T i m e , l-‘unznn I’nrwuil Ferry .. Pmuctm ”lllllc: ‘ Grillllor en , Lurly l. .. Liuly H Lunly l ‘ l .n u , , Lnillu, . . Leader . widen” 5 ‘ vala mi 3 (Harland J (Harlan-i , 2‘, Overland 9 ( i vcrlurul. w Raymond .. l Raymond. 65 Raymend 7 Raymend (ll Ryemiu .. ' 4 Tavlor . 3 1‘s}l o r 3 Taylor. ii li lllleil 2u : 7. Sifikei n (llllled n . \ ' lgkel Key Lever l’eml. Lev c r \' e'riluy. \ erlma Verna,K F ! ) .\'igkci syn ‘ Lever R e y o r L e !e r ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. GRADESOFMOVEMENTS -‐‐WITH-‐‐ C L A S S I F I C A T I O N 'AND D E S C R I P T I O N AS ORIGINALLYMADE Train. Key01;Lower Slgw lit ' Kc' is!with ,Kcyoi; w e t Quick list 2-1to illn Bib mi lift Ww WMh 4 4 D 25 fi 2! 34 5 0 (S 5 5 5 Gilded M [glib Gildedq! .\'lekel .. 5") Gilded ad Pond GIliled Isl,to-llh Key05Lever Gildedwe?.!\'leliel 7th In to 4“! m; 5th Lever Keyor Lever L e ie r . l’eml. I Lever | Key ; Lever Gildedor .\'iekel \'clkit1 ill!) (.vllf'led i n ! .edtoin: last to 2d I s li o fl h 2d 1941h Lever .\'ickel nu 55h Pam]. u m lo-lih lReyorLeier Gilded Elli l’end Gildedor Nickel .‐ .‐ Mlg-llh Lever u .\'lelfel Gllded In ed in Jlli n Key Louver Kc ' Slgw .. u C: u P o n d . .. .. .‐ 59 .00 61 .0‘3 .C>3 .61 51 .(15 .06 07. .6S. . 6 9 70 7 1 Quick ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. Grades oi Movements with Classification and Doscnplion as Originally Made. Size. K “Pl. F. Pl. 9 1“Pl. ng. Style. Nickel G i l d e d ModeL Senl 151 2dloill) l s l llig.m‘1‘rl0.1“: Gilded Nickel Gilded m e r - "1 Slow ‘ Quick Slow 2d lo 411) slow is! Quick Gilded O. l". " Nickel “ lllg. “ Lever “, Kay ‘A Nickel Pond. Nickel “ Gilded ‘ 2dlo41h “ ISL " 2d lo -ii,li Nickel l s L Gilded 51h Nickel lst Gilded ‘ " " 2d lo 41!) lst " 2d 10 4111 ‘ " 41h Nickel “ iilgandOil". Gilded . 2d “ - Nickel ," lllg. k/z Nickel is! 2d lo -ill1 S. Sec. ‘ Gilded ‘ i i h liig.und0.17. “ 2d " ‘ Nickel " lilg. Gilded 3d [ligand0.F. “ lat, ”is" :: mg.quoilv'. up. u .. iilg. Nickel lsl " Slaw . Quick Lever 5. Sec, " “ 56Nickel Nickel Gilded 11 u Nickel Gilded Nickel Gilded ngkel Gilded Nickei 2dto 4m “ Bil Edlo villi ‘ l.~i. “ 32d10in, lsl ‘ ‘ ' _' ‘ Q or s. Quick l " l “ Pond. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. Grades 0! Movements Willi Classification and Dourlpiion a; Oliginally Mado‐ Style. Model. Son. Pend. Train. Jewels, Quick "is. u 11 0,"F. "fig. 0. F. il'i'g. Gilded Nickel Gilded chnkcl Gilded .\' le'kel G lldeli N like] Gilded Nickel Ul'x‘led Nickel Gllllul 1,5 Nickel Gilded N Ickcl Gilded 95.\'ickel Gilded .\' lelcel G i i n l e d N lakel Gilded Nickel $4Nigkel Nickel 54.- Nlckel S ickei Xlékel Gilded Nigkcl Gilded Nigkcl Nickel 54min! 55Nickel 14 51h '.'(l to 4111 u 3d 51h Isl u '.’d ikl i. 51]! KLillie»)!!! ' 5! h 2d I0 llh 5|h ' ' 2-1In ~llh i 55h 1st ' 2d 1 : Sci so uh ! nl , 2d lo llh - lllg. llr. 0. R u u l".Br. 1153. our-2 mg. nF. illg. (i, l". lllvg‘ 51h l3! Xlgkcl 61}! 2d .. u 2dlo4m ! Lever l’cnd. Le'yer Pcnd. l;e\'gr en , 51h 75h 51h '.’l| to-l|h . 2d id to 4th 5th 111. " a; 11 “ 5 13 1111. 10 " . 5 " 1 " 10 ' " 56 1s a; 1'1 ~ . 2111111111 ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. Grades oi Movements with Classlfimtion and Descripllon as Ongmaily Made C l a s s S i z e . 511,11. 1 M o d e l . S o n 75 G 91 illg. Gilded 211 Fund. 92 16 “ v,Nickel 11111 “ 94~ 0.1-1 " 7111 " v1 " “ 111g. Gilded 0111 n m““o.1-' 1- 71111" Lcwr 1101111. 1. Lover 111-1111 1‐ | 2111111111 ‘ 1 5111 i 1111111 2111111111 1 1 5111 1 1-11.11 1 211 1 “ Tum ’ chuis Quick ‘ zi P1. 11.1'1. =.' l’i Nickel 8111 1 an 18 03 " 75 G 61 1s 63 " 81 o 93 16 m“" n7111 RI0" “1~1 5,.... .1.. 85~" s211 86"" ~311 “ . 1.1mm 5111 ‘ 19x1ckc1 211 as,.1-- i “ 37..11. .. .. 1. 93 “ ~ 115 “ “ 11-3 1:11 1 131"~1).11. "15111 111 15 37 ss 117 - “ ~' 1-1 " 1qu 1111: 0. 1-‘. 111; 1). 1-2 " “ ; 21111-1111 511-1111 7111 1:1111c11 211 1‘ 1:11 x11-k1-1 1~1 ‐ 1'1. 1“ " 91 1-1. - " 7111 1 2111111111 1 in; 111. o. 11' m. 111: 1;Mum-1 .. G u a m 11111 1 1 513“. ' kau1" 1' si- 12 “ " 1,5 .\ 1c1111 “ “ S7 .. 11 .. ., 1 1 . SS .1 .1 11,1.1 1. 311 ' m1.1...... . 1's “ " 7: " 41 01 1s 1-2 H 90 “ 34 Pl 111.111. 33 I4; ‘ “ 32 .. .. 1. 4. .. ., as “1-~ 0.1‘1:1. -- 71111 -‐ " 1 5111 (51111111 1~1 V, A'ickci (3111 111111011 .. 15x1c111-1 '~ (“1111-11 1.1-11-1 Nickci - 1:11am Nlckel 211 1 “ 1111 1 -‐ 1.~1 ‘ 10-1‐ 1 8111 1 i.11\'1-r . }.1,. “ . 15111 1'1-1111 V;Nickel 1 6111 ‘ " ~ 7111i." 1. 2111. fl :1111 1. 2111111111 1 1.1111 “ 5111 1 l'1~11<1 Nickel 211 1 “ n 3111-‘ " V. Nickel Nickel y. Elicia-i 7111 1 3.1 11.1 211 9111 71h 2d 104111 5111 i.1~11-r 1-11.11. -~ 4‐ 1111111 i’umi. mer l ’ c m l . .. 1 .. 1 1. | 1. Nickel 7111 chur Gilded 20 i’cnd. 5111 y, Nlckci 2d 211 10 1111 c h u r 5111 i’und, Gilded 211 ’/§ Nickel (51h 71h 6115101] 81h 71h 51h ‘A N‘ickci 2d u 211 1041.11 51.11 Dlh Lu1cr 2d i’cnd 3d Grade Size \'o. 298.. ., ,=’ N. No,290 . "“ 5m. 1 Model 2d gm sm. Tuirl c h e i s 1 \' . 3602. ' ' m ' No.45;u,65 Wheeler Over. lax-.l. i l i l l e . .m, 2“.245. 1:11 In.1 . 5 . umkn, Fnrwoll, ,.M 0.\cl'lllllll ( 0 . 1 ’. sou). m, M};( Love u,).m. llnynlolnl (XN., 0.l-.,ve1.e;ot.), I Fargo,Allvnllcw' clllei'. M e . . \’l ).vs . ’ M “, mw ” y M n ll.-r Time,_(0O i ' l F- inal. ("m-l 7"l "0 150. -1 132! “fl" 99. lllu, ,o,as, '.|79,1 » ons mammal: gar. a;x n, um? 53 .lal'crl lo l \o.210mm.257. No.22. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. Grades 0! Movements with C l l i" 'on md Ducviplion u Orig y ! ( e r SL,SI,% xo.xl,u. 1mm.951ml. Km“. 51X0.13.m. 2 . I .\o.mi,213, 22]. \'. I. L a d Elwin OJ?‐ lofia.sos.)(,m' NOMLMSWAIL SQMSHJIL so £95.33‐ -7-7 m I o. . lit". “7: l Gilded xNickel . uick Q" in nrdl-l'Ill"Pluto»or pnrl~\\IlI('IIan-wnlwllto [hemlIll’mostN'Illh'I'llCIOl')Wm istoWlldtheseveralpieces llullareum lnconmcllonnlllllllll'llIIlIhullzlllllnuIl~' tom:lw'lpar“nulljewchofsuitablelloicslficitomthe pllols,zl~ llr-lllls do lllv llpl'l;.llllll-nndten-Mlnkilu, \~ n I.l l - ~ 1’r)cl:~' it ~llonll lu ~l.lt-;~ll “IV-ll kind of .1 mm Spring they are lo lll: used with, ilreguei or Flat, and ii I’nl l~~l/l:. “Ilulll-r illn.\ ~Il0llld l l l l h mo l l r illrcc swath pill~, licnlcr lirldgw for 10~lm .,iI model mnvemcls, will be furnished m the following prices: Grade Nu FollowingareprlccsIorflilIl'll.’someorthe mostprominentpiecesofmmerinl',pricesbeingforeach: at! to Balance ., . ll.llr\'prlnl.: llllll \' Illl’illillf.’ l Swmmr .l-nwl r nr .Iclvcl I‘in. llml . 'I'rlllngznnli l’lmlll RI'I’I‘IOVIIIL,’ broken kL‘vfiIIdIll: Plums ,. llllnluskcvlllng I'll-lei IllinymrlmlJ' ‘nl ..ll| s Tl:ylor,0“crlnnd,‘29 ., u, Iend.scufflzw [July Fig‐in ( 0 . .l’ellll. Sci.J, (" Levgr Sch). 279. l l c r TchcLI-fi T‘nfilor Evernnll. . m l ' l . ”T,151,167. erSe 75. 166. .\o.llu. 10:1, 9 Wheeler. m r- J! 11)..th195' “9,151.04. 2 Culvermlgrl v- lnnlI,ul.I-' ' ' \~ 1'5 " us:i versel.l w 35.33.9359.59. 1m It”), 1.19 .ul.2 4 6 . 1No.907, Ml. No.49. no, 113, fl ] . ill.” . Glldml ilh " l 9Jeweledin 3rd.4thandEscape.bothends. iJeweled in 3d. 41h. E s c a p e a n d Pailen b o t h ends. Jeweled in 4111and scape. bath ends. ‘Jeweled in 8d, 41h. Escape and Pallet, Upper. 1Je ledIn 3d.4th,Escape.Pnilei.andCenter,bothends Gilda Advance slm . . , Model Siyle » . T B a n e ] i Lowei Ton Lallin Leader lsi lO4m 131, 2d “ Dextlinticn 0! Movement Price Each. with Evidges plmomPnlieliTvam eweis Set Veriias . . Yeriins ‘ 91h “ W h e e l e r Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler \'.l.. i s ! 0.0 5 t h G i l d e d 2d to 4m “ 5th Xiekei “ “ ' ‘ . . 4 ‘ 39 Gilded ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. PARTSOF PLA’I‘ES. 157.10ml “ “ .'30,,,ll.--.,iii‘ 151, ‘- , , _.l.l, .‘.iil isllo-iih . zoi __. DexterSi. Father T i m e , FnlherTime, Father Time Furgo,,. Farweli_ “ “' Ferry.le. Frances Ruble Gilil Borden“. . Culver ' “ ‘ .:.30l A‘gin.. Lnd) g i n Ludv Eigill . ' . Nickel " Gilded 151to41h ‘ “ 2d [05l11,7lll i Nickel lst (051h “ isv,to 5m.7“) Sih l s i is! lo 5th 2dto 41h 81h " Gilded Nickel " Gilded “ Nickel 2d 10 dill “ 2d [9 4th 4; 2d isL 2d Le 4111 is! M to uh Isl. Nickel Gilded “u uu 2d (0 4th Nickel i s i . Glifiied au Gilded ' ‘ .' .30 _ . . . . . .:l . ‘ 1.10 1 , . lsi , ‘. . 2d[0 4th Nickel 5111 “ Tih “ \ is! Gilded ‘ Nic'kel Gilded ‐ ‐ Dmvlption oi Monmenl Mvdui CONTIN UED. H % éJeweicd in 3d. 4th, Escapeand Pniiel. both ends. a n e i e d I n 3 1 1 . 4 “ : E s c a p e . m i l e ! a n d Center, b o t h e n d s . zJeweicd in 3d. 4m a n d Escape, b o t h a n ds. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. EDXXIQTFSS ( ) f ? EDIJJXTFIEES, 2-1 10 11h m 1, ml to 1m bl " '.vllo i i i ) : Nickel (jildvll 2d[lo uh , ngkcl Glitlicd l xlcm ' ' Gllilcll " ‘ '.‘d In 4m i~l 2d lg ill) ilh “ " 2d “ l s t 2d to -ili1 h M to ill) is! 61h 51h Gilded u .. nu . .. Siylv filed l‐2 lhxickhci I Nickel ' Gildedl I ~ Nlckcl . 0 ti Jew- els Bum) 5,3, Cotk 1 Nickel Gilded Nickel l,5.\"lckcl Gilsled Nickel Gliticd Nickel léslckci Nickel Pnct Each.with Jewels Se! No.0!5_ _ _ ' Budge: Pol- Plates mm Top .___ Description of Movement Size Price Each, with Jewels Se! . .Jf’w‘inmh; ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. PARTSOF PLA’TES, CONTINUED. 51h “ i'd 1041h Gilded Nickel Gilded Nickel ; Gilded Nickel Gilded Nickel Gilded Nickel ‘ Gilderi ‘ “ Nickel 3d “ 5m “ Gilded Nickel Gilded Nickel 3d " Nickel ': Gilded 51h ': Gilded . l s ! " 2d .: Nickel 2dloiii) " " ‘/’=l\'ickel Gilded Nickel Gilded %Nlekel Gilded Niekel 2d lo 4th ill) 81h 2d19“l 51h 15! 2d 2d 104th 51h Style .IBev.;‘a‘ i Gilded ‘ Gilded Niekel l/,Nlekei “ SJewcled in 3d. 41h, Escape and Pallet, both ends. 1Jeweledin ad,“in,Escape.PalletandCenter.bothends. L l e w e l e d i n 341, 4 t h a n d L s c a p e . b o t h e n d s . Neweled in 3d. 41h, Escape. Puller a n d Center, both ends. (except lower Center) Escape a n d Pallet Capped. =Jewelcd in 3d, 4th, Escape. Puller. and Center, both ends, Escape a n d PalletCapped. 3mmPimonipaliep ‘.Cap 5' la I Bridges 9 z Md| s| lama! _ _ _ _ ‘Ranch-i PM, PM“ ' " ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. PARTSOFPLATES, CONTINUED. Deicriplion of Movement [ P l l u Ench. with Juwols Set nc (ya ew- els 5 l Pm“ Pallet cl ,Cock Tm?»i C I anco {LowevI T» 2d[04th szickcl, l". l’l. "5th"' ' ,V N. “ Nickel !4,-.\'lckcl Nlckvl , Glldcd " Slckcl 2d to vnh 51h Tlll 5th 10 Ill) 51h (51h 71h 2d l s ! Blh Shh 75.11 u Glldcd Nlfikel 611: lgNlckcl 7th " F. P]. a 5h .. 2d104th Gilded 'I No.251. 2d to m: “ léxlckcl 9z 2d edto41h "Il 51h | _" 1 2d .ledml:1 om j!§.\'lckcl| l 71h ,“|l fill) Gilded u 71h | " l 81h 5 l h ‘.‘d 2d 10 uh 51h Isl, 61h 7m 1:1 2d 3d 2d to 41h 51h Nlcknxl Ulldwl ' kcl Gilded “ 2d lo uh KSlckel 5w1h " x l l/gNLCkcl 3d 2 2d Nlckcl 3d " J ' :.l l 7) 7 9 g a 7 .30 Description of Movement Pnce Each, with Jewels Size Model Style Nickel G i idcd Nickel ‘ Nickel x/:Sickcl , Nicknl ‘ " L Raxclv K a“ 1 l at »:Bavre| Pimonl Pallet Tmm‘ Can F. Pl. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. IDZXIQUTES ( D E ? EDIlfixflTIEES, CONTINUED. 71h 2d lo 411) 5m " 01h “ 2d ygxickel‘ 3d .. 7th Nickel 2d Gilded 51h “ 2d [0 m: " 5m " 2d 6 t h 7th Gib Gilded xNickel " Gilded xNiflckel Gilded leerl Gilded KNLckel Gilded Vgxickei '.'Jeweledin 3d.4th.Escape,l’nllelnndComer,bothends. - . i e \ v c l e d i n 3 d , 4111, E s c a p e , P a l l e t , a n d C e m e r , b o t h e n d s , E s c a p e a n d P a l l e t C a p p e d . vl Bdl 5.00 w Size, 6th, 16 Sim, lotto Mia and 61h Models us Site, l fl . 2d and 60- Models Cup Jeweled l2 Size, 1“ Model I? Sue, 3d Model Cap Jeweled 0 Size, 1“ Model IS Sin, 2d to 4th Models 18 Sin, 5th Modol 16 Sue. 5th= 7th and 9th Models I2 Sum 2d Model For Style | 0 Sin. 2d Model l8 Size, am Model Cno Jewelod 76 Size, 70! and 901 Models Cap Jeweled I2 Sim. 2d Model Cap Jeweled 10 Sue, Is! Model For 5 m “ 2, 3 and 4 0 Sin, 3d Modol IS Siu, 9th Model Cap Jeweled H Size. lst M'odel 12 Sue, 3d Model 6 Size, m lnd 2d Model rl 10-0 Site. In! M060, 78Sin.id to 4th Modols I" ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. PARTSOFPLATES, CONTINUED. BRIDGES, PALLET. BRIDGES,BEVELPINION. |s Sin, 5th and 7th Models @ l2 Sin. M to 4th Modoll ls Size, 5th Model fé‘t ls Sln, 2d to 4th Moduli IS Slu, 2d to 4th Modal: ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. 1\/IODELS OF MO\7ENIEN’1‘S. 18 Size. is! Model Full Pllle 18 Sue, 2d (0 4th Model Full Plate TOP PLATE . (D Hunting. Kay Vlvnding and Selling 18 Size. 5th Model Full Plate Hunlml Ltuer Selfmg IB $IZL‘, 60» Model Thleu-Qumml Flaw Open Face. Pendant Setting 18 Size, 7th Model Full Pllte Hunhnz and Open Face, Pendant Senmg 18 Size, am Model Thloc'Quavlev Plate Open F l u , Lever Semng Open Face, Lover Setting 18 Size, 9th Model Threo-Quaflev Plate 17 Size. ls! Model Full P m , Hunllnz, Lever 5 m m ; I7 vae, 21! Mouc! 7 m Vat»; ‘ Hunting. Key Winding and 55m": I6 Snze, lst Model , Tmee-Qumu Plan.‐ Huminz. Level Semnz 16 Sue, 2d Model Threeruanu Pluto, Blidzo Hunting and Open Face, Lew!Seflinz E 16 Size‘ 3d Model Thue‐Qunllev Plat‐ Hunfinz and Open Face. L e v " Suiting Hunting. Luv-r Satin: ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. MODELS OF MOVEMENTS. CONTINUED. 16 Size. 4th Model Three-Quartz! Flue 16 Sum. 5th Model Thee-Quaint Plate! Solid Sweep Setond, Hunting and Open Face. Level Semng 16 Suze, 51h Model Thee-Quayle! Plato Open Face. Pendant Setting 16 $116,6(h Model ThvetrQuarter Plate Open Face. Fendan? Sefiinz 15 Size. 61h Model Thus-Quarter Plate, Bridge Hunting, Pendant Semnz 16 Sue. 71h Model ThmeQuane. Plate 1’@ Hunting“ Pendlnt Setting Open Face. Pendant Sailing ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. h/IODELS OF MO\7E1\4ENTS, CONTIN U ED. | ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. _ 19 i i Open Face, Pundanr 5mm; u sin-i is! Model 7mm. Q, , VW x iz 5m. Isl Model huge-Quark" P m ; i Hunting, Key Winding and Setting 12 Size, 2d Modal i Thin-Quarter Piale Hunting, Key Winding and Setting 12 size. 3d Model Thin-Quark! Plat. MODELSOFMOVEMENTS. CONTINUED, 16 Sue, 7“; Model Three-Quark” Plan), Budge 16Size; 9th Model Thin-Quarter Pine, Bridge Hunting, Pendant Selling Open Fun, Pendant Sminz 10 Size. ist Model Three-Quills, Plate, Style 1 10 Site, lst Model Thlee-Quutel Plate, Style 2 10 Size, lsl Model Three-Quarter Plate, Style 3 IPA/IV5” 1765 © 6 Sue lst Model TmcerQll-zev Plale burnHim? ® H m l m g Lmev Sc-z'mg 0 Size, 2d Model Thlae-Qunner Plate Hunting, Key Winding and Selllnz 10 Size, Isl Model ThterQuaflev Plate. Style 4 Hunting. Key Wlndlnz l'md Seflvnz G Slze, 15! Model Three‘Quafler Plate Solld Hunting, Key Winding and Setting 6 Size. 2d Model Three-Quanta! Plate Hummz. Level s w i n g 0 Size,1st Model Thee-Quartet Plate Hunting. Pendant Setting Hunting. Pendant Selling H u n t i n g , Pandanl Selling ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. h/IODELS OF MO\7El\/IEN’1‘S, CONTINUED. 0 Slze. 3d Model Three-Quads! Plate |0~O Slze, l s t Model Three-Quilter Plale Open Face. Pendant Setting Open Feel. Pendant Setting J to 31.301039. vl|.9>‘. m: . . (5.107m110. . . .- . .: - .. M g . 010. F. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. Piece . ._,. ... ... Pei Dot. Model In 19-1111 ed to 51h um 8th. 01h ls! 2 d,(I ARBO’RS, BARREL. in of Movement l mg 010. F, N0." 6 0 Ilurrel .\ rbors (‘amlogue No. tax. classlllcd as l to 4 andfi to 0. were made with l\' \' Sf]llfl|'0~', and _|sed in the ( I N k >\' um! 1.0 Setting Movements. Slop Works were used wlxb 01115505 l and 2. Uumlogue .\o. 1&8, also will: cllhsua l. J. 7 and 65, Catalogue .\'o. 139. Order» for less thanonclourlh dozen will becharged a! flinglc plccc price. MODELS OF MOVEMENTS. Description FullPL, llunllng.Key Se". hallPL.llunllng,LeverBell. FullPL.Open lv'm.PendantSou. 1; PL. lnu-whnngeublc. Pena-nu. sen. l‘ullI'l,0mmPure.Lever $01.1. 5 Sim' Model I 2d 2d 2d Dmliplicn _ 1 X l’l..Open Face.LeverSc"... ExpnledW. \\ 11. “f l’l..Hunting,[ a v e rSam. Expand W. WI: fulll'l..Hunting,KeySen. FullPL.llunllng. Inversflt. 0 5! PL.Interchangeable. Len-r Salt. X PL, Ilununu. “ v e r s e " - X I'L.Swen] fivmml. Lever so". ‘Kl’l..Open hn-e. I'cnnlnntSou. K PI.‘Hunting. l’cnd.Sell“ Exposed\\'. “ ' l | , ”(1.01o, r. No. 203 Hlx. or 0. F. ' i , Htg. No. 206 No.17‘59 4 0 0 .00 50 A “ ) .50 .00 3 F o r s m p W o r k s .. F o r 5151) W o r k s F o r Slim Works . I. “(Ilo5“! 3d.511) 01h. 71h.mh Uthlh 9.’l’l.IOpenFace.Peru].sag.Exposed\ “ x M. llunmgn.Leversen.ExpumlW. \ in. KP! Open l-ucc.'l.everSerb,p r o w d W.Wk. if N l l u n l l n g , lxey 81m. PL,Hunting.Kay Sen. ' -,’ l'l.,Hunting.l'end.sew.Exposed\\ . Wh. 9‘ PL,Opt-n Pure.l'cnd. Sela,p r o n dW. Wh‐ X PL.lllmtlng.hey Sou. 1KPL,Hunting. Lever Belt. PL, l l u m l n g . Pennant5 m . Pl II||nLInx.PendnmSeu‐ PL.llnntlnw. Pena.Seth.ExposedW. Wyn. l’l..Open Face.l'und.keu..Exposedw.\\'h. K Wu Open Flee.l’vlld.§ett..Exported‘V.“ ll. . 1. ’ 1104.7100 65 116 10310106._...... 5.6 10.11.6110“ 99 16.21.8641.93 17101922lo 20,26 31. 3.7. 40 31 30 40.0‘1000 , , 70 74, ST SS.100.101. 70 74.81.1131 111 10 114 __ _ .‘ . .. ~. P1. . 21120 $111,711! 1>11051h.71h 2d lofilh 151105111 5111.9111 81h (5111 Cone P I N “ Slrulglu l‘lVOI. " . “ Cone Pivot . Stmmhl m m ! “ (‘one PIVOL Strulgbl l’n'ol ‘ “ . ( ‘ o n e P l v m “ ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. ARBORS,PALLET. . , " “ ' ‘ .j151.211.6111.711mm: 151,10 7|h G i l ] . T l I ) , 9111 x1,3d,511110 1m “ 511110711) (31h, 7111 N , ' .-.’ ..1~12&1‘ .. . .' " ‘ ‘ . ' Pvicu Pel Daz, Description 01 Movement Model ‘Thcsem‘horsare made to fit pallet Irlcllonlight In mumof the c]:\~\e~lrol]1.~crc\\ uml nlminn 11111111“; beenusedand care should be tuken lo gh'e correct number. Scrc“PalletArbors“llh( n odii’l’ercn’dlamelcrsofthreadshavebeenused11110NM:111»31‐\'0.<.314und‘lln havelargedinmcter and 2309 small diameter. 2312 small. In 0 slze. clussesu" and 81. No. 1713 11115” large diameter thread and No. 215, 2309 Htg.orO.F. No.224 l e , No.1723 Ha.or0. F. Htg.m 0. F. N0.225,2311 1411. No. 1761 1111.0!0. F. No.1767 . Hz.010.F. . No. 227,231? m g . H t g . or O. F. No.1782 No. 1763 Hm.or0. F. O.F. No.1769 No. 1770 ‘ Hm,cuO. F. Mtg. I Htg.orO.F. .. 1111.010.F. l ‘ ‘ - ' “ ' “ 2d. 311 “ blmlghlmm! 2d 311 151.1030 :.(lLdd him 3d 151 No.1303 H l s z , ol 0, F. N o . 1765 Hm.orO F. No.1771 ‘ No.1304 1412. 0 1 0 . F. No.1766. 2310 1. .. FT.&".100.10I.11110I1I. 1 7010 F3. .. ; F5,Ni.Ill}.11 . . 3.10 . u u 9th MJM " “ " No. 1775 Mtg-070.171 No. 1305 | ng.ovO. F. l ' No.1773 £40. M No.1772 ' No. 1774 No.1775 ”15.010.F‐ Htg.orO. r. Descviptian Pull1'I., Hunting. Rey sou. h i l l l'l..l l n n l l n g ,Lever Sell. l-‘nll I'L,Open Face.I'elulnnl.Sen. l..Open Face.rend.Sew.Exposed\\ . . Hunting,Doversew.Bx wedW. \\ 11, Open Face.Lever Sela, p r w m l W. Wh. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. ARBORS,SETTING. Class _‐ Piece 12 m H... 1 20 , Description of Mow-went PHD“! S i n ; “These Arbors are not furnlahcd separate from the Wheels. For prices sec Sculng Wheels. No. 169 I No. 223 No. 230 No. 231 i i 1=40== o=w== u= Hz.or0. F. ’ Htg. Hiz. Hug. Hg.or0. F. ARvBORS.S\N’EEP SECOND. . PL. lnierchnngcuble. l'emlnm, Sen. l-nllPL upon l-‘uce.Lever Sou. “if PL,fine" Paw.Lowersen...Exposed\\ .1}h. figl’l..Ilnntlng.Lev'ersew. prosedW. \\h. l»n|ll'l..1iunmm'v h e y soil. unung,KeySeu‐ Hnnung.KaySen. Hunting.Pena.Seth. ExposedW. Wk: E Ful}!"”1"l l"m'lung' 'ff:'|i§'$;sm hf 1’|-.5“'cepsecond.LoverSea. 5!PL.OvenPrice.l'endnnv.Sen. 2 : P L , H u n t i n g . P o n d . 5 m . - E x l m fl l “ ' - “ m . 2d 211 ' ’l..Hun-(ink. Pendant.Sell. l g I’l..luff-“nu.feverSen. l ) I.,lluntlngJ’L-ndnnlSen. . '|.,Hunting.Pond.Sen Expo-eaw.’n p. PL,Openhoe.P e n d j c l .Exposed\\'.\\h. P L , O p e n F l e e . P o n d . sew. F J p o w d “ . w n . o. F. Htg.orO. F. moons or movsmzrns. i i i le. 01 O F. ARBORS,VVINDING. Class No. 2052 f Price 1 Description oi Movement ' |‐-‐ ‐ ‐-‐‐‐-‐ Place PMDo: Size ' Model 18 I e; m. amen!) ‘ ' pen Face.Pen-l. sew.hxposulW. \\ h. l..Hnnung,KeySen. L . l l u m l n g . L e v " sen. IT!!!“.r .’ , I 30 2.00'10|91m.| v.I I am: Falcon! Sum i ' _‘ ’ ! ; 1,0; 7 mam. M ARMS, VIBRATING. Pryce PM: PMno;1 , Dnscnptron 01 Movement Model ‘ 21117»th No.1778 No. 55 . * O{ ) © ( : i g o .r . l e . No.1307 No.1306 No.133 No.1737 ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. No. 2101 ng...mg Htg. 94 H! °OO mg. or O, F. ToascertainGrndcOfMovemem,consultIxusx. inorderingMnlerlnl,giveCatalogueNumberandClass,or Number of Movement for \\'thh same is required. Ordersforlessthanone~fourlhdozenwillbechargedat singlepieceprice. No. 1735 No.l777 No. 236 gm Hz.orO F. No.1779 -- l. ' ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. BALANCES. H i z , o r O . F I No.237,235 No. 242 Hiz. o r O . F . m g . Hiz. Hiz.or0, F. /’ Hiz.or0. F. Hiz. Price Pitt-3 I For Dex. I Description 01 ancmenl 51 Model _ _I__h| To ascertainGrade0! Movement,consult.lsnzx. In orderingmnlerinl.giveCatalogueNumberand01053,or Number of Movement f o r which same is required. Orders f o r less than one-fourth dozen w i l l becharged at single piece p r i m . - No. 1780 r, iI “ ° 1 “W 18 i". H. lsl. lo 5th. 71h Compensnling u.. .. .. ‘ I Isl, to 7th ad to Tlh 131,3d.5|h (0 71h is!is 5th l s t ls! tom: 61h Slb. 9111 8th lsl. M isl.2d.6th. 7th Expnnslon steel Nickel C o mDeparting Nickel Compensating " _m, 2d.um.7m,9m 01h.7th Expnnsion Compensating Expansion Compe‘nfliing Expansion Compensating u u Expansion Compensating is! Ca " s o l ! g“ [ f r ‐ 3 2 as 34 16 36 v a s 133 z. , . \ ‘ 0 . 112,774. No. 111,131, 167. $0.11“. n 321034.361039.41.98. I02. 35.40.921001.107l0110_ 3:1. 40 92. 91 109 110 23d Rm: Slulv .71l1.t\|l1 Rm: Nlt'lwl Tarl o r .Overland ( l u a n ' t r S e L ) m.aa.ss.u.79 so. Wh e e l e r l , O v e r . 1111101471ti. er Set.) M1111, l-‘.erry R onion. 3417666125176.'63.81, . , 1 3 113,141,97s' 1271, Ogden. l-Arwell, l-nrzo,Ad\nnce, 7,169,12A15'3'1i1’89’ 51.66.15d7 37.as: %,m111. 112, it.a. 1o102. 30.62 13163971171; Ilaman u12 17711070.F'. I’and. 1 2 Set-i“77, m m , 106.1 N o . 3 3 . u . .\'u.59. N o . 0 6 L n d y ‘ E l g l n ( O F. . , Pond.3064L)“ Lev. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. BANDS,DLIST. 76“1110311015010. do No.106140. .l . Wheeler. Over» l a n d , ( 0 . 1 - ‘ . . I ’ e n u . s e n . ) 44.75.1211, 124.147.1411270. No.4 81 0 92,,111127.136, 136. 31.\'o 101.105.1211, .\”, 1 137.117.1951 5 5 . 2 1 3 , Pucu Pueco‘ 5110 1, 7111 ST.I13 (lllxlwl 67106 . 70.87.II(J0.1II.1I3 (vlllll'll .\lL‘lu'l 7lt0 73 74. ( Q . 101, H 2 , H4 . 4 4.5... 491.0 51. BARS,SE’I‘i‘ING. Place .In 3.30 Per Do: 1,00 2.00 k a v l flilllml hickn-l (.1lllml .\l(‘Lul Desc'lpwzn cl Movemvht Model Raymond. l-Amer 711710411171.Lev er sex.).l'2..07, 70, 149. 164. 153. Tnylor.0\'er1n|ul. 9 \'o. 107,1051 No.191,197. 5 NJ.207".200,210,264.: w... Hm. CLASS OF MATERIAL AND MOVEMENTS USED IN Htg. 54l.\0.121,134,168. No.l‘.. $03,907,211218.261. 2 0 1 . 2201216210202. mnc'elfslhubli. y F‘“ey \Vlnd),fi ,. Gull Bordon.Dex‐ m 50,171,122, as. 5:1,M. V ND. 7L N o , 66, 67. X 0 . 45: M . 6 5 N o , 9 4 . 9 5 . 1 0 ] . .o. 122,170. .l‘ 42 $0.37. 4L 42 46. 43 \ ' c . 34. 35,160,159,“. 44N0.2’l:‘lme(0.'"l-..110ver 45.\'o.242630SI. .\'o.250 RnymondJ-‘nther Descuphon 01 Movement Model 1 4 , ‘.'d (0 41h 5111.7“) 5111 ‘ Glldvd slam Gilded Nickel G i l d e d l ’.'d m 17]: l ~ l Llldv Elm" ( 0 , F set.h 51117111 Nlckvl Vcrllru (u. R, L e v e r ken. 239. Inn-mend ( 9 ; PL, .Loverb‘et.). 14062101.212,220257. No. 211, 213, 221, 240 .m N0 30] m. 310.3“. No 303.3 0 ]311.315. Nu.m.2an.29!.,:rzs. N 0 . 2 9 8 . 3 l 8 . 3 2 0 , 1 ! 2 3 . N o . 3 “ , 3 2 4 . 01h Mh 07h 1~1 Ulldn-d NIL'k-‘l . Glldvd Slhln " N o . 25l. 252. No. 253, 254. I’ ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. BANDS, DUST. le, Hm. No.257. 253. No. 261, Mix. No. 262, 263. '| mg.0'o, F, I ‘ .j x'z l e , No.IBSZ,2099,2|43.2|44. No.1308.1539» |r No-1883,21m, 2145. '| 1e| i ‘1 lI I zi 1 g ,Q ‘E 1 Hm.orO,F, ; No. 255. 256. mg,or0 F, th.or0 F. J QNo.1740, 2117, 2 | 3 l , 2140, 214i, 2I42. Htg. m 0 F. __._____._‐_‐_‐‐ 4 1131051531651 '£..-'16,75. 115 81}. 116. H T . 1 . _....._ (11111111) Nil‘l'l (111161,‐ N1n1<1-1 .. 1.11.1.-.1 “ 1\11-1,1:i , 1 Wheeler Orer- lers e t“. $1115; 71 o No'fizz7s.99 91,1 . 7 1111 $1111 Fn'ther Time,(0.l-‘. l’end. 5333317' no, 160. Vo.73 112. No.199 39.99. 310. 93. No. 1193211,215. N13.597,111,211,211, 2l No.219. No.2911215,2xa,262, , 299. 316. No.2xfl1 291, 9 317. 3‘10. “1.305. No. 396. No.293, 312. No.291, 192, 111 N- 99 N Gull 1101115119“. ( G r 59.,21,22, 23, 233. No.199. N.o219.212,229,257. 33 211.737“) 22 a Pond.1sec.)(,9.56.' ‘ Na.1s,71, 115,119 179,127,229. No.15l,152135. No.1111,215. \0.1 . No. 1 N val‐Er,Leader‘11, 155, 2, _11Z 1 _o, 51,62, 1 No.91, 11. 12,19. 289. N o . w Raymond Fnlhor ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. BARRELS. Piece c h D o z . $111- Train Quick Slow (31111111 Price Descnphon 01 Movement 1 M o d e l 151105111 ix! (0 41h 2d105111,71i1 mi 10 51]: 0111 5111 $111, 0111 151.1311 16101111 1511115111 “1,311,5111107“) h i . .11. i i i “ . T i l l i.~l 111»I1|1.01i1. 7111 1'1111 1117111 11111 311, 51111117111 1.51 211. 211i 4 E7.&Q,i00.i01,lillo 1.1111111] 87, SS, i00, 10]. i i l l ‘StopWorksareusedon Barrels,Iii1131r1111011$0,201. 13111551,“3and 7; .\<11'.'137,1‘i11~1 1,7 11111111'1; No. 13711, C111“ 16.21.3611nd 41. O b s e r v e t h a t 1 8 s i z e H u m i n g l i o v c m e n l s a r e m n d e h o l h Q u i c k T m i n . 1 1 1 1 1 S1 t 1 - . 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 teethin Barrei,ur1din order1.11111there may beno mistake.careshould 11213111311111111cuiiipulu 11111111111011.1111 11! Barrel [0 be replaced with the number gh en in Catalogue. “ween ordering 11new Barrel, ( b e Barrel Arbor for same should be sum, 111111 we may properly 111 11111111 10 Ar 1. O r d e r s f o r l e s s t h a n o n e - f o u r t h d o z e n w i l l b e c h a r g e d 111 s i n g l e p i e c e p r i c e . CLASS OF MATERIAL AND MOVEMENTS USED 1 Raymomu'uhur T1me,(flu_:.. L e v er SeL),27 99,79, 119,164,1d. TaylorOverland, 29No.197,1931 51N 121,131,191. N . 1211. $0,191 No.-9o,2199,219,2111. I 2151.11.11151211110. F. 111111. S e c . ) ‐ 93 2 Cul'ver(mgL e v erSet . 76. w1'1ee1er, O v e r - 131, 1331321951 No.355,2.13. No.15121.1,212. No. 117,112,119133 1331152921121). 7 s M . L e v e r $ 9 9 . 2 12 1] ?1 . Verltns 11.111erécz.).239 11111101111 Pi ofF.,1.11vef-§§ev.j,' 29. u N o .. Vorims. (1111: 5 Tu l o r 616145511 1311.11.15.“ 59.35.939253.19.99, 1956.10.F..|’end. Sen), 11,7, 121, 117,1111279.' No.11'12,71. No111,131,191. 1111111set1,-74‐ 1-5. 111.111.1551!529.1, No. 199, 119. No. 191. 195, 123, 99, 119,113, 1 9 1 1 1 5 9 3 1 2 9 1:19, 173, 271. 2 1 3 1 , 5 1 : , . . 1291:§3:‘;M,3940. Tlme(0F.1.51or 391.2139 111,252, 0266.12 ahhzo F. warIn . .. Lever Set). 265, 39,31. {Since}?1151111111? y n ey w1n11),23.,25 31:1. No 321. 110.322. No.391.392,219.31g. No1303.301,3ll,3l . \ 53 No.9z,i11,127,135, .u,111. N 293. No.239,2119.291.3w‐ 153 $ 9 , 1 1 1 , 122,179. N 192 0.1: . 1o. 11, 1 1, . {36.53 51.551"?231. ~ .'o.,. . 91 3151 13215412} | o p gags-£8,320,” 1;n.. o. 1. No 225, N o . 212233,253,2591 N o . 231, 215,251,269 Verimn ( 0 . 1~‘., , , (.|‘11I1-1i 51111 1;111i1‘1i No. 1784 @ Hz, or O. F. No.290,291 BARRELS. No.1785 O F . No.292, 293 Hzg. No.2054,2132 Hu. or 0. F. No.1783 mg. or 0 F. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. Description | Site 16 l l i M II Model Descnnlion Fulll’|.,Hunting.Key Sou. l-‘ull PL,lluntlnu.Lever sen. h i l lPL,Open FMB.PendantS e n , Kiri.Interchangeable.Pendant Sou. 3 Pl OpenI ’ m ,l'end.Seu..ExposedW. Wu. KPl Hunting.um-Sen"Expandw. Win. 1 Pl OpenI'm.LeverSe hymn!W.Wk, § PL,lluuung,Keysen. II‘4.OpenFluLeverSen. 12 X PL.OpenFace,Loversen. xpoled“’.Wh. L”. “5PL.Ill-nun!!-Leversew, poled W. Wb. 12 SunPL,Hunting. KeySen. 10 FullPL.Hui-link.Leversou. 6 PL,Humbug.Key Belt. 1:PL.Hunting.Pent].Seth.Ego-edW. Wh. PL.Intel-elm»reuble.L e n t Belt. x PI“llunllng, Lever 80". X PL.Hunting,l’e'ndunsat. x PL,Hunting.Pendants“:‐ X PL,Hunting.Pena.sen"Expo-edW. wu. § PL.OpenP m ,Penn.Sew,ExposedW. WI!‐ PL,Huntlnp. AverSen. 5;PL,swoonsecond.Lever sm. PI.,0 en Face l’ondunv,senv film, "Tu-mg. l‘onu. s a w , B x p o l e d w. w. Pl Open Face,I’end.sen~ExpowdW. Wh‐ No.275.277 No.2100.2l77 mm, W“ “W Hg, or 0 F. No. 276 Hm.or0, F. No. 265, 269 CD = Hz.orO.F. MODELS OF MOVEMENTS. <5» Htl.orO.F. No.1782 Hfz.or0. F. No. 266 L, pen nee.l’e‘nd. Seth. M W .wn l'l..l'lllntlng,Keyset!‐ 2 1 2 i 2122 2133 A90 0.10 8.00 ‘ isi ‘ “ Gihlml " X I C L 1 ' 1 “ 1 Glldwl “ ‘ .\IanI 1.2. 3.4_ 5.0.0 8.50 ‘118 14104111 ‘ (mick \ 0110.0 7.0‘“.“u 0.j .. .. .. .. 1 .. 1,11 11," 1.1 " ' 1: " “ -- h "".20.Rd ~ “ ‘ ..1..‘.. ..... ‘ 10'-gm" i U1u‘nH' ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. BARRELSANDAIQBOlQS,FI'F'TEI). cn- Price Descnpiion 0! Movement . 1 1 nlozue Clnss m f ‐ f A «‐ ‐ ‐ 7 * ‐ ‘Tram‘ Teeth No. P1ece,PerDm. 5110 Made! 1 ‘ 1 ‘u1,,, ‘ ‘ 8.00 " “ 20105111 7.00 ‘ .. ‘ '- ~ ~ 0. . J. . 0111 v (”1.0.1 7.50 " - ‘ " . " " 0,1171"' Mon 0:35"1'1 -‘". 3.4 7.0“"‘"slow1" 5.0 7.00"."g"--" 7.50 “ 1 “ 5 20104111 " “ s: " " 211105111.~1“ a.4. 5.6 0.501“.“,“"i“ 3.1 7.50“"‘“Quick.“ 1 . 1 l. 4.8. 9. 7.00"." ~~ -'" 1 "1" 1. 7. 1.3. 4, 0 . 5.s.10 1 . . . 0,25 " ‘ ' 1 10.50 ‘ " 11.711. ; .. valwl 2.11 0.50 -' 1' " . " . , 1 11' m 1 ; (um-k Bli'lul 1 ,-‘’"‘“(”1.10.1 ‘ S l o p Works are used on Barrels. Catalogue No. 204. Class 1 and 2; 297. Class 1. 2 and 7; 30.2. ClflSh 1, T and 65; 312,Clnss18and21; 1311,Cluss36und41. Observeihnt18SizeHunting;Movementsaremadeboth Quick Train, wlih 78teeth, and Slow Train, \\'lih 00 teeth. in linrrelmnd in order Ll]!!! there be no mistake. care should he 1uken and compare number or [ t o l l ] in Barrel lobe repinced with number given in Catalogue; niso. (hm. several dm‘erem 5 '\ or iiurrel .\rhor~ are used. and unlefis y o u are positive us to Grade 0! Movement f o r which Aiuieriui is required. the o l d p a r t should besem,ortheNumberof Movementgiven. In orderingBarrelsundArborsfor18size,StemWind Movements, if Arbor has Key Squure, then order Key Wind or same class. Sire Model Description Pull1’1., Hunting.Key Sen, F u l l P L , H u n t i n g , newer S e " . PullPL,Open Fnce.PendantSen. l’l. ln‘emhnngmhle.Pendant Beth. u11f) .Open Face.LeverSen. _1| 5... | Model 16 7111 16 uh 16 M]: 14 15: 12 m 12 2d 12 84! 10 15: l 15: 5 241 0 lat 0 2d 0 at 10-0 110 Dcscnpiion 5: PL.Open Fuce. Pend.Sett., Exposed w. wu. X PL.Hunting,Lever Seth, Exposed\\’. \\'h. X PL,OpenFace.LeverSeth,Exposed \\'. W». O r d e r s f o r l e s s t h a n o n e J o u r l h d o z e n w i i i b e c h a r g e d 111 s i n g l e p i e c e p r i c e . MODELS OF MOVEMENTS. x PL,Open Face,Leversew,Exposedw. wh. PL.Hunting,Leversen., Exposedw. Wk. u i i PL, Hunting. Key B e n . FullPl.Hunting, LeverBen. X PL.lnuarchnn hie. bever Bert. PL,Hunting. Verse“. PL,Sweepsecond.Lever Bett. PL.Open Face,Pendant.Sen. x PL,Hunting,1end.sezL,ExposedW. “0.1. PL,Hunting, Lever Se". X PL.Hunting,PendantSon. x PL,Hunting,PondnnlSeu. X PL,lluntlng, Pond.Sew.Expo“!!!W. “11. x PL,OpenFlute,Pond.Rem,Exposedw. w 11. x PL,OpenFace,Pend.SEIL,Exposedw. Wk. ““‘h! " “ 311, 11h "‘ “ " ‘ 311.5”) “ “130w5111 “ “ 30.511; ‘ “' 5m 3 1' 0111.7111 ' “ 1 01h 7111 51111 " " 1 fill], 711] " ' .\'ivk.»l “(nllnh4]1 " .\11'Iui 1 ~ 01mm “ " 1 "1New “ “ ‘ , N ,~~,....mm”! x 1'1,Hunting, Key Sell. PL,Hunting.KeySe". PL,Hunting,Pend.Sew. ExposedW. Wh’. PL,Open Face.l’eud. SetL,Lx1)oscdW. \\ h. PL.Bunting,Key Sen. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. BARRELSANDARBORS,FITTED. |jfi¢l .| I l No.295, 296 No.297.302 NW.or0. F. No.3 " , 3|3 mg. or 0. F. No. 325, 327 P NA $51?“ H l e . No.298, 299, 309 No.300,Sol.804 ng.orO.F. ' ' No.317,315,320 Hut.010. F. No.1309,|3|0 Hu.orO F, N o . 2 1 3 3 No.|969 No.197i Hm. or O. F. N o . 2 1 0 2 2 1 7 6 Mg. m 0 F N o . 2121. 2 1 2 2 _H!z.or0.F, Pficn Piece 4For Dot, ' Mix.or0. F. No.312 P mg.ovO F. No. 328, 329 ' ! | Mm Ca.‐ nlozue No. 2162 Pnca Descnpnon a! Mme 7 0 , 7 4 . . , . l ' a n n - d 70, 7 4 " 87.88.N1),10].111(o 114. 9 5| No.1788 No.1119 No.1313 No.1788 No.1737 No. 2|03, 2104, 2344 No.1887 ,. Model ELLZM DESCr-Dhon o! . Sum Model ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. BUSHINGS,BARRELAIQBOR. Price <9 o as 5a “ km.or0.F. th.orOF. Hmm0 F BUSHINGS,CEN’FRESTAFF. Class , ...,................................I .10| .75 No. 2l62 0 G th or 0. F. CAR/IS, SETTING. Class - ‐ ‐ ED. E) Q9 H g . orO.F. H'l- 0!0. F. Hu- or0. F. 0. F. Mtg. 01O.F. N o . 42 No. 46 No.,|14 "0.162 No.123 fih OQ@& ”in o. F. Htg.or0. F Mtg.01o. F. mm ‘ PerDoL. 5-10 J " ‘l'uluhul No. 2105. 2106 1.00 1.00 ' Place.PctD01. Sue \ u: 3.1111 ‘ I e; I ’ ] an), 0111 “ 1 3&1 75 ‘ mulwl pnuqu-d (illlll'll 18 .P1.§ 2dm m ) 51]! 61}: 311,411) .'3(I cm. 7111 2d. 3d Mommmt ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. CAMS,SETTINGSPRING. Price e For D | Descviplmnol Mon-went Size Model Rum, I 5511 5 1“ P L ( $ t h 7 ! ! ! Edhad In K: Ben. BxyoudW. wn. tedW. wn. l-‘ull . I Pull{I};l‘xlrltlngKJLevyerSeu- FullPL.Open l-‘uo.l’endnnlSen. 5 Pl. lntnrchnngubla.PendantBett- xpowd W. Wk. ulli-‘l.OpenFace Leveram. 1- x l’l.,Open Face,Loversw. B: 5xl'l..Hunting.LeverSeth. ExposedW 1-ullPL,Humbug.KeySen. m 3d § I’L,Hunting.heysue, ' l L,Hunting.Keysou. ‘,K1:1"llnnung.Pond.Seth.ExyondW.Wk. FullPL.Hunting. LeverSen. PL,lnwrclmn mime. Lover5 m . PL,Hunting. versalt. l’l..Hunting,h e y Ben. X l'l.‘limiting. Lover Beu‐ g PL,Hunting,Pondnnl,ma gE, sweeppsecorlfl.[dwel-55:3‐ ..onweann_ PL.Hunllng.Pondultseu. 5KPL, unung. Pena, um.Brunet!W. W». 5: PL.Open Fun.Pena.sum,ExposedW. Wh‐ K PL.openFun.Pend-Selh.ExposedW. Wh. 1 PL,financing, fiend.sun.p r o s e d w. wu. ND.1791 No.1741 No.1790 . CAPS, ARBOR. CPU 0 F, Ii Pnco @ Hz.orO,F, Deni-Mien of Movement C A P S , RA’l‘CI‐IE’F. Clan No.332 D o m i p fi o n ' ; Description 01 Movement, _ , _ ‐|‐‐‐‐‐‐ No.330, 33! ! i Piece ,' Per 001.6 5-10 I Model |_ .l .10 1.00{ m if;PL] 3d P 59 PchoL; Sue Model x ‘5’ ha.”‐ Damnation X PL.OpenFace.Pond.Bet PL.Hunting,Lover sew. 1:1“Openince,‘LeverSew, 1L.0 p mFacesl'end.SelkuhowdW.W11‐ C1ass 32.33351033.11,2§........_._. 3! 35 39 40,921095 102,10710110 7 5.15 I 111 11; 1’1. 7, “7 Model 35, 40, it). 91. 1011, 110 . 69. 70. 73. 74. 87.88.113,1l4 90. 97........ No.1312,1315 1151 His.orO.F. . , . . . . . . .. .10 110 .IO .10 .10 .10 1.00 .75 .50 1.00 .75 .50 .75 ” _ “ “ 011171119111 M o m “ " Glh,71h Giltlf'd 211.34) 5114031 " " ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. CLAIVIPS, RATCI‐IET ._ . . SS.100.101,1111011-1 ., . , . . . “ 1 (11111111 ng 010 r, CLAN/1138, 1\/IINIJT " \\fI‐IEEL. Dt'scnmmn 01 Momma/fl . i .1U No.1798 1 Nickel No.1795.2099 up H1g or0 F. To ascertain Gmdeot Movement, consult INDEX. In ordering .\1fller1111,g1\e Cut1110g11e“1\111110711111! 0111» or Numberof Movement for whlch same 15requlred. Orders f o r less t h a n one-founh dozen w i l l be charged111 9113113 piecepr1cc. CLASS OF MATERIAL AND MOVEMENTS USED IN 11 Raymond.aner= 51753151‐ Overln11d.1 20 No. 1011 0 1 . \ ' o 125151153. 101,197. 2 .. ,- , . 1 .21722 \ N. z z 1 ' , 2 5 $ ' 2 5 9 , 7 3 1 . No'.221, 2511zs'z, 0: 11111, 111.411 ( 0 . 1 .'.Peu11Sea), ‐ 107,111. 305. ,1151 eu1ier bugsNev. 11, be12,5.) 123 130.1112,105 175210511272 32 No 05.213. 112, 171. erSezsn51,5_ rnvmr Overland, 11ltg.1.e\ersem 79.80, 121, 117,111.2719’ 0 150313 74,115,115 . N 111,131,157. N o . 1 . No.151,152 1115 No.10s 110, 113, N o , 155. 120.1321 173, 271. 103. Wheeler Over 0, 227229 No. 207,.17,253,251. 2 l. 1 5 9 . N o . 2 1 0 . No.2052152111252 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . ( 1 1 0 5 3 1 . e v - 51- Ssh; 71111, Fem, (when, 15,17 55,57.as.111, 32“, 165,'m,125, 113 111,273‘ Ogden, 1-arwe11, algal‐goJmV n n c e , 01,197, “ 9 , 5 1 1, 17.10 12 13.13.19, 515.55,53,711137.33. 102,111,’112,159, No.57 55 97,171. Raymond.Father T1vm.e,(701115211515 5522)“.v ' ' N . 0 9 .' s. Aw ,Leader11, ' _ ~ ' . T1me(0.1...1ever 1 \ o .2' 112530, 31. so:.).1so1111,252, Frances R u b l e . M, 273, 477. Lngly 1:11:1n11cey 01511111111 ( 0 . 1 1 252, .J up 1. 10.1-152111115212), 30 \o.105,110 . mu. 311. 101’105, 123,117,11s,119,152, 7 ' 11,1,‘51,.1.,5d \' 72’ 235. .37,"11.12,15 No.250. _ 50.111 «7 , Nlo”1. :1,51. 315.89. .51’3135,35,10. Rny.mond171111151‐ 1mm; ( 0 . Lever 500>.21 1os1N'5.305. 100 11113290, 32 gar SL,2I,22, 33, No.100. 515 51. 2 1 0 . 1 1 1 N11,210.212220557. 112 21.7. 113 No. 211, 21:1, 221, 111 115 F. j»lnd).u.20. L e w : Sea), 255, 1.11111101511115511. 2113. 0.‘1=‘.,Lever550>, , 183. _ - 17 187,196. MN” N13 121,155. 21°o.135.2:17. . No.192. 25 11.10121253.11:111(o.F. 1157 111,311.Set-525V ‘ Pnce Piece 1PevDaz. Descnnlion 1.4 Movemm » .50 11 11 11 .00 5 1’1. 01h .75 .(50 .50 I s l . 211 “ 1151-1111: ( 0 . 1-"., L e w r §eL ). 2110. 1111151101111 m p 1 . 110 N20?201 N30 921. 115.322. 1104701302310311. V O W M I311315. N o .2115 2811.1! 3 2 6 . 1N1o02.321193,1w1!.320. 1~1 Model FTHOSII.. . 2Il0'lxi In L’l} _. , lid, [17 . 1 I .75 .50 "50 .50 .40 30 (55 ® i-Itz 1110.F Hiz.010, F. IR 143 PL III 55 TaIonnvvllulnl. (1us.Lev» m. 1, w i i 5 11:11“. l-Jurwel, ”urgeA \'llllc¢. .. u'1l1fr1'fl.‘1"'16’1g 2113.23. 1,115,116, ‘9 v \ . 1 " 1w.',’1_10113, 130. 1.3. 271. m7,zt7.2=s,sa1, 96.” 2.5508315,113.294 A115 “1.250. lin mom].Father T 1113(0.I-‘ L o w r i t )50.1252, Owrlnnd 0.P. Lever set». 235. I. 2 \' h A». 5 $0,213.51hiob3‘1. [Allu5 , . ‘l'l'lne' 0. . 9 1 1 3 '6.. 0m New?” til-sf?, . 1 , z . u, N5”'mam-351 17.311. Iffln’i?’ . 1. \oo. m 7 1515131mummy. 117 \ l’end.8ec.). ' 12 ... \'o 1911, as ' 0:1”,236. 1,9 mm, so.211".m, m, , s man-311515. 116.150, “ 7 53 ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. CLAMPS,RATCI‐IETWHEEL. No.1792 ‘ No.1794 mg.010.F. H1;orO.F. CLAMPS,SETTINGWHEEL. _ _Pr_im _ l Desrllphon of Movement 9 Wheeler, Over- InnlL‘liJJ' I’ «1 ms mm -. 1.4!"cr Sel- . 271. ' AvcrvLaden11. 11 15.61,11.559 51,11.LAG. “1.15.39”. . ' . . ln11non1i'2(xl'i.. 0‘1..bevel-sou. N. I L111! ElI1(Re 1115.1:)“If; y ' ' 0.112: 115 111141115123111311. 1\ n. It?“ . . . No.112,u1,m,us, 51. 1'6. . 0.31:196.1355." “41. www. .iO No,l797 No.1796 Tn :1~1‘1»r|:1i|1lirmh' nr Aim-emu“. mmult 1x1 , in ordering linlerini, give Catalogue Number andClass,or Numlmror Muvummu fur 11hich same 15required. Urdu»[or I1>~~1111111one-fourthdozen“iiibechargedatsingleNewprice. CLASS OF MATERIAL AND MOVEMENTS USED IN 0- ‐_‐___‐___‐‐.‐-‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ IIIII I ' a l h v r Z' 5 TnuylorOverlnml, i - 5.16...m, 10.1141sex.), m u ., , 1 . 1 ..‘ c h o . Pchoz |_517°. 1 Modal Flh.0!h ,. 3d. vllh GI 311 Hig,01O.F Price Descripfiun oI Mvvcmunt No.1793 mg.orO F. No. 337 ng. No.1800 NATIONAL WATCH Co. CLICIiS. No. 2356 4'a. a}, 49 On 5437 Mm.010 F. I mg.orO F. Hm. Hm. Hm, Hz.or0. F. No.1805 No.1316 No.1804 No.1805 No.1799 No.|801 No.1802 @ ng.orO.F. ng.orO,F. mg.orO.F. . . . Hu.0:0.F @@ 150 50 50 50 .00 .75 .60 .60 50 110 .50 50 .50 .00 "50 .00 Sum 18 Description 01 Movement Model 2d [0 «11h mm mh.7111 2d to 5m Mh. Tfih um um mh. mn an. la! {M N. :.’«l M ml 105111 21d. 511: cm 71h 0111 um. 71h . Cni' algnua Chm ! Fun | Descrinlmnof Movement « | r v - v ‐ k b~‐~-‐‐ N o , , i I No.1809 No.1807 , 0 - 1 » v a ; Size | No.1808 Model 8Ih.01h GU].71h.91!) ’ WOLW) h) 34,30Io' . 0., . .. . , % . No.1806 .. . " fl l'l. " ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. CLUTCHES,SETTING. Price Descrip'ion 01 Movement Cw; PieceiPmDox. Siu | Model 2.25 Ins F."Pl. M i n - u h 200 CLUTCI‐IES, V\7IND I N G A171") SE’FTING. ND DD HID DD “9 Hi:or0 F. Hg,orO»F‘ Hug,or0, F, C O L L I E T S , 1 3A R ’ R E L A R B O I Q . . Ca . I |amp” C'Jss ‐; Nov' ,; cm mua ..... ' 10, 1.001 18Ian. 5mm: i FullPL, H u n t i n g . Key Se". FullPL,llunung,Leversen. I-‘ullPL,Open Face.PendantSon. x l’l. Interchangeable. l’emlnnl Sou. I- ll f'l.Open Face,Lever Sell. X l’l..Hunting,Key Ben. , x Pl Hunting.rend,sew.Exposed\\ ._\vt!. if penFave,l'end.sutJapvu-d“- \\h. ' x I’L.OpenFace,LeverSew,Expos-edW. \\ h. 3’PL.llunune.Loversue. ExpandW.Wk n ’l llunung,Keysmt. m 0 0 o 0 0 l lunllng.heyBen. , l lnnung, Lever Set!‐ 4;PL,Hunting,l'undnmbut. if rm.llununx.Pendulum“. ' K PL,llnnung. l’end.Sew.Eamon-d“. , Kunlllle. LeverSett. . nwrcnnn nble. Laval- Sect. PL,llnmlng, averse". 5 KP L . B w e o n S e c o n d . L o v e r m e . ‘x Pl 0 n Fnco. Pendant.Belt. 51Pl:"mung,Pond.Seth.ElwledW.Wk. 10‐0 M . \\ p. No. 351 O. F. ‐‐ i MODELS OF MOVEMENTS. _‘_ | Size I ! In ls M 13 1! 15 11 11 1 0 16 I 6 10 Model I n 21]lo uh Mil filh 7m an VIII 3d m - Bill | Description i Sire Model 16 1"! lo I!!! to 9th N hr. 12 he 12 id 13M m m ul In N (kl Dcuriplion K I’L,OpenFnce.Pena.Seth.Exponed\V.“1L X I'L,Hmnung.Leversew.ExpomlW. Wh. 4,5 PL.Oven I’m-e, Lover ecu“ Luau-ed W. Wh. és’I’L.llunllnx,Keysent. . l? ‘ :' mum 9|2: " 10,5, 1 “ m No.1810 1?! ll; ' " 61h.71h .. ..1 .. PL,0 n F m .Penn.Hem.Expowdw.\\ n. PL.032“Face.l'end.sen"Bxpowuw.wm cu- nlozuo No. 35? $13 358 Pricc | Descnphonof Movement Model * 1 1 inr11,021.11Spring 1 ' 11:11 ‘ ., 1- -‐ cu- llogue No. 1 Pice DescnnlmnofMovpmn ~. ~‐‐‐‐»~ 1 P-ece PetDoz slm mom ,110 .75l lxl 1.lU 101) 1" Cat- l l o g u o No. 304 305 365 . 1.10 1 No.360 N0.36i,362 £2. 1; Hz. HmI C U P S , C E N ’ iE l x . Class No. 364, 385 Pllce 1pm P 0 1 0 0 : Dcscnnhcn 0! Movement S1'e ModeL ’ 96,97 . . _ . . . . . No.2139 No.18" 1 No. 352,353,354 Class Pevnoz1 Size .50 18 '“ 1to 11.611066.103to 100...... .10 . .10 . .10 F. FL 1511051117111 is! 105111 Glh 811mm 1.1,311 13110311. 511110711. G!h. 71h. 91h W .W" , . 4:11!“ll-v \|1‘-'l‘ ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. COLLETS,I‐IAIRSPRING. Hz.010.F. Class mg orO.F. Piece . Na.357,358’,1318 ©© 1 .. , , .50 “ " .35 17 F. m. .50 10 a; 1'1. _50 “ “ 35 " “ .35 1-1 " A; 12 .. .. ilrr_"11m. '‐ «1:11"..1 --“www... . "'~“ ~' Hal -' 1 ~~.. .1 .. 1111111101 1 N o . 3 5 9 , i330 .50 “ .33 10 " 211, 311 1 “ 1x1 |\1 311 i>l In 3d 1. .. h! .. CU PS, AI\B01\. .215 I0l i.ID .1 " “ 14105111 1 1~1 .4 1 1.00‘11‘=.I1»1,11~11 100 > 12 1 11 _1. 1001 ® 1 To ascertainGmdeof .\io1'.ementconsult ixnzx. In ordering Material, gin: Cnmioguc Vumbcr and Clnss, or 1 Number of Mowemenl.for11hicb sameisrequired Orders for lessthan one-fourth dozen will becharged at single piece price. Double Sunk ' Glass ] Hard ioecm- Glass . ' E n a m e i ‘ Enamel| ated Enamel mm Deeot' 43:3 .. v,,,,' 1. 1 . . .. . " g g ‘ Marginall~'iures. g Marginal i-‘l'vures Marginal l~'igures. _\lar"lnnl Figures. .\iarv'inal l'lgures, Marginal i' it'ures, Marginal l"If'urus Marginal ivlgurcs .intm, '_, .w.tlli . 1.50.00 . . . , , , ., , . . , Arable.Light. MInnteCircies . \ o MIn_ute C i r c l e s .\tinuteclre \'0 MinuteCircles. " ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. DIALS. PRICE PER DOZEN Sunk Second . . DGSCUPI'OI‘V Minute Circles. _ " " Marginal Figures. " " Minute Circles. I) j " ~ '* Medium, X ileat’y. .\ ' Heavy. Enamel tried . Roman. L i g h t . " “ " " Medium. . \ 0 Minute Clreies. ‘ i mite v 30.00 .00 tum!) I . _ Riga;.. .,, x) .... :,. ,... arnanre .. ‘ Marginal Figures, 1 .\'0MinuteCiries.“ i“a; ,.. .\'0 Minute Circles X Iieavy. MinuteCircles t ,. , . xx iient’y. " “ .\'o Minute t'ircies I '- llea‘r3. .\iar"inai l-‘iflures. ‘ .\‘.\’\ Heat3 Minute Circles. i ight Slim-.Ilnu .\o Minute-(Zircies,.\lurginal Figs. Medium.Sianting. \iinntetireia 0 Minute Ci lane,» and itoman. iletn3'..\'o Minnie Circles.24-ilnur. llea\'3.\o.\linuteClreles,.\lur’lnanlgs.,-i ilour. Roman, SheepSecond .\mbl 0 Roman. Decorated, Minute Circles. Mar-final Figures. itomun,sit3light.MinuteCircles MarginalFigures. .\rubie. t' llilt‘l illustrationsoi‘ Dials, commencing “ i t h page 40. the tarions sizes are glten in “hieh that particular sttie is furnished. and reterringto prices. itnonelsquoted. the Dial is n o t made in that quality. illustrations areintendedtoghennideaorthe"enemistyleofhoursonly,andnotthesizeor Dini.or whetherit isDouble Sunk or sunk Seconds. .\n3oi thein ii BertiSizeDialse nbefurnishedforOten i’aeeMovements.l.e., those movements in which thefourthorsecondhandpitothasbeitremotetlin“hielcasetheywouldheulthoutsecondsbits; the106size. intended for HuntingCases.are treated in the same manner Prices for this style Dials are thesame as for Sunk Seconds Dlnlsfor 16Size.Classes 16." "7and .‘s.are iltted in a Dial Ring. and are not furnished separatefrom the ring: anextrachargeismade“$0.00perdozen[orthisstyle. Classes1?!and28havenoSecondsBits.beingfor Sweep second Movements. in order to assist, in determinin" the Models of .\iotcments for which Dials are required. commencing on pngeH. isshrmntheexact locationthedial {eel hear asrelates the twclltb hour in all our tarious sizes and models. in ordertrr'Dials.inadditiontotheCatalogueNumber.it isneeessarytogltethesize,qualit3,st3ieand model. ..\snniiiustmtion:".\'o.370,issize,Ginssi-:namei.DoubleSunk,tuband91hModel." DoubleSunk Dialsareonly furnished in is and 10sizes. Marginal Figures. " " Marginal i~‘i"ures. .\mhie. " .iar. nnlFl rarest. I, L .\larginai Figures. 18,17,16,14,12,10,8,6and 0 Sims N o . 2379 18,17,16,14,17,1B.B, s and c Sues. No.1514 1 g , : 7 1 ( u _ 1 7 1 n No.1515 18, 17. 16, 14. 17,1o,a,6nnd 0 Sims, No.2380 1B,|7,15, 1¢_12,1o,a,e and 0 Sizes. No. 2351 18,17,16,14,12.10, E, 6 and 0 Sims. 18,17, 16, 14,17,10,8,6, 0 und10>0 $1105 No. 2385 NW .>1£1'51r|<‐ 18.17.16,14,1Q and 10 51105 No. 2386 No.2354 ”mp. . ,, x 1 /' 4-(15imv 18, 17, 16.14, 12 and 10 Slim 18.17.16,14,12.10, B, 6 l n d 0 S h e ; 18.17.16 and 14Sizes ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. ILLUS'I‘RATIONS OF DIALS. N o , 372 No. 2378 i No. 2397 ILLUSTRA’I'IONS OFDIALS, CONTINUED, No. 2388 $311, tuum IB, v7, |5 and I4 Sues No. 1520 No. 2389 m, w‘ 16, |4,12,|o. 8.6 and 0 sum No. 239| IS, I7, I6, 14‘ IQ, IO, 3, 65nd 0 Sims No. 2392 15,l7,¥5,l4,12,l0, 5, 6 and 0 Sues No. 373 1 8 V7. I S , 1 4 , W , I O . 9 , 6 a n d 0 S u e ; No. 2393 I s , I 7 , W . 1 4 , 12. I D , 8 , 6 a n d 0 S i m s No. 2394 1 3 , I 7 , I 6 . 1 4 , 1 2 . 10. 8 , S a n d 0 S i m s No. 2395 l8,|7.16,14,|2.|0. 8,Gind 0 Six" I 8 , I 7 , | 6 , I 4 . I 2 . W. B, 6, 0 and 10-0 S l u t 16. I4,12,10 and 0 S i m ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. , 10 vs, |7, 16and I4 Sins No. 2390 .1leli" +¢15in+ 93-1‐ No. 2396 ILLUS'TRATIOLYSOF DIALS. CONTINUED Na. 2397 No. 2399 18,17.16,N.|?nndlDS|xes No. 2399 ‘ ‘8‘17,V6.|4 V Z a n d W q u - s No. 2400 ‘ |8,1/‘ ‘barfl'viS'r-s No. 2401 I? Ind I0 Sizes (6, 14, 12, I0, 0 and |0~0 Slzas I6, M, 17, IO and 0 Size: ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. No. 2405 No. 2406 ..~~‘4‘4‘”49"4"~., i 5,10 +615in-e- 2": 16, I4, 12, 10and 0 Shel 16,14.12.IO and 0 She; \ lS‘I7,lfiandH Sizes No. 2403 ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. ILLUSTRATIONS OF DIALS, CONTINUED. No. 1524 ’ No.2407 18and 16Sizes ' v8and I6 Sues No 377 . No.2408 I6 Sim No.1536 \_. I8,16,I4.I2.w. 8,6nd0Siw; QB.|6,M,|2.IO.8,6nd0Sizes No. 1530 No. 383 _ 8,6and0Sum No.1533 8, 6and0Size; 8. 6und0She; ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. LOCATIONOF DIALFEE/T. On account or lhe feel on Dlnls or the seveml Models helm: loomed Sn diflorem_ positiom. ll lme been thought advlsnble to illustrate the place they occupy ‘ relmcs the twelrlh hour In the vurmns s i n k and s1_\lc<. Ohserrelhm In the 10. S,0 and 0 size, illustrations are thou-n ln “hich no second Mt i; m m ] . Tin-w, are I n t e n d e d f o r m o v e m e n t s f r o m w h l c h t h e f o u r t h v h o ! h a s l w u n r c m o n z d ( h m n l l n u l n u l h c m l o l u - m u ] m mwn FuceorSkj'llghl: shouldthe“21,sizeherequire [orllunllngCnsemtheFourthorSecond[landI’mIn|~cmoil, 12 18 SIZE O 151 to Sth and 7th Model 6th Model 0O l2 I7 SIZE 00 8th and 9th Model I ls! and 2d Model 0O I s ! lo 3d. sm to 9lh Model I2 16 3le 4th Model 0 N0 Feed-gnawed wll lng 12 I4 5 l e [2 l2 SIZE ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. LOCATIONOF DIALFEET, CONTINUED. 0‘0 1s: Model 13‘ WM 00 l2 12 S l e ' 10 SIZE 0,0 2d and 3d Model ‘ m Model 0'0 lo SIZE Isl Model 0 O. F. and Is!Model Skylight O . ° S'ZE 2d and 3d Model O 0A FAand S kYlEi h t 12 |2 ' 12 0. F. and Skyligh‘ ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. LOCATIONOFDIALFEET, CONTINUED. 12 13153221, 00 0. F. and 5mm ‘5‘“d (2;MM“ o F. and Skylight - 12 0 SIZE 0 I s l Model 0 ' .12 0 SIZE Isl Mode] 0 0. F. and Skyngm 0 ‘ 0 SIZE 3dModel 0 SIZE 2d Model 0OO "34,5125 . 12 O “165sz OO IslModel In Mod.e] . 0 Forth. 6 SIZE { s t and 2d Model No.IBIS l e . o rO .F . Nov |817 can l e . o r0 .F . Description 01 Movemenk 'PieceIPerDub 5 No.1813 , No.|819 a n g . o rO -F . ELG‘IN NATIONAL WATCH CO. No.1814 FORKS. Price I Description 01 Movement PlaceEForDor-ESize ; ‐ __ ‐I_‐‐_‐ * mg. or 0. F I‐IIJBS. IBARREL. ' ‘Picco PerDez. Sire Model 3.00 18 95 Pl. 8th, Dlh 2,00 12 '> 2d.3d 2.00 o '- ,, No.1822 NoJBZI l“\ I‐IUBS,BARRELARBOR. @ P411.or0. F. H‘z,orOrF. Price CI“; ._‐‘ __4,... To ascertainGradeof Movemenr.consult Isnzx. in ordering Material.give Catalogue Number auricu-or Number of Movement for whlch sumo Is required. Orders f o r less t h a n one-fourth dozen w i l l be charged m.single pieceprlee". 1st noram,Tlh StralglatLine RightuAngle " ' StmlglinL l n e Isl,to 5th " lst.51h " l s r , lg uh 2dto 4th em 81h 8111, 9th Isl.20,6th,7th lsl.2d.0"),7th.91!) 15110701. 01h 01h, 7th Pricu Deicripfionor Movement Sim Model Descriphon uI Hands ‘ I-IcIIrIIo III~ IIIIIIrIIIIII I l i n u l e Mnon llourIII-II .\IIIIIIII-. l Mornsng (JIIIrI IIIIIIrIIIIII “ I n I l ... . 2d ..._ A . 151.211 . I. . . _. . “ \'IIrrII\\ .’ MedIIIm .. “..._ “ _ . ., ,~ . . . . I . II0|11\\I\ IIIIIIrIIlIII .‘lln Mann ”(1111 IIIIII \1III_ Nude IIIImIIIIIIIIr \\|.I,.\Im. ".,'II.I‘.. 3d.51h1071h.0m .. . ‘. _ _ , ... “ .I.... " \.Ir|m\ IIIIIII and “ I I I 1I1111|§\|\”lillrdlhl‘llh 31mm Hour and“In. I,... I I I I .‘l IIIIIIII " l-,;.n-' IIIIIIr. \\' [II]! I‘l'.lll Double \'IIrrII\\ l I o I I r IIIIII .\l|1I. M o o n ”0111 IIIIII ,\1III. SpadeNIIFIOH”(Illrillld \IIII. lIeIIrde[.1\ 110mIlllll.\IIII 101) lImIIIIIII1\lIII Spade, llmml Ilonr \\' lIIp \IIII. Double " .\zIrIII\\ llournIIII ,\IIII. Hour ( I n !II~ ”OIII‘ IIIIII \111I. \lornIn" M o n 1101“ IIIIII I\IIII. Moon Hour and NIH. Spade. \‘IIrr0\\ Hour and I\lIIII Loui IIV lIournIIII I\lIIII Gothic l l o u r IIIId .\IIII. “0.0“ :: I .. Spade, Englbh IloIIr \\ hlp \llII. " Douhle “ “ Nnrrou IlournIIII .\IIII. ' These Hands are Iurnlshed In Gold 31$0.001Ier dozen. and Composilion at $1.001Ier dozen. +For Skylight Dlals Nos. 1327 and 1329 are furnished In Gold or Compomlon III some p r i c e s 1“ (11051: marked with '. A l ‐ S l r a w Color. Extra Flue, [or19.§‘1 and 23Jewel Movements. A ‐ " “ B ‐ B l u e " C ‐ " " Flue, for 10.21nndszeweI Movemems. “ " 17.19.21and 23Jewel Movements. for7nnd 15Jewel Movements. One-halfof thedozen-pricewIllbechargedforeltherhouror mlnmehandswhenorderedseparately ln orderingBands,alwaysslateCatalogueNumberandQunlhywanted, Orders f o r less than one-fourth dozen wIll be charged at pair prlcc. . I. . I- IIII ” O l l l ‘ \\|Ii]1\|llll lSrI>.'II1 IIIIInI IlnIIr.IIIII “IIlIIlL‘. I nu Fla-lurdeI l k Hour 3111] 11le |.OIII> . \ l \ “0011 .\1urIIIn~_' (i101) IImIrrIIIII I‘lIII. .\]|2|(lL lfroI'III “ “ " l\ ItrtIIIII llrflml Hour l\'hIII.\Ii1| l< IIrImII IIIIlIr \\ “III \1 u IIIIIII \\ IIHI ,\1III “ w i l l ' m llrIlIrIIIIII “Illl I n i IIIIIII'rIIIIIloIIIIIIIII “III Nude, lirIIIIII ” o u r . \\ Illlll\lIII 1 . I LouisXIV Hour“1111Min _ I Spade, Brand llour, Whip I\lIII, ! rm 0 Sue, m lo M. Skyliznt No 2308 | 5 ‘l I Na. 23 O‐a‐ ! For IS Sue m Model No. 2051 For |8 Sue, Id lo 9"! Model ; No.2307 I No.392 For IB Sue, 26 lo 9M Mod-I No. 2062 For |6 Sr in 36. 51h N) 7m, 9m Model No.an L G I N NATIONAL WATCH Co. T‐E\ } I-IANDS'HOURANDMINUTE. E. No.l320 For IB SI.l'. 24 ‘.o 9'h Model Fe:16Sue,mand7dMooef o‐‐>=‐‐ l 0‐0‐‐ O‐oi‐ ! ©‐-‐‐‐0‐‐ I! For 12and lo Sizes, Is: Model I rm 18Size, m Model No.395 i No. 2146 | 0‐0‐ 0‐0‐ (OD‐O‐ ] ©‐‐‐-<>‐ Fm‘5 Sn» 45" Model No.406 0‐0‐ For 9 Sun: l:,' In 3d Modvl No. 402 ForH Sn», Ll Model Na.|322 0-0‐ 0‐0‐ I ForOSlzeIsland7dModel ! Fol6Sue,m andn, 55,1;th o---‐<-‐ I ©____‐ F0' 17 11rd ", S e c ; |sl 11mm" Fm IB Si In! Model No. 2063 No. 7064 No.39! 1 No.40| i No. 2055 o- '6 Sm. l 3d.5MIn070.an"9thModel Fov I6 5 m , so 5"!lo7thand91hModel No.132! 0‐0‐ o‐o‐ No.399 No.404 ! i o‐‐‐o‐ 0‐0‐ l O‐‐°'‐' @_°_ ! I H‐ 0‐0- 0‐0- | 0‐0‐ Io‐‐‐‐‐@__‐_©‐I9‐‐ I 5 5,_..‘ | w@‐} , 3 5 s " m 7 m 9 m , M o d e l F o v I ? S u e , 7 4 a n d 3 4 M o d e l F o 4r s h . » I s l l o 3 6 M o d e l 5 F o r 1 0 0 S u e . I s r M o d a l iA ___,,..A<,;< _ 2 l No 24“ For us Size. M w 9m Model No.24l0 No.2060 No.2059 No.1319 . , lat Model O.‐.‐ ©‐-‐-‐.‐‐ For 10 51m. 15! Model , Fov | 3d, 5171 to 7th, 9!» Model For 12She. 2d and N Model No.2413 I 0‐0-‐ l _o No.394 No. 20 No.2412 No.2329 No. 2 415 I $I°‐‐l6x‐_e, o‐o‐ li @ _ _ . _ For lB Size, N to 9 l h Model I For Is Sum, 76 to 9th Modal For I8 Size. 26 lo 901 Model i, ’__________~‐‐‐. O‐~‐‐ 0 ‐ ‐ ©‐‐+‐ cork‐ ©‐‐~‐‐ ForI7Simm For18Size,In Model Forl6 Size,lstand2d Modol ForI7andI8Sims.IslModel ondIBSue.20to9thModel For 185118. 2d in 91h Model No.403 No. 395 0‐0‐ 0+ 0+ (9‐0‐ O‐""‐‘ Q‐h‐ Fm 16 Sue, Fov16 Size. 151and 2d Model 3d, 511110 71n.9m Model F0114 5110 151 Mode-1 No.2107 No.405 No 407 0‐‐o‐‐ 0+ 0+ a‐o‐ @‐~‐ H 0‐‐ For12and10Sizes.IslModel No. 2332 0‐0‐0‐ F0112$112,711and3dModel No. 2333 0‐0‐0‐ For6Suzc,1stund2dModel No. 2334 0 + . ‐ F0105112 m103dModel No.1324 Fo1 18 5111171170 911111101121 No.1326 For 15S110 141 and 711 Modfll No.1323 o-=1> o‐w‐ F010 $110,121“) 3d.Sky11ght 3d.51h:o 711.911. M0111 No. 2414 Fov 16S1:e.1sland 2d Model No11327 ca» 000‐‐ F016 Sue, 1st and 2d. Skylight F011? 51.1211 and 36 Model No.1325 For 16 Sue 311511110 71n,91r\ Model No. 1328 0151‐‐ ( m gLeverSeL.) .No.043,74, 1411), 146, 15:1. .161,15“185. . 161.246, 411513211245. .157,155,135. $7,111,210. \ ' o , 21. 2:1. 30.31. mncefiltiumé 1011. ND. 275. 1111. \ o . 1112 . \ 0 2 0 . x 1 , 3 8 , 5 3 , 711, so. 1 “ 163. . land. or Set.) " I n 98. 1-e1ry. Rper. Aver,under 11, 0 111311, A r g o , Admnce, 1... No. Nn. 31“. M i s s , 201, 317. 326. No.3051 N 1 )3 0 0 . N02200, 202, 312 No.2111, 223, 313. £13221. 1104101502,510,314. 110.303301,311,316. No.280.21§9,2%.3‘l6. No.2fl&3l8,820,323‐ 110.310.1121. (“label'‐ Wheeler. O v e r ‐ \'0 Ulnar 31:25. 11. 9101211.11. 55,6651,7587,811 )' II \'Ind)1fl§5 c ,111, 112, 109. No.210,212,220,257. 0. 247. 110.6, 7, 96, W. 171‐ 1 Raymond.FMher T1me,(0.F.1’un11. Set.) 77,11011M. 1-0.71. No. 211, 213, 221, m, m. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. HANDS,HOURANDh/IINU'I‘E, CON’PINUED. @__0 (9‐‐ @_ For 15 Sue, F010 51:11 15110 3d Model No.1812 0-123‐‐ Wot‐‐ 0060-‐ cum‐‐ mega‐‐ W 1!11nymondFatherI s “34,11" Overland. 121.131.1158. 17 118,11‘.7|32. No.207,21138251, 251.2 No. 216,21 26“ ”5°31 3.~. N o . 2.50. Raymond,Father T1|1|e(0.1~‘,.Lever Seb- ). 150 151, 252, Overland (0.1‘., Lfaver Set-0,205, \'o. 1110. 50.191, 1117. ND3.86,L’U'J,216,£84. . ( u . L e w r SeL),214. \e1'lu1!4. ( U - 1 " LeverSec.1.2:19] Raymond 114m. 0.1-‘.,Lever5e'..), 210. 97 1.111,» 111,411 10. 1 1’011d189t7, Time(Ht . , e \ 11“. 2Club-ennui;Lev‐ erSet) (“162 s T m l o r .614er1nnd £0.1a1'enu.SeL). wt112411”. m m !(o 1..1‘e|11.|. Sat.). H, 75. 123, 124,147.14&2791 ' No.1511.241,242. 000»‐ 090-‐ For 0 Size. 15110 3d Model F010 5110.15110 311. $1,111.11: No. 2149 09-‐ coo‐‐ For l 0 - 0 Size, 151 Model CLASS OF MATERIAL AND MOVEMENTS USED IN 2,116. 12 No 155 w \e ms.(11tg. 1.e0» rSeL.),1:74. (. Gal] Borden.Dex‐ an“S,n,21,12, 23, 210,511,117. 51\'0.45,64,65, 50 94, 95,101. 7:21'1'2‘152'1g1n (o .1‘. 121-711.Sen), 2511.' 3 For 12 $1,411.70 and 3d Mode-J No.1329 0-8‐ ‘ Dewrinhon 0! Movement Model ‘ A‘ A | | Free». ooh | 71m; Dar. 5 m| 5 Dar. l .I I s l 1.2 11111 .. Isl, 2d fit, ll,Ulh.7lh Isl.to 3d,51h,7”).on: , .1o 110 II I1 I s l In 3 d , 5 1 h to 1111. M ) : Isl. l2 I s l I D 311 Is; , No. 413 ‐ 0 ‐ ' For16,14,12and10Sim ; 140.429 N o , 4 0 8 -‐o‐‐ F011aand1752m No.1815 Fov l? S ' No.430 ._o_ 7m 135.2..- ‘ ‘ 701165115 No.428 ' No. 2109 ._0_ _o__. oo‐ ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH C0. H A NDS, SECOND. For 7?51m F016 Sl'c For 6 5110 No. 431 2 No.1833 ' No. 2149 "‐‘oo-‐'=w‐ Fm 0 Sue For 0 51m , For 0 Sue No.2415 3 No. 2417 ‘ No.2419 ‐®o‐‐ ‘ -Oo-‐ 4m._ Fov13Sue For|6 Sue Fol1251141 No. 2420 For 1o-o Sin No.2419 oo‐ For65er No.2621 o.‐ 0‐ Fov 0 Slw For I6 51:1; For lO-O Sim To ascertainGrndcof Movemenncpnssnlt Isuzx. In ordering Ilnlerlul,glvc CululogueNumberandClass.or Number or Movemvm [ o r 11hlch same ls rcqulrcd‘ Orders for lg»- llmn one-fourth dozen will becharged m single place 11rlce. MODELS OF MOVEMENTS. Descviption H 51:13 Modal Dcscnplion 3“ PL,Open Face,l'c11d,Seu.. Exposed\V. \\'b. -','{ PL.llumlng,Lover sun.11:11onW.“111. x l’I.,OpenFace,LeverSew,p r o w d W. “1h. PullPL, Hullling,Key But. FullPL,"unnumbever sall- FullPL,OpenFnce,Pen-11m;Seth 95h 1m,Inurchnngcnble,I’nndxunSen. In PL.Ilnntlng.Roy5 m . I- ll I’l.OpenFace.LeverSets.‘ 5 ”a Open Face.Loversow.imposed W. Wk. z“I'I..Iluntlnrz,Lever sew. ExposedW. W h , 1-‘11111’ ' Sage. FullI' ..Ilnmlng.Lentbe". 1» 21! 3d m m II 24 m at?! m PL,Ill-flung,Keysm. 5!PL.Iluntlng.Pena.Salt“ mixes“!W. Wh. I’I.,Inumllsn Ie.Lever Sen. PL,IluntIng. Sen. Iunung,I'endmtseu‐ gunnrg, 13nd.“SestetiL’BEpoud Y? “If... en 11 cu . xpofied . x PL:051mFug.I’ond.seu..Exposedw. w». g‘{I F .. Open 8. X P g?H" . x rm,"and pond 1th GUI P 0 F .I’end.Sew, M W .Wh‐ C111~ 11102110 No. 432 43'.’ 4.11 435 1563 15“ 441 1&‘3 41'.‘ 440 Descnpnon cl Movement Model 151.10 5111. 7111 151105111 21110 5111. 7111 (5111 $111. 11111 241 lxl '.’d 151 0111 7111 9111 6111 711. 211.11d (111111311 .\11'k01 0111111 Gilded .\lwl (.‘nlnl .\111-l (mlll .\11'141 4 Wheeler Over‐ land(11: Ler‐ er Sen? 11111, F.0rry (remon, 16,17 511,57ca 111, (12wa1.5, 1311, 111 144,278. " 1 No. 219. No. 208,215, 218,262, 235. No.250. 1m)'n1ond\Fnthor Tum-(0l-.1 0 1 “ 5151.12.7111311111, 21.2, OI:erlnng 53.1M?5: , m 2 ~ No.2:1'..1.7 21:1.211. N11. £107. .101 \u.30\1 10.1 \ 0 . 287, 5 0gden,1-lrwe11, 1-'Mar},Advance , Elitetnazeh5.,la, 1h¥mondh(X P L ,11,10 14113201 321011 {L 671074.ST, ' 51 . or O. F. No.1546, 2330 Hm. No.435,1563 1H1g 010. F No. 1547. 2331 mg, No 440 441 H1; 0 1 0 F. ng. or O. F. 55,116.1115,73.1317811 10'2, 1'11, 11'2, 1119: m, z» ever e 7113. No .190. 08517.169,” h o0:.87; 1061 N o . 193, m. No. 192. ’ LoverBM.-), 110.21072,12,220,7.57. N o . 1111, 215, 221. 331 111 No 321 UQN 116 No. 630.6,1,0G,97,111. 7 luymond.Fnher Tlme,(o.F. Pend. B6. 7 Set. 160,134. . ) 111 No.3 7, 1111, 7.70, No. 243. L w d ' E l g l n (O. F . .\'o 12. MNO.22'7,2 Verlms, ( 0 . 1-., 1.01er Set.1.21. V e r l ( 1 ) . R , Lemr 2.39 ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH INDEXES. To ascerunnGradeof Movement.consult lxmzx. 111ordering .\1111e1111l.g1\-1: Culmoglm .\11111bux111dt;1.’l~.>,1)r Number of Moremem for which 511111015. reqmred. Orders for less than one-fourth dozen will be charged 111. single piece 111101: CLASS OF MATERIAL AND MOVEMENTS USED IN 1. 1' Raymond.Fuiher T11ne.(H 2 Cu1v,er(HtgLev‐ erSeth 01, f... S Tnylor,0ver1nnd, (1111:-Leversn.) ' 211.31,38.55.79,“ 133.11".Overland, 126517511115“.), Wheeler, O v e r ‐ 111111140l'..1’011d. \et.), 14. 75, 121, 124,147“3.271 No.23,71, 115,1111 ”(L-227 2"? Aver ',Lender 11, 11.1 ,1.1,1r.1,56. \o.101,103 No.1m’.110. .\‘o.1011 105,13, .101 19 T. .201..211-7,215,u1 "0 , 97J 1.5.1)- 1-.IL'III ( 0 . . 1 1711.11. Set-1. 131513021112: 195. 11 (111m, ‘ 114,274. \'0 V0.151,16”1857. 150. .\'0. 1301. 246. .\_o.1602M, No.1" 95,1111. No. 122,176. N 1521 110.109. 110, 11:1, 1 \ ' u 2511. 129.1941173. 971. N15. zen-117,253,251, 102 240 171.111.sea),m. ' cn. > ; nlonue I No i 1360 I1.7.63, I Pv-cn np‘dcn oi Met-omen! I Settings __‐-I __ 1360 l t-i'. ii",99 ' ' . . ,' i'i. ' Slit.91h " " lst.'.'d iiosyRuby Cold i 6th.7th'mil i'uieRuby Comp., 2d.3d "IuI t to . . . ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. JEWELS,CAP,ARIBOR,PALLET, LOWER. Price I Deuvtntionoi Movement ,,. ._____. , Ktnd ' Diameter | i_‘’ Class JEVVELS, CAP, ART-301Q, PALLET, or Do!- Sttc Settings Prue . . Pvt Do: .' . Kind i .I‘ Diameter , Price [Fioce’Pevoot I Detenpnon oi Movemsnl M o d e l Setting; i ' : m ' e r I erDvx I Site '. Model | Is '1-2m. 2dto5th.7th i'aicRuby Comp! .us i"um. sui " “ .uo i I n i s ' . 2 d I n 5 t h . 7 ! i t 5.00I" ,,i. Nth.9th G o l d . i i G i 7 o n i t } , 5.00 I “ 7.00 ,12' Emit) I " “ i n t . i d , t i t h . 7 t h iitb Qtihid ‘\VELS,CAP,PINION,ESCAPE, L0\\'ER. S i m : K i n d ThemethodorjeweiinttourmovementsenablesyoutoreplaceaJewelandRETAINTill us:"rtxmgluxz" As n n o n z o n a c c o u n t o r t h e s h o u l d e r s o n t h e s e t t i n g s b e i n g c u t t h e same l e n g t h t o r b o t h u p p e r a n d l o w e r j e w e l s . t h o vnritttion In lengthor pivotsbeingtaken up in thedepth of recess cut in the top ieces. All Jewels in settings suppliedthe trade arethus"shouldered."and the pricesquotedareforuntinishc settings. those that havenot been cupped and iished. except cu? Jewels. which are always sent finished. Should tintshed settings be requiredanextrac ("gowillbemade0 onedollarperdozenforcomposition,andtwodollarsforgold. Allorderswillbetilledwithflator flushsettings.unlessit it statedthatraisedsettingsarewanted.theprices being the some. Undertheheading"Settings."thelargestdiameterorsettingisgivenin thousandthspartofaninch. Unlessrtxtnuznsetting:arementioneduxrunsnznwillhesent. sun,9m " " I .uu tst,2d RosyRuin Gold mo " I " 16 | " I 12 '.'t.. " " on 0th.7th.9th i’uieRuby Comp.I 1396 ,l"i. '.’dto5th.7th i’nleRub) Comp. Kind R033 R u b y " -" (ilnmp Red R u b y “ “ imwt'Rub)" " " RedRuby, " “ itusyltuby’ " 211 to fitb. 7th 81h.9!h " " J!“ Rosy Ruby 1 Red Buby Ros ' Rub Rot? Hub); Rosy Ruby Gold .Ilti Settings Diameter I I 57m_60 ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. JEVVELS,CAP,S’l‘AFF,BALANCE. LO\\’ER. Class .100l0|HI (0114 . 1461048 ,, “£31056. Puce 1Pmce IchDoz. “l L‘ Descvlmlon 0! Movement Model . '. . l s l l O SULTIII ~~1. um " " Sulllngs Dmml‘lev JE\N7ELS, CAP, S’l‘AlTF‘, 13ALANOE. Ul-‘PER. l Puce . Piece ‘ Per Do: ‘ Dexupuonol Movemen: Model i410mu,Tlll 61h Slh Sill). 91h |h,‘."lh i.~rmcm Gib. I l l ) 15! Klfld iunwRum-l Gnld 524mm, Dmmclcv Allorderswillbefilledwnhlint.orflushsellings.unlessitisslutcdthat.ruinedsailingsnrcwanted,me prices being [ b e same. saw] Model 24 ls:and24] 3d 1 Description lulll'i Hunting.Key Stu. Hunting.Lm er Sen. pe F . enduntSen. lervhnnxcflble. Pendant. S o n . H S i m Modal Description X N. OpenFacePondSet FxponedW. \\ h. l‘l..“llnllngflAvelSell. xponml\\'. '\\'h; Orders for lessthan one-fourth dozen will be charged at. single piece price. U n l e s s F I N I S H E D s e t t i n g s a r e m e n t i o n e d l m r m l s l m n w i l l b e sem. MODELS OF MOVEMENTS. 1.Open F m .Lever Sen. K e ygs"; Opeln knee. LeverSeu... Expo“!!! w. \\'h. .Ex 0501] “X \\'h. L .p r o b e d\\’. \\'l|. i: H 1 ” .uunlinwLewrSeu... Exposed“. \\'.h l‐ull ll..lunu‘ng.Key Belt. FuliP..Bum( !n g . LmerSett. xPL,lnterchnnvenue.Law-r Ben. unling.Key Sen. z...llunl.lngLewr Sen. X l’ i.. Hunting. .,lluntlng,PendantSett‐ ' l . . .l i u n u n g . l ’ o n d n n l B e l t . AverBelt. g! M, (SweepSecond. Levar Sect. gunning.I'm-mlBelt.Exposedw. wn. i’ Pl pen Face.PendantSen. Open Fuse.l’eml.San.Fmpowdw.\\ h. xPl.,uumlng,l'end.Sew,ExposedW.Wh. _______"‐__‐___‐___‐__-‐‐‐‐_-‐‐‐._‐ Nil,Oil) m, 2a N to7m Gill, Till. mu Isl l ~ l In 2'ch 2d.3d 14 l \ l . 24! l>l lo 311 lsl. liosyRuln ‘ 1m.- um... Lulillh. mu» R m . ) l'amp.‘ no lsllo3d Isl. Comp. .. [’fil l.untlnmx I 1 " Comlx‘ 1‐ Gold .Rosy Rub)" .l’uluRuby Com]. Rom‘ Rum-k .l16 .l IG Dill home .Ufld .llG Dunn: l'.lll¢1{l“)) " ‘Rmy Ruin “ ‘l’nic Ruhy ‘Red Rub,” Gold “5d. 3d is! .‐ Comp. lsl. (0 3d 2d. 3d lsL lslh’ld 1l’alc Ruby Rosy Rub)" Gold Comp. Pnlc Ruhy G o l d Ros Rub) " RcayRuby . Gold 15110341 l‘nle Ruby 151. Resy Ruby Gold l’ulc Ruby Comp. 4 ’.l,0penFlute.LemrSet .prused \\. \\ h. PL.Openl-”u: Pond sou...Exposeuw \\'h. Kynd Comp, .M.__ ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH C o , 55 JEVVELS, HOLE, AIQBOR,BARREL 1 LOVVE R. ‐‐“‘_fifi__ H I . I- | I Puco . Doxnplmn 01Movement I ! . I Selling; I Kind blur-mu 0.00Hi{iH. sw I! " 1mm1“ " " Snpphlrc " .HO M10II)" " PaleRuby" .000 Pvt-“CD PorDczI Sue I Mod l 1. JEVVBLS, HOLE ARBOR 13A1?1\EL, UPI’ER. J E V V E L S . H O L E , A R B O I ? S ' V V E EI : 1 3 S E C O N D UPPER. l'nder1lwhvmlinu"Srvlllll;~,"thvlug-Millumclcrufmulngii glvcnInlhousundlhspartof1111Inch. _.__,- . I i l'llllihiruxnumns-elllng II'C nwnllnncd I Tun-111121» 111.1In;sunl. CLASS OF MATERIAL AND MOVEMENTS USED IN 1 RaymondhtherI s Taylnr.Overland. I29 311.101.1113. Thnculrlx‘111.Y.l’end.>el.), IJ') “1.1061“ I c h u ) 5.1' 11x...1111. 105, m, “healer Ovcr- I 1:51119.1141.19:1. 255. MINo.170. 119.101.1s. 2Culver.(|llg6L u - 163. l ‘I belch}? 01:0“- [I’ll. V- If ”(E{IT-It‘ll“. err ysnwll, 15,166 57.63.31. ., 105,126. 111111141).l-'.. l c m l . 32. \ 0 . 1.3.1. 213. _ 5: arson 6'.’. 31T‘fi'lordve'rlnml. 1m laverfiel; m..u 3.56,11.50. L ) . 41.75 11.1, 11 ll..il|lz:9 u 59 .\'o...s. co a 4 ”151,11 I:_1. M '1 151,152,115. o. 161.m 0.163 211,215. 0. 157,158, 156. Ix; Va 156.241.21". 99Verluu. (um. 5! LflerSet.1,51. 11:m , z 1 m,1“ \ ' ‐ oJen, Furwell u r g e , A d v Anti. Chlel‘ A . ' '" 413,71. 4 mg .\' .11.25.80SI. rfnnm 11111510. Ludyd[12121112913 156 M . 2 ' 3 . " " . .1. Overland ( 0 . F.. luwmondb'e1x9l‘l. 410I. 01.0.Lever' ). SIS‐ M 3:0.211', m, 221, T|111e,(0.P.l’oml. m . ) 11,111. m, M. - No.15, ,as. 95No.111. u L m l y E l Pond. maximum n(o._1-'. 111 sumac. 14,11». " .\0.37.41.LJB. 1: .\'o.s1.9.1.u6.95,111. g 110.259. I n ; mom].Father wmd LeverSea),255, er s; is,u. ' V.’ No.2“.112,119,157“ll‘: 0. w No.24. 10.911141.3195". Sce I 11PI, l " ’ I " I 5 .. . Model mu 2d. 311 “ .. Selbnzl Dnamslu I K i n d 'l he methodor jmu-llny: our 1110“.m1-Ills0113111. on 10replace a .lcucl and " r u m 7111: sum: “MVDSIMKB” as I 1111111111onaccountof lhcshoulder.»onthe.\L’llllluibclngcm.lhumun:lcnfllhfor holl-u|r|n:rand1011cr j c “015.mu 111111leon I" lengthor phol‘helm:takenup In linedepthor races-wcm.In thetop ncccs. All.lenclsin wellnus . .~|1|1|1Il1-.dlhclmdcamlhus 11011111ch11." a n d l h c nr , 11110 urc for unflnlshe scllln'Vs. these that h m c n o t In-cn cum-ml 11nd poll~|1cd. cvnl 1up .lm‘clw. “ h u h a .1111 15 sun! llnlshed, should finished wulngs be | rmmlrud1111exlmchargewillbemadeoronedollurper(10' forcomposition.andtwodollars101gold 1 .\IIon]1's11'1Illwllllud11111111111orll11>hselling».unlmsll Ii. edthan.raisedsculngsarewarned.lhuprices I hum;lhcM m e , I WILndy E l g l n ( 0 . l-‘,l’end. sag). 10'2."" ‘ 2' ' 6 .\'o‘s 7.9;In 171. 7Raymond.Father 0,011.615Nommmfl. so,71. In; 5 0 m m911.315. 1:17.91 1111. 53 .\'o.122.In 61. 5' ‐ 6:1 {. 105315215961 81h 2d. 3d SapphlreComp .7 PnlcRub) .I40 IIt ' I Kmd IRosdvRulwIGeld | Red R u b y | " |RosylluhyI “ I .. I .002 I 1..1 I c Kup'flonn!Mcw'm.\- SueI M o d e l ' 1 Dmmeler I Pale Ruby | Comp. 10 a Pl. 111) “" " Game!I"I.126I l .150 .Ivl0 .lle ! .126 ELGIN NATIONAL,VVATCH Co. JEVVELS, I‐IOLE, AIQBOR, PALLJE’l LOWER. ] Price Descriphon 04 Movement I IPiccn}PevDoz.l 5m. M o m I K m d I ,,,,, , Selhngs I DIameiev '.l‘l 1 mmmhmm 1rule1mm <‘man .uo 3., I 3,71010. ' 9,10,61!004.103101(B 31033. 3.“ [0 40 . 107 lo 110 “ Guruul ‘ “ I Isl to 5111 " " 01h " " fllb I‘nIv Rub} Fill. 91h " ‘ ‘ ( “ I L 71h, 91h ‘ NI(0TH] (”IN 51h 107le " ‘ m. I ~ I ~ I~I,2d I (mm N 2thum.m. 1mm. 61h. 7m 14.2«1 " “ l’uln Rum (nu-m»! 1'qu Hub) Gurnfl I'nlv Rub} (inrnvl l’nh- Rub) ‘ Unmet. 2d “ I4 (0 3d I'nlv RuIn " (mrmn N mun 1mm “Eb ‘ “ " (iurmlI JE\VELS,HOLE,ARBOR,PALLET, U PPER. 31,3316 . 93toils. 107m no ._ 17,1020,221031,331 4; 1 Pale Ruby ” " “ Garnet “ " " Flue! C o m p . " “ “ U n s e ! . ’.73.7r~11illlu:llllv'd111th11111or 1111stsdllilllh'.unlessll ls“1111111111111rulscdselllngsarcwanted.theprlccs [winglllvwin-z. l ' n d v r l l n : b e n d i n g “ S c l l l n g s , ” l l m l a r g e s t l l l n l n c l c r o r s e l l i n g l ~ g l v e n l n t h o u s a n d l l l s p u r l . 011111 l n c h . Unlvsir:\'1.~'111:nwulllnwurcmcnllonudcsnxmurznwlllbe sent. Taylor.( h e r l n n d lice 51 .\'o.121131.168. 55N o . 1 ' 500, 66 ll) lggléklglilu, so 97 Lluly l e l n ( 0 . '.l'elldSet"). CLASS OF MATERIAL AND MOVEMENTS USED IN sumac j ' ' I 11:1 10 fi l l ) . o1 l ., 01h. 71h . 91h 0111.71I1 N. " " 211.31! 1sl, 211 3d I»! “ lsl 2d " 1. 1l’nle Ruby 2d | la! 111311 " I~l " Gnrncl " l’nle Rnln, 11.1r1111 l’ulc Rub; " 011m e ! " n . Pnlc Ruby 1 (vnrlnl l|’ulcHuh) 1 unr'nul l'ulc Ruby Harm-l ‘ l’ulc “Illlyl | Uul’nvl l ‘J 13,2;1031,33m. 33to 40.9-3 to 95, m: to 20, 21, 23, 26, 31 41, . ELGIN NATIONAL W A T C H Co. JEVVELS,HOLE,PINION,ESCAPE, UPPER. Mapper] .c}1piytitl Slh Sth.0(h 6th. 7th.5‘|th I s l , L’d ‘ 0th. 7th 91h ht.3x1[013th thl. 71h 1>tt01ltl,5vh l~L l t m t ltulvvl 1mm I‘stll- Itnlnt rump . ltmt llllh}l ( m m I’aln- HUD} “ llt‘nny ltnln (filltl[\.; ll’nle‘ltnln “ “ ‘ (Jurnct " l “ I In Pvice Plecc ‘ Pet Dozw ‘ ‘ Descnotlon 01Movement Senmgs Model } Kmd Dmrrvlel ls! [0 5111.7th l“thy Rllht‘ Hull] 1 .110 Themethodof jewelin:ourmm'ementxenahl'youto replaceuJewelmnlnrz'mmT”): cnu:" r;,\n.~n.tt.lt AS nm‘nm:onuecuuntorthe houldenonthesettln- beingcutthesamelengthforhotnupperandlulu:_i(‘\\t'lw.the \ ' u r l n t i 0 n ln l e n g t h of p l t ‘ o t : ~ b e i n g t a k e n up In t h e d e p t h of r a c e . » c u t in t h e [0])J)IL‘CL‘\. . \ l ] J o t w h ln M ' l l l l l g s snpplled the trade are thus “shouldered," and the prlct:s quoted are for unllnlshc w t l l n g s , than: that have not been cu lped and pollshed, except Cup Jewels. which are nlwn)s sent llnlshcd. Shnnltl llnlxhctl acltlngs be requlre an extra charge will be made of one dollar per dozen { o r composltlou. und two dollar: for gold. All orders u'lll be filled wlth flat or flush settings, unless lt ls stated that rnlxctl seltingg arc wuntutl, tln: prlces helm; the same. S i m Model In Description ‘ FullPL,Hunting,KeySett- Full1;1.,lluntlng,chersen. Full1L,Openknee,l’nndnncSeth. Dcscnptton Under the headlng “Settlngs.” the large“ diameter or settlng laglvcn |n tllousandtlu part or an Inch. Orders for less than oneJourth dozen \\'lll be charged at Single plcce prlce. L'nless F I N I S H E D setllngs ure nlenlloned n x n x l s n u n \\‘lll be s e n t , Pl lnwmhnngenble. Pendant. Sen. I- ll 1’l.Openl-mce Defersen. PL,Openl-‘ucc.Lover bow,lgxlloscd \V-WE PL, Hunting, Key Sect. PL,Huntlng,KeySen~ PL,Hunting,Pond.Sew. ExposedW. W11‐ PL,OpenFace,Pond.Sent. prOsedW. Wh‐ 1,1 numtng,KeySun. ' x P] Open huts.LeverSet igxl..Hunting.Mvprbelt... 1-nm. nunung.keysetL FullPL,Hunting. Leversett. XPl. Interchangeable:Lever Sew. 2d - M 1 lunllng,Lewersclt. weep Second.Lover Sen. I§untlng,1’endnntHart. X PI 1 untlngJ’endnntScu. x P] Hunting, Pond,Seth.ExposedW- Wh‐ x 1’1 Open Face.Pena.SELL. Exposedw. wn. X Pl . O p e n Face, l’endJiow. E x p o s e d W-W h ‐ Open Puma]endpncSen. h i n t i n g , 1e n d . he"... E x p a n d W. W'h MODELS OF MOVEMENTS. ExposedW. Wn. xposedW. \\’h. l~l to Full Int 104th 15! to fun, 7th “ , “ lt'tnup. .12t5 “ 1 " .1|0 tll: Ruln ‘ “ JIG Garnet “ lstto51h “l" l'llwt 6111 lt’ump, .llml Rm)Huh) lump “ unrnvt ' 211,3(1 R u “ Huh} Hulll lat l " (‘ullltn all, an 1~ttnml $1,311 l n l l’ulv Hull)“ .. 1 Garnet " um; mm; “ nvt “ ,‘.'tl l-t ‘Zd. ztd lst toHtl ' ‘t'nem ltuxt lttllly t.l.|rl l “ ‘t‘nntp. l (illrllul " ‘ " l'nwl, Rm)ltnln (mlll r ‘ ‘‐ ‘ " ‘t'nnlp " Unmet “ 1\L . l'nwt ltmtltuln (mm l Harm-t t'ntnp,‘ l1 X PI. OpenFace.l’entl flett, ‘ 10:0(1\\'.\\'h. x PLIIluntlng,Le\‘cr laxptLetlw. \ Hunting. Lover Sen. I 17,IF ' Uhlfilm Isl,107”) Gaznel 1“ [n pl IO”0 , , 4, . 5th to 7th (uh.71h In " 15! In 3d 2.1. m1 . " I l’ulc Ruby ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. JEVVELS, HOLE,PINION,FOURTH, LO\VER. Description 0! Movement Seniul ‘ Pmcc‘PmDoz j Sue l i _ _ _ Kind i 31031,Ramiu,,' I .. ..I.120 Is!1051!) U u E J") Dismal" 25. l It‘l’l. I s l (053.311.7111 | l'nle Ruby C o m p’ Am II ' Ii 8h 7 " , I 105 v " I " _ll::\f\"l£l,b', I‐I()LE, PINION, FOUR’TH UPPER. mm. ; ' > m mulllimw nus (SI Prue IP-gcu PmDox Dostnpbon cl Movemvnl Model I s l lo 5UL 7111 I s ! ( 0 51h I~l(0 «III! In 10 51h, 71h I s l l g 5th Gl'h 831). m l ] Isl, 2d GU]. TH) 'I Settings Ailorderswillbefilledu'llhflu!orflushsettings.unlessItIsslatedum ralscdsculngswe wanted,theprlces belngthe sumo, Unlessvumunmsettlngsarementioneduxnxuuunwlllbesenl. I'nlc Ruby " ' . . I 1Ro~3v Ruh3 G o l d Isl.241.6“). 7th , “.nlcRuby C 61h 71h, mu 21]. 3d Isl. £031! 154 u Guano! Rosy Ruby Gum-n Copp. U nset Gold Comp. 3 Unmet Pale Rub3 ' ,' I‘alc Ruby ,? Gnmcl l‘nlc Ruby Gurnel }l‘nlc Ruby Game! | II‘nleRuby. l unmet Game! I Kim! I Dmmtm ,, 'l(r.7>3 Rub3.Gold 1 I 3('omp.| Gurucl I I. 1 v ( omp, " I'm-cl. l'RemIlulvy4aqua Red Ruh3 Rosy Ruby 00 met. " zImet R053Ruh3Comp. (lumcl 5 Roll Rub3 Gold ' IleayHRuby I " I Comp, Gnrncl Rosy Ruby " an‘ncl I " I use! Rosy lRubyLGold Guzncl Ros Ruby Gold Cat- ‘ aloguu 1 No. - Puce ‘ Place Peanz. $1110 Doscvipimn oi Mon-mom Model 33to 3513810 40 31 3310 35. 3 8 1 010 921000,107 10110. ' “ Gurlwt “ 69:50.73174.87.88 1g;101,111w i l l 108651165114 “ is! " Comp. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. JEWELS,I‐IOLE,PINION,THIRD, LO\\’ER, Pncc “ ‘PiecelperDoz 1Sue Dcscnphon 0! Movement Model . 1l’flluliuly) 1 harm-L Scmngs Dmmetev i'mnlr. “ “ , , 18 ‘ . , lsi 105111, Till “ 15! 10 511.1 .ll'3 .l‘.‘6 4111 ‘ . . m m 5111 m. 1 i i \ ) nlll Allorderswillbefilledwithiiulorflushsettings,unlessII.isslatedthatraisedsettingsarewanted, the prices being thesame, Undertheheading"Settings,"thelargestdiameterofsemngisgiveninthousandthspm of1mincim Unless rmxsnzn settings are mentioned ummxsusn w l i i be sent. " lsL [0411171h hi to $111,711) 1 Unmet " 0111 “1'AH} Slinmh ‘l’ulc Rnhy‘ “ ‘ 151,211 Rmykub 641111 l .11<1 151. m, cm 7111 1 m m 1111115 rump.’ ' 1 I‐IOLE,PINION,”l‘IilRD, Ul’leR. 61l1,7th,01h is! 1051h (Hh.7i|l 51h [0 T N ) l e i Isl [Qfill 3d. 311 “ ‘si l‘11|n~l{llln “ Gurnll 1 lsl.:3&l l‘ulvlmlu “ Gurnei 2d " i~l 101511 l’ulc Ruby " Hurnwi N mall-1mm “ Uurnrl l g t l o 3d, 5111 Isl 2d.3d " ‘ l ' n w l ; RonRub) ("0111 11 1m)1111115 (jolt i i o flRuby1 “ 2d.‘3d G a r n e t “ Ro. Ruby lsL “ 151, 2d " l s l 2d, 8d is! 103d “ R0. rncl Unsm Ruby Gold “ Comp, u Gurnev. Comp. I’fllv l i u b ) “ “ ‘ Uurnvv, l l ‘Rou1mm Dunn-in ‘ 1111 421; l .llG ‘ Jill .IlU ‘ Kmd ( 1 a m (‘011111 “ ‘ “ 61h ‘1‘ompr " Unwi1 lsl 105“! " “ [Tun-1 R i b , 9111 151,211, G1l1.Ttl1 (31h. Till Gill. Tlir 01h lsL‘ 13d i i i . lid 1001h H w y R u b y Hull Ruby " Res} Ruby " Guruct G o l d “ 001111». “ 01h,71h “ “ ” Garnet “ Umel Rosy Ruby Gold “ " " Comp. G a r n e t “ is! “ Unsci " Rosy Ruby Gold ‘114mm 90.N, m l' ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. JEWELS, HOLE, STAFF, BALANCE, L0\VERANDUPPER. l i n i i , iii In 05. umlo it'll . 12 m 1! ._, P0. Pricv I Description 01 Movemenl ’ Somngs iPiecv PorDor S i l t , Model Kind Dilmeler £0 Isltodfivihfllh PaleRuby Comp. i.. z1.... .:m 1 .|,I ,. , .l JEVVELS, I‐IOLE, S’1“AFF, CER'I‘EIQ, LO\\'ER. .| J loi|.9':lou5. . I . . 81h 81h, Dlh isl_._2d leuo'flh Gil), Thih, 9I|l l s !Ill.)3d 2d M is! 151. 2d lslload lsi 05,102,10710110. Ii_ | , Price : Descnphon oi Movemenx , | Setting; Cal- , niozm, C535; ;~ ~- ‘ ‐‐‐‐~‐ IPlecechvDorI Sm! i i m S 7m110w GIm 0 . |o¢i,10|.f .. ' . I is ‘i’.H, i ,. ’l,I Model 2d1051h,flh 81h.91h Gih. 71h 6 t h , 71h. 91h t i l l ) . 7111 lsl. 2d " I Kind | Drama!" I 32“.37,M,ii}: “ GihLTLh RedRuby 61h.71h,on: RosyRuby Isl. 2d i’nic Ruby " RowRuby Red Ruby Rosy Ruby : .=l33 " .|m " .|'.BG Com . .lld Goi Jot! " Juli Corn ). JN Gol .l'.."’ Col-1p. Jou Geld . Coglp. ’ Gold l. , Sapphire I Unsct " Comp .ns " " l ’ n l c R u b y “ " “ “ Unscl JEVV'ELS,HOLE,STAFF.CENTER, UPPER. Price I Piecv , Pu! 001. 35 50 Dcscvvphon of Movement Suo I Modal 18 Ii-‘.H. '.‘dto5th,7th RosyRuby Gold " h “ ! to ram, 71h : Cog“). 11:3 Allorderswillbefilledwithflatorflushsettings,unlessitisstatedum raisedsettingsarewanted,theprices being the same. Orders tor lessthun one-fourth dozen will bechnrged ni.single piece prlcg. Unlessrnuanznsettingsarementionedusnxuuz»willbemm. " Comp. Sapphire " i'ulc Ruby " 9; . 8th.0th " Gold .ll8 .. u “ Unscv. 2151 2151 Class 1104.7109.65.66....,...,. 5. 6.10.1]. 81 [004.10310106. f , t Piece ‘Pev Do..‘ s 10 .15 l Dcscvlplnon 0( Movement Model lxl[05111.71h 1511051111 (“11 8111 $111 9111 l~l, 2d l \ l , ‘211, 0111. 7th l~l 100111 (31h. TH], 91h 14,311, 51l1 1117117 1~1 31], X1] 141 10:17] L’ll. 311 |~l N. 111 1.1 1.1311 121 (Jamel 1111111 (111mm Ruhy 11111151 (17111101 1710102212310211030321031 371.039. 9311011107. 1013. . 1 Raymund,17.111" T1me,(H1 ' 04, 2 Culver,'<111gc1gv‐ Tnylor.0\'erland, ( o . F.1‘end.sat.), 70, 71.11 No. WT, 108. '.\'o. 1011, 1117. No. 704, 1115, $0,101. 1 1 \u .‘l“5,1"1' 1141141 501"), e r S e 3 Tu ' l o r(51-91-1111'111 111,731, 157. <1 11:.l.e1~erSe 1 90.33, 38,fl,79, 7 4 , 1.151, 146 No 109: 110, 11:1, 1:10, 17:7. 271. 2 0 7 , 2 1 7 , ‘ . ‘ 3 8 , 2 5 1 , "2111."l 218126“ 235.203" 6' 7 0.250. RaymondFather Thne(0.‘.1~L e w r $014,1001111,m, 200,270. r71. F .\'o. 100. 140.11m9.2001. , 9 1 7 01 No:187:m. m .\'o. 101. 1 ' Z ~ I . u' 103'19$,120 \'0. 37,41. 42, 45. No.34’ ‘. 39,40 V0.m' 39. Levorkm.1,214. 1) . . 117 111,270 0 en, Fame", s No.24.25.so,31. FrigateEslRubltlzi 101 ' . . . , l r gD,Ad\ance, Chief “10,6,0, 9 1 c 7 2 , , 1 1 1 1 9 , 63.06.0658,70.37. 109, 147,’ 142, 709, 221,221 . No.6,7, 90.97. 171. 7 Rn mondFn1l1er ms,(o.i-.Pend. m 113 115 ' S e L ),m7 1 .1.00. 1 0 0 , 7 3 1 . 5 N3 o 0.193 237. 1 a . Nolan, at 1“ 12 1 L 1. 1.11, 117.4143. 279. M. 751241212. No 51,112,111... 5 0D . . 1I 3 0 : 2 2 : 4 “ . 2 4 5 . \ ' o m‘. {0.162157, 7.53, 1 5 0 . ' 7 115so20' .. Aver Ladenll, 14,1 ,51,112 1.1. No. 2. 1: 49 11 l. 11 ' h '§' L as.” 1 1 vl ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. JEVVELS, PALLE’I‘ S'FONES, RIGHTORLEFT " l ‘ \ \ o ( l l fl ‘ e r e m Form~ofl’71llel.~l1me bce1111~ed.1 k i n g S l o n m 0711111111114" 11117111“. \I1~11111111 111111. 1111|1111, or "heNumberor \10\01110111 JEVVELS, ROLLER EVVEL lf’IN. Fnce . Doscummn 111 Mow'mcnl Clnss 11011011110010'110100 1 Pnecc Per Dar ‘ S-1.1 Modvl 1.1 17151111, 7[ 1 1 0111 031010'710148723 100. 101. 11110114 461048 491056. 5711100. Orders for lessthan one-founh dozen will becharged171single piece prlcc. CLASS OF MATERlAL AND MOVEMENTS USED IN . . .~ 1141 112111 ‘ .. A! ,.,_ 1.711'111-1 14111 Nmphlrc ' 120V No.1117.21:1. 11.,174. 1 m, 135,139,102. 195, 1 n( 2: W i n d ” ) E, 2 9 . 0111 Borden.Dex‐ t e r 51,9 1 A 23, w 54. ' Overhaul (0. L m ~ e r S e t ) , 2 3 5 , ' 933. 240 3 1 0 ' . 14111. {1111 151, 211 h i , ill.0111, 7111 1.~1 1117111. 11111 111 2d, Rd 1.1 211, 311 (17111111 Supplnrc 111111101 Mlmxhlre (111r111-,1 . 9111, m, 29:1. Smmc, "72137381. s m m , 2011 2.112 No.2321”233,2')11,259. No 231215131200. Vernas (0. 1. . i '. , 1 l, 177 1.11111- 1.11111. ( 0 . My ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. LE\7ERS,CAM. 63 Descriptionoi Mmmeni Size Model 18 91 Pl. 01h Shel i! I! I! I! I! II I! 11 I1 ll ll! 16 10 1b Model | ______‐____.__.__ __ Hz.or0. F, . . Hiz.orO.F. mg.orO.F. No. 1927 ‘ Hug. or O F LEV'ERS, CLTJ’I‘Cl‐l. Open Face.i’endnmSeu- 2; PL.interchange-bio.Pendant sm- i-uli i‘l.Open Face Lever Beu- 12 5‘ PL,Open Face.flower8 0 l e PL,Hunting. Key Sen. I‘L,Hunting.Pend.Seth. Ex i’l..Open Face.Pena. M t , PL.“until-miteysou. l'i..Hunting. Lever so“. W. Wh. i,’ ’i..Hunting,usvcrSew. p m nW. “ h - 2d Id 2d tedW. Wk. posedW. W I ) . No. I ‘ l l No.1826 No.1440 No.1829 4a: £39 Hiz.n:0. F. Hiz.m0. F. MODELS OF MOVEMENTS. Dvscviniion 7 ' D m n p i i o n X PL,OpenFace.l’end.Sett..ExpofedW. Wh. PL.Hunting,Lever Salt“ ExposedW. \\'h. PL,Open Pure.LeverSen,law-edW. Wk. l'l. Hunting,KeySen. Hunting.Key s-m. unung.uver sew 1 g, KeyBelt. 10 Hunting. anerSen. umhnn bio.Lever Sett- i-uiiPl Full l’ it PL, g PL.Hunting, varBeu- . l’l.,SweepSecond.Llwer we. ati'i.,Hunting.i’cndnnlsmt. i’l., Hunting.i’emlnntiieu. PL.Hunting. Pen-l.Se ape-ed,W. Wh.’ i’l.,Open Face.i’end.see , ExposedW. Win. PL.Openi-‘nco.i’nnd.sott~ExposedW.Wu. PL,spanF m .PendantBe". PL, tinting,Pond.m, hpondW.W. Piece Per Dot. @o@:=@o 125 J?» .lo 1.00 " " " n a! Movemqnl Model ;a.-m]: smmh "‘ l’ Gihhflb (flxg.l,ererSeL1 30 as,35,53.79,80 103. 124 117 115. 27a. 77,115,110 110,113, xo.207,211,218,251, Wheeler Over~ llnd. (11: .,bev‐ 5 1 - B e n . 111.1, l-erry. yerson. 151155570151, \ 0“2. 03,215,215252, A305.287, 296, 309 I 106 No 258. 291, 317. 826. 107 No.305. 10350300 102 110.2110. 292. 312. 110 N30:‘2111, 293, "5 No.256.280.fi75.325. H! No.n5315m,m i n 145.310.1121. 165,525,126, \ 3 1 2 1 . 3 533, . Vo.3.50 Raymond.Fun-er 111,275 Lugd'en, Fnrweil, l-lrgo,Al‘dvance, . 0 41 241321 .:u,3.5. so,31. T1me(0.i‐‘.1A3\er S e t ) 180,151,252 ' . Chlet,1\ e,6, 5, so . u. FrancesRuble. Lndy Elwin(Ke) m 9,10 121 15.10, A . 55.4165d,711,s1_ . 277. Owe (o.F., 233. “7.190. . BAymo'nd.Faber N o . 92, “1,121,135, 55,21,152, 35, N ' o 64,51. 24 . No.2lfl.212.m,257. “2 No No. 211. “3 No.3m171a. m.310.314. No. 211, 213. 221, 114 No.303301.311.315 103,1'11,’11'2.im,‘ 1~_ Jo. A0. 3, ' . ter No. 220, No.6. 7, N 97,171. “719111311 1 71707154.' ' ' \ , ., 1o5.°11a n 339. N o . 1 “ ) , 129. 130.173:271. “... 1: 535,113175. 268 No.345. L a d y E l g l n ( 0 . E , Penn. son). 350. ELG1N NATIONAL WATCH CO. L E \ 7 E R S , S E T T I NG. 78. 79. 8... 88. 8-7. F6, l i b . H4 98 ' Thefirst 18SizeStemW1ndMm ememsusedSettingLe\er\0.26 ‘icmniogue No. $3and No.125 are made both H a11leSizc.nnd No.mnnd.\'o.11|(11111119 Si7e,|i1t~roiore it is necessar: lo Specify 11105115, in addition 10Cumiogue \ u m b e r and (11115); 11nd 111105 p o s i l h c 11s [0 51m. give Vumbetoi iiimemem. lmymond.FMher Tnyiqr.Overland, 1 1117,m 511\'0I121.I“.165 .191.197. m,zm,-z16,u1, 1 2111. ILud)Firm (0. Time,1H:2§-.i.e\'v er5e5.1,1r.59.70, 119,101 1 5 1 (U Pen¢SeL), i ’ c 1 1 d . s e t A0. 270. Verium ) . Culver ( n gLev- arSel. 01.03. Tnvlor.6ve'r11ind, O v e r . land.( 0 .1-'.Pen11. Set1,44.75.151, \o 243. (HUI-1 LoverSet),274. 6165 111m”, 135,133. 152: 1 9 5 . CLASS OF MATERIAL AND MOVEMENTS USED IN [film. 30 50.106: 150. 55 31 No. 101 105,1u, 66 Wind). 23.29. G n u Bordan,Dex- Lever saunas, l l ] 130.3321. Pnce i Dr‘scnnhon oi Movemem . P1ece PevDoz i s.c 1 i Modtl 21110 1111 cm Nh 91h 131i1 71h cm 100 2111) 131) 1.51) ‘ 4 (111 3111) ‘ 1-‘. 111, No.1442 No.1834 A. No. 1753 ‘ No. 1725 le.!__ . th, No.1445 N o . 1832 is? i War 1 Mix,ofo.F. Hm.mo r, No.1444 ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. LEVERS,SETTING. Hz. or O. F. Orders for less than onc~rounh dozen will becharged 1" slngle pieceprice. 4 No. 99 To ascertainGradeof Movcmcnl.consult lsozx. in ordering malarial,give CnlniogueNumberandClass,or Number of Movcmcm [ o r which same is required. S i n Model 1! last 15 ll 5m ll II ll ll 11 17 ad 16 10 10 10 10 uh I FullPl I Description llunllng,Kay Sen. null-lg.Leversen. pen Pace.Pendant.Sen. Description V yum" urchnngcnble.Pendantsell. ll Id M ld PL.Open Face.Pend.Sow.Exposedw. \\'h. Pl..Hunting.bowerSen“Expo-seaw. \\'h. PL,Open Flee.uvcrSen-"upoud w. Wk. PL,Hunting.Keysen. PL,Hunung.KeyBen. PL.Hunting.Penn.set!“ tannedW. Wk. PL,OpenFace.l-‘eml.Salt, M ‘ V .“11. PL.Bunting.KeySell. K II Pl.Open Fm Le Sell. 13 Open Face faeverset!" Erma!W. Wh. favorSalt, ExposedW. “11. . ' ‘ . 10 M n. PL.Huntlng. Lover Set:‐ PL.Huntlng. Pendnntsent. PL,Hunting.Pendantsent. PL.Hunllnn'.Pond.M L .Expo-«lW. W». PL.OponPm.Pond.mu.Expandw. wn. PL.OpenFace.Pond.M L .ExposedW. Wk. PL.Hunting. Aversen. PL.sweepmend.Lever Bati- PL.OpenFm.PendantSon. | x PL,Busing,land.sea.ExposedW. W. MODELS OF MOVEMENTS. Hit. No.|743 Cat- ‘ nlogue “ 0 5 “ . 4‘3.43A H. 45 4610 4S , FQIOQIJKL...,A. 70luTH,z~'Olo 7mm A, _ ,, , A ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH C04 N U T S , C E N ’ l ‘ E R P I NI O No.155l,2343 No.587,|447 No.1837 m dam; 5h {1.010, F. HXz.orO.F, Description throrO.F. MODELS OF MOVEMENTS. ml.orO,F, w” NH PL,Hunting.KeySew. FullPL,Hunting,Leversen. PullPL,OpenFace.PendantSen. ' PL Interchangeable,Pendant Sate. PL,OpenFace.Pend.5m posedw. wn. n in.Open Face,Lever Sew X PL,Open Face LeverSou. Exposed w. \\'h. 5;PL.Hunnu , ver Se"... Expo-enw. wn Clnss ' 1,00 100 , 1 m 1.00 07 Movement Model 14101111 NUTS, CENTEIQ \\7I*IEEL. , chn , PmDo: 4 Sm: \ Modal No.1835 @ IA H'g. ov O. F. u l l PL, H u n t n g , K e y S e t t . FullPL,Hunllng. LeverSen. X PL,lnwmhnn me.LeverSelf. X PL,Hunting, ver S e w x PL,SweepSecond.Lever Sett‐ “KPL.O p e n Face, Pendant Sect. x PL,Hunting,Pend.Seth,Exposed\\'.Wh. 10.0 gPL,Hunting, Lever Sate. PL,Hunting.PendantSeth PL,Hunting,l’endnntSett. PL,Hunting, Pond.Sen ExposedW. Wh‐ Size Model I Description Place . ‘ ( Pct Dot ‘ Ala \ I3“ .1n 1 I (Hi Jo .7'y \ 1s 1,m| mhsun 1 ,x mm511mm '. 611) ‘scuphan 01 anmt-M (I " 134] 3d mu 81h, 91h 1.x ‘Jd Glh. 71h (3111, 7111, m l ) 211,3(1 2d lst |o 3d PL.Hunting,LeverSets 5;PL,Openl-nce.Leverser'u xposeuw. wn. X PL,Hunting,KeySew X PL,Hunting. Key Bett. PL, Hunting,l’end. Seth. Ex used \\'. Wh‐ PL,Open Facedl’ondd sew. xposcd W. Wh. PL. B u n t i n g , K e y S e t t , ,Open Fncn,Pond.Be Exponcl]\V. “' I. PL,OpenFace,Pond.se ,Exponedw. “1.1. Gilli! Gm Géid (25151 ‘ dorm £5 (55111 No.1550,2342 I (med \V. \\'II. l | Tn n~c--r1:1:n Grad.» of Movement. com-111 I s m s . In ordering Mulerinl, glvc Catalogue Number and Class, or 5 Xumhvr or .\lu\cmcul for which 511111.- ls required. When 11l'nIlul l<11unmd for n panicnlur Movement. In order to pm. 11wall matched,send the EscapeWheel. 9133531 ".I ' 315.6! so Wheeler. Over. u‘m 229. 591211111an 1113:1.3,“ . .7.., \' Ogden. Fnrwell. Famoflhlmnce, (‘Met,Age.6 R, 5 l 49 Pruy ' 01erlnml (0.1‐ Lever S n ) . 51:11, M1I}. ufiffikg'” . en. ‐ . 55166 .1v‘."1.. ,, Dex wm..61m7’.u. m17,1. "59' 155",n5s1.g,z1,z.. 15. 595 {5 1151. s i o n toi1c.:.15110.314s. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. PALLETS,VVI’THSTONESFITTED. Ordvrs for I f “ 111.111one-fourth don-n will be charged111 xlnglc piece price. CLASS OF MATERIAL AND MOVEMENTS USED IN Trun-1'11 c h e l .1, 6”, . s T. lorl.Overland,no .1o,1os. y. Pm sum, 550 ' o. ' 7a.'166 1 . ' .\‘o.191.1311“. . No lw'. MM .\'o.117115.1191:12. 311. 1 91LadyElmn(o. 2cm1:w-Ir".111I”-be. 9‘1h'11'|°1)r'p._.|qve1.' sz ' 1.5.0. 7l,‘ ' 1111-111“; o1f’a- ‘ £3314“ 1) l , ”125.1 . ~ - "1. 166. 0.275. 1113' 7 Raymond Fn'ther 111ne,(o,i?.1’en11.s o §o.w1mm 110.72,iu,l31,l.§, 53617"7' no.no, £8131“ 5.1 in:45.M1651 No.12-1,1111. 1 No. mar;-Lander l l , \ o. 219. in.208,215,2ll,262, 111.1,‘,.6152,6é a a. .n. '. M°-' ' a 52.3?“ , as . _ 31-450. 69In: mundJ-‘nther . 1 13°“ ' 111mm1-.1.avu SeL).l “1,22‐ flu. “33:17. _ . N u . m,217,z1s.%1, m. 3 016. 3 11 .”9. 3. m 1 $11,311. 291. 291, 317 MG. Price | Pm:‘PevDoz.| 5110 1 Dew 'n0!Movement Model | I “ T w o l l i fl u n f n t t o m “ 0 1 P u n c h 1111111 h u - n 115011 I n t h e w f ' l 1 1 - ~ c < , 1 l 1 c d m c r e n c c b c l n g t h e ( h i c k n c s s o f J e w e l o r Smnr‐rm|lllrmLHum:mun:1I11nullcshungkuonna;.\c\\'Mylo, Inmungorders,unlessOldstyle15men‐ linnml,1hv ,\cw.&1_\lc “111111:$L'l’“. HugM.1010. F mg. I1 V 5 . ' l 231 132.“ .ma,s 17.11. 151 to sum, 7111 I s ! t o 51h 151. 5111 1st lg 4111 21!to 41!) .1:1107111,( u h $1111ng! L i n e " " ngmuAngls " Slmlgnt L l n e 6 \' 111,131,167.N1mer5et.‘),=u." .Voan's,fiiflk'“ 51's 50.213].212m).357. No. 211, 213. 221, $531“ [411121-1!In0F. 1’011'11- "e=-)(--fl-' No.Q. l‘eml- Sen» ’ 11111“. (mg. . magmas. . . 3. {8.9.66 Slrmnll Lun‐ 5. 10. l l . 64. 104. M l ! 6h?“ l s ! l o 5 l l | 14.5111) “ lsnolm ‘ 1mm \n'.:le 2dloill) ' um Mrnuglu Lulu th " 8111, m l ) “ ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. IDXXJLIJIETFES E X T Q I ) I?()PQP(EX WITHSTONESFIT’TED. Place For 001. Il.00 Plice Descnpllon 01 Movement Model I ‘ l to fill]. Tlll ‘Twodlfl'cremformsof PalletshavebeenusedIntheseClus s.thedlfl'erenccbeing:the(hick-no» of June] or Stonerequired: lboselaklngthin ones being known as New 15yle, In lllllng ordcr>, unless 01d Sljlu l~ mew lloned,the NewStyle\\Illbesem. WhenaPalletandForkI;wantedfernparllcularmovement,Inordertogel11well”matched,sendlllc l1~ca|ne Wheel. N o . 6 9 6 N o . 5 9 7 I N o l s l l Die-«E?| rflzl or O. F. No. 601‘1839 ND. 603, 2345 N o . 1 7 2 6 l-fi mg. or O. F, No. 614.1842. 2347, 2352 N o . 1 3 4 3 No. 2077 E N o . 2 0 7 8 N o . 6 1 3 la,§=< y34.l=< Hm.or0. F. Hts.01.0.F. mg.n:O.F. Ht; or 0. F. Htg. or O. F. l.\l. 2d d. lilh. 71h , ls ...d. (31h. 71h 9m |~l[O 11.ml] lst, 3d. 5m 107m till]. Tlh 51h m Tlh 6111.7!l1 Ix! F 0 F . t h . o r0 .F . 151to 3d Isl O F , No.1448.|B40, 2346 No. 1750. 1341 l i iiiInI“, “KI, Iu| ‘iii.w I4; I? i. I il . ...- ‐ ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. PALLE’FS,FORIx’SANDARBORS, WITHSTONESFITTED. Pnce Piece 1PM001. M 0 ' Sim Descvlplvon 1” Movement Modal 2 d l o 51h. 71h miolehfi'lh i : Ull;»',.. . , 2dI0uh " i mm , .' . ' .. .. , ‘ '' GLh an: mix 91h th Strain?!Linc. ‘ .if8 ms Au. . . s 15; "Ht! 97. .________‐__ , . " S t r a i g h t L i n e C o n e P i v o t stmign‘ti'h‘ov. Cone i'irot " Slmight Plrov. 1 8 " u 'Twoullllercnlformsori'allcn»lmwbeenusedInthcsqCingsfl.limiiillercncebeingthelilicknw§qt Jewelor ' ' Sloncrequired hosemklngthinone:beingknownas.\ewstyle. in iiiiingorders.unles»OldM310ismen‐ ! lioned.[heNewMylowillbesent. No. 530.631 ‘ No.1727 Na.i848 l. No.|75!.1846 .g‘Aik Hut. ng. l e . mg.or0. F. O.F. I ml.orO,F. __________‐______________‐‐‐‐‐ No.i45i,1845 No. 2iiO. 2350. 295i No.622.i344,2072.2349 No.635,l847.2353,2354 3“ 3“ Hiz.orO.F. H“.or0. F. No.621.1450 No.2019 il-f Hiz.orO.F. ml.orO.F. 31-4 No.2090,2095,2348 No.615,1449 mg.or0. F. ng.or0. F. 51!) id IO fill) i. .run Is! in -|lh ‘.’li 10 41h N [0‘Ilil " Right Angle " “ isl.2d " N. N. Glh.71h lllh t i l l ) . 7111 i . ~ l , 2 d , ( u h . 71h m. w 71h Glll. 71h. nth ConePivot " “ S t r a i g h t . P i v o t " “ 5unman-wm: " 51h In 7th whim isi 2d. 3d ’ Concnmvov. Stmlgi'rt l'lrol. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. PINIONS, BE\7EL. ‘ T w o dlfl‘ercnl forms or Bevel l‘lnlons have been used in these Clans, s. and pnlns should be taken to compare pan wanted \\'lth lllustmtlons before ordering. A m o n g the Movements Clnssed as 16 Size. Flrsl. Model. several have been made H Size; and of the G Size. Flrst Model. several have been made 8 Slze: therefore ln orderlng n e w ] P i n i o n ; for sumo. be mlruculnr to s l u l c szz 111nddlllon to Catalogue Number and Class. No.1350 N0.1852 No.1728 No. 641 No.1455,1851 ‘ No.1853 D [I] n: 0: l] Htg.or0. F. No. 157 113 Htg,010.F. No.1353 a: mg.or0. F. No.1452 . ' Hrzr Htg.or0. Fr No 49 No.178.1849 No.1738 ll: H3 Htx. Htg.or0. F. No.14’53 No. 27,1739 No.1454 lDE [D [0:1 mg.0!O.F. Htl- ng. No. 70 {he Caz-Ease Hag. or O. F. m l . or O. F. t h . | Pnce l Descnolmn(ll Movemvnl Model lPnecc PM Dan 2.50_ "t ‘ l “ l it] ln-ltll 5m 71h I‘ll. ll! 11 Ml).‘.'ll1 L‘ll l~l l~l M zll Jul In. All ml» 71h 91h 0:1 ml 5ll| Sho' Mode! | Dcmiption ________._‐‐ I Sun I 16 16 . Mod-I Damnation ‐ _ _ _ 18 I! I! In b hall11,llnnllng,KeyBen. "unnumuverSell. X PL.flpcnF m ,I‘vnlI.Sc1!! xposetlW. “11. ”Kl’l..IlunIlng.Law-r Seth.Expownl“' Wh. m m.lwflm.mu}I I I . No.1856 H a . 0 1 0 , F No.642 Hm. o r O . F . No.1457 pm mg. or or F. No. 50 ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. PINIONS,CANNON I-uIIP I ,0mnI-‘ucn.PendantSo". PL,lnurchungcable,Pendant Sen. I'I.O p e n Face, LeverSell,hxvosodw.w'h, PL,IIuntlng.Keyson. 1I’.,llnnllng.KeySc:t. I’L,Ilunung.Pond.Sou" ExfiosedW.Wk. I- II M. UponI-nu ancrSon. a(.I.'Iopen mix":-Is'el Expandw.Wh. 5;PL.IInnlInz.Lev“Seth. posedW.Wh. I n "11,IIuntIng, KeyaSen. Full 11.IlnntIn suc. I.,Open‘ln-ce.I’end.In», pondW.Wh. Pl llnntlng.Kayak Pryce IPiece PevDot.5 Sue .I.-'» Deitviphon ' : Edlo 41h 51h. 71h 5111 my 81hl 91h dIh. 71h. N I ) 0111. 71h Slh Isl 2d, Rd No, a! T-eth mm | Pinion 0 . F . MODELS OF MOVEMENTS. 10 Pinsweepsecond I’L,llnntlnu.Fund.80"...ExpoWW I'I.,mun-chan I'L,IIununlr. Bett. “lef- llnnung. Lover Sen. llnmlng.Pendant5 m . llunllnx,I‘m-dunlu:au. Lever Sou. ’ I. if l’l.. No.101 pm HIz. le. Open Flu-e.“1:11.50",Bxpoicdw.W“ IhI. X I’I" OwnFm.Pond.Sam;Expand\\'.\"ll. 72 ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. PINIONS, CEN’FER. C-i' nlezue Clan 1 + Plice Descvlohonoi Movement 11 - ‐ ‐ ‐ ~ ~ » ‐ A Tram 1 1Teeth 1 No. 1P1cce Pyooz.‘ 5.11 Model 151105111.7111 0111 $111. 11111 1x1 “ 211 31l " 1~110311.r111n117111 " 1 6111.7111, 9111 ,,m 11 11 " 211. 311 1." .. .1 1 9 5 853 5 ‘ 1 3 3 10 .-1 ‘6511.2.. _ > 51011 " “ 652 660 1858 +72 658 661 661 606 660 660 use: 1860 1869 1717 ‘668 5619 670 186i ‘ 1to 11.611066.10310106, . “ . 73 ‘GGS 42. 1.50 1.50 1 . 1 1 13 " " " “ 17 “ .1 1 16 1{i 1. 1 "‘ “ “ 2.50 1.50 “ 1.50 1. 41510 48 47.113 150 1st 31|10Ilh 15110-1111 5111111 “ 1 " Non<1_\‘11- 1 1 “ “ 1 1" 51.1111 1 121011._ . 98.10’ 107 [0 110 . . 11910 70. 77. TS,79.1 . 84 ‘ 1 2.50n .. .. .. 1 TT‘SL S east... 86. 1111. 117 1,50 ' 1.50 " " 300 "16 " 1~l 211. 311 1~1 ‘ " ' V 7 No. 669 .\'c\\ $111“ " .\111111 ‘ 0 1 d S t y l e C e n t e r i’i11iu11sflr1»hul1i 1111105111011 In 151.1” 1-1111011 {11C 1 F o r l i n c k S e l l i n g . n a i n g 1 1S e l l i n g A r b o r . No.1861 No. 570 .2055 1 No. 651 1 No. 671 7A ,. ) 1.50 1.50 N " 41h " .\'1-\\ 51311,‐ “1 “1 " ’1 -- 0111 x111,. 111.11 1.50 1 1.50 10 " 0 0 ‘N ““ " " 3.00 250 1 “ “ "“ " 1.... .. Quick "1 «a» @ @;g; e. 151 1 le.010.F. 1-11; No.652 .. {19} Hiz.orO.F. No.1862 010 r: 1 1 1 1 Hm. 1 No. 650. 666. 667 {$11 mg.or0. F. No. 664 14111 Hag. No.1717,1859 “ mg orO F. No 72 1 o r No. 15 M. 51.11; H1g No.1860 1411110.F. No.9 1 No.73 No.653 1 110.1353 1 110.654 mg. 1 To ascermin Grade of Movement, consult ismzx. in ordering Material. give Catalogue Number and Ciuss. or Number of Movement for which sumo is required. Orders for 1055Hum one-fourth dozen will becharged all single piece price. Observe that 18Size lioremenlsnre made both Quick and Slow Train. MODELS OF MOVEMENTS. Suo Model u 111. 16 8th 10 nth 1! 13: 1“ 12M 12 an 10m a 111k Size Model Dflcyipfion Domingo” p1..0pcn Fnce. Pond. 5111 PL.Hunting,Lever cl, 1m,Open F m .Lu- et PL,Hunting, Kc) a t . PL,Hunting.Key an. 13 18 1.3 18 18 n 13 17 17 u u 16 16 10 FullPL, Hunung. Key Sett- FullPL,Hunting.Lever salt. FuuPL.Open Face.i'endnntSett. Expnsml w. 1030“ W. 1 h; is; 211w"h 5th 61h 7111 3m on: l e t 211 litnnd2d 3111 u 1m; an PL. Interchangeable. Pendant Sen. ii PL OpenFace.Lever Belt. 1:PL.OpenFace Lever50m.ExposedW. Win. X PL.iiuntinsz.[Leversew, Exposed w. “111. [ -u i l P L , H u n t i n g , K e y S e " . FullPL.Hunting. LeverSen x PL,inwminnngeabie.Lever Sett. x PL,Hunnng.LeverSen. x PL.Sweep Second. Lever Sets. 1 PL, Open Face‘Pendant Sell. x PL,uunxmg,1end.sen,Exposedw. Wk. x \\ h. 1-.xposed \\. “1.1. N .. 1 (211101; 1 1 .. .. o 0 0 0 1“ m m 241 3d X PL.Hunting. l'end.Set PL,Open Face,mm 54; PL,Open Face,Pend.sm ExposedW. “1,11. Exposedw. “vll. BxporsedW- “t 1:‐ 1 1 1 1 Htg. 1 Hrgr Hz.010. F. Hm. 1-111.010. r, 1-111. 1412. 1 111; 010 F. 1 1 $ 1 0 1 1 111111011: "1 .\.1>|11i . . 11PL, Hunting. l’end.Seth. Exposedw. n x PL,0 p m Face.Peml. sun,pruscd\V. \\ h. X PL.Hunting,Key Sen. 1 PL, Hunting, Lever Sett. 91PL.Hunting.P e n a “ ;sen. 91PL, Hunting.P e n a “ ;Sen. 0111 M y l c 1 “ £01111 " ‘ Nonx1111 .. . “ 11111~1111~ " 51111 31111‐ " " “ 5111111 1 '1 ' 110.7563 , 11. 4 ‘ .\ w 711 915. 111. ' ‘ 553131. VE I’ ' 117.111.2711. “1.39. 71, 115, 11a, I l O I ' Ill ll 110.1356 |ID I “ I “11101111I' lIll‘r 1L T711)’I o r Overlmul. \' . 07101. i n I . " 1” I . H I . 1 5 8 . \ o u _7. \ mm l 5117111 ( 0 y 1'..1'eu.1.se¢.), s1 v TIIIIEJIII Luv erg5.51.161) i. \oD.1,ua' 110 30.101. 11's 123, , , 191197. . zclulvendllgmw 99semi“. . '" 1 Marge“; . \ o.‘115 $ 0 . 1 0 ) , 110.”11:1, 7 “ . ’28 '? "1 lira. \'0. I ! “ I7I. l“1,111,151,117. (Illz Vungsew, 2 1 . .It»and$1- 1, 511.11”111.119.1119. I m m ; 9 Whealer. 0‘1‘? l u l u ] . (U-I'..I’el1ll 5 C !)- 41.75.33: 1:11.111,114,391. . .151.1sa,1w. -n“I.l-'029‐ ‐ 1. , 1m.11:1.‐ mmzfinmaleéx, 151111215 215329.293, 57.20.1131. .w. 1111 swarm-151,250."107 . ''11.IM. ' .w“9.91,215,211,962. No.250. u1nond.Fnthar 1:11:10.P Sat.)g. 1119, M. 273. ' X0. IN:2:11. mi 1.1 o.7-‘. u1 xiv-319.314. 1 No.1”. “311.33,“' 5 11.1 111,218. omit-11. Fat-well, I'"111no,Adv-mm, UhlerAnal». 11, D. 1 0 . 2 . 1 1 1 111.111, 55.60.5311.5 1 “ 1.11.1! “H N o . 1 . “ 71.171. ndiI‘I-‘ylzr 11,, ' V0 7!‐ ' I'erluu ( o . 1'., Leverkef.211. i191: Tlm~’0"‐ u. H5 Ila-”QM!”-3,5. My. I s e a )11,116.150. m1, 1 " . \ 111 120, Menumler l l , 11,15. (11,u, 56. \: u, m 03. Olverlnmbgm 235, .ovor . Vern l-‘,. 111113351452]? Ilnvluoml (x PL,i ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. u h( 4. .Dux» 8L,5"175.21. .m 0 Laverne”. PINIONS ESCAPE. l Pnco 01 Movement Model 211 la 51h. 71h 1M.10.-'11I1.71h 211to 5.111 Ntofilh I s l 191111 6511 8lh. 0II| 6111.71I1 111|1 rlII. 7II1 I1 1071.11 151. 2d.'311 l I Pivots I C o m 1 $111,113!“ straight ,1 5111115111 t I 1 , P y m 19 PerDot. T u m Tooth I .lU! 1110. N o . IBGO 43.0o Hr,010F My. mo 7 my,070F. 0.F. N o . I 3 5 4 N o .IS€7 N o . ‘ 4 5 1 N o . 6 7 2 . 6 7 3 -=O= a q} Q: GO: mi of 0. F. 141.1,010 F Mg. or 0 F. Hz.or0.F. Hm or 0. F, N o . | 8 5 5 N o . 1450 77 No.1459 No. 6 9 3 CO: . <1» cow (“Cb o. F, | HIz.010.r. le-010F. 11,-g. (I:l~(’r\t‘”1:11I! Sine.‘Iovcmn-ulsaremadebolbQuickandslowTrain. *“_______‐__.‐_‐_‐-‐..‐‐-‐‐-‐‐ CLASS OF MATERIAL AND MOVEMENTS USED IN ( I I I I I O I or " \‘0 I0.l l " 251. .\'o. H7. ”no, 5m».m,1113. 121, Ill Noflul.SILSIB. o. 189,2111. 0.155. 9.III.I ” . No .sa. 115 “391394111114. 1 . ‘107. 169 A: 20, 35. 92. 93 . 41, ,, 29.30.37lo 39. Simv ‘un 51h. 7th Quirk 5m " 0111 P!h “ W“ n HMSimv 14 in .( Hz.or0. F. Descviption FullPL,Hunting,Key SetL PullPL.Hunting,Lever sen. FullPL,Open I-nca.PendantSen. mg, No.1880 0. r. No.1878 PINIONS,TI‐IIlQD. Pm ! Descnphon oi Mcvvmcm lilioiH.. ,,. “,“ “ 70, 7-1, 87. 58. 100. 101 A . . ‘ i ‘ " TI . . '.‘,iiil 46lo48_ _. 'hi No. 6, 697 . GD H i p No. |a7s 04r. No. 2125 Model No. 703 43: 0: . Hiz.or0. F. o. F. mg 010. F, No. 707 O=> mg, Hig. No.1879 0. F. ~ ‐ , ‐A Piece 1PelDor i Sue i 3 an i 7 ‐ ‐ 7 ‐ ‐ ‐ Tu'm 1chlh ,i 1~v m 1in Quick ‘ No.1977 D: Hiz-or0. F. MODELS OF MOVEMENTS. No.188l {33:- 05 O: i, 0: DD 1’ inwmhnnguhle.Pendant,Sam F ii 1.OpenFace.LeverSen. 5‘PL,OpenFnoa,LeverSen. Expoudw. wn PL,Hunting.hey Sen. PL,Hunting,KeySell. ' 5 PL,llunblllg.Pam].Seth. Exposed\\ .“lb; g PL.OpenFace.l‘end Seth,prosedw. “ 11‐ l’i Hunting,KeyM . PL.Hunting.LeverSen... ‘ExposedW. Wh. [- 11PL,Hunting,KeySew. PullPL,Hunting. LeverSett. x PL, Interchangeable. Lever B e l t l' } untlng lAwel' Sen‐ x PL,Hunting,leverSeth x PL,SweepSecond,LeverSen. 1 PL,Open Face Pendnm.San. x PL,Hunting, end. Seth,ExposedW. W X1 X P .Open F cc.Penn.Set, ..ExposedW-“,h~ X PL.0mmFlco,Pand.Sew.Exposedw -“ 1» n 1, 3 1 3 " 2“m"in " lxl in uh 31h Tlh Evil} (iii: Mil mi i~7 will l~i in 3d, Gih mil 1~i KAI Clii m. Till fwih. Till S‘rih Tl“ Mli 7111 lxi 24! ‘..'\|, Kl] ‘ ‘.'|l msed w. 5“PL,Open Face ‘ e r sum,p r o s u l “ I . w i n h m t i n Hamlinm,Seth. em nlltSet-f» ‘end,Sow. Exposedw. W’h. \\'1.. L11\er( 11; av- owl-13,01a: .,_) . no mo. 3Tulunu e'rlund. (1 11:Le" x , . \'o 1:1" 11 2.. "11. . “wrath-"Fl. 1 \o.."15. 31:11:53,515. _11' 1. - w. 113.971. Wheeler. O V e r - Innd. ( In or sen. 111, K. ' ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. PI‘VOTS,BEVELPIUION. Water-del- II. m’bfi1.b.,sd. . .\u. f'r-anc‘enslnlub‘lfiw I (flifi,REY-oi ,5 An'..“rm-m. ell, . Sen m (0 |, Ema"M?'5’s - v 91, 55.6065,111. . £31311, 112, 160. ”396 97.171. Father TImeJOF. I’eml. may7.7, 116. 150» M. o F N D 2 9 , 714 R r\’l‘CI--IE T S . .10 .ll) |l '!_ Damnation o! MIT/errant Sue' HI; ; Heg, ' Mtg. 'l'ua>ccr1nin(1111111: 111Munmum.cnn~11|t Isnsx, In onlcrlngMulcriul, ph‘cCilluloglluqulhcrandCla>s.0r Number of lluwmcul { o r uln’ch xmw I.» required. Orders for lc~< than one-fourth amt-11will hechargedat slnglc plccc prlcc. CLASS OF MATERIAL AND MOVEMENTS USED IN 1 Raymond.m h e r ii 1 1191.1,Ouzrlnlul. . . 1 - 301, i -, Lady 1115111 ( 0 . p, pm“, sea), r, Time.1111 lm-| 1 111.Set), 06. . ' w ..1, " 0. ' .'u 111131,1111. 1111. \o.1110. 130 11:1, £10 or S u n11.“w,70, ‘ifi. 211:11,“I)!“l I)wheelt fl'J- ._ 5023, " u p o u“ -. “dual-f!1:2” II$10.2g3,.."J Lever“sea),as: 0. (X Gull Borden.Dcx~ 153. ” 2 5 . Destupfiuncl Mwement ‘cho’Pwnw. 5110 Model 1:18, _5 1.3 1 “ . 241121111 Pncu Pnecc iPerDo: l “1,210,212”251. 5 0 211. No 332. 1 1 N o m u n u m . i211,21:1, 221, Ii.“ El . sommmum 11 flea-35.35. 'Oid style. rNew style. Ciass Descnpfion oi Movemenl Kind of _ Hansming liregzuci ‘Hm ‘ iircguet iircguel “ ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. REGULATOIQS. Price ‘‐ ._ .‐ ‐ - 7 _ fi r , ‘,_, ‘Pmcemc,001 .‘ Size Model _‐‐‐‐*‐‐_‐‐_‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ __‐__‐__‐__‐____________.._‐‐‐‐ To ascertainGradeof Movement,consult Ianx. in ordering Material,give Catalogue Number nndCinss,or Numberof Movement for which same is required. Ordersfor less than one/fourth dozen will bechargedat single piece price. is ‘ . i~lto5m.71h‘ “ m1051hj‘ M to51h ' i s ! lo 4111 F i a t 5lh " liih 0\ ul " 1"l:il ,, Bih Omi . 81h 91h ikl 2d “ 15! (Juli 91h ‘~ . ‘ iireguei, i-‘iul “ i m a m71h,‘)ih i~l ist. Ihl. 4th " i “ ‘ ‘ FluL hi,3d " ‘ . Fim‘..1 Flat .. , ‘ . 2d AOml . iireguet u Vii”. Oval " Iv “ , Iflni. ' lircuncl Fifi! im'uucl i-‘lut iircguet Hui. lsrcxuel 1" int lireguel No. 720 l © m = i1| mm or 0 F No. 725 ”‐ t No. 721. 722 No. 730 ©=== I 510.759 é ‘ No.1540 No. 723 Hm or G F. Hm No. 731 No.1889 No. 736 77‘\\. if 1412.o'0F. No. 1469 47}: CV/ mg. or 0, F, mg. N0.1952, 2120 No. 742 No.724 No. 727 Desuripfion In PullPL,Hunting.KeySalt, Dcminlicn g l’lv.Open Face.1‘1md.8ett..Exposedw. Wh‐ 2d (A) “ 1 ! 5th 6th 7"! Full I’L, Huntlnx.Lever salt. FullPL.Open Face.Pendant.Sou. ' I'I"Hunllug. Lever 32"...Ex ted\\'. Wh. pondW.Wk. W. W. poledw. wn, ELGlN NATIONAL WATCH C0. TQIECEIJIJIXTFCDTQSS Ht: at O. F. A Ly/ ng or0,F No.1967.2165,1468 fax“ D No. 1963 D; H1:.ov 0. F4 ©= We. No. 1961 N0. 1893 Q5‐ QT” l'|.. lnlervlmngwblc‘ Panda“: Ban. 1- II P].Openl-‘u-e.LoverSen. KPL, OpenFace.LeverSew.ExpelledW. Wh. l’l. Hun;Inn.Lev-rsen" ExposedW. Wk, u I‘m,Hunting. Keysen. PullPL.lluntlng. bevcrSeth X PL.llnnunn.l’emluntscfi‐ 3! Pl».Hunllng.rend-mM s . ‘K P] able. Laval- Sen. PL,Openhas Pendantso". 1 PL,lluntlng,Penman.Exposedw.wn. P L , Intel-than xPI- llununlt. Hunting. PenmsnL.BxpoudW. Wk. pen M. Penn.sew, Expoledw.\\ , OpenFm.l’ud.StunExposedW. “11, PI., sweep seen -No.743.1410 No. 2180 MODELS OF MOVEMENTS. Q:‐ ifPL. I ’ TU. 71...,SSI. 100 101 461048 . . A8... 60, 70.79.821080. Ill}. l l : 96,07 .................... . l' F . P L 1 “ 91PL A. " " F.m. “1 Pl. " I s l l o am. 7 ” ) I s l [ 0 51h cm .. an: 81h. 01h m. 2d lst, 2d, (5111, T H ) 151,to7th,9111 u lst'3d,FM]10TL)! U u r m - l . " Sapphire h u r n u l " _ Supphlre. ITto H)22[1°2: %.10-’. 107.108. ‘ la! " ”g.31,35,40, - Game! a 4-1, 45 05.69, 12.73 . 70,7‘.87.83,lw.10|,“l [0114 . 4610 48. 2d.3d I s l . 2d.3d lst Isl. 2d ‘ Sapphire G u r n c l " ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. IQINGS, 1TRICTION. Price Deacnoon we” Pchoz sale 1 1 .10 j ! ) 1 I S ||<'. m l m l o - l l h lQOLLElQS, SAFWE'TY No. 31Fnction Ring Hm 1x0LLE1-QS, "FAJfiLE. IQOLLEIQS. ’l‘A]3LE, \\’I’1‘HJEVVELSlfl‘IT'I‘ED‘ chcc PerDoz ‘ Sue ‘ 3m ‘ 1s a; m ’ No.1888 Saiety Roller (9 O. F. M o m an: H»; _t , - ' I~ltni|lLOl!1 " hl‘iklfivlllluilh Pnce Pieceipemoz; ‘ ‘ ‘ 2 Descnohon o! Mcvcml-nl Mode: \ Pnce \ 3Pmce ‘PerDo: , Dt'scr-phnn oi Movem.,nt .| 1.y105111_71h .l . “ 14mm. |. -. 1 (51h Ml] MI] {uh ,1 Min! 151.10 3d l~l " 88»! 1.41. to 5111 ( m i d Nickel bl 1»! lo 51h. 71h Glh 14.24! 1511071h 2d la! 1051h.71h Isllo 7111 M I05lh.71h Flh.m ) » M to 7lh,mh 1's! 2d. 3d lxl. 2d I.2.8.7.Dlh 3d lo 5“! If! 151. '.’d ls! 2d. 3d Isl. - 23 swam: lirlq‘ge Arbor). Sweep "x15” ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. SCREWS,USEANDNUMBER. CM' 510mm Artvcle N°' 9&5 l .\rm. Vihnuh - , .. ..___‐__. Model mm It!(041h A)?! Is!to7!!! £103 . ls! ‐ 2d. 3d ls! ls‘l. 2d I s ! t o 5m. 71h 81h om I s ! t o 7m. 9 t h I liulum-v. Mr “" .‘Blh£1624. " |31n|’|..,' lawn ,, , _ mm . nifl'OL il'l'w'l'l . . ( 5 : ( 0 4 1 8 7 83.100. 101, ” 1 1 0 1 ” . 461mm!“ ’- All 67 1074.87. 3“. 100,101,111 t o l l - i . 461048 211.31! 01h SmI 9 ” ) 1Bridge.l’1n10n.Belg-0L. , ~. ' . ,, . . . Lung. .5110111 " , 211101111 3111.7111 2d1011h “ . : _ ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. SCRE\\7S, U S E A N D NU\/IBER CONTINUED _ Amcle ‘ffi ‐‐ Cap.Arbor..... . . ' l‘ CupBridgePinionBowl. . , , ' 211101111 Cn‘p.RuxchclA . , . '. ‘ "Long _. . A. 1~1 10 7111.1, 7111 11111 RH) 9111 1 d . "111 A " I~l “ Short , . ,,,,, " " ._ E.."I~ ’ ,.;211,311 Cup. Arbor. Wide Base 4 v (ith.7lh,\1111 ' -/Isl.ugm Rmchez. " - Selling: . " ' l u ' ‘ ~ » -v- ‘ 81110111 was o:|\ ')‘' |)_’U\. 32104]. W. 32. 36. 37. 41°98 42. 43 01to(H.105.108 HIGH"... _ 1.1. . A . . . . . .‘ 8111.91!) .'10123 , A _ ‘ 311.4111 8111.9111 F l h . 9111 0111.7lh.9111 “ I s l 211,13d 151. 211 10-1111 (”Uh 2910 3 1 . 321041.9‘Zl090.98 101107101“) 4" 43 . 3__ Dial Foot, au_ 4 '61h 1 , 32m 41,92109.7 81 071074.87.88 100,101111100114. 491056 75,I15. 571000.81 , ‘61083, 85.86116. 117. lst to 5th, 7th , . . - . ' Descnphon o1Movement, Dmmclm 1 Sue 1 Dull 1 Tan 1 ..01'.‘.¥<1 120 01 j 120 ‘ 4 UM HO 1110 2d . '120 2 d[ 0“ I ! I I “ 5111 0 1 » 1 110 M]! . “no.”U 0111 7 t h " ‘ 1111 1_ ‘(311 , 120 flimh 110 J? 194 243“ " ‘ 14 ‘ 91110-1111 > . L , ' 2d3d . .0118 M0025 AW.“ > 151. film 10125 .0I25 AM.“ 11128 . 11128 A . . Model v l: . . .< Nmh .1:0 (1111, 7111. 3111 1211 Is!.‘I)“ “ . ' 1:11 2d,lld 311 l~( .. le 2d .. 1I'll) lsuofid 1111 A IN) .(051h7111A.‘, . 1d1051h . 1Amuxi‘ . 01h .' "HE A 1x1, 2d lbl (0 41h 5th 6th.7lh,0lh A - . . "’ 1111111 81h. 91h IsL 1,0 7th em.TLh.on; 2d‘3d 151.211 18! 271,34 1 111“) 120 film“ ‘ 11k 1 1 0 ’ Din! Fool. llnh Maine! Imlux..,. Modal Isl Blb.ml: 2 .3d IslI0 5111,7th 61h 81h. 01h Isl. 2d 01h. 71h.9lh M. 3d 2d 2d, 3d 8111 m Io5th,7th MIL 9m ( u h , 71h, 91h “A! M N w 5 ). 71h MIL 9th 6th 71h,0111 ! Dnll 1' .0I68 J)?” SI fl. Bqu'IIce.Lo'yver ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. SCREWS,U S E A N D NUMBER, CONTINUED. I. l' I")wr (L’Ufl Nb"l’L'Ilh' 91h 472033 ‐ SH. 10:7. I l l ) em Nth. 91h I > I t o 7 t h 6th.7 " ) Nb Isl ls! Io 3d 3d I s ! to sub. 7111 8m, 0!!! 0m, 71!) 2d. 3d I s l ( 0 51h Islm 5111,m: lilh 81h. 91h IslI0 71!) SKI), 71h, 01h Isl [0341 II Isl IsI.to 5111.7“: 81h. 01h 01h 7th 4 l1 Isl. (0 511157111 0!b 8!!! Mb Isl to 7“: (III), 7!!! 9th hat m to ad 3d Isl,IoJfisIh.7th 801. 9th Isl 2d 1.7308 . mos..‐ JIM . £163 ,0I68 . £303 . mes v 41163 y. £108 . ,0IQS . ' 93, 0 111_ trap , 60m. I s l l o 5 l b 020 . ' IslI05111,7th 0303 I Article Jewel, 511111 Balance, L o w e r Ulqmc'er ‘ 01111 ‘ Tap 1,131or, Cum C111lc ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. SCIQEVVS,USEANDNUMBER, CONTINUED1 3210 41198, 102 ‘ 111,112 ... ‘.‘ 2d. 311 151 0111 8111, 9111 (111117111 51111 151 7111 24110-1111 nlh. 7111 Is! 151‐ 211to 4111 21] 1.051.11 51h, 71.11 81.11. 01.11 2d 3d 105111 011).71,1].911) 2d. 3d 151. £14111 mu! .014L‘ A110“ 111113 1_ 0141-1 111115 .(113 .(ll'.’ 1110 97 10 69, 71 3 2 1 0 4 1 . 3210111,9‐ 951,103 d 211 It; $1 2101111’109; 1 , 1111111111110111 ’ I, humv 7.1111 11171011\1 11111111» .7111;m(‐ 1 113111 i ._ “Jih‘ ‘U 111111 “2m 1 1131». 11-3115 1_1|11'1~1 11|111~ 11115 11’_'|\ .11’.’1“ 121 “Jun 1131.1 A 1 1 “ 113m 411“ _11;11< 11:11. 32,30,31.~11.08. (57101187 881100101.11110 11-1. 491051 52... Descuuhon 01 Movement 15110 7111, 9111 1>l 2d.31l 1~l 1>1 1311 1 151 111311 1~l N 111511117111 ‘ 0111 F111 11111 um 1 4 , 2 4 1 l~1111 13111 P | 1~1 1~1 10.111 311 311 1~1 l\1. 211 1~1 1~1 10311 1‐1 1111, 11111 15111, 7111.11111 ‘341 All .(I 1x1. 211. £111 151 1051111, 7111 S111 0111 151.211 (1111 71110111 1131111 1 111» ‘mm “R SCIQEVVS, U S E A N D NUMBER, 0 0 N T IN U E D . I | A'hclv | | mmmm. 10mm. , '21041. , UTlo 7 .,{uman. . , . 57mm M "310313 fl a w 1 1 6 i , §Descnnhuuo! Movemnnl 2d ls! 2d. 3d IS! IS! to 5111.7!!! 51h. 71h Isl. 2d 15! u 6th Kilnmh Diameter Drill Tao Hull:7IZ-‘vp _, www-{mg .- . ' running“.. A ' ' " ,- , lsl Iofilhfilh Mu'ing..\rm,\ il ,. , ‘ Regulator Selling 1105" Slop.Cum.Soul 5. " Lever .. f " . ; to H ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. 34w 43,2910 3: , , . tilh Isl.2d 2d to 41h 51h, 7111 3d, vlth 5th ls! u 21] 131 5th 61h lstto 511),7th 01h 811). 9 t h Isl; 2d {id to 51h 61h.TH) 91!) 2d. 3d Isl.21! IS! 2d. 311 IS! 4!!! 81h, 01h (Slh. T N ] 1 81h.91!) 151 “3141h t, . ..v 0mm:01h 2d Cd Isl,2d Isl 2 d . “ Isl. no II (b.«s.103101 6.Il.011061 12m |-|.. 901.001.W. .. 8th,9th , . , ' Mmfith , , . 311.5”: is» lsno5:11.71]: " Mlofilh 81h Sim Model | Description | Size i 16 l Model Dcscnptton Article Stud.Spring.liair, Class 16)to 41,9:2to 95,95, 102.107to 110 . 44. 45 , A 67t074,87,88,100,101,111t0 l l i m to 48. .. 4940 56, 115 57to 60, 76to 86.116,1I7 90,97. ._._..._.. 32t04l, 095.9814 33.3-1.30," 32,37. . . . . _ . . . 87,88.100,101.111t011~| 77. 81. 85. 86, 116, 1 1 7 , 06. 97 , 5110 | , Model Setting : Winding.Inter_ _l291031. ' Octal1mmim ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. SCREVVS.USEANDNUMBER, CONTINUED. EXTRASIZESCREWS. It sometimes happens when: screws have to be removed and replaced in movement a number at tiutetflthc threadin platebecomeswornsothatthescrewsorerturu; to takecareoi suchcaseswemakescrumthat are slightly larger than the regular size winch are known as “ n o t ; in canes \\‘lu're the thread hm lii'tzri (‘tllil‘t'iy stripped a screw is used which is known as EXTRA LARGE; but beiore using the latter the holes mltsl. he relappcd. Largeand extralargc screws are not made for our entire line, but, we can furnish them in many of the kinds‐ whicharemostused. The-cscrews\\illbesupplied at the ~ante price as the regular. in orderinggive number andletteror screwandstatewhetherLARGEorEXTRALutot:arewanted. \\'heh extra large are furnished. we can supply taps to beused with them. TIA/IING SCREVVS. Forthebenefitorwatchmakcr;whoarecalledontoreplacellrcguuthairspringsin ourmovementsandwho finddithcultyin bringingtltcm“iotlmc”withinthelimitsof the regulator,owingtothenewsprint: livingtoo strongor weak,asthecasemaybe,weareputtingupas~orimcnis0!TimingScrctnforthispurpo~ewhichwe believe w i l l prove oi g r e a t assistance to the trade in quickly concreting the e r r o r ‐ b y the addition or substitution citspairat thesescrews. Eachassortment of composition screws contains titty pairs, while an assortment of gold has twenty-tire p i l l “ . consistingof sixdltlercntweightsor valuessuitablefor movementsof onesize,the\‘fll‘lOlls weights hciugplili't'ti inseparateboxes.properlylabeled,givingthecitectapairshouldhaveonthebalanceforeach hourrun. Till-m) sixboxesareenclosedinalargerone,thusmakingaveryconvenientpackage. Seepage120fordescriptionand prices. INSTRUC’FIONSFORUSINGTIMINGSCREWS. If,onplacingtheregulatorinthecenteroftheindex,it,is found,on runningthemovementonehour,that it gainsa certain number of seconds, a pair or these screws should be selected of suitable weight or value to over‐ cometheerrorandplacedin thebalancedirectlyoppositeoneanother.uhichshouldbringsametotimeor within thelimitsortheregulator;tr.however.it isfound.onagainrunningthemovement,thatitloses,thenremovea pairor regularor fullsizebalancescrewsfromthebalance,beingcareful thattheybetaken fromdirectlyopposite eachother.andrunthemovementwiththebalanceinthiscondition,whenitwillundoubtedlyberound thatit gains,in whichcase.byagainsciectingapairof timingscrewsthedesiredweightto correct such condition, and placing them in balance. in the same position from which the pair were removed, no diiliculty should be had in correcting any slight error which may,nppcar, by the aid or the rcgulator. hm PL,Hunting,Keysac l-‘ullPL,Hunting,laver Sett. FullPL.Open Face,i’cnd‘ntSalt. 7th 8th > 9th i n 1“ XPL,OpenFace.Pcnd.Set Exposed\\' PL.Hunting,Lever Set X osetl \V. \\ lt. PL,OpenFace.LeverSets"Exposed W. Wh‐ P l . . I n t e r c h a n g e a b l e , P e n d a n t S o n . ]- li Pl. OpenFlee Lever Bett. 5PM H u n t i n g , K e y S e t t . PL,Hunting, Kay Sew. PL,OpenFace. f e rBetnfixposed\V.Wh. 2d ad tut lat 24 §1:1.,Hunting.Pend.Seth. Exoscd\\’.\Vh. 1t.,OpenFace.l‘end.new, posedW. Wh‐ PL.1!untiug,1(cySett. l‘l Hunting,Lever Sate. PL.Hunting.LeverSelf... lPl.,Hunting, K Sett. posedw. \Vh. FullPL.Hunting rSett. X PL,Interchan able.Lever Set; X PL,Hunting, fl V e rSett. x PL,sweepSecond.Leversett. x PL,Open Face.PendantBen. X PL,Hunting,Pend.SetL,ExpandW. Wk. § P .,Hunting,PendantSuit. PL.Hunting,PendantSeth. MODELS OF MOVEMENTS. , . . , t . , , , . . , , , l e t 2d. 8d 1.~t 1st, L’d l~t mild is! 6th, 7th, 0th Etltfith 2d.3d .0:.’UR 02054 0 1 0 ! 020K .Oi('i>i 0168 013 _ . 01348 Alt-18 01308 ‘ (12h‘ 0:08 J'I‘Jllti r .(llt'><‘4 2150 0:18?! 1 I0 1. "i HO (. 08 l 10 iliiil‘i, 110 autos H0 1)Iii)-i Description oi Movement Diameter Dull Tap lst to7th,0th 020K 02:19 91PL,Hunting. l‘end.Set . ExposedW. w i n I PL,OpenFace,Pond.Seth.ExposedW. W!!‐ X PL,Open Face,l’ond.8ett.,ExposedW-Wh‐ t .i 154 A ‐ F I M " e n d , B r i g h t . E d g e S l o n c d a n d C o r n e r e d , u‐Flnl "cad. Bright.EdgeStoned. c ‐ F h u "cull. B r i g h t , Edge n o t stoned. D ‐ H m l l e n d , Blue. E d g e n o t . s t o n e d , E ‐ F ‘ l n l "end. G m y ‘ E d g e n o ! stoned. F‐licvcl"cad.might. EdgeStoned. G‐lxevel " e n d , " r i g h t . Edge n o ! Stoned. l l ‐ l i c v c l l l c n d , B l u e , E d g e n o t s t o n e d . ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. PRICEOF SCREWS. ‐‐‐-‐‐‐‐‐ , ‐‐-‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Cal'I! A H B i H .¢o¢uu‘-» No SIno:' mm]0onIGmss . v001.lGm: inm' ‘' ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. IDPQICZEi (DP? SN:IQE3\A7$L CONTINUED. D ‘ E F 001 {G'oss‘ 001 name ‘ Doz. ; Gwssi "Lo'o' G 1, H . Gross 1g Dnzv \ Gross I C a t a l o g u e ; Diameter N°' l TIP lThruds per1 i Inch Pnce | if t, Cnalozv. i No, ms Dinmtiet Thread; PB! 1 Price ‐ ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. PRICEOF SCREWS, CONTINUED. l D Gvoss ] Do Dorv {Gloss l Dot, $6105?" Dot . 007. 1 Gun! ”FIR/IING SCREVVS. For the benelit or wutchmukt-n u ho are called on to replace iireguet hair springs in our movements and who findtittileulr inbringingthem"totime"withinthelimitsoftheregulator.owingtothenewspringbeingtoo strong or “edit us lllitl! -e may . wenre putting: up ussortmeuts of Timing Screws for this purpose. which we belie“-wiliprm'eatyr. lfl~‘l.~|flll ;tothetradeinquicklycorrectingtheerror‐bytheadditionorsubstitution of u 1' it of “new screns. ' . h u~~ortu|ent of composition w w w ; contain titty pairs, whilean n-‘sortment of gold has twenty-lire pairs. commune u! six tlill'e ' t wemhh or vuiues suitable for movements of one size. the various weights being placed in hep-unlit: boxes. pro; ly labeled, giving the elteet u pulr should have on the buiunce for elicit hour run. These sixboxestire enclosedininlargerone.thtlsmilkingitVeryconvenientpacknge, SEE PAGE l70 FOR DESCRIVTION AND PRICES. AND PAGE 56 FOR INSTRUCTIONS HOW TO U S E , ’PAPS. OnpagesSito 80."Screws.UseandNumber."thediameters0! DrillnndTaprequiredforeachparticular screw ure given in thousandths part of an inch. We are prepared to furnish the trade such Stnndurd Taps. sultubiy markedontheshanks.usperthefollowingdescription: JO ,l__ ‘| .|li| Observe that several different numbersof screws are the same mt relates the diameter and number of threads per inch. thus requiring a comparatively small number or tops to embody the entire line. T” I'm" 120 . no no l E-ehiForDu .4 87, K 70.77. 1.RI. 78.79. 2‘SC! . 85'86, 116.11: _ 90 No.1912 E113 ngA 010 F. 61h, 7111 2d 3d 4!06,GI.G'2.103.105 ‘ 155 A " " 21110 Hh 511.3111 No. 1471 ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. SLEE\7ES,VVINDING ARBOR. Class No.19l3 Class mm PevDox Sun ,_,’ , [11:1 His.01OF. th m 0. F. SPRINGS, ARR/I, N’IBIQA'IING. HIE. ng. SPRINGS,CAM. Class No. 180 Pnca Piece Pet 001. 1,50 Hm. or O. F. N o . E113 m u JO ’ v Jo .1u . ‘ ‘ ‘ ~ JO.‘‘ 3m JO .' l’l.\ 3dIlh .lfl ‘ ‘ 5111 .H) “ km2.‘ m .10 ‘ ~ “ 2m No.1729 S‐ Dcscuphon ot Movcmont Deacuohon o‘ Movonmn: Sue 3 Model S i n Model Dascripficn fl. Size % __‐‐_‐-‐-, Model _...‐ 311 H g . o rO . F . , . mg. o rO . F , No. 774 m Hm. Descriyliuu 1.1.11 .. mummy. 15 ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. No.2355 ' G’,<; Hvz.m0F. No. 103 . ‘ ' H!z.nr0,F No. 89 SPRINGS, CLICK. Class Fm.» 1 Dozc'ivfion ol Movemnn! No.less ' No.1897 , No.765 (_v No. 74 Pull l’l., “Inn PullV] M F open ' . ' i 16 16 16 1 4 I! 10: K I'L,Open Face.“and.SclL. Exposed “f “11. XPL.Huullng,DoverSou“Expnml\V.W . l'enunnl.Sell. , w r u h m g w b l e . I ‘ e m l n n s S e a . PL,Open Face.LeverSclL,bxpowd W \\'h. P L , H u n t i n g . K a y sou. PL,Hunting.Kcysou. ull .OpenFace.LeverSeu- il.’PL.Open b'ncc Loversew.Exposedw. \\'h. 1 PL.Hunting.Pond.sew.Ex wedW. \\'h. gm"OpenF m .Pond.sew, posedW. Wk. l’l..Hunting. averso». ExwmW. Win. ullPL,llunllng. KeySen. l‘lmllnnung.KeySen. I'l.vIlunllnw.Lover Ben. PL,Hunting.PendantSe". FullI’l».Hunting. Leversew X PL,lnumh-n nblo.LeverSen. N th. MODELS OF MOVEMENTS. ng.or0 F. _‐ 6 l'l. PL,llunung,Pendantsou. . | l'l.,Open Face‘Pendant82“- x 11,llunllnu,I will.SOIL,Exposed\V “11. [0-0 K PL. llllntlnw. I'end.Sou” Exposed W. Wh. PL,Open Face,Penman.EnmedW. Wk. PL-OW“Fm.POM-Beth,Bipolar]\V.“11. ‐‐ ,pm.IPuoox, Siml vI ll} m. i A I Model 2d (0 53h.71.11 M to 5th 2d Io 51h. 7111 2d 1951h (Shh 3d 10511: 3d. 51h No.1896 mQ Strength t‐-3‐3‐4. 1-2 1 a Htg. or 0. F. Htg 010 F No.1959 @ Htg. or O. F. Htg. Hg. or O. F. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. ESEDPRIPQCEES, PIZXIIQr»(3()IJIJI§7FEEI). Pm Piece | Pet om. 4. l. I. l. 4. i. 4 l. I. Price01swing n Vibrating Descripttan at Movement ; ‐ ‘ _ i Tram t i <1. 2 d . 3 d i l i r e u u e t 1st to 5th, 7th ist to 5th ist to ~lih ‘ i Quick ’ “ lirezuct l"iui “ it i. l No. 792, 793. 794 Since issuing: our Price List of Material in 1890. it has been (leemt-(l nth lsnhlc to chance the manner of classifying llair Springs, for the following reasons: \\ e hate at \'urinus times uuulv changes in the st-terui \|At'.~0f Balances.which havealtered.the weights of same. 1dconsul-tenth“ the strengths of Hair Nprtu, hurt to he changed according); so much so, that the ltalunce which no original y used in our ” t j i u s s i" umvcmeuts took thesamestrengthspringasthosewe arenowusingin ourpresent litreof “ tllussti" movements, and in order to assistthetradeIn procuringsuitableiiuirSprings.haveadoptedthefollowing. stem: Taking the heaviest ltainnce we make oi‘n given size, as a standard. we r i l tit: it suitable spring to it. which springisknownasStrengthNo.i; forthenextlighterilninnce.ofcoursetakingalighterspring,thestrengthis knownasNo.2,andsoon. In eachcasethe Lowesr strength number represents the sum. ' spring, and the wettest numberthe “amiss-r spring Haring abandoned “Classes" as relates to iiair Springs, it the NUMBER or unvrzmzvr is given for which spring: is wanted. It will beatassistance to us in selecting one or proper siren-4h. nitlmuhh the t , \ ' stun: WAY of getting!) suitable Breguet ilair Spring for any special movement is to s u n tts T m : H a m s H that we may vibratea spring to it: this does not necessarilyapply to lvlut Springs, although better results would be obtained should the same instrucuons be followed. In casediiilculty isexperienced in bringinga new lialrSprint: “ t o time" within the limits or the Regulator. owingto thespring's bein too strong or weak (as the case may be) we are putting up assortments or Timing Screwsforihispurpose.w ichwillproveorgreatassistanceinquicklycorrectingtheerror,bythemiditiouor substraction of a pair of these screws; a full description and instructions for their use will be fouuti in its appropriate placeunder “Screws." WithBreguetHairSpringsthepricequoted includesthe HairSpringStud. Orders f o r less than one-fourth dozen w i l l becharged at single piece price. SteelorNickelBalancesin issizetakeaStrengthNo.2spring. Slow 0th Qulck“ (Silk 9th lei. 2d ‘ist to3d, 51h to7th, 9th i " ‘ lircuuet slow ' iv‘iat 1st to 5th lst i lfit " ll‘int 1st. 2d " lst to 3d lst " ‘ “ “ i ‘ iirt-euet [fiat ltrtxeuet iv‘lat ltrttguet ‘ ii'|itl “rt-tum! 2 11111:1;161. ‘Luir 5:01:19] ton . , . No.1894 L, C“ H1g orO F. Price Description 91 Movement .‐“ thceiPeron. Six. Mod-1 91Pl. 81.11. 91.11 . 10 " 811157“: . .. .. M g . 0 1 0 F No. 53 «fax ' 3-’ 1IRllan0n(|,Ylllllel" Timed"! 1_- No.1258 . No. 1900 . , . . No.164 A1 4 1 2 . 0 1 0 . F . No. 2153 O.F. ll ‘ m u “ ;Lev- (u. 76. 15:1 9Wheeler. (her- lnnd.(o.r ‘ml. ' 15 .\o.J"O. Vernal. (mm. 1 w h e n,61.113. S'Tnilormverl m ] , Lever .) 4,3. 4 Wheeler Over‐ 11.11.1411“: L e v ‐ 01' sung 141111“, ferry.h or-cun- «111, .\'o. 219. .\'o.u=ut.z1s,2u.m lid ‘( 3,0150. 3. 53:11de(0. E, 1h n0)1"()i{.=1.’1'.. 3211611“ 1111 “11:21 6 Owl's", hr Fnlgo,Acl\ §''5- 02 1 : 1 L 3u ' w. , r s1 e . w u ‐ _ a 1 : . ) Chief.Axe. L g “ M ) . 2 3 5 . , " afmfi'w01.171v at. £0-1121”. D. 1 itnymohafF-wer No.210.”£51,257. xv 217. No. 211, ll-t 221, N0. u: No.N I S ) ‘810.3". No.mso1.3u.:115. 1 . 1 1 b 35. .\'o. w. ‘l'lme.(0.P.I'¢ml. s e t .)17, 1.19, 150, 106.1” 110.933,114,127,135. $211 21 n 0.P‘.. {2}:finigtfé ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. SPRINGS. CLU’l‘CI‐I LEVEIQ. . . . 1 ‘1 S'Tly' l n r0rerln11d.,".’9[.\'o 117,14“. 5!$0. ”1,131.1“. E1541! 1 . 01.100"ng 16 2.0 15151521135‐ 71 $0.191.197. 75 SO.M.WJ,210,EIL N0.” 1 . L a d y 1h. l'flld. sew. 9-55. set),2“. P Kc. .\'0. 117.115.11911132. ISIJ' ‘G e n n ] s e w , Jab ( 0 . No. 2152 C; 0.15 SETTINGLE\'ER. ; No.1476 Q; l . H1; mo F ’ 2mm»;'if. ‘Nln _., . ., _ . . 151.211y .' ... .. . . _ 311.th 991 Pan 1 che Pcho.1Sue1 Model ' "~..""1 2111134111 7111 Blh ,'t'_:.:‘",11:t‘ ."sm'fmh 01.11 :', ..162d 1;,.""'..10.‐ Hit. w 0. F, CLASS OF MATERIAL AND MOVEMENTS USED IN . I'M-I'd-gt}, .' M D . Descriplmno' Mow-nut C115; 16 21 36. 41,98 10. 18121.36 «11.98, 16.21,30.41.S)S, 16.2136 «11. BS 6710 74 S S , 100 101.11110114 87 88100101,111101|~1. 4610 48 ‘6108315861810631111115 761083. 8- m Descnpflon ol Movemom Model 11410511], 711) 151 10 511] 2d 105111‘7111 Lat 105111 24110 5111, 7111 6111 R111, 9111 N. 211 151,211,6111,7111,1\111 151 10 7111 611117111 1st to 7111 (5111, 7111 151. 211.311 1 inches ‘ ” " 5 Inches Inches No.812.2096.316.2446 FDI: if? 5 P111. 010. F. No. 825 No.817.2447 roe‐”h Htg. or 01 F. No. 823 ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. SPRINGS, h/IAIN. No.1712,2449 lam‐‐ {ao 3 1 goI’d-b 1411. No. 1956 1111. or O. F. No.2325.2443 (3:3: P111, or O. F. 1111.010. F. mg, or 0. F. No. 1957 No. 2097 gm‐film Puce ‘ ParDoz. Size L e n a " ) d e m Truck-1955 b 141 in |r1 ‘ Dennisan Gnuzo W1d1‘n 1 20 20 130 ‘30 20 20 " Tongned, n o l braced. 1CAUT1ox‐Notlce dilrerence 11111111111of springs used 111same classes movements,0111111014110 S m , 1720 mm $1’u11ched1 1\1111n Sprlngs. as now used in golng barrels, 1111vc 11hmcc W111] 11projection each 51dc nl‘ spri w1|1befilled \\'11h such, unlessspecinuy ordered 115 tongued or punched' when barrels are not p r e s e n t s l y l e o f b r a c e , b y b r e a k i n g o fl o n e p r o j e c t i o n L h e s p r i n g s a r e 115 o r l g l n n l l y m a d e , 111111 1111 ortlors 01111311 for the 0. F. No. 2326 1112, 010. F. No. 2327 Em Km H1g. No.1713,2450 No.1720,2339 1061J 74 mg» or 0. F. No. 2324 mg. 010. F‘ N o , 2329 ' Cat‐ |alogue No. 2d 15;um!3d 3d l 6 PL.Hunting.Pendnntsuu. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. SPRINGS, NIAIN. ' Allfixesa'nd..flame:o,rour l . <0 .240 Ionlz. Lonlz Hub , No,860,th» ”h ,735lon,v,,5nonl-lub No, WM,0. F. <<>.256long No,Bfll.Ht; orO.F. as» Jello“; Na.I905.Hg.or0. F. ‘ <3:-.240lon¢.5honllub E <> .235 long, Long Hub l il i No.1902,Hiz.or0. F. No,BGI,mg,010.F. ________ No.566.Hit. GD mole“ No.1905 mg.or0.F. No.867,mg. -4> .l98loug No.868,ng. ll .256lonz < 3 ? .302 long i c l ) »E .__________.__ i I {Wannabee} 42>J“ “W. (a, .ls-tlong “33h49°‘°"1 ¢’ ,l74long No.868.Hig. N“.569.His.0!0. F. No.17”.mg. No.i901.O.F. WWWW <> .170 long «a» .I46long 49 AS? long w sizesillustrationsof llnlnnceStan‘sareshown that the llecullnrllyln shapema bemoreensllydiscemed, theEnlglcrbeingnclulllsize.andtheotherenlargedlive dlnmetcrs. hollce that in He 18, lb and ti sites.we dlllerentlengthsareshown.thepresentannd10slmbeinglonger.andthellslzeshorterthenformerly made; it is therefore necessary to rune whleh length is wanted. To assist. ln ascertaining thls. b carefully meesurint; the sumtobcreplncedmnd multiplying such measurement by 5. and colupnrlng result t us oblalnetl with the large lllustmtions, the suitable style may bedetermlnzd. l I ll th b i i th R ller nearer the Fork Thehubso!the18sizelronowmadelongerl.anor rm . us rngng e o _ ellowmgtheuseorashorterJewelPin.therebyreducingtheiabllty of breakage. 10710 no 32, 40 92 l o w 43 Old M510 New Style mamin New hule Illto l” ...... 70 SS. 100 lOl ‘See Center Pinionsr N o . ” No.870 Htg. Htg. No.1482 Maw th. at 0, F. Htg. or O. F. czjflftm Htg. No.1716 acne» Htg. or 0, F. No. 2357 me‐ Hiz. or0 F. No. 2359, 2380 me Htg. No.881,382 $133 mg. 0: or F No. 2361 my Htg. No.2358 MED» Htg, ov o. r. Htg. or O. F ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. STAFFS CEN’l Eh. The Wheel Shoulder on mOSt Center Stan‘s is Dshnped. and tits n corresponding hole in the Center WheeL The t w o pieces are held together by screwing on the Center Pinion, between which and the Wheel 3 thin steel Washer is placed. To ascertain Gmde of Movement, consult Ixnzxt In ordering Material, give Catalogue Number and Class. or Number of Movement for which some is required. On Old Style Center Stan's, the Center Pinion is held in position with a Center Pinion Nut. The New Style. the Center Pinion is screwed on Smut Orders for less than one-fourth dozen will becharged at single piece price. Fuse ' Piece Pm Box Deanon oi Moat-men: Model 2d to 4th 2d to Frill 71h id to 5th ht 211 to i n ) [3th 8th. 01h 3d 5111 311 ill] Gth. Tlh. fi l l ] (SILL Tth Old Style New‘style Old Style ' TI I - f to FI’m-ISet),- ‘ ,IIO 5-5'No. a) 75 2C’urhlr,(I‘I(gLev- - GI, 62. 251,211. land.(I) \.0.I m. 51No.I'i|I2,I T. \erIm. (HIn anylon“.hum. (IIIL'.Leversel.) 213.2!”35.559. .30. ' I 1 Wheeler Over‐ lnml. (IItg.Le v ‐ erSamum", l-"crrp. Ryerpon, I“,I7.“ ”to! H. 57 lo'z In,’ 142, It»: Set.).I .I ” . LeverSet-L271. Nr A ganglia,u, “7.100. No.m.m. w No.211. 2' No. 311, m, m, NM . ” ‐ Noammsluu. Nomm.31|.:|s. Nomama29s5.3». . 1 In wnd.Father TIlne,(0I".l’eml Net.)77,no,use, I“,IN. “. No.1,2.131. I 3.0.71. No.92.111,121,135, 50 hp.66,G1. v7.1", as. 95No.as. No.£90.8le38. ' lunar: 74.“5.116, 2 3 , .\'u "11,152,135. 0050.109. "0.14.13 129.130.11'"1 61 $26.207}: [5825], o .s,. I “ . .\o.I5.69,65. XoJSJL N on. m. . 53V0,122.116. 24. some.“ 290,257. \ o . 21. - K 30. S I . Pmnces Ruble. LndydLIFIn4K0y 5m. IInmoaduFuller m‐ 0:32?)de( 0 . P'.. Lev-r Set”), 215, No.1“. .\o.m, In D .,boverse H‘V. 010 F. STOP \\7OI_\’I'S, FEMALE. | F u n Deuvimlon 9! Movement M o d a l é P - e c e Po» 0 No. 938 3523 H9; orO F. STOP \V()RI\’S, R/IALE. Pnco Ciass '‐'‐‐‐ S u n l e . o vO . F . l CLASS OF MATERIAL AND MOVEMENTS USED IN l'| I"Ihl)m1-lul I'Mhu I B,’Tny.lorOverlnmlI.”II 0.10'101 5II\'0.IQI,“ I ,I “ . No.WI.III7. .WI. . '3 .\'o.It": 9 “ heeltr. nv'cr- I1“.I?é182,195. 105, 1’5, M'NOJH.II "9.132. I I , 75. In, ‘o.Ii».m,247. N! No."1,131,161. 1 1 7 ..\o1 1 35.9)0115.1 3 0,. m’we m.’m, 245. {571m 1 » . I1,41.u w. a, 3a36,’arm. 26]. a: $0,249. wind Gu.ll Borden.Dex‐ 63No.m,m,2|s,m. Pxeco JO .10 JO No. 842 G) m g . o r 0 . F . Piece Per Box Sim Prico .I0 30 .I:'| .II) I. For Dot. . Suv 1.00 13 1.00 III 100 IU F. PI. 3.1 Pi. “ I s l lo 5!I'I.7lI'l Isl,2d,61h.711! Isl. 97 [July III I! ( 0 . In.Pen.set). I. 2. I . ' F. PI. Islto5th.7th Isl.2d,tub.7th Dem mm M Movement Mymgnmmu N u n s - u . rend. mm. 1903 98,97 No.843.1916 G 0 Hug,orO. F, No.1917 Go H(14010.F. . ,. Na4844 C13 A ng.oror F, . .. ,, . ; . No.148i 09 mg . ‘ ,u ng ovOF, , i Class 1 1 0 11.61 1066.10.310106. 1,106,91011.61 . 30 3210 41,9310!) .9R.103.10 171020.?2Lo:28,30,3i. 4:3, 43 44.45 . . 671074, 87,BS,100,101,111101H, 461048 > Price ___ Description oi Movement ___‐_,_ Kind sviing lirnznct 191111 " " lireuuei 1‘1ul lireuuel ‘ lireeuei ‘ ltv-ezuel ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. STUDS, HAIRSPRING. 50m? “056 , 5710641761066. 116,117 581060 ,,,_,.,iii . No.847,1480 ‘ No.850 852 G 0 f0 0 ng 010 F. ‘ Mtg, 140.854 N041903 «so a, 'P|ece PevDox. Sue i Model 151105111 1:1 10 51h 1~1 61h 81h. 91h 1:1‘ 211 lit 103rd,5111 0115. 1:1. [0 n STUDS, h/IAIN \\7I‐IEEL. Description MODELS OF MOVEMENTS | Sizel Model I Description xPL,OpenFnce.l‘cmi. L‘t Expowc]\\'.\\’h. FunPL,Hunting,KeySam 15 FullPL,llulltlng.Lever Belt. 10 Full1’l..Open Face.Pendant,Son. 10 PL.Interchangeable.Pendant.Sett. 11 1]P1.OpenFace.leverSew 12 91PL,OpenFaceLeverSew.Exposedw. \\'h. u Pl. Hut-Lime.(leverSew, Expoaedw. \\'h. an 1m,Hunting. KeySew. 10 FullPL, Hunting. Leversett. 6 X g},anrchm mble‘Leversent. a 1’ ' p v 0 51PL,OpenFace Pendant.Sett, 0 X PL,Hunting. 1end.Sen...ExposedW. Wh. 10-0 M1 Inh zd M X P) xP 1’ Huntlllg.Level Oped \V. \\'l|, Open Face.Level xposed \\'. “1.1. Hunting, Rey Sum Him or 0 F. To ascertainGrade01Movement.consult INDEX. In ordering lialeriul,give CatalogueNumberundUln»,or Number of Movement for which same is required. Orders for less lhan one-fourth dozen will he charged in. smgle piece price. 1S " i ‘F ‘ 711) ‘ Price ; Piece [PmDol ‘ , o F Description oi Movement Sue Model , ,, JO \1,00 18 if VI. 8111 .10 1.00 10 “ I s l , ”1&1 g P1..11unllng.KeySell. x PL,11unllng.1’elld.sett..Expmedw. “m, x PL,Open Fnce.Pend. Sew,pro>edW. \\’h. x pr.Hunting,KeySen. X PL.Hunung. Lever Seth. X l’l.,liunflng,I'endnnlsetit. PL, fllllltlng.1’endnl|l Sen. PL, Hum-lug. l’end. SetL. Exposed W. \Vh. PL,Open Fnce,Pond.sen Exposed“x wn. P1 Open Flee.I’end.Set . Exporcdw. \\'h. oi l1>7h..~l|l11.\ 7 2 1 . 1 4 ” , .. No.1923 A 1:7 1.11.7,010 F . . JO . I .I0 Pncu 1Place LPer DDi. ' 1.00 | .7.'7 I 1 | 117.11 111 101311. 117110111. _ .:10 . JR) . 30 no ,30 1071 0! Movement Model m mm.7111 ' l! .'-’_"[Ull ‘."’U7'. 1 I " ?10110 ' 10010111110111. . 11.171, 5KPl. 311.51h107”),01h ' Ihlnlnonlhung-vi ninmfix'r 1 "9501.1 ' “ $11,311 ,, 1.1. 2.1 " Isl. 1.0 31! \er erSui‘.HEM. wt.),(1M."75.13, . . a Tnflorim'crlgeml, I t s : e v e r 1) 111\'m' 147.143.2717 13.7. 91 A v e , L e . m l e r . 1 1 , ' \' ' $0.13. NJG. - ' \\ healer Own‐ 1 1 H ci g . . , L l o v ‐ 501,217, Seam F e 7 7 . 1 a9 . r s o n , 16.17.5657.53,31, 11 131,511,119. 1151137 131' o. en,’[mar-7911, F1953:31.71.1?" . n r g0 " ( N I C O chlst.'.\170.5.$K: D.10 1.511, LadyElgn(flKey \\')lnd . Overland (0. R.” Q' .m. W' 13“"2’1; , ° 3, L 6e1mr g?“ 5. 111,51."QI'B' Lever Set), 265. 1.'.1' 76.16». ' .\'o.1"1131.1178. .oa',1 1 0 . 4 1 3 Lady 1:1 11( o . 1771,” .sen). m 1111_.: “Leve“r18003. 2d: 3 1 1 1 1 1 . 21:1111 11La 9‘ihelflfl'fr.4°”? 7" 105, Z\'°117.111,1191:1~ 1' v- 1111 , ’en I. 2.157. $172, 111,127,115, 1 .\'0.5, I4. No.I9. ‘0.III. .\'o. 21]. 213. 221, No.1:1,191. Nmo.aos.ment-711111111. No.It K0.Mflflmfl No. IRI-287. My 1mm-(o.1?., sun.at No.1 0 ; Penn.seu),ss. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. , . . . WASHERS, ARBOR. I Fun P i u s 907001 Jo JD .10 I Descriptionof Movement 5170 " .' o, . . . ' 75 o . 111 - 5 0 . 111,131, 1177. . 23.711,” "0 m, 501 ‘1'61im'127 , 1-111. S. CEN’I‘EIQ PINION. No.1554 . MAS-1555 ©@ Htg.010. F. . 1471.010. F. $.15.1». 1 m m , “ 2 4 . 0 2. 1 0 . 2 1 2 , 2 3 0 , 2 5 7 . 0 2 4 7 I! \ ' 0 . m . NOMLMJWJII. ROMS”.S".516. vaco I ’ Piece | PevDox. Descriptionof Movement Sire No.1920 Hm,01o. F. Htg or0. F V V I ‐ I E l iL . Hz. 010. FA No. 2057 ' Hiz, or O, F. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. V\7ASI‐IEIQS, h/iAIN SCRE\N’. Pucc l Descupnon 07 Movement No.1484 HigvurO‐r. 340.1485 ‘ th‘ A \ / V A S I ‐ I E 1 \ ’ S , mg 070.r No. i92l ‘ 7 m "No.l922 O F Puce l Class __‐'7, ‘Plece PevDoz. Descnollon 0! Mmcmen: Orders for lesslimn one-fourth dozenwill becharged ni Single piece price ________‐_____________‐_______‘ Description MODELS OF MOVEMENT54 i S|xe| Model ' , ' 3d Dcscnpnon X PL.Open Fncc‘l’cml.Sell. X i'i.. lluutlllg,LC\‘ci‘ Sci! X i’i.,Open Face.LeverSELL, X l’l',Hunting,h Sclt. x PL,limiting.keySew _ x i'i‘.Hunting,l’cnd.Sam. Exposed\\'.'\\hf ’ FullPL, Hunting. Key Seth I“ i-‘ull l‘i.,Hunting,Lever Son. 10 FullPL.Open Face.l’endnmsflb. in PL.inlemhnnueuhie.i‘endnnl,Sell. H uil Pi.Open FM.1£\'EI‘ Sea. 12 X PL.OpenFace LeverHem,ExposedW. \\’h. 12 a;PL,Hunting,[Leversew. ExpusedW. \\'h. 12 i uliPL,iluming.KeySen. no . 0 p c n i-‘ncc.i‘emi. Sen.,Bposed\\ ~\\ h. . Hunting.KeySen. , Hunting. Lever Sect. Fulll‘l..Hunting. LeverSen. 0 x PL,[Merck-m bie.LeverSen. ..nunnng.Pendant5m. H u n t i n g . i ' o n d m tS e n . _ . i’ii. H u n t i n g . r e r Sen. luntlnw.l’end.Sen...Egposed“ .\\ii. . penF m ,i’enmSent. 1X|)01~cll\\ \\ h. PL,sweepSecond.LeverSe". 2 PL,OpenFace,PendantSen. x PL,Hunting,i‘end.Bel-L,ExposedW. \\’h. 10-0 ' Pnecc PevDo: ‘ Sue ‘ Model Mi) mu 311105111 bill. Till fllh Gill 7mm!) ml» 71h Si] 311 20 l . 511 ‘ M o m 6111.71]: ml] min. Till L’d Lid l>i o.o.r. " :l l- l .1 Cmu-r “haul: l: l) shapedand ms 3 correspondlng slwuhlcn:on Center sum“, jl'llc two I tnrxlibel(In!1vtlzzl~hcrly acrcwlntgLn‘lheEcmer l'inlon. between whlch and the \ heel a t h i n steel \ usher ls Pnzc l ‐-}_‐_' l Piece Pe'DDL‘l Silo llOvl.Tl0‘.’LG-").0l) . . _ , . ... . Dncnolion ol Movemnt ls! to 5111.71h 131.105”! 150.to 5th,7th Isl. to 5th lst to Jllh 6 t h a 8th. 91h Isl, 2d .'l'l. ls!,2d.Gl.b.7lb,9|h Quick 01h. 71h ls!195th 5.“. I0. ll.bllul}l.103!0l0\} J?) s i Train Quulck Fl‘nt Slow Qu'lck llo-l.7mfl,l'.1 5.0. l l ) . 1 1 , 0 ] l o 3106... v _ ' 70. Tl .. »Il'>.... , -lT, Pollshcd G llded Pollshed G 1151011 Pollshcd Gil‘l‘lcd Gold Polished GI 15160. n Cold l’ollshctl Glf'lcd l ’ o llshcd ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. \\7I‐IEELS, CEN’FE1? Him-ll will) sulill (Sclucl' l'lnlon,m Observe that IRsize Mon-moms are made bolh Quick and Slow Tmln. No.1927, 2 | 5 6 Big.or0. F. No. 2296 N No.|010,l925.2335 " Ha.orO.F. No. 948.1354 Hg.orO.F. No. 1929 0. F. No.1487.1567, 2336 mg.01O.F. No.954. 1475 No.955 OD 04°30 No.1552. 2297 g5 %@8 Hts.or0. F. ml.orO.F. mg.or0.F. be slnlzudon. 00“; ’ 9?) Q; 90 1 , 1 lst. 3d, filh 1st 10341,5th 3d. 5th to 7th 15" Pollshed Gllded Pollshcd Glldcd Slow 2d.3d Gold Pollshed Isl5°3d Isl. 3d. 3d Isl. Gl'z‘lcd . o. . 103101t‘43...,,,_ 5, o. 10. 11101 {0 " M to -ilh “ 2d to 511117m 2d [0 nth Gil) 3d 131, ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. WHEELS,CENTER‐COMPLETE. Pucu Flour 1PmDox, Description 0! Movement 51m 1 Model Frmgh 1 Ullllwl ‘ Quick " “ 1 ‘ I’0!I\Iiwl ‘ UIIthI bold l’nII~IiwI ‘ minim] 2130 Orders for less than one‐fourth dozen w i l l be chargedat single piece price. Obserzve that 18Size Movements are made both Quick and Slow Train. 0A R 8. 8A 0 5 4. 9 I’ollshvd Gildml 1 f "1 Finl’L Qulck 1Fl' 1 .. Slow Quick 1 NIH“ 1 Quick 1 “ . Slow 1 M .. .. ht .. 1I.1 sm,91h ia'i. ‘ Gnld Gilded (S 4, S. 7. 5. I1 9, R. 8. G. (IIIdt‘LI 5 9 1 I'OIIiIIUlI B LEIIde i). I'i)Il\‘Iit'iI R Gililml I. Gold 3d. 51h : '” Gilded 6th. 7111. mh ‘ Gold 0111,Tlh ‘ I’ulhllul 1 ii 71 8. 7. 5. I. 8 I’olixln-(I Gilded a Gold I‘t)II~I|l!(| 1 GIIKIL'lI Gold 0IIdmI 1‘OII.\Iu-111l1l.1'>1h 107111 1 ‘1 1.357‘ 141"1 9111 1“1"1 1558 1" 9911-1.11, 1-1 110111111 1 1:1 .1 13 1 171 13 15 ; 1 WI 1-190 “90 1-100 11110 991 991 1559 991 991 2101 1190 1190 993 993 9113 ms 1 21115 ST. 28111101101, Ed13d 1 “ 1 " “ 1 111111 s111.11 1:1 1 67,71 , " . “ " 1 1““‘“ '"171 “ “ “ 1 1 1 : 1 1 ( ” 1 1 1 1 1 1 11-1 “ " “ ‘1 ‘1 1:1 .. 51,511.11. 511,116. 117 . . 601 711, 79, 571513 .. 1 1 1- 1411111 " 119:15 96 _. 11551 No. 981, 93512168 1412, 0101 F. 1 1 1. 411 . 1 v ‐\ x -a \/\7I~IEl:,LS. hSCAPb. P n c e 1 005111911011 01 M o v c m c m ‘ ‐ + > W," ‘ S-m Mudm me 7691111 1 1 1 Cinss 111.1 1911-10 Pchox 1 1 1:1111 511-11 11 ( m a u l ~ 1. 11 '1 1 1 No.991,1557,1556 OD Q9 Htg.or0, F. .1 ( 1 0 0 15 ‘ 2.00 " 1 175 “ 1 1.50 " 1 200"1 15“1""‘“1'15. 9 0 0 “ 11.1» 1 " 1.50 ‘ 9.01) £ 0 0 1 3 111 1 "(1111‘1“1 001“ " “ “ 11 “ S1i1 F111,11111 151 2d 111. 211, 11111. 7111 1;111,71i1.9111 1~1. :11 N 105111 11111. 7111 1 1, 1 10 “ 111 " “ “"“ 0 ““ “ ‘‘ 1 .. (11111 1 111~1111 1“ 1 01111 11111141111 13 1 . “11111111 1 1:1 1 I'nii~|imi 15 1 1 111111111 1 15 1 1~111 1.11111 15 1 11.1.1\11~11 1 15 1 -' 151 1 $111.11 15 1 1.11111 1'1 1 1 111111111 .1 1 " 1?»1 1101141111 111 1 M111 1:1 011111-11 15 1 “ 11 311 1 1..1 1..‘ 1..1 1 ‘11 "" 1) 11 1 11111311 1-1 11 111101111 1 "1 ' 11 “1 " 11 11N mg, 11 11 11 111, 211 111 No.99312365 1 No.1955 1 1 re ‘ {a 1 be [1111.010. F. O. F. No.1490.1559.2161 1 TWO51235OfESOBPOWheelshavebeenmade 111“10 is. 16and 8 Sizes; the larger slu: bemg Lnown as 1\o1\' S l y l e , a n d a l l o r d e r s w i l l b e fi l l e d w i t h such. u n l e » O l d S l y l e i s m e n u o n e d . To ascertain Grade or Movemem, consult lxmzx, ln ordering Muierial, give Catalogue X11111ber11n1icin~<.0r Number of Movemcm for which same is required 0955119110" nu PL.Hunting.Kaysen. 111111111,Hum1ng,1.everSea: FullPl..01nnF-ce1l’endnncSect. Lev"Sen. rersm. Exposed wlwn. ~. an Ant [L 5 1 P L , H n n l l n z . 1 e5 n d . S a m , E x p o s e d W . W h . 11 Site 111 12 Model Descnphon 7th 1111.eumFaunI‘eml.su 1 ,a, ‐ 3111 x .I11'u111111g11.erer50 PM““ 'v“1’hh 111.11 : ., 1 L131 risen-1Exposed ‘ ‐ l s : X PL. 15: y PL,Hunting.KeySe! W Wi‘ 2d xl’l-.uuntins~1’°"d ' "1E’Jmmd "v “711 PL.lnumhqnuuble.Pendant. Sen. ll l'l.Openl 1 Wk. x PL,gpcnnee verSeuq Exposedw. Key Sen. 51PL- “ H u m 1-u l lPL.Hunting, 11111111.11111111113. Leveram. 51PL.hum-u. 1:10.LeverSen. KPHHamil-z. Verse“. 3151-13:31;1:30:13.leaversEetL 34 x 1111: 111 241 x 111.1liunung,PendantSen. MODELS OF MOVEMENTS, KJD Q9 ng.or0.17. 1 PL,Open Face.1- Sen..l~.xposed . PL. 11nn11ng,xey belt. 111.1llumlnlz- Lever 50“‐ x p11,llnntlng.l’endanlSew W 11111. 24 x 1111, 1111111113; Inland send Eggggi“~, “111. l. 0 en ‘nco. en e .. ; ' ‐ ¥ F L J 0 1 1 m F a c e , l ’ e n e m , p r o w d ‘ ' “ h ‘ 1 1511101 13 ' ~ 1; 1 G1141vd 15 5111-1 1 1; | 1“1 15 1 l‘nlphed 1 1a ’ 1 (Aided 1 1:1 1 11 1-1 . 1 "1 1:1 1 1 1’1 13 1 1 (5111 1"1“117,1 1 011111111 1 “ 1110114 1 1 ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. VVI‐IEELS, ESCAPE A N D PINION. Cll- Pncc i Descriptionoi Movement llogue Clem ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Tram No, i Model Pivot 09.110 Sunlight Wheel mm ll, I n) ' i ’ d l o 5m, 7th IQuuick ; 2d [0 Euh , 2d lo 5m, 7m ; l s l lo 51h, 7th lv'lni l " " Steel Gilded Steel Gilded v-IN, H’rll Gilded 'I I No. 999, MM mg. ovo. F. No.1005.1560,l56l 4. H (I. No. l552.l006,ll95,2336 “i“? No. 1976, 1977 i l e . ov0. F. t Nv. 2i13 ..é._ mg. or O. F. No. 993 l e r No.1908,1978 N+o.2089 I No. 994.995.1491.2337. 2335 i His.or0 F. TwoS-iz'esofTus.‘cnpeii'heels'lun'ebeenmuandelesinsOthled5118.,lewisamndenetiSonlzeds.; the largerslzobelngknownasSew Style,andallorderswillbefilled withsuch. Observemm.18SizeMovementsaremadeboil:QulclxandSlowTrain. ' 2d (0 5th lsl 105m 1»! IS!41h fi l l ) a Bl h 81h. 91h m ll Slow Quick v Slow l Quick | Cone Straight COJ‘D Straight .- u .. u u .. Z: Z Oxnl Steel Flu! Gllded Oxnl steel Flu! Polished : any“! Oval} Steel ll'l'nl Gllgcd 0m! Steel l Polished Gilded " Polished " Gilded 0qu Steel l‘al Gil-dad Pol[shed Gold . Polished ' Gilded Gold Fiat 61h. Till l:~'l. 2d ls! lo 51h I~l,1ld. 51h g dlll, 7th. on: i mhhflh 51h ln 711) mu l j l _§_ mg. or O. F. " nnu Polished Gilded Polished Oval pm | Gilded N o . N 9 3 , “ 9 4 . 2169 O. F. "0.10071‘9197 2367 4. Hig. cl 0. F. Steel d. Hu.or0.F. Cat- llozuo N11. Pucc E Descrmlmno! ancmwfl 1 RaymondFather Thnc(ll|.z..l,er» "$111,121.11,70. 159,164 1 3 1 1 s h 1orOverland. 21111.101.1111. 51xo.1:1.1:11.1ns. 71\o.19|19- 97|11.111- 111.411 10. '01111. S e L ) . .~ 99Verlms. ( m g , vorSe'..),'.‘1|. 11. 111 1011101511115. 115 11 .m,un.2os.3es. 11o No.m.s1x.szo,m 111 111,419,111. 9 138,139,181195.133,175,230,Z(l, 2101.“ 1. 200,2 E C lass No.1932 E E 110.1934 . 11112101 ve'r1nnd.1z1,111,i1s.z19.s1153'. 2 Culver (111gLev- 511155 2. 1111131101193. (111g. FerSet.i 20. 3:1. s a , u , 1 1 , m , 11.’1271'1,115,111 151511511111. as No 1.1 No.11. so110.11», 11107111, 21.1 4\]Vl1edelert Over- . And er Se Fer 1 1 , 1 1 6 3 “ , 5 1 1 . 3 . s 1 , 5 0 en, 1nrgo,Auvgncg', Chief. Agg,5, s, 9.111 12 1.1 111.11, ,556 11,1311 131. 111:11131159: 21' m 110.2111.5. so.31. sen),1%17‘s1,11.2. 15 Frances Ruble 47 My Elnln(Key 66 Overland (0.171, noh a r m . (11. L o u - r n).239.' 91 luau-11101111 ( x 1 1 . o. ,uvarsem,. 10 mac-10,251. . 1.11 vs No 211 a No.3,1.u,w.171. 1 Raymondanuler 1 - 1 , “ 10.11l’end. why-11 115, 150, m- s&,“ . 51,11. 911:0 1111 70 M 117.191 71 No 111. 12 No 191,21 1:1 No111. “5.11113, wrson. 91 ,Luder11, 1 K1oJ a: . 2 ,mméow l-lryell, 0 , 2 136112 1 . 1 1 31wo' 151,21 g 1(%2M,215. 10 157,113,155. 1 : 9 , 1 \"0 21.11.2121, . 9. N a . sou/15,211,151 ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. mg.0.01F. E 1 E | File010.F. Hig.o'o r WHEELS,FIRS’F. P'lce De;c'1p'.1cn 01Mowmun2 ,, W Model 8111 0111 M|1 Team, VVHEELS, FIRS’F, \\’ITHBARRELARBORANDl-IUH. C|xss No.1931,2164 Htg.010- F. CLASS OF MATERIAL AND MOVEMENTS USED IN T o m .I-‘..i’ends e L ) , 76.1425 Wheeler, O v e r - 11nd,1o.’1f.1’em1. s: 1\17.115.111 51:11,76, 123, 3:1 \o,1'o1,211.211 1 1 ' 1 1 , , . 1 1 2 5 4 1 2 N 0o 3 1 , 1 1 2 , 1 1 1 . 13 0.11, 15,111,210. . 2 3 L 2 . 5 , , c . 0 2 . s 1 2 1916-11” (0.13101 L o v e r S e t . 1 2 1. 1 . ’ E E 1 1 : . 3 61, m , ’ 1 1 5 l 1 1 4 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 ’ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( o . 1 . 1 , e u u ~ 2: 11 21 21 as11 2,131. 191:11.11. as No.92,lu,121,135. 511 110.511, 11. 2 2 . 67 510.190. 511.150.2111. 1111 51 No. 15,151,111 27 No.m,u 52 No.11'9.1.1111. as.\ w. 53 o.12,111. 11 Lndyhlzln(0.F. 11111111.set.1,151 “111111,” 1s Canaan's-1.6011. Lover S e n , ”, 110.1980 mg. 010. F. le.010. r. 111 511.1111, 110 55 1'0. 11-11. 31 No. 1011 105,121,511 .\o.111,111111,1s~ - E 1, 1 106.1543 _______________;_____‐_‐__.___‐‐‐ - 2 3 5 . 1 0 1 1 1 . 2 1 . 1 1 1.5 RaymondJ-‘nther 1 z f . ~ , P1ecaEPevDoz| S u n 'E 10.00E 1s No.1982 1 1 7. 7 MnduE 1 51317.312,111 119. " E E 1 $1111.11”. E 7.14 51h 211. 311 ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. WHEELS,FOURTI‐I. No. 1021, 2179 ‘ Description 0! Movement l x.. _"‘‐''~|lesh i Model I ' F . m . ' “ m 1 0 5 m m : isl. lo 51h is!1.0fill iQuick { F l a t " " 511?“- ‘5 G i l d e d " ': _ " ,, ,.uu 4 . 01h (Quick u u G o l d Gilded Gold Gilded " Himor0,F. 54 mg.orO.F. ' 0.F. To nsceriuln Crude of Movement, consult ixnrzx. in ordering Mule-rial. give Cuinlogue Number nnd Class. or Number01 Movement for which.. ne is required. Orders for lessthan one~iourlh dozen will becharged i l l single piece price. Observethat 18SizeMovementsaremadebothQuickandSlowTmin. _________________________.____‐_______ MODELS OF MOVEMENTS. 1 Description 5 Model 1 m- ' Dmnprien Fulll‘i. llnnlln' Kl: sm. hillin;nuunué'fuv’érSon. l-‘uliPL,Open Face.l’entlnnlSalt. xul’l"interchangeable.Pendent.Sen. in} iii’i.openFace.LeverSeu- 16 is 16 XPl.OpenFace.l’eml.Sell"I'Zx redW.Wh. a:w'Hunting.Lever sem.will“w. \\'n. X I. ..Openh u eLeVerSew.Exposed W. Wk. Pl Open i-‘nce.Leveram.ExposedW. Win. if iunliniz.LoverSerb. ExportedW.Win. I'alll’l..iiunting, KeySell. l-‘niii'i..Hunting. LeverSett- l L, Hunting, ey son. l:=.,Hnnling, eySen. 1 ., unlin l’end.Sen" Exposedw. Wit. PL,Openl-nee=l'end.heuupuedW.Wk. I'L.Hunting.keySell‐ l'l..llunlimr' M W ? Be". PL,Hunting.l'endnni.lieu. I'L,interch-nzenble.Lover Belt. PL,Hunting.Loversen. PL.llllnfllls.PendantSeu‐ ,.,'i’i sweepsecond.Leversac. l’l..Hunting.l’end.sew.ExposedW. Wh. X 1 Open Face.l’endnntsen. N l . Inviting,Pen-i.sew.ExpandW. Wt. I’luOwni’neo.i'enu.Bolt...ExposedW.Wh. PL.O p e n Face.Pend-M L .Exposed W. Win. S i l l . 9 t h l.~l. 2d | " 'Ov=il l-‘lni O r n i i-‘im " i Slow 151,211,611; 71h.9!h ‘Quick is! to 5th . “ 01h. Tih‘ mix lsl.3d,:'vllllOTih " Gill.71h ' " la! 7 . u .. 14 Gold Gilded Gold Polished : Polished Gilded mg. ov0 F. No. i931 i s ! man l a t : " No.|0|9.1930. 2377 mg.or0. F. No.1993 i. i l , 8. 29,30.38,39,102 ms,110. 3], 40, 94, 23 ., 71h Tlh. 01h ' "lul ‘ (jlldcd ‘ ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. VV'I‐IEELS,FOURTHANDPINION. No.1030 O.F. No.1964 No.1995 Piice Pel D01. Description 01 Movement ' ' Model 15110My 2d [0 4111 151to All) 51h. 7111 51.11 (31h Sill ‘ Oil)‘“‘“ No.1022,1023 l ‐$‐ + ng. No.1031 . . . mg.or0, Fl No.1034,2378 mg, No.2118 . , | No.1035,1986,2368 ng, No.1027 Htg.m 0. F, No 1983 Hie.or0. F. 151.261 “ IS! (0 3d l’lfll Glldcd ‘ Uni] Gold1 l-‘lul ‘ Gilded 1 N ., .. u Glh ‘ ()\iil Gold " ‘ ‘ Hm Gilded 3d,6m‘ I" " Oml Gold l " " 51h,71h,Dlll ; 71h ‘ln " 5th. Til: Allll Isl 2d ‘ Gold Glldod Gold ' Gilded l Ovul Cold ++ 0. F. Flul ‘ Gilded “ ‘ “ ‘ Ovid Gold F l u " Glldcd Pollshcd Gold l ‘ l’ollslled Gilded Gold Gilded Gold G i ldcd “ 70‐40 lPoll>hcdi 70 ‐- 8 < Gilded 70~ S lPolishedl 7U~ S Gilded 70~ 8 19:11.37 10:19si~.1(r' 1.9"KO .10710“0. . 11111161. 111111511 Nu. 40. 186.1036 j""’"'xE W Hm, or 0 F. No.1044, I936 mg.010. F. 1 |I 1 l l s ! 21! I? Mb 51h. 71h Nb 81h. 9111 81h N i . 21] 151,211 3d,5thlo 71!) 41h 61h. Tlh 01h. 71h. mh 6th.7111 1:1. 20.31! Isl. 2d errm } , . 5 . 3 T1?lor.()\crluml ltg.Lewrju.J \'.o 1111213.. 161.211.212. No“1.131,151. Left!Self),2“. \'o.2’75. \'0. .10. 4 “healer Over‐ lnml.(lint.I m ‐ er 800.) 11111111, l-Nnelr) llyerxon., w,1w,1.5,120, l l : 1 “ ,2714 No. 1 9 ; 0. 11,11.1..no. b Ogden,l-‘nrwell, l-nruu, Advance. Uhlul’.Altmb, !, 111. .!5.15.30,1.11 No‐ No.21,25.90.3!‐ Frlne'fl R u b l e . o. 1 .1_:1,1s.19. 55. 56.65, 75. 57.88. 111» 1-1‘1, 112, m. 9” No.2.1mz1~m,=s1. 0 3 : ‐ $0311.31:310.3". 3°0 m m .3 " .SIB. No om 9.5..26. “ m u m s ; “7.319,fi l ‐ e .\ .111 111,117,111. Raymond.Father Tin-0401.l’eml a n . )17,1111, 1.10, 1 166,131. ) No. 172, 111,121,1.16, 5:0.33.l l . . U. ‐ . . 7 5501211, 211. 21, 2. 131. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. VVHEELS,HOUR. th. ov 0, F. No.1045 Mg.orO.F. mg. or 0. F1 No.|935 Hz.orO-F. @ Hug. or 0. F. No.1938 @ 'l'o.1~rcr1.1111(;ra1luor “owmumconsult lxuzx. ln ordering Mulerlnl,glve CatalogueNumberandClass.or "umberof ”moment {or 11l1lchsamels11311111er , , 1 r 201111orllllu;Lev‐ .\u”101 105, m, 1331. 1:1'1. 1112. 11:1. m.':§0.z:l.m X0. 112.m . S|TnilurJ’vde r l m u l Lgdy El ‘cnd5110.) .1u(-.1w.Pe}n. nS e(a0) ,. . 161.246. . 160.2 “ ,245. .. so. " a u My H g l n(0.l?., P M S ' L ) , 256. Dcscuotiono' Movemenl Model Fillil'l Tuth Gllged Nigkcl Gillied Steel £11,901! ”x IS'.€o.-ll. .GI.G2. 85., 86 ,i1.0'3.m,|os,ml; , 491001. 5310 53 52, 56.75.1[‘ 571050 60.84 .... No. 38 O 51h, 7111 in11 M 3-1. m: 15d 51h i>l. 13d SM.“ S“ Hig. 01 o. F. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. \N’I‐IEELS, INTElQ-SE’1‘T1NG. Hig. Htg. Hig. or O. F, To ascertain Gmde or Movcmcni. consult Ixmax. Numberof Movement for which sumo is required. in ordering Millerinl. give Cululoguc Number umi (Jim's, or {$12 0. F. Q} orF. Description {full PL, Hunting.Key Sou. l-ulll’i..}-luntiug.1.ovnr Salt. FullPL.Open Face.l’endnnLBetL x PI. nmmnnngunble. Pcndnnc S e w Pun . Open i-nce.Lever Sew. I’L.Open Fncc.i’eml.Sol msctl“K }\'h. l'l.,OpenFace.LeverSew ExpandW.\\'h. PL,Hunting. Key S c. _ X PL.Hunting.i‘end.Sen” ExposedW. \\ 11'. X PL,OpenPace.1’ (I. SelL,prOsell“f.\\ h. K P1..llunung.Key en. 5Ki’i..Hunting. Le\er Sen. 5!PL,iluming.Penduun5m. PL.nununp.LeverSen... ‘Exposeuw. wn. uilPL,Hunting. KeySell. FullPL.Hunting. LeverSeth, X PL.lnt'erchnn ramble. Lever Selt. PL, H u n t i n g . Pentium.S e n , i’i.,Hunting. l’enli.Set l’I.,OpenFnce,i’endrSc K PL,OpenFace.Pumi-Set. PL,Hunting. A v e r Sen. P l . S w e e p second. L e v e r S e " . X PL.Open Face.Pentium.Sell. 3 PL,Hunting. l'cnd.Sew. ExposedW. Wu. ‘xposed W. \\'h. xpomdW. \\’h. Exposcdwflvh‐ No.1047 f“ PIQCO For Our. Plicu Description of Movemem Sim| Modci i 1". Pi ‘ 211 to -ni1 \/\7I*IEELS. IN’I‘EYx’=\/\7iN]Z)ING. Descrip‘ion oi Movww n! Per Doz,. 1‐09 . 3d .hM. 3d.Uh MODELS OF MOVEMENTS. ! Siml Model 1 Description ‐______~____I 1th 80h inh 1st l s t 2d 8d In 152 211 IN l~L 1, 1 3d i’i..Hunting,Lever puwiiw. n . '1-1.,Openlfnco.Loveruipromdw.\\n. ' i'l..Hunting.Key Sow. No.1497 @ Sim MODELS OF MOVEMENTS. Sixo Modal Description ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. WHEELS, MAIN. PrIco ’ Descnplion av M o u m m Q mg.or0.F. .. HIg. No.194l No.1943 Flo-1944 "hum ' I No.1498, 2 | 7 l J’MM‘MH,‘ Hm.orO.F'. Model I I . Description Hg.or0- F. Him.orO.F. _______‐___‐__‐‐‐‐‐ FullI’I., IIun(lug,Key Sen. PullI’I.,llunnug,Lover Sen. I-‘nllI'L.Open I-nce.PendantSou. MI: X P! OpenFace.I’cnd.§en..prm-edW. Wh. XP]:lolulungJau-rSou...ExpelledW.\\'l|. “5PL, I ‘ mLoverSen,Lamond W I'I..Iibwmhnngcnblv.Pendant Sun. In 1-IIlNo.”0penI-‘uco Lever Seu- m au- nI-‘ucu.lion-rsat. Expo-edw.Wu. 1: a: I‘L,lolmuIng,HaysBcelt. I'I.,Ilunung.Kl: m.,nnnuxr-g.Pend.sew.Exposedw.Wk. l’pel..0 Fm Pondm. utL,prode.Wh‐ KIM.1Iunltlng.Levy-Sen“ ‘BxpowdW.Wh. I I I ' L , m u l l i n g , Key S o u . I 3d I “ h i 6 M . Huntlng,K e y I ‘ u I I I ’ I . . I I n n l I n g . L o v e r s m . I ' I . . . I n m r c h n n v a l u e . L e v e r m g PL,IIuntIng', verso“. PL, swoop s u o n d . L e v e r a m . X ] 5 ! PL, Humbug: Lever 5 m . 5.’.PI. Open Face I’emlunvseu. x 1m,Hunting.fiend.Seth.Exposedw. wu. K P » M l ’ e n d . S e w . E x p o ! “ “5. “ I ' l l . X PL.ON:Pics.I'eml.S o n ,Exposed\ \ .W11. 1“! I " ! “ D o :l_Su_e | Model Bdw-llh 51h. ITIII fill), 7 “ ) , mb 91h 61111171h in 2d}.3d P l ., l l l l n l . l n g , P e n d a n t sen. ”IJHnntlnc. P o n d u n t S e n . P L , U n n t l u u ' . P o n d . s e n “" i s - M W . W k . le. No. 1054 1 1 R A "mom],Father Tin ifillor.0verlnnd.119 .\'o.107,10§. 1asl’endfiet.» Eu) No. 100,110. . 121,131158. 121,130 1711's N o . 207511213251, H201. \1" ' o..19 . No. 205,215, 211,212, 285. .\'o.250. ' . 191,107. M or Lindy 1:1g1n (<1. 00, 209,110,231. P0111]. Sen), 2 Culversflltgclfv‐ 6] 155.213. 151,211,212. Vern“. mm. Lover Set. , 271. 1050 213022005 203, 3To. lordve’mnd, (1 l g . VerSel.) 20.11, 58.79,so, 163. mi?" No.2 1 Wheeler Orer‐ 111111,(11 "Lev‐ er Ser‐ flln, Feny. arson, 63 81 Fargo,Advance, 0111111,,1ge,5, 11, 9.10 13.13,16.19. 53.00.01 11N o . 11,1, 06, 07 171. 1 RnymandJ-cher 111119401“. P d e n 1m.)l71,1.16, 150, Mm 511700561 o Raymond,Father Tln1e(o.1~‘.,Lever Sen). 110.111,252, 11131’27& 1.ogcfen, Fnrwell, V0. 21,27. 80,31. FrancesRublo 200. 273,277. Overland (o. F., ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. VVHEELS, h/IINUTE. No. 1061 Htg. cu O. F. No. | 9 45 H12. 1412.010. F. 21] (st 10311 151 No.1062,1499,|945 {13 Hie 1110. F. No.1947 To ascertain Gmde of M o r e m e m , consult. Ixmzx. In ordering Muterlm. glvu (1111111031111Number and C111»; or Number of Movement for which same is required. O r d e r s f o r 1055 H u m one~ro11rt11 d o z e n w l l l be c h a r g e d 111 s l n g l e p i e c e p r i c e . CLASS OF MATERIAL AND MOVEMENTS USED IN “111191211361: Over‐ 111111140. 'Penv.L S eFt '.-) 1.24 117“1. 48.2’l9“, 31No.101’ 105, 121, 1:11,15's 1123195. 151.152,131 101210. 1617, 211, 215. '157,158,186. I, 20, 32. 1. 2551 NO 270. Lady ” 110 210. 1“ No.210 212,530,155 112 N.o 113 No. 211, 213, 221 1 “ N303. 201, 293, N308. 321. 140301302.810,” N O W , “311315 No.2$025!1,295.3‘.’5. No 298:3|8,320323. Elfin Key Wlnd) , n Lever Sea), m , . , L e v w s o 1j,‘ Gnfl Borden.Dex‐ zer SL,21,111, a, 63 51. No.01’05'101 5: No.1xm. 283. ( puce Per D01. Sue N: 1181, 190. 233. 115 No.21!. 110 Lady12min(0_F. 111 No.310,321. J 1\'0.103,281. No.102 1'end.Set-L200 Dcscvipliun of Mmoment Model 151104111 Gilded 211 to 1111 5111, 7111 6111 3111. 911.1 Stf‘cl 8111 chkul 141.211 311 [0 5 ” ) (M1 7|11 61h. 11,0111 61111011 SlN'l Gilded Smul Gilded Steel Gilded No. 1063 (9 14111 or O. F. ' 111 N o . 39 1064 ‘ No.1951 f W M No.1952 No.1059 thv orO.F. mg,or0. F. Hm or0. F. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. VVHEELS, RATCHET. \VI‐IEELS. R I N G . l‘ a .i Price ‘ PerDo:. Doscnpiion of Movement . . 1 , ' - ' “h. fd No.1964, 2370 6) His. Htg,orO,F, No. 2055 No.1501. 2369 ' fin www mg, or0. F. fl u , or0. F. I I Price Pieu PerBox. Descviptiono! Movemcnl fit! to { l b " I l32‐7 .‘20 .15 . 5 ! " 1_§ x1: m. | Model 2d19m: 2d to 51h Mb. 7!!! 2d lo 51h. 7111 651k Slh Blh. 01h 8th 2d ISL,2d Blh‘ 71h, 91h Dlh Blh.7”: u 2dh3d £0? “mm.- 4“ Cn‐ nlogue N o , C lus Descriptmn of Movcmcm PerDol. Sixe 4100 18 91PL 4111 Hui. "14 A $164,101. 106 . 1 am I am ‘ No. 57 th. No.1502 i} N0. 79 {35} mg. Hg.or0.FA No. 1939 i? le.ovO.F No. 95 Htg.or0.F. No.176 No.1071 M £432; £3? 0. FA 0. F. No.1940 110.1953 © Htg.orO.F. . . E L G I N N A T I O N A L W A T C H CO. VVI‐IEELS, SETTING. ‘Xot furnished separate from.|he Arbors, and prices inchule 1mm \\ heel u m ] _\rl;0r V\7HEELS, SVVEEP SECOND. 27‘28 .....................,.........,..,......y AG .________‐ 1074 Piecu Model No.1074 ggg Htg. or 01 F. To ascertainGradeof Movement.consult.Ianx. In orderlng Material, glvo Catnloguc Number and Class, or Numberof Movement.for which same 15required. Piece Per Box. Size IS “ Model 2d 10 1111 “ 5111 7111 81.11, m ) . 8m Ed 151, 211 1-1 11d, “11 11.1 Pnce 005chan 04 Movement 1 ; Steel ‘ Glhlcd h l c e l “ Clldt‘d 51m Neel mldml (”Med Noel 1 blue} , ‘_1 {I} mg a.o F No‘ 1073 (0) we. No.1954 G) o F. I‘olhhed 90 (aided . i l No. mes.2173 ' mg, or0. F Mtg, No.1946 Tmucennin Grade or Movement. consult ismzxv Xumbcr of Movement for nhich mmo is required. 0- F‐ in ordering Material. give Catalogue Number and Class, or ’ u r penF m .l’emlnntso ll }:i Hunting.KeySets. ..Hunting.Pend.sen" Egan!W. Wb. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. VVHEELS,THIRD. Model 131. lg 41h “fl“ Description oi Movement | Train Quick 1 Islto3d“" hi I'J i‘Jh’O i ~ t " 1i’oil.~ilc¢l " 1Ulldcd l No.1079 No.Was mm“ Orders for less than one-[nun]! dozen will in:charged at ainglc piece price. Observe that is size Movemcnls are made both Quick nnd Slow Train. MODELS OF MOVEMENTS. Size | Model ’ Deuviplion I Site Modal Descriplion ‐‐ ___4___‐‐-‐‐‐>m PL.OpenFnre.Penrl.Sam.Exposedw.Wk, I! lil i u tin . Ke Sen. 10 . i'l..Hunting.Lever sun.ExposedW W ) . _ ,' . S ill btl I “finals, é-rSen. 10 i’lv.Open hue.Leverbe"...tamed H.wn. l'l..Hunting.Key tit-tr. PL.lnterehungenble.I’endnntSen. 12 l' ll l'l.Open Face.Lever Sen. 11 PL,OpenFace.[Ah/erSew,Emoud‘w.\ I! u‘PL,OpenFace.Feud.sen. pondW.“11. . . In .wversou.. B 1. n m'l‘mnfing, K e y S e n . l-‘uii l'l, Illlnllnll. Luci-set y p] lfiremmn blo.Leversets. V.W . 0 3”i:i.. u r n - r u n g . K e y b e l t . x i I..Hunting. Lover Sett‐ x l'l..Hunting.I’endnntsell. 2 : PL. H u n t i n g . P o n d - m S e n . 5 PL.Hunting.Pena.Seth.Expand W. \\'h. p l " “ H u a n g , l l ) 0 241 Pi"sweepmo , 5 Pi"(men Pm l'emllnlSou- 5 Pl:" M u n g , i‘end.Sew. BxpondW. W. id x l’i»,(ipen tune.Fem.Sen"ExpandW.“ m , 1 PL,Openi'uee,l'and.Sew.Exposedw.Wh. " Slow a .. 51h. 71h 5th Gili Eli), mil ' i'sl to fill! i s ! " Quick " " “ Oval Slow 4Flat 'Quiek Orni " "if“ m - n l ~iv‘iflt Gilded . " 1Gilded ’Goid 0m]i Gold i-‘iul Poibhed O m l Gold ; i-‘lul Polished " Gilded No.1089.1090 1111. No. 1101 No.1091 01F. No. 1102, 2175 No. 1093 No.1094 No. 1100 No.1991 ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. WHEELS,THIRDANDPINION. o 15 All 47 l 5 Hm. No.1503, 2174? Hm.010. F. No.1988 No.1989 Pm Descnpllon 01 Movement l Size Model IS 1. 131104th Qulck I Flm } Glldcd ~ ' ‘.‘dto4m “ " " ++‐%‐ + HM. 1411. Hm. O.F. . .- le. No. quZ No. 2124 No. 2129 No. 2129 t;‘%.‘.=% la! (0 (M ' 11h 01h " (Glltlml “ U\'1|l Unld Flu! (illnlml ‘: 1 I ‘ Glldml Gold Glldcd l‘olhhed Gilded Gold 1 T‘nlhhcd Gilded Gold Gilded Gold G llllud PO!lshcd G|1dud Tram Isl lo 1m 5th, 71h 5m (llh 51h " ‘ OHAl Gflld 91h “1" l~l.‘.,'(l ‘ C ' Vlill Glldl'd "‘Umlmud 71h , ' GUI] ‘ (loll! 71h, 01h ‘ " ‘ 5111, 71h, 91h ‘ Flzn Gilded 71h “ “ fill). .lh 1x1. 2d '‘ GUM 4. 60‐‐ S (304 8 7m ”Jill.M.101.106, 12“)! 291031 3‘31041.9‘.l0115,107tollo. Kilo-50.75. l l 5 . . 571060. 701096. I N . ”7 9‐ No. 1700 No. 170! fl No. 1702 ilfl No. 1590 No. 1695 EID mm No. 1696 No. 2371 EOCD Descripliuu 00 Movement No. 1594 No. 1699 SPRINGS,PENDANT. Pvict Nu. IGQB i ToasccrmlnGradeof Movement.consul!lxnzx. In orderly-gMaterial.glveCatalogueNumberandClass.or Number of Movement for which unmo ls rcqm In[03d ls! No. |587 No. |698 m.ca:c:m No. |691 No. 1692 mat-SD Pioco Per Dot. S l u Model 17. P l . ! 5m m: 51h (uh.7th 2d ' h:to3d | Ls; No. 2372 1:3 of Movement Modal M 1 Second Jcnels, Balance Stud Cup Compofilllon 1(5 0 G G 3 1.7.1 1 .\lo: Bil-Z); n|-1 - 0 “ l e rum. 1Comm; _Pncol 5 m m 404 11010 3 Roller G I‘lnlons Cnnnon Sprin s,Cllck “ Seltlng Slnfl's, Balance J .~\~l~‘lm Head. l i r l g h t . E d g e Stoned n n d Cornered. l i ‐ ‘lnl Head. Bright, 1:1! Il4>nd 111114.I(1;_r>\u1‘ \10|lt«1 ‘\Ol S l u m11 Descnptlon of Mowmcnl Modal In .-\s~orledScrews.(he most promlncnt one< are finished nccordlng 10[he leucr under which 1110 |n'1co, is quoted; 1hereare. however. several olher styles of Ilnlsh included in assortment. As a rule, nearly all Screws used under the Dial nre l-‘lul Head, Gray. Assortment Numner 2459 2-160 2161 2-182 2403 Astoria-lent Number 2477 Assorted Sues Per Gvoss SuilnHo (or 17, | l ,\11 $17.05 and Mo‘! Grndcs ’1‘INIING SORlE\\/'S. In Assortments 01 mo In Aiscnmenls of 50 M°"°' 15!to 5111.7th 151.to 71h.on: 2d. 3d 151.2d 15! 1 3 DOL. It! 1 F 11‐l(e\431114:,lf1 Blue. Assortment N umber Size Kind Gold Mode| 151.105111.71.11 mh.ml) l a t m Tlh‘ 911) 2d 3d 151’, 2d 2d.3d Isl. 2d FOR USE AND METHOD OF APPLVING TIMING SCREWS. SEE PAGE 86. FEEGMTQ‘ n e w » 4, msun-nus: \~."-, “NRNANNY.HANDS sum-nu. mm LSSOHTMU“ mass mmt u. s o u “O“RNANNY.“NBS sunm u . we: 7 alsalwuvmwtuns - 7 a t ;Juann a n - q “ : ‘,-, Asfifltfihflzxifl T\V§‘\.\”C2 “S§\§ERWS 9°“ w w w '- “sou-um} Nozaaé ( us‘oaxfimzug’zu , my“N13”: ,\ tslltn.|c 1 “0“R&M\N“TE“M\DS ,‘,\“0“R&M\“WEHKNDS ' "' , TWMfiE igfifaws ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. ASSORTEDMATERIAL, CONTINUED. M M “1"magma,“ _._fl.7 , a) , m2“ 5S‘z‘ 5‘1‘( ’ g‘L;‐ if}: ., %a,W m . L m “( m e mmm » sssegfiflgaggw “ngggggygm ‘tfi\ “WEEggws\ “Nmfg223.95 ,\“0\)R&u§nfi'it°§§uus .g\uo\xk°&umfi°1i°\’mos $“\‘KB\‘.7D“ ‘ 5\“Ylbl‘: {GR “l SLWDSNONL“cu“ i: 7 b $ l e “ ,“(ht-005!) 7 b u mVWlUD-‘S ‘ ,” mssun-msinour.nm aim‐d 's‘wozv. 7 “OUR kND M\NUTE ‘ " smnsu.row 73541sz \ molzyjlflsi 5°""“ nozoos ASSORTED ' r‘ - , , "°1 ‘ ” - wsomw ', la su: \ , . composrnon< , 4, .. T‘ M‘ N G S C R EW 5 NUh/IBERAND GRADE \N’ITI‐I CLASSIFICATION A N D DESCRIPTION OF MOVEMENTS h / I A NU F X A C T U R ED T O D r \ TP 3 233.000, A val: M'm (gulch Mn“ Quick Number and Grade, with Classfllcalion of Male/ml and Descnphon 04 Movement, IGmde. Class4 Size 1Ray. 1\‘ F. P]. * . 1Mom Culver Ryer. W1). . 1R301“. ,1 \\'IL Ryer. Ray. Culver Quick Slow Q ulck Slow Quick ream: tum-1 N‘JK‘V] >5 nu] tum-J mun . Ferry ,j) v, ' (rmlcn ‘ Lullin Rh-r. g l-‘vrq .; Wh, Lullin \\'hv Furry (mllcn l" r:' \\ h. Ferry \\ h. I," ll i n er. Number. Io 40min ,| Number and Grademfith Classi'icauon 09 Malerial and Des mi. 1 , l'ulvur ,' 11,| Lu!!!“ - . . \\’h, . i'uh'vr .« un_ 01 Movement. Model. y ls! .. 170.0“). . . u .. 2a to MI: Lever Quick " " slow Isl Key Quick “ " slow ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. Tax. Fargo Ogden 234!b S l 241701 Number. Grade. Class. Sim. I Stth Model. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. Number and Gmdo, with Chssificxlion of Material and Description of Movement, Cuher L. F. F.P]. ‘ 5A ‘ Gfldcd 91Pl. “ ; “ Ray. F.Pl.‘' E‘j Pl. F. P]. H Pl, 1". 1’1. \‘ 2d1041h‘ Lm " 14 liq . jOgdun (M1. ,.'I).St. l, "a! la uh Lever 13! lify 2d to fill bl 2d (0 41h ' 2d[0-Il|l Lever ' 2774“) mam,,.,. I Manx,.,...i 28mm 281.07“). .1' unto , Rycr. \\'h. R) er. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. Number and Grade, vuth Classification 0! Mltmiil ind Dewrivlinn of Movement. _ ‐‐‐-‐‐‐‐-‐‐! inade.! cuss. | Size, [ Style. IModel. I5m. ' ' mg. Gilded ‘zdlgm- Louver GR g Wh. Omlcn i| \\'h. i liilxhur Ogden .. l8 . Vlmdcn, Wh. “h, 0.) ' _ Oudcn , I Furry Wh. 1m. u If} 5 F.P]. ‘nn .. .. 15! Key .. .. M. Roy 2d (0 4th Lever I u .. a .. nu uu Key 21d l o u h L e u ‐ lsv. Key 2d113ill: Lever .. u u u u u u Numbon 5 Grade. 1Class. | 39 i M 2|I Sue. F4 P ] . Ji PI. F Pl. 5Model. i lft ZQdm-nh ‘lal‘ ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. Number and Grade. with Classification of Malonnl and Description 01 Movement C u ] vcr TS] ’1‘u\u 151 ‘ K0) Slow Quirk J, le 4 Gilded \ ‘.‘\lm -Ilh Quick mummy Ll‘\ vr ‘ m. 1 Kw) 12d1041h‘ LL-wr Quick Maw Quit-k Slow Quick l2d to my m L1'\ vr M n “ S10“ Quick E ] ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. Number and Grade, with Classiliclhon of Material and newswor- of Movement. E41|1>no4|x..|m ' M u m m . zoo ‘ 411201 411370 , 4n,:;| mm: E a I-Il.3l( X 4 H, m1 EH M ) " .||_\ln| I ‐l_l'.'.(l'l I Z > Numbm. Nickel Ulldcd 2d to 4le Nickel Glt‘lcd ' . ' d filo4 t h 2d lo 41h .. " ( 1lto41h u u u u a Number. Grade. 10 533.000. 9 " 685.000. 10 WAX“). 9 Class. Sue. Style. Gilded Gilded Nickel Gilded Nickel Giliiwl ,\ lt'Lcl Gilded Nickel Gilded u Nickel Glidml Nickel Glidud ModeL l Sen idtoill)‘i imwr ELGIN NATIONAL W A T C H CO. Number and Grade, wiih Classification of Material and Dcscvinivon cl Movement. Nickel (‘llllcd Nickel Gilded Nickel Gilded N ickcl G l ided Nickel Gilded Nickel Gilded Nickel Gil‘c‘led Nickel Gilded l\'v_\ i41hl i2dloilh Ini. L'tl 14 Quick S10“ Quick Slow Quick slow Quick x14!“ Quick Slaw Quick 1 1: ickcl i211in nu ‘ 151 2a to 4th Gilded y, Nickel 3d Lu’vr 13! Km 2d 10 ill) limn-r 15'‐ k“) 3d Lover 14 4th id to 41!) 1:1. 3d 2d to ill) 15! 351 2d M to 4m 3d 15V. 2d to «ill: lst, 211to 4th 151 -. Lever 11 ls‘L K e y 2d to 4th LCVOI’ ‘Jllltlll MM mum 025,01” (mum £73701“ "L“.llll mum" " 3d Nickel 4m Gilded 2dto 411i " is! - '., ill,,l'l . ,. 0mm UISJKDI mun»! WWII 1115.0"! Gilded :. .. 1,213,001 1314.00] sum-n , inh'yvunl, _v film-n” , 915mm)!" Mun“. . ELM“). svJun! . ..l., mnpm ‘ ‘MLOIM ‘J , Nlckel Gildcd Nickel if, Mckc‘. Gilded ad is! " “ " 3d lst 4111 1"! 2d 10ith‘ IE! v,,,, . . ., , . ',’.‘ " l . ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. ____________‐_____‐ .. .. ‘: ‘V’ a,m. lu),im,, “Tumv 07mm., , I . , ‘ “ influx)” ,', 'l ‘__ " “Nun", 8', ‘-,. " ‘JNUlIl NlJl'l infimi mm)!,,, , mwm Lounuxu l, awn limjm ”will” Nickel Gilded \'lckcl , , u ' “ z ' | Style. Model. 5 m . Gilded Mtg-uh Lc‘yer ' " ' 9 dt o i i h 1, Nickel N ickel Gilded N lckel .. 3d la! ls! Gilded Sickel Glll‘icd .\'lckci Glidcd qukel u Gilded 54Nickel Gilded 2d 311 15: 3d " M L If " M io 41h " ist Nickel “ Gilded 2atoill) “ lit M to 41h 311 lit 2d 2d 1241!) 151, 211 t o { i l l isl. 2d 1041h Isl ¥ 68‘ 69 70 80 85 ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. Number and Grade, with Classification 0! Malcrlal and Dcscrimion of Movement. Grade‘ Class. Sue. Style. Model, “ Nlckol “ ‘ Inu'ii. “ Jllg. Gilded Nickvl (w'illloil { ,\|(7|u’i ‘ " 1 Ulllli’ll 1/3 M o m ] Gilded ‘ l0 ‘lib N l in ill]1 1~l “ Nlrkcl ’ 13d (iildud ‘ l‘l Niclml 311 Nickel Gilded H “ 3d " ‘Ed 10 i l h 14Nickel ’ “ Gilded 351 u isl Nickel Gilded Nickel Gllded Nickel Gilded % Nlckel Gilded Quick ’ Nickel AGilded 2d19~lh H i. nm Nickel 2d ,. m Gilded " 44 3d u Nickel Gilded n “ lit ‘7, Gilded “1d 1041h ‘ Quick .. .. JA l/._» N i c k e l “ ' “ Gilded hi ‘ “ 2d|oiih ‘ ‘ “ “lxl‘ K4 ,\ A‐ “ " " Slim‐ “ ‘ lo -iil1 Lover ‘ “ Nickel 3d “ QuickI Imch. Gilded ‘ i~t mg,m‘‘~ nN “ 3d‘ Gilded H l. hi .. n ‘ Rd N .. N ‘fl Nickel “ “ Gilded , " V; Nickel ‘2d lOvIlll “ Gildt‘d”i “ flis!“ " Slow " muh lwl " " Slow Quirk ‘ " u ‘ 1m ‘ u 2d 10 4th 1. is! .. u “ l 1 ‘l 1, Mad!!! l.i~5>i,mi lN' Z l m J u i l annual $115,001 2,i'..‘0.il(ii “At-am! .’ i'.’v5.in)l 1127.11“! . _ . -, , »: . ' . V,Nickel (”14 d Nickel Gil'xled .. 5101191 5 14 Nickel Gil't‘led Nickel Gilded Nickel Number. Gum] cm. g Sue. il. a?a Style. 5 Model. _ V m i n , .. ngck r " Nickel isl, ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. 131 Number and Gvadc,wi1h Ciusviicaiion oi Material and Descupilon oi Movement. | i1. i I | l l 1NHIll”... l ' Jun!“ , , 1 1m".'-.v. 1 3d 1 15! I id m 4": lK is! .N>.i.iliii)_ Lu MiilL. 2!!Ni,iiiiil.. "Julian magnum,” lien-ml L'liiflunii," 2. mm ' "Limo 211mm” twain-n BAH-11m! 20mm) IZJJWJMI "3,IJ)‘.l.ilil in will -.i|10.0ill ‘ . , ' 1 15'‐ 2dto l i b ' n5, ‘ singed Nlckei Gil't'ied ll Nickel Gilded Nickel Gilded 51h M.Nickel 2dis{ill Gilded : “ Nickel 3d Iii. id in 4th " " lst IANickel edto41h " Gilded Nickel GIlded Nickel Gilged 51h i s ! “ “ “ 65h 151 M tolib 5; Nickel l l d e d Nickel Gildcd edto i n : 5&1: Isl. 34 55.h l s ! 61h "m .‐ & 2d 10 -li,h‘ “ 5le ‘Pcnd. 2dlo-ilh‘ L c w r 3d ‘ 41 5m 1 l’vml. Lewr 54Nlckcl ‘2d [0 “ h i LL‘ or Nickel " Gilded Nickel Gilded Nickel Gilded K Nickel Nickel Gilded Nlcl‘kel Gilead u Nickel Gil-(lied z 132 ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. Number and Grade,with Classification 01 Mun-vial and Dcscriptlon 01 Movement a f2 i 2 2.6 26 z 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 a 2 2 2 2 Nickel I Numbmi Gmd& Chxi sag sum. 1 Modflil Sun Tmm ‘‐‘‘ F. P]. . ‘. Gilded 5 51h ‘ l’Gnd. Quick . 10.001to 2,330.” ... . ."2310000” 4.. ..-u n1u Lever Gilded 51h l’cnd 1,5 Vickvl 2dlo»ll.l1‘ Lou-r Gilded ; 5 ! “ v l'end. " ls! Lou-r Nickel “ “ Gilded " 3d Nickvl ‘2d (0 llh‘ Gildcd I “ 51h Nickel lit Gilded " 2dlollh‘ 5 2 z 2 2 N.iLcwr hi iii-Y ‘ ‘Lou-r 2d to «ilh “ 51h ‘ l‘ulnl. Gilded I Nickel i Gilded ‘ Nickel , Gilded 51!) l’cndl 3d ‘ ' Number. z x: i v / m i 0.9‘1)‘l h l ) Grade. Class. ! l m‘ Sixel Sfyle. "5g. cugcd u u uu [ Modvl. l s ' . 2d lo 4111 5th ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. Number nnd Grade, with Clmssihuvion of Material and Description of Mmmnonl, m) -"'l ,Il'| 311 9 4 1 m m 1.5} u lawn] 55.1: in!.l||)| Jill .m| JHII Jul J Janum :.’.Nll.ml n u , l s ; 21110-1th 5th ' a 14 2d (0 mu u.. u Nickel Gl’t‘lcd Nickel Gilded ng‘kel Glilcd .\'lckel Gllded Nleukel Glldcd K Slckel ngkel Gllged 0 18 Ill if,”. 14m. 1-1Pl. ”Pl. G l l fi l c d 5 t h l’cl‘Id. “Jdlo 41.11. Leyer h," 5 "kilo-Ill” " 5111 ~ l’cud. ls! 51!) Sicko! N Lever Nickel Gllded Sl'h .. 3d Nlckel 5!h 13! Glded 5th Nickel Glldvd .\'Ickcl Gllded .\'lc_}'el Gilded u ‘cd to vuh‘ ls'y lst I i211lo m: .d to ma! 5m { 3.16711” 3.171.0 0 ] 3.17311” 3,174.00] 3,175.00! 3.17700! 3,179,001 3 O T1‘ 0 0 0 3 (770.000. 11,0801le 3,081.0“). i n n 2d m 411) 1~L 2d will: ht 51h 51h 2d lu llh ihl N 2d in nh N 211mm” 14. l’i-nnl I‘M ur in»; l’nml. l'l'lltl. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. Number and Grade. with Classification 0! Material and DL‘SCIDXiOn oi Movement. Grade. Class. Sue. Bl 1;PL 52 F. P]. 91 I‘I. 3. l‘]. 4’ l’]. I’I. ,; l'l. l’l. .’ I‘l. Slyle. Gihlul 4 5th l’enrl. Quick , l~lhour"\ ‘Jd(0 “ii 3d 51h 170ml. l\l Lewr [2d m 1111 ] \ l Gilllk‘ll .\l(‘|\|" Gildwl 51“ 2d m uh le 2d 10 Ill: 1>l Nickel Gllllt-(l 5m I4. Gilded All ‘ id in uh 15 Mad Glhluii Nickel Gilded Giltlm] Nickel Glldud _ Nichol Giltlud Gilded Make] Gilded chkc] CIR-led Nickel fill] i’l‘lll] MK)lll)‘hm.r 311 Lvn-r in] lo -llh l~l fill) Pond. 2d10-l|l1 Lowr 13! 2d m -llb |.~v. l\'u\' Lm m‘ 2d lo 41h 5m Pond. 151, 211 (0 4111 “ml to -.llhl Slh l’cml. 2d10-llh‘ Lever 3d 2d to in; Is}. 2d to 4“: l s l lab ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. Number and Gvadm wi'h Classlficaiion of Malerhl Ind UGSCIiplion ol Movement. Guiana? Class. “ mmmt ' -v . SJWMIH , r. v 3,187,00I... .i ' . v . ' . Style. Gilded 1,5Xickci (lliilud Nickel 2 Model. 1 Sm. - 2d10m)‘ is! ‘ M Inllh; 5 ” ) 1 ' Sci Io { l b 3,1 m m : : . gJfiIJh‘H.U '- . . . " Pond. “ " Lever ' ..‘”~ i'.“Pl. gt" pl, 5th lynch. ls! (l. l". iil;.', 0, 1". ad to 41h 55." ,litv V98ickcl id (0 ll]: .\'lckci “ Gilcd i ’ Nit'kci bl (iilllt'li ml .\'Ickt'l ml to 4111 aNlvkel 51h li .\ It‘lwl " " Nickel i". Pl. Gilded " Nickel e;"m, 3 i".l’l. .“ Gilged K Mi’l. ui l''. “i"I. i .. . ..i ""chkell Gilded 2d to 4th: 56Nickel 51h lily. Nickel Inlch. “ 0.“F. Gll‘gcd a! m, Vlckol “ "’ .. ‘cngeu 5m i (l I illcll 55.“ s Ullclul " ,".‘|l lo 41h NIckcl ’ l~l : saw-uh} I_sl ; ' . ‘ d l oé L - l l h i i 2d lo 41h‐ Glclcd 5“) l 3d ; .\'Ickci u . )m m ] Gilded .. '.’(l to ill), 5m, 2d w lib! 15:7. 2d to 4th 1"L Sid " y St! tloa4 “ : l i y i , i i lO( 1'01 000 000 00) 000 000 .000 000 .000 000 000 000 000 000 1/5Nlclmi 12dlo»l|.ll ilmcr Gllllell lsl ] l ' ( lld. “ 3d 1ll,’\l.’i’ Nickel lsi ‘ l‘tenll. Gilded Sd ‘ Lm‘er .l _ fl ‘ “ ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co, Number and Grade, with Classilinlion 0! Material and DESCHDHO" 0! Movement, Grade. kl Class. Size. F. P ] . 91“111. .l‘l. " S l y i e , Gilded Model 2d [0 41h 3d Train. Quick l alllolm‘ 5111 l 15; "2dlo lib Shh ‘ 2d (0 4th 3d Isl id to 4th Isl 3d Isl. l i d i’cnd. Lm or “ Pk‘lld. ,P]. -.l ',l’ll ?’Pl. “ “ " ' l2d lo llh‘ ( = , filil i isL Gilded 3d i ‘ " "Slil .Pl. l’l. ‘. l’l. - mtom: l xl. “ 2dlollhi Nickel M Gilded fill 101th 1,4. Vickoi Amini “ ‘ “ isb Gilded 9d [0 ‘llll Nickel " " 51h ‘ i’t-lld. lsL Lm er 5!ll i'ulldl Ed 1011111 3d i~l 2d |0 11h ‘ m i Kt‘y Gilded Nickel Gil l led " Nickel 5gNickel fill isl. l Slim-11h i I~l ‘Qd tu flll‘ 2dlomil “ 5m A 13g, Lm’cr Nickel V2Nickel Nig‘kel Glldcd Nlclzkel Gilded Nickel 54Nickel " Lever ml to 401 gm, l’cl‘ldl n‘ .. u .. u 2dto 4th Leger lst .. 2d to 4m , Isl. key ed to 4111 “ 15g l’end. .. " u “ 3d Lever 2d to 4th “ “ 5m Perla. Pond» u ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. Number and Grade, with Classification vi Material and Description n! Mwemenl. 137 1 Twin. Gmdc.| Class. ll lm 73 ' . Style. Model. Sm. Nickel 51h Pond. .. >.. u “ Gilded “ Nickel Gilded Isl, 591 '.’d to ~lih 2d lsi, Lever Pei-id. Lever " " " 2dtoill: " " isi. Kev .\'ickei " Lever V Vickel 2d(Qill: 1 .. i 3d" Isl, I‘end, 3d Lever 2dtoill) “ l 14.Nickel 51h Nickel “ | E Gilded ;'.'dlo»llh£ Zfil'h[ i’cmi. " Lever l’end. u, Gil-led Nickel " Gilded Nickcl Gilded Nickel hi. ’ KC)” " Lever 2dlo -iil1 " 3d : " u 14 1idto-llh' Lever 51d . is! “ u vsdmuh, “ Gilded 2d10i l l ) Nickel 51h “ is! na Lever i'end. Lever “ l'end. Lever Gilded ” 2dto ill! 61h 3d lsl. " Zld 1 Key l’end. L e v e r Nickel Gilded {fldlouh- Lever Nickel “ 5m | i’end. l/gSIL-kcl l 51h i’end, Nic‘kcl » " " Ln‘ver 131 l 5I_h l'c‘fld. ua v| u St! to uh Lever 3d '‐ n;" 27 | 2dlo -Ilh " 51h l I‘end. 2d(0 uh Lever 5m I’end. “ is! Lever 51h Pepd. nu 2d 10{ l b Lever 3d .. is! : 2a to m: _" is; My Gilded Nickel " Gilded Nickel " 51h “ " ed to m; i s l 3d Lever “ Peru]. Lever i s ! i’cnd. is; “ u 14 lidlo 4 " ) " Is; Key 21! to 4th Lever Louver P0316. 31300001 3,314,001 3,8l7,001 3,330,001 3,121,001 3,313,101 3,334,001 " 3,314,000. “ 3,317,000. -' 3,310,000 " 3,331,000. -- 3,323,010 “ 3,321,000 ,. ' 335,000 3;- 02 05 015 97 10: 103 110 111 1111 “ -- III-4. , 21111111111 1.0117 111 a;01. -~ -- 311 -- 0 -- -- 4- 1 1.41 -- 3,323,001 3,330,000 4- 11 Mckel §,§m%1 33,80,» “1 15 10 3,1-1 1112. , 1111111111 1 24 .. .. .. .. ,. .. .. ,‘‘7.1 <> :.‘1,1 ',_ 3333001 .. 3,831,010 152243001 ~- igfifio 3, ,001 :, , 1_ 3340001 342,000. 3,342,001 ' 3,313,000 3 3,001 -- 3,315,000 45,001 3,810.01 10,001 " 3,317,100. 1 311 ‘ 1.111111- 3,907,001 2,383,001 ‘ ,001 1- 3,003,000 1; 231,733,308 ,_ ~ -- -' -- , -- “ 18 1111-1. " 7 311104111 “ " -- “ - 111 0 1; Pi. " Nickel " 113 111 1>1. -- 1/._.\x1ik1l>1 211101111 1 ., .. .. , . 3,010,001 3,011,001 3,014,001 3,916,001 3,017,001 3,913,001 " 3,030,000 3,930,001 -' 3,021,000 3,921,001 “ 315.1000 3,022,001 " 3. :,000 3,923,001 “ 3,924.000 3,024,001 “ 3025000 35725 001 “ 3920000 3:929:001 -- 339313000 3,031,001 “ 3,033,000 10 941-1 0. 1 (111111311 5111 1 .. 0u111;,,1.11 ,.. 1.. ,.. ,.. 1.. 1 .. 3 . . 1 .. 1“ ‘ 1" 1 1; 1 ., .. .. .. 1. .7 8,533,001 3, 5,001 3,930,001 3,937,001 " 3,041,000 3,011,001 " 3018000 3,018,001 ~ 3,0 000 3,052,001 -' 307.000 3,955,001 " 3950000 0 “ " fl .. " “ 4 “ “ I l t z . “ 211104111 L e v e r 22 10 94P1. 110.111. Nickel 20 II 20 " " n g . (11111011 30 52 0 -' “ -' 151. ‘1 5-2 “ fl -- -- ,, '. 371,000 374,000 875,000, 870.000, 877.000. 883,000. 334,000 11 1-1. -- 1 , 1 - 1 . 1«-. 1-1. " .. 1 ) . m g . 2111111111 71111 141 “ 3,011,000 " 3,914,000 -' 3,010,000 " 3,917,000 “ 3,918,000 10 -- -~ -- 311 -- -- 1. -- .1 . -' ,. u u -- 2. 18 F. Pl. " -- 211104111 “ " " Nickel “ “ “ $935,000 -- 3033000 “ 3,937,000 3,050,001 3,937,001 3058001 3'050'001 319001001 300-2001 3004.001 " 31001000 3,905,001 " 3,000,000. 0 1s F.P1. " '- 2310-1111 j 1. 0 " " 4- -- 151 key .. 52 0 a; 1-1 ,, Nickel -- Lever 1. 5 13 3.11. I: A)??? 21110 4111 “ .. " 3,957,000 “ 3,058,000 " 3,050,000 '- 3000000 " 310021000 “ 3904000 1 " - 1'C'e " “ .. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. Number 11nd Grade, with Classification of Material and Dcscviphon of Movement. Number. 61330. Class. Sixe. Style, 1 Model 5111. Tmm. g,%,83113 3.72,&. i- -" 10 a; (PI. ng. (51111511! 311 Lm‘cr ‘ 011m. .1.4,1.. L-“‘“1'c'e““-‐ 3,730 3 , & 3.33513 1 1 3,733,000. 1 L 3130000. 1 1.2,131,1%. 10 5 1s 17.1-1. -' ( 1 1 m m 21110-1111 “ 1‘ -‐ 271--““Nickel--~1-‐ 67 50 0 ?1Pl. ”134. " Il I “ 2d to ill) ],('\|'r 51!) I i'I-ml V: Nickel Nicknl " “ I 1.1 I [mu-r 1’4'II1I II'vy f u n I I “ I.'Il m llhI Lover Nickel I 211 " Glldcd ‘9d .. I 2d IIIIIIII RII I id I ‘Jd In4ll|I 1:1 211K? "DI Lm'l-r " ISLI ‘.‘d i f ) ilhI 1:1. I Kc) .\ 'ckel bf;Nickel 2dto4lhI “ Nickel Gilded " " 5m I l’cml. 3d I Lever Nickel “ . “ Gilded V, Nickel Nigkcl Gilded “ Nickel V. Nickel Nickel 2d lo 4thI “ 5111 Fund. .. I .. Isl. I Lever .. I .. 2d (0 4th. " 51h l‘cIid. 2d to uh Lever lsi. “ u '.’d to 4th “ lsl. Key “ Lever 2d to 4th " “ I Key Lever 4.397001 10 4.3314.001 4.3519001 1?le.l'fll 42 31 9;"m, 0. F. 511! 1.51 .. Leyer 4'4nr40 0 0 4. 4444002. 0; V.“ » 1444 (w ' »Am.400. i l ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH C0. Numbm and Grade, wuh Classification 0! Material and Description of Mmmenl. 3 Grade. Class. Sin. I Style. Gllded .\'l c k c l Gllgcd Model. 2d to 4111 .. So", Train. (21ch 55 113g. Pcnd. 4 id lo 411) IL 15; Gllllcd .\' 101sz (31141011 1); .\‘lckcl .\'lckcl 611.9011 .\'lckclv Glt‘lcd I 4mm! -1I»?,||v| fill! 4.1“.14141 311 41 3d '.’d to vllh 5111 151. 5 l l | .l a lit '.'dto ill: Isl. 24110 41h 5 t h 15! 3d 5111 1,571,001 4,575,001 4,576.001 . 77.001 4,578.001 4,579,001 u .\'lckel ”Gum-a .\‘lckel G u d e d M 13 44h 51h u u 151. ! 0 “F .\‘lckel Ix:Vlckcl 51h Pond. i Gnged 2:1to -llh Lever 551: P q u . uu 2d 40 -nh Lover 3d “ 151 a £41 10411] lsil l l I 3 l .\'ickel 5’s .\ ckcl 241to 1114 o. y. " m g . G i l d e d 5111 .. 15:1 2d Illto 111! lckcl .\'lckcl G 1141041 5.m. 2d 10 4114 .\'lckel 2d Glldvd Isl .\'lckc-l '-.4' 519.1101 Isl ‘ u Glldcd Nlckol Gllgcd "241lo 411: Lever 2a to 4m 5111 Lever l'eml. 5m l’eyd. id to 411: M 131. 4. 4. 4 4. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. Number and Grudel with Classification oi Mnievinl and Description oi Movement. Gmde. Class. Slze. J Model 3 Sell. mm. ill 58 , , Nickel Pond. ‘ Quick ll?)59.‘. “‘."" ' 51 .. . . 1 .. . ‘ . HT 56 118 56 iii) 50 . Gilded “ Nickvl 55 -i 4 4. 4 4 4 4 (Gilded 4. 4. 4. 4 4. 4. 4 4 4.’ i 4 4. ‘ 4. 4. 4A 4. 4. “ 2d 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Nickel “ .. ,, ' “ Gilded " -(1 Nickel Gildvd Nickel 31] Low-r 1 Nickel Gilded 52dlolih‘ Lou-r fill] l‘cml. .. Nickel (ill ',(l Nicki-l (Illdl'll ’ Vli'kl‘l l.~| ‘Jd lo iili l\’l L‘xllo iii: “ " ‘5m It'llU-illlv ,. l, 51). ‘ .. l'vmi. TA'H‘I’ 13d lo illi 3d ‘ " .. 12.1toiih‘ lu’wr l5”,1l'cml. ‘.. .. filiolih 1:0” 5111 ' lo‘iui. 111lo 4th Lguwr 1,4 1 he) .. l.~'|mll, _ ,, ,, a ' ’ , ln'l . 0.l>-'iml'1»1mm!_, z, ,, ‘' Nickel l. l;.|>.lml " h.|‘l"lil,, , . -. :~,ml ml ,.. - ' ‘.’dtoilll y,Nickel “ " Gilded N like] ' Gilded O. F. 2,»i l. "35. ” I2? u GIMod X Ickel Gilgcd Nickel Glied Nickel Gilded " VG Xlrkel Mm m: Id d Isl. .\'lckel Gilded “ 2d Nickel “ " 3d Gilded 15! “ 3d Pe‘pd. Lever F.1’I. Irv“ ‘1 " fill) l’end. " “ Nickel ~ " u “ Gilded 3d Lever " Int.ilr. Nickel 2d ‘ F. W. ills. “ edtom: “ . id toJlil I.ever I'llh l’end. .. u id toilll ' 13d I o i l l ) " 51h Lever l'eml. Lever Pend. “" " "" 3d Lever 51h l’end. 2dto{ill ,Lever 5111 lsl. in 2d[ohiill 51h Lever M i n d . " Lever l’c ml . .. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. Number and Grade, with Classification oi Material nnd Descvlpiion oi Movement. Gmde. Class. Size. Siylc. Model. 1 m i n i l 100 ,' . llvu. Gilded is! Quick 1m' ""2d ur 101 113 0. l“, 0. l". lllyr. 0, I". " 5”) " 13d Nickel " " ..mm] " 51h l lid ' 5ill 2d lo ‘nh I'll] Al Hilllul " Nickel 2&1 [0 -I|h " 5in Gilded 2d ‘ [mu-r Punt] “ 0 Nickel (5, (illtll'd U (i. 6 G (i. G (5 ' (3 U. G. G O.F',lir. 2 d l o -I|.h 53.11 ‘ G 0. G G G (i 6 l l l g l 0. i f . iiig. " 0. i". ' Gilgied “ Nickel ‘ L m u r i’c‘y‘ui. 6 .,cm (5 “.. Tldli G. 6 (5 fiPL" " 0 1“. P l . 3d Lewr 5 m l ’ c m i , 2dm41h Leli'er 5m l‘cml. 0 (S G. G. " . . ) lclufl “ u p liri " O. F. ‘ Gilded “ Nickel .) p,p], ,_ 51h " 51h “ Nickel “ Gilded mh Nigyel “ Gllflcd 2d " lsL Nickel " “ 2d Gilded “ Nickel Gilded 51h 2d to 4m " 2d " lsi 52.111 3d 5m (iii m HI! l.\l l l,<-\ l ‘ r l'wml l,|-\ l ' r ‘‐ l't'iHl 3d 25.1 l'l’liil it) uh} Lm vr 51h ‘ l’untl. 14 “ fill LN rr 2d I'vml. Nickel " fill) l'vnni “Nllm\vr Edlo~Ilh Len-r " “ 51h i‘cmL 1 Lu (T iU-lill [ m u - r Gildud~ 5 1 h l ’ c m l " |A‘\ t'i" “ , i’cmi ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. Numbev and Guide. wlih Classification oi Material and Description of Movemeni. Number. ' _, .‘ ~ Siyin, Modal. 5m Train. . ., i- '' wilfil'',";,: Lever 51h - l’end. 7th Lever 51h i‘end. 7th Lever 051i|.|-:l '' ,N l ' 0.01101" 0.0141!" dwum 0mm in 6.0234»! (1633.00! $15.01" 6 I7.00I “Jill Gilded N ickei Nickel (i I lded N ickei Gilded S ickel (illdcd .\'lc“kel Gilded Nlike] Gilded Nickel Gilded " "d isi. ,. 5m -’id 2d ls! 5m 3d 51.11 2d io 41h filh " . “ -' “ ' 51h i’end. 71h Lever 51h i'end. Tih Lever 5m l’end, 71h Lever 5m l‘end. ‘ ‘nh Len-r ‘ 5m l'e‘i‘id. Gilded 2dlo-iih Lever Quick “ Gih Pond. " Nickel “ Gilded " .. u .. . a Nickel " 2dio vilii 51h 71h 51h 7lh 51h 7ih 5th Til) 51h 7th “ Lever l’end. Lever Pena.‐ Lever l’cnd. Lever l'crid. Lever l‘end. ' Gilded Nickel Gilded Nickel Gilded “ . Lever " Nie'kel I’led. - L a m ever Gilded 2 ‘2‘3 ' i'end. Nickel - ,, Gilded i s ! " Bil: qu‘kel Amman Lcjer Gilded m Pond. Nickel on " G. 0‘ 0 0 (3 G 0 (S G . 11dtoill] 5111 2dii)iii) llcvcr Pam]. Lcicrl G (i G 6 0 6 G (S G (5 G 6 6 6 G. G G G, . G. G G is. G G (S. (5. 0. G, . 6. (1 G. i ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. Number and Grade. with Classilicaiion oi Material and Description oi Movement. Class.l 33 ~|0 } ‘Gi ’mm Quick “ Grade. 15-1 Sizel F. l‘]. Nickel “‘ (jildcd Model. Sen. 9.1 H. " Nickel Gill l’end. F. P]. “ " “ id in -l|.ll 5th lsi, 2d 24104m “ 5th 2d to 4111 Style. “(ll " ..n|~l %PL “ _“ in l~‘, l’l. Mcflkel 5m i’l. lsi. 5K” Gilded um F. Pl. l. 94“PL F. “P1. Nicflkel 2d(04th sill Gllllcll n i, u . " ‘ Nickel " “ i ml) “ 2dloMll (jllLluil Ulll i‘cndl ‘ Lewr 1 l’cnd. “ Nickel Ull Jll l\ in L'l Gilded Nickel “ Gilded Nlclfcl " (Midi-ii 3d Lever Nickrl toill) Gildcll Fill! l’ennl, “ in H i p llevcr Nickel Gilded {id “ “ 01h l’cnd. " Til] “ “ 1:11 Nickel G Gilded Nickel “ 151 2d 2dif)it]. $111 “ 2d [0411] " nH Glldori inh Nickel “ Gilded Til] “ 73d N icl-c cl “ Giidcd lat Nickel “ “ Gilded " to m; 5th “ 10in), m, Lever l’clldl " Lever Pond. ” 11 2d .l Nickel 1,“ ” 2d " Gilded Nickel Gilded Gilded Nickel Gilded “ Gilded 2d to 4th u to4m Lcwr u m l’cpd. ‘ l % ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. Numkier nmi Grido, with Classification 01 Muted-I and Descriplion of Movement. 153 Number, [0 6.W,(I10.. . “ 6,fl7(),(ll).. “ (5.2!71.0()U.. ($1171.01!) , Site. 94’ "PL “lg. l". P ] . 21 0. l". iltn. 0. F. lily. 0, l7'. llrg, Style. Gilded Xiankel Gilded Mikel Gilded 9', Stem! i ! Gilded .\'Ickcl Gilded .\'ickel “ '.. ye .\ickel Gilgcd Nickel Gil‘tled Sig‘kcl .'ickel V: Nickel Gil‘ded Mikel '/_- Nickel Gil-led Sig'kel M 0ch. Pc'rul. Lever l’e'rld. Lever Pcnd. Lever l’cnd. (Ml, . 7033‘qu . (L’tIJIU. Lever l’e‘pd. Lever Pend. u , limvlir,i ’ 5!h Gl'h 71h lsl 21110 41h 5th Pol-Id. Lever Pen11. n $4 Nickel Glifiicd u Nlt‘akel 2d to 4 lb 553) ‘2r M to ill! Le‘vcr Salli Lever Pend, Lever l’end. .. Lever l’e'rul. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. Number and Grade.with Classihcshcn 0! Material and Dcscuphon 01 Movement. ‘ Grade. . ~. Style. Made! 90 . Ullxled 211101111 mer 109'. ;"l~l Nickel 51h " h! ::d Lilh 7m uxmmx mu . A. w ” 0. 1 m m ”5g. 0.11“. ‐ 51h 3d 151 “ mg] 51 71h “ 2d h lever Lnlldwl " Xin'kt-l 'k Nlt'kvl ' 13mm ” > (Vl-I|I’|-L‘-1|Hv “ Nu'lu'I ‘ ., Gilded “ (0 M11 in4th‘ Imwr N I’vnnl. 13d " 101m [mm-l ‘ I‘ulul " ” lo 11!) lu-n r lxl ‘I‘mml “ 0111 2d 10«uh M11 ‘ ' 1,“ WT I'x-ml. ulh " 51h I~l 3d TN] :d ‘u \ vr i'vnd. Lm‘vr I'vnd. " " IA“l'l’ “ Nickel l’. Nickel Make] Gilded Nlukcl (”Mud AckI Gilded Nlckcl : Gndcd Nickel Nlckel ; l'cnd. “ Lm vr 5m l’vnd. 2d “ 2 d 104m ; ‘ y l h Isl, 5111 um 7111 2d |5|, 7m 2d 2d 10~|lh 51h L e w ] ‐ l’mlnl, LUV” Pond. 2d " 2d [01,4L Pond. -- El. 7m Lever ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. Sig-Fol (iihiml Nickel Uliliud .\'i('kcl Gil‘c‘led Nickel (iildud (iiit'icd Nickel 54.\'ickei in ler ‘ l’flmi, Luvvr ‘ i'rmi. u vacr l'l‘lid. Luvcr l'cml. u Nickel Gilded Xiqlkci Gligcd Nickei .. Gilded ‘AXLckel .. 3d u u Lever d 2d to m: Bill N to ill: 1 u Lever i'c-ml. [mu-r i’und. Luv-tr i’cnd. I 24!to4m Later Sm. i Tnin. Lever i'end. .. Lever i'end. Lever l'cpd. .. be for i'umil u Lm'cr l ‘ v m i . .. in:\ ' ( ' l ' |'('l‘lI| . LA!f o r Paul. a a 1 ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. Number and Grade.wilh Classification oi Mammal and Descripnon oi Movement. Grade. Class. iS " Slm. ‘ Model. I 1' mm. i ,‘,,,_m, i I". . , ‘_ ‘_ H 5th i‘cnd. Qulr‘k ' A A ,- 2dlo41h Len-r " 16 fl . ' , um i‘endi 0. .. ‘3 “ ‘ Gilded ‘‘‘‘Nlciwi iiiliiL-(i ‘ickei :d In u h . limcr " um‘i'rml. in lo uh [mu-r “ i n I'n m i . i~l ‘ "f Jdlullli ‘wlli ‘ "'¢';i'1;|(~.i'” i 1,5 Nickx'l yd Gilded i'Jdm ~|lil ui' Nickel (“I mi \’iciml V; Nickul ' iinwvr “ ' I’imi lid10 liiii i,.-\.r V: Nichol N il‘ixl'i " (iildcd .\ickrl Gilded “ blil Nickel Gilded Nicixcl ‘4 Nickel "i nu “ "iii lo i l l ) Lover " 3d % Nickel 2d “ 3d " 2d Nlc‘kcl “ is! " 2d Gilded Nickel Gilded Nickei " Gilded 56Nickel " 2dto 4111 " 5m " 61h 7m 2d 10m; 5m iSi. 51h ‘ .'\l 2d lo 411; ‘ Sill l‘i'illi i'ylli I'vnd, Isi “ .. 2d “ . 2d 10-illx Sill .\ Ivkvl “ (iiidcd (ill) “ Til) Nickel 2d Lm’vr l'vnd. Lever “ l‘end. " Lever Pepd. ‘ 2d “ 2:11.04": {gag Laval: I’cnd. Lever i’end. nu . k)! mnwm 7m 1 ml JO] 7,lK'fi,UUl 7.§ll§<§.(]0| 7.00! , 0 0 l FAKEWJOI t‘.00l$,(l)l £003.00] [£013.00] "7,00l ”5.001 mu" TJNDMMI 7 911 mu, " 7397. 0 .v lfll 7 273 (in l”. P ] . 0. l". .\'lglccl Lever l’end. Lever l’cnd. Lever l'end. Lever l’eml. Lever l’end. cher Pcnd. Lever Pend. Lever l’cnd. Lever l‘en d. Lever l'epd. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. Number and Gvadc,vnth Classilluhcn oi Material and Desc'' on 0! Movement. Numbenv Gm; Class. 107,&\7.4l30.........l. . m 85 Stye. . Sen. 59N'l'ckcl ce like! 34Nickel Glltled 9’; N‘l‘ckcl Gilded chkcl Gllgcd a Xlglccl 1/4 Nlpkel "c 55 ngkel Signal 56Xluckcl v Glslcd Nlckel Gllgcd Lever 2“ gm”- l'end. 2d lo llh full 21] 2d 10 m: 5111 (kl) Jd 2d lo »llh ad 3d 158 $8383} 8:03:1'001 8,088,001 8,089,001 gigofifii 21531881 11,000,001 8,104,001 ., 11124001 8,128,001 8,120,001 11,131,001 SH}33%} 8,135,001 8,113,001 8,140,001 151531001 im% 11110113001 11,0,001 ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. Number and Grado,wi(h Classfliulion oi Mnienal 11nd Descripnon 11! Movement. 8,106,001 8119001 . 111 , . 11 - 11 sfz , 1000 3,331; ‘000 8.238 .000 gig % .' , 8,219 ,000 8,208,001 “ 300,000 3300.00! 2 . 1,000 313611001 2 3321000 g.£.8g} " g%.% 8.29.00! " 82651000 . ,._ 8,269:001 " 8,271,000 8,271.001 8272000 8,272,001 118,273,000. g‘g'gl " glfi'g: 8:23:08] " 85213300. 8,273.101 “ 8,273,110 8 m m “ 8273120 s'm'm " s'm'uo' 82273341 “ simh' 8,273,151 “ 8,213,100. 8,273,161 " 8:1 180 1. , 4. Lewr 1“ .. " “ " -‐ “ ‘: “ " " N u m b e r . G r a d e , 1:52 I? ‘ C l a s s . S i z e . I S t y l e , MOGCL S e w ‘ T r a m . 000 000 000 1000 0110 % . 000 w .000 000 “ “ " 11121 1/2 N i c k e l " N i c k e l 211 . 273 184 7111 5111 Lever Pend. " . , , ; 1. N; “ 7 ~ 05 “ 7 " 65 " 7 “ 05 " 7 “ " ,, "u "" ~ .. “" ~“ "u 17.1'1. 1 ,, “ ' ‘ 1111111111 2111111111‘ 1.11111 N i c k e l 5111 1'1'1111 " (1111 n N i c k e l 0111 111-1111 l Quick “k“55d" "l“ 1 “ 1.1léNICkcl ~ ~1 % Nickel“"l‘ .000 . ,000. ,000. .000 000. 1000 000 Gilded Nlcicul “K: Nickel 5111 (1111 21] m -Ml1 Paul. “ "“ lmwr ' l'cml. “ ~ " “ “ " " “ qukel ,, ' “ “311101111‘ l u - n - r ‘ if I: $1}; .. l .. 211 ~ ‘ ,, 1.11011 Nickel 111-1110 .. .. 1. .. 2111111 1,, ‘ .. "‘r“‘“W 01:1 l’vml. 1: ,, .1 “ 2: .. ,. » ~ 1.‘ . , .\1c‘kul ‘..- 1. I.1 l -' ‘\'..‘“I 211 .. -- “pm‘.1. “ 1 " 151\1c111~1 ‘1 ‘ 1- 1‘. 1-1. ' -' 1 .1 3.11111-11 1,111.1 31 111 1 1. if“: ""1!"'- 1. 1 .. 7.1, , 1 111'1ficklfl H‘h 13111011 211 9,1’ Al’i .l’l. _ Sih “ a; 1 211. “ “ P I . “ 3: f. 11 (111111111 Niglkel 7111 l11-11-r 5111 101111 311 J: : z: , 1111 1. , . 11111111 1 a 1.3311 . ' i'uni “ $1111 1'111111 1 " 11111 " " 11 T“! 4' l, 1. G i l d e d 0111 u ‘ - ' n 7111 “ ” 11]\l"“ Nickel 2d “ ‘ ( 11111 0 11 211101111 1 . 0 1 1 1 1 “ 51h 2.1 ,.1‐ ”11110 1111 0111 Lmor " 1101111. ‐ ~ ‘ -‐ 11 " " " 0111 “ Glldcd .. ,, Nickel " “ 7111 .. 211 ' 21110 I l l ) lmvvr .. 21110 4111 1/ ~\'lekel 0111 “ .. _“ .. “ . 14Nickel ............. '-- ~~ 2d 104111 Lever 51h Pend. 7m Lever 5111 Pond. 7111 Lever 5111 Pam] "7111 Level 51,11 Pond. 1. 51h l'vml. 2'51I1 i’teml. " h unuml Pulll'Ll'lll r. IIh'uKI] xv pawl] Db. “7,001 . 70,00l F. l’l. " P). l'. PI. 51; Pl. é,’ P]. F. P]. as.."l~ 1".“Pl. 9.5 “Pl. Gilded Sickel 1,5 Nlckcl Gilded 5;Slacks] Gllgcll K NLckel Nlike! Lever l’cml. Lever l’end‘ Lover Pc'pd. Lever l‘cnd. Lever Ferd. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. Number and Grudgwrll‘ Classiliufion 0! Material ind Ducrlpiion 01 Movement. ! Gradev Class li.2373 ("iv ll‘l " 2:1 I l i Model. So“. Lever I’end. Lever l’end. Lever Pond. Lever Pond. Lever l’end. Lever l'cndr Lever Pcnd. Lever l‘end. Lever l’cnd. F. PI. 2d lo llh 5th l‘cnll. 61h 71h 51h 7th 9" to 4m fill Lever 2d 2d lo-llb' 51h 6! h I 3d lo Ill) Isl Ulh 7m 13! :d to m: Pena. Lm er Perm. “ Lever .. L0"!!! l’uml. chcr ELGIN NATTONAL,VVATCH Co. Number and Gmde.wnth Classihmtion of Malena) and Description nVMovement, Grade. m ‘ Class. 5119. ‘ sme. Model 4 Son. ‘ T m . . . Nickel 71h Lmor chk} “ 2dto4th “ " nh u‘w an ‘Imn¢ 2d ’ " \ m, \ 141104”! ‘filh‘ (”111ml I~l clwl ihl 2d , 3d I0 uh m1 ‘ 2»! 10 41h ' ml] 24! 3&1 Sit-MI L'll “ a 0‘ F. , 111ml“. ‘ O‘ F.13r. um. 2 d 1 0 41h L e v e r 5m l’uml. 9th “ 4111 2d [0 41h ' V?Nickul “ 3&1 m 1111, [H h 71h ‘ lxl \ "h! \ ihl ‘ L‘tl $941 onmfl Ifl “q < mull lmnr fall) l’x'nd. thdml " " VsNicknl 2A] " " tomm Imur Mn l'uml. 71“ ‘ " Isl " 2h] “ NH 1Man 2d ‘ I’uxd. mu ‘ H 011) ‘ ‘: Lever Pend. Lover “lg. . ‘ Peml, -- ., Lover " l/g '|ckcl l’cml. 4m“ “ lug. Gilded “ 1,5 N i c k e l A I". Ill". 2 xfi lckel " ~ Lever l'end. “ .. . Gilded xx 'el 2d to 41h Erlh lsL Lever l’enll. E ‘H y. x l‐ y y‐ Illa, llr. 0. F. lil'v lll‘,. u, I". l l l g , (l, l". . Gilded _ N.u.m_b.c'. , _ .. ., , ,_. _ CI355, 5 _ _ _ _ . ‐ , , _ ... v . 5' Model. v, S5n.._: Tm'.m ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. 161 Number and Grade. w-rn Classlluuhon of Material and Des: 'on 01 Movement. ‘ 7 _.. swim , .. hwon, ‘" "~"." N X ‘ 1; ' - 211 Paul. - Qulck , Viackci _ Lever ' I’cnd. 91“Pl. "3g. | 34 R f ] . Pl. if " O ”17 2d £0114! ! ! ..l i l l '. "5 O.“F'. Gilded 2d " 0. F. mg. " " ad to m: 5 Gilded ,f_- Nickel " Nickel Gilded -i ‘.!(lto uh“ 51h Bf.h 71.11 ! I s! Sl'h 7!!! 2d [0 4th 2d 2d (0 41h 51h id 6th 71h 5th 2d id toill) 51,1) l st n 7th . , . . 54Nickel “ " : lllg.Br. Nickel ,, " $4Nickel ‐ I". P ] . "It!- Glided 2d lo 41)! --oF..," 5m " " hickei rh VsNickel " all: Gilded 52h lllg. KSluckel 2d 2d " 3d N i c k e l 151, e d t o 4th 2d 2d m m) 61h 5th ' m “v Lever I‘end, Lever I’cnd. Lever Pcnd. .. “9188.02! m i n n o w . chanted‘fo'amdn m ELGIN NATIONAL W A T C H CO. Numbm and Grade, with Classification 0! Material and Dcsuiphon 0! Movement. Grids. cuss, Sue. 223 S ! $ 4 4 l l l g . 217 93 ‘ Illu.llr. 218.95 o.w.m. 1.x“: 70 ~‘ ' mg 1-Hw.-l ‘‘.“ " WW. 9 ‘u.1".‘ " 19: 31 ' '.g“ Gilded 75 ' M o d e l . Sen. ‘ : l ’ e n d , ! 6111 7111 "‘ Train. Quick Style. ‘ 1/: N l c k c l i Gilded ‘,"r Nickel hlldwl H Nickel lllg. JIIL'JIZ‘ “ 0. F, lug: B r . m v. afin lllg. Gfl‘dcd qulkcl V, Nickel Sleukel 14Nickel h chkel i/g Nickel 2d 12d ‘ I l’em] Nifktl » Lenr ‘ ' I'Lnnl (ml-led X ll'lu'l {Q \ h'kL‘l 10 4th I.(>\4~r “ 51h l'l'ml Luvnr |’('l||l. Lever I’el1d. 2d 1041h: 5th l‘cmL Glh “ 7111 2d St] to 4111' 5111 13! 71h 2d “ ‘ Le\or Peml, “ Lm vr lieu-r m ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. 163 Number i n d Gvadc, win- Class-human ol Material and Desm’plion of Movement. 9 9 ‘ " 7 - 0 , 0 0 i 9.25i00! xv . 1 Number. ' Grade. ]_Class. 1 1 Site. I sme. Modtl- , 5.11. I ruin. 9101001 10 11.1091“)... 111011001 " angina. . . 21's 1."..210 95PL “ , ‘ . . , Lever i’end. ' . 1 . Nickel " Lever 9111111111 ., , ii“111111 ,. '_. “111ml ~' . z, . .. h . '" " " ' j . ' .. . -. Gilded - Pond. “ " . { m l ‘Ji l l0'1 . , {LI-311m] i. n1| , . .. 911111110... ., ' '. -' Nickel i/gxickei Glidcd V;Nickel " i'l'l 9.150)!!!” D1,351“). 11411111011...... Z 11:11»01102. 1w1,0.000 0 .L'ALOOO. . i - " " " o. 1-'.Br. 0. F “ Giladed N i c k e l x“3m N i . c k e_ l K Mud-cl .. Z Nickel Gilded x .\'i_ckel s ickel 94Nickel " 9:1,11001 mu ~ ~ , , 1) ~.331 , 1191.50!w 11.1115.”changed to Gradeam _, 1 (11 F. 111. . . .' 2 . 1‐ . ~ 0. -' ‘ -- 11101111 152115]: 211 ~ .. 212 ' “ ”5.,,0.u .. f '. 1e2 .. ' . "1.'.G 2d1041h fil}! '. . “ “lg: Gliged 1i1g.' k c i F 0.F. “ "15h: u u 0. F. Ilrn.Hr. " “ l 52Nickel 51h Tlil dlh 71h mil 211 2d(0Ill) Lcwr 51h i’cnd. isl " Gilded " " 5;Xickci “ Sicukci 1. Gilded “ Gilded 56Nickel " " Gilded 1,4 Nickel '.'11 thl 61h 71h 2d (0 kn 51h Lever 0.1“. " 7th “ Gilded 24 to m; , i'cnd. ca " 2d10i l l ) 111ll " 21! 211104111 51h '.‘d 61h Lcycr Pond. “ " L e r e r l'end. " “ 00 (0 00 00 385‘00 388 00 387.00 390.00 394.00 39:100 Nickel Illa llr. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. Numbtn and Grade. w-lh Classification of Mammal and Descnphon 01 M . l Style. ‘ Saul Twin. Gilded .' l’und. Quick Nickel liuwr “ ,, lckrl l’cnd. . lmwr IA. Mela-l " “ " 1/3 N i c k e l " Gilded 1/2 Nickel 2d Edm 1 “ ) 5m I’end, Lm'vr l'cnd. ‘ (lildul (ill) ‘w, .\lciwl 61h Tlll till; ‘ " Tlil " is! tH '.'(| i Nickel th Lcwr llu:Ilr‘ “ ml; l’eml. " V:Nickel 30 F mf lllg. l Gilded " 1/1Nickel “ " 7m all till: Q I'“. “ lug, Gilded “ . 14Nickel Gilded Nickel 5/3 Nickel L; Nickvl my. 0. F. i i ‘ "n A N i c k e l y, Nickel " Gilded 54Nlckcl 0_I. “ Illg. Gilded 0_Fl “ 0. F, I “ ; 0 Fl V,Nickel 131110 41h 2d 51h 2d am 71h Gill run 2d 3d 0m 7m 2d 2d lo-Mll 51h 2d ( u h 71h filh 21! Illg.Br . 0. F. ‘ Nickel lllg. 1,1, Nickel Gilded l/g Nickel " Gilded 54Nickel " 3d Nickel 8!h i. .. llmlllr. V,Nickel 01h O. 1".Br. " 7m 0. F. Nickel “ lllg. Gilded 2d " “ANickel " mmm y, Nickel 2d n 5111 I N ] t o i t ] : L o v o r fill: , l’vmi l~\ , mu . 9,08,10] (HUJI'L Lever Pond. Lever Pauli. li.l)i)i.lml 9. final flu'ihmil man-um lliii'llvlii |I Nil i." ll 0,017.0“ i'. ' LUOI 9,011,001 ”LOU! 3.000“ noun-m . .. 0.3 .000 9,670,000 0,0!” .000 9,082,000 0,683,000 0. F. i i ! Gl'tlcd 0. . lllg. V, Slackel 0. F. Jl‘l‘g. 0. F. 1111.3. B r . lllg. 0. l-‘. "Lg. 11 0. F. . "5g. 5; Sign; ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. 165 Number and Grade, vnlh Clusiiilcavion 01 Material and Dncrioimn a! Movumlni. ] Giana Claw, ' Sure. | Siyie. | Modal. 5m. I Tuin. I".“Pl. ! lllu. V,Kluckci 2dlo4th Lever Q 0. b‘. if “l’l. "ll“. Giltled 5 t h 2d with full) 7”! Ford. .\'lc"kc1 3mm".f V,Ni‘ckcl ) .. §0, 1-1lir, "Iii; l l r . 56Nickel ' 0. i“.lir. Rum. HUI. Gligcd O. 1“. 91"Pl. ”lg. 5-5 Nihckel Lever 14 P036. u Lever Palm. Lever Pel'd‘ Lever Pc'pd. Lever Papa. Lever l'cpd. Lever Pupil. Lever P0115. u u u n Nicflkcl l". Pl. O.F. ?4‘ Pl. ll‘t‘g. lgNinckel l".nl’l. ”is. Gilded 0. F. 0. F. ll‘l‘g. Gilded 0. F. % Nickel Gilded x4Nickel Gilhlcd Nickel V, Niackcl a u 5’3 ..\'ifkel y, SLckel Gilded u u 9,718,011] 9,779,001 {1580001 9.72‘QJXM $7,7R3,00l 9.7?6.00l 1/2 .\'l('l\-:l 510ka 1,5 \lvlu-l mmml 2x1 fnl (u llll 31h um 7!“ “IdI” “In full L‘llln Ill] 9. 9. 0. 9.864 9 K” 9.8 (LbRO Fl 9 0 Jugun leJm unan lll;.’. U, l“. lllg. u 0.1".llr In;In: U.“l<'. ”£52 ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. Number and Grade, with Classiliulmn of Malevhl and Dcscriphon of Movcman 9 9u Nickel 81h Gllded 511) ll n y,- chkel 0,786,101to 9,781,1n0 changed to Grade 309. Class. (H 32 03 .) l Style. Model (ll h ed to llh S e n , Pr:I)ll. i Lover l Pen(1. l 1 ‘ [11:14 Br.‘ a I n ; 0. F. Ill-g. () F. Nlckul lé Nlckol Gilded 5!h 2d 51h 36 .\'I<'kvl lllu. Ell l (iilllu'tl 1,3 Nichol (illilud 1le an, 0. F. llly. Tlh 0. l". lllg. Glcd (31h 71h 14‘, 0. "$‐ 2d104m 0. 1“. 115g. 0.“ F. mg“. B r . 0. F. u 2d 511) ngkel 54 Nickel Glldcd 1,5 Nickel Lever ‘Jll tn 41h ’ h (ill! ml: 7m Lowr l’mul. Xil'lul 71h 33d v, Nickel {uh l‘i‘llll, (illtlml ml lrkcl ml: Tlll Lnlxlml {3 Nickel C lldc(l "kcl l'»l|| 7(|| 5.111 ‘.‘(I NmuhLen-r 1h! th 211muh Lmpr f u l l liL Ulh 211 Rd Glh 71h (it I: ‘.‘d In uh Slll 2d "HI til h Mil fill) 211 2 m-Ilh 51h l'ennl. 01h I’epd. . Nina-ii Number and a i m , wiih Classification of Mamial and Description 0! Mannie-ix, Gum ' Ci”. : 9,007,001 in 9 5 m m ) , 000va unmum,_ muninu ' U'lll I7 ml .; 2-32 : 207 , '.' v ‘ I ’ I . 0. F. "lg. " ‘JA’IITIIINI, , , l r - ‘ i m _ , _ _ L’h',‘ , iii. m u ) , ' , ' . S l c k e l 21110 I l h 1,, u.. l-lwhuulii In m“ (m minimum . lium'illn! mimimi , liinlium I0." . llmnWI . . Hm. l i r i , '. I 1)l"m'. aw 10,099,101 L i wl ..vI, ' ' .. '"l"" , . , ';' a;. . uM.ckc-lm,.mi ''' '~ "loI ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. nu) I in]‘ ..',',,, ”III' , ",'E' III'I.lir.‘ II" ... III; .iii| ‘ " , I». I", WI Illg. AMI]”, ." i..| *''.'' ,I " 1_,- - , . , ‘Ilovllhi In“ .,...ii'' -~ .;,'v'.i ; GI . ennui. . 'I~;Il¢l| ‘ , v ' " ' i“ ' Iv. . -" AI '.’ i ' . '_, '.ckxl " (tht’ll 'iii.,1 llii|' ~_ri'ivi'i' Iiiiiii|i4i|",,i' i ' - “ll"..iim]" , _.' " ' . ' ' ‘ \ g " ' i . . illlillcd Jdln41h Lcrvr I'cml. ; ' i ' ' , 5'.. . - . , _. , I6.\I_gkcl .. . ii"? -' 53Xlgkci '-' " l g . uu 0. li’.Br. Nickel lll‘..'. “Nickel 0 I". Br Nickel ll‘l‘g. “ 0._l-‘. "kg. 0. I-‘. HIK‐ 0.1- . MNlckcI Slcukcl I“I Gilded 20lo 41h i 51h chkcl Isl 2d . \ ) -- » ‘2dl0vllh; Levcr' ' l’cnd. Iichcr; l’cjnl, ' LI‘VOI’ filh I'cml. Number. 10,100,601 10 10,100,700" 10.101.000 10 105000 10,100,000 10.107.000 Sty1e. Gilded 1,3 Xickm Nickvl Model 2d 5111 7111 2d 311 7111 3d 1>I 311 211 21110-1111 5111 0111 211 311 1 211 ’.‘1111) 1111 5111 11111 7111 11111 71111 1311 $11 111 1111 5111 6111 7111 211 311 59111 1’ Tmm. 10.131.001 10.130001 10113001 11151, 1 ) . 1". 111g, 11 1‐ 111m 11 4 1,5; 31171101 (111111111 '_- Nu-lu-l (511111111 V: 1\1C1\4‘1 10118001 10179001 101130001 10.181001 10191001 1'1'1111. 10,210001 10 ‘3/18.001 10.271.001 10,277,111]. L e v e r 10,11 $5 ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. Number and Slade, wim Classi11oa1ion 01 Mainlial and Descriphon 01 Movement. N i c k e l 704 1". 1112 1 1111”. 111; 1) 1". m g . (L 1". 1 1 1 g 0. R 11111. 1 ) , 1". L-mhul 1/\ICk(I “chi-I 1251 ml V;- \Ic*k11 Nlckd GT11 111111911 {15 $1110] .\ 11'1011 E1 .\11'1l 1._1\1c1<-1 G l l d e d "1.1mm 1: Awkcl 2111011111 111 cr Gilded 55 Nickel 5111 211 2111 211 0111 ‘_'-1 7111 7111 211 “31110 ‘ 5111 0111 7111 (5111 7111 "311 7141101111 711I1 ] \ l 7111 1311 2111 kl 111 11 7111 211 311 9111 51h l'ulnl, 11111 "111 101111I 211 (1111 5111 15111 7111 211 7111 2d 2d 10 4111 5111 (1111 1101«r 1’15I111. 1 i n c k 1 1 | 111-11-r 1'1'1111 L u x u r 1’1‘1111. 1.1‘11‘1‘ 1‘1'1111 1’01111 l m h - r 15-1111. l‘.001 10.001001 10.1102.001 10.11‘JI,OOI 10,307,001 10,000,00l 10,1014101 l0.'l(72.001 10.40.5700! 10,407.001 10,408,001 10,400.00! 10,420,001 110.421.1171 Nickel 1 , 5 V. i c k e i Nickel K Nickel u u Gilded , %Nickel 11 Gilded 16 Nickel Nicicel 5111 2d 20 to m: 5111 10412.000‐ "ix-121.1101to 10,421,025.chm-Jed lo Gradew. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. Numbev and Grade, wnh Classification oi Mitzi-AI and Description oi Movemeni. 169 Grade, 5 0:59 ' . an 212 m 215 0. F. Style. 1/, Nickel Gilded Gilded V \' ickel Sell. mind. Tnin. Quick Hui:Br. " 0.11.1", K Nickel 0. F. ~ : 6213. 115. 0.191”. Gild‘ed Nickel 54Gilded ‘4 N ickcl Gilded V, XLckel .\'icke] .. Gilded Nickel 54Nickel 2d (0 41h 5”; -d 2d 10 4111 2.9 5lh 2d 6311 21! lo uh '.'d til [0 4m 2d 2d 10 41h 01h Til) Olh 51h 2d 2d 97,4111 Lever Pond. Lew! 1'cmi. Larer Pond. u u u .. Lever i’end. u .. .. Lever I’end i__ Number. 10.1122,001 to 10,123,000.., Grade. Class. 119 1 207 01 208 63 210 go Size. F. Pl. Siyle. ‘ l ckel V;NIickcl Mode:1 2d 101111 51h m l ) T r a m , Quick I l iofsiafiooi 10.547001 10.5-30001 10.570.001 10,57-1,001 10.580.m1 10,58l,001"' 10,582,001 " O. 1". 111g. 5111 “fig. Gilded In! Ilci'cr l ‘ c i i d . 113.125.000 10,-19,000, 10131,000. 111g. 0. li‘. 11m, S e n , Luvcr I’Ulltl 1 10,123,001 10,125,001 10,129,001 10,131,001 10,-132.001 10,133,001 10131101 10,136,001 10.137.001 10.130001 10.110,001 10,111,001 10 10,112.001 1044300ny, 10,-113.001 100-111001 10,170,001 10,171.001 10,171,001 10,178.001 10,180,001 10.- 2,001 10,183,001 ’ 10,-181.001 10,13'001 101-1 1021971001 10ms001 21‘.’ Gilded 215 .1". 5111 1 0 1 1 1( N U lo 111i 1111\\‘1‘ 1'1'1111 ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. Number and Grade with Classification 01 Maieiial and Descnpiion ni MOVEMEM. 217 2 1 3 111g, ,.,Nickel ‘ttlto 1111l 5 1 1 i 1x1 0111 T l l i ml llmcr l ’ u l ’ u l . 0. 1<‘ 1111041 ' I c l w l 7mgin- l) 1" 1112. 0111 ‘ l‘ciiil, 0 . F . 00 F. 115g. O.“F. 111g, llr. 0. 1".Br. 111g. 0.10. I l i g . O. 1". ”lg. l/g Nlckcl Nickel IA, Nickel Glt10d V.Nlpkcl 01h 7m 2111 3d (ill) 7111 Ed 10 11h 5 l h 2ud L e v e r 1'endl Nickel M11 imvcr G i l d e d iiiii l'viid 5| h Nickel 1-.( Nlckcl 311 211 (”1&11‘11 n Nickvl llded Nickel Gilded g \'lckcl T i l i an: 1 7! li (ii li M iii] 211 Ill) , lmwr [ L i 1iii 5111 l’l‘lld. m i ) T i l i 51h Imi1‘1‘ 51h l'ciul. 2d id to 111i. Leicr fill] l'ciid, iiiii 131] 311 Pill] Lui er Tlli Gilded (01111 Lever 51h 6 Nickel 0111 2(1 01h 71h lu1|li ‘ fiili Tiii 211 (0 1! li , 51h ‘ 1'Ullk1. Glldcd 2d 1/_ N 11:kcl 011] Tih Gilded (illi 7111 y. Vick-cl 2d 21.1 101111 20104111 LeVG)“ ml) l’e 2d d. n .. llwa. ml illllllnq inn, i mu m I'v7h' ml I n, F. v i’: Nickel G i l d e d 53Nickel Nickel G i l d e d a;Nickel ‘ llll i 5111 521110i l l ) 51h ‐ 1 2d 22-1lo ah; i 55.1]: . ’ 10.74-1.Ofll 10.745( X I I i0.7'ifi.(lIi 10.747.(Kii 10.7“,001 till: i 7“) 63. 10301.001 Niq‘kei 2d to in; 10.031!no, ' ili.i5i’.'0|I0 , lli‘;. Gilgcd 0 if. mmo nm' ', ilI.533.( “ I, .. fill 10,108.01). m a m m a l to 103mm.changed to Grade 283. 1,6 Nickel 2d 1 ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. wulh Classification of Mnierill and Demlulion oi Movemmt. Size. l". Pl. 1. 2; Pl. l_____ | i 3d 3 sn- ' 01)! ) 7|il : 2d lo uh I .5 t h 3d 2d Team. QIIicL 1 l'.Pl. 3, Pl. | lug. 0 l“, l .\‘ickei 0 l'. "lg. V_Xickcl O. i". u ! l". P ] . ?4N. u if, m. w n. | lilg. 0. l". n "my: 0 Vickci Lever i’end . lily, illp’ilrfi 30. F llr. (a High ( L i - ' . il'lfl. (I, l'. iilg. O. l' llii-L "5.5. lg»Sickoi kci i ”Gilded 2d filh 7.“ . m i l Till i-"lil an: 211 TU) 24! Style Model. 2d to 4th 5th 2d 7th 5!“ 2d 2d to 4th 5m Gill 7!h 61h 71h SC". .. 51“ Gilded 6Nickel ; u Gilded Nickel “a Vickci fill) 71h 5! ll dill till a 2d ; 51h id to ilh (Sill 7th , 51h l .‘.'d l whilst!!!” ' 5lll , 56Nickel Gligcd 2d(w0ith] g Nickel 123l1 l culled M104“! ,. .\'ickcl 2d 5!h "d (ill) I '-’d i Sill I 51h m l 10,798,001 10,709.001 10,800,001 10.80.1001 , -. . f. ' ' ' ; . 10,509.001 101510000. _. 10810001 10811000 _ . " '. ' . 1 11111, 3111g. Hr. 1101'01‘ . l’t-ml. " Lex’er “ '., , , . . . . ,. . . . . . , . If. . j o 15. 1 10,803.001 10301001 10.3500] 10,506,001 109071101 10,908,001 _-n ' 4 l. ‘ ' ' “ ”1,1. . . " Gilded 115.- \icllh 2d 10 1111 . .. . ....,‘.' '‘1111:Mr. ,,,.. ,'111g.' ‘.,_- 1 .,._‘'1". . '- , O, 1’. 1112. 1 . l). l". Nickel “ " Gilded Nlckul ' “ , _., 108111101 10.812,00l 10,813,001 10,814,001 10,SI5,001 10,818.001 10,519,001 ‘ 10,812,001 . 10.82.5001 .. . ‘ ‘ ., 71h 10,312,000. .. , <1 ,. ', ., , . 10,827,001.',, .. ' ' 91h 10,829,001 10,&0,001 10,831,001 10,632,001 10,833,001 10,834,001 10,835,001 10836001 10331001 10,838,001 10,830.00] 10 813.001 10.854,001 10335001 _. F. “ 11!" 2d -‘ 2d10»11.11 10,003.001 10.903001 10,900,001 10,907,001 111.912.001 10,913,001 10,914,001 10,917,001 10,918,001 103,511,001 10,921,001 111 . o. 1‘. 1113.11): “ O. F. 1113. Gllded " 1/9 N‘l‘ckel ',l". .0.1". .‘4 . O.F.Br, , "111g.%\ 2d l’end. "(1104111 Lever 51h , l'end. _ 11,. ,,“ _ ’l.‘ “ O.1<‘. ”U: 5 6111 “ . . . . 0. l " . 111g. u 1/5 Nlckel " 1".Pl. % Pl. 1". P1. 91Pl. « 1115.7, G l l d e d O, F. “ ““ 111g. ‘/= Nlckel 0.1".“ (1111 7th 5111 2d 5111 211 3.“ (11h 131110 4111 5111 2:1 ",“‘ . 0, 1“. 51h 61h 71.11 Gilded l/g Nlckcl l/g Nlckel l‘elxd. Glldml 51h Nlckcl Sth “ 1211104111 " 5111 Gilded 2d V5Nlckol (1111 O.I". “ .7111 “ Lever “ Pond. L e v e r l’end. “ “ ‘ 7111 111g. . 15Nickel 211 “ O. 1“. 111g. " 0, 1~‘. mg,llr. ‘ ' 61h 311 5111 2d 2d 1.21411) .. 10,921,001 lufu’unvl G l l d c d X ickcl 55, \"1cke1. 4. Z Glued 1aS‘1cke1 5111 151, 2d to 4th '31 h 2d ‘ . ’ d 104111 51h 61h 1th 2d 51h 2d | 3d 61h |211 [KO-111) ' : 5111 bl h 7x,11 1 5! h 1 llm-‘IJMI |\1‘,I.~.'ylw] lam-7 111] hum-11m! l MVP 1111 1|,|.l| ml 11.1nvlhvn1 11.01”m] 11,015,111“ 11.0015 1m 11,0117 WI 11,012 001 11,011,111! '.ml «WI 1101 ufmvfimu 1mm 4m . . to I1.0391!“ 11,010,001 11.011.001 11.011001 11,040,001 11,019,001 00 ,ll.,.. 1Ixn11uu1_ . H .m;uu)_ 11 mum" hm um lllelilJUD'' 11.010.“ ll 013.00 11"I _1000 Gl‘t'led ll; N161ml Nickel y; S1ckc1 ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. Number a n d Guuef with Clasmvcahon 01 ante'ial and Unscripfion 01 Movement. 1‐100691. 1 5 m , Pe’yd. Lever 1’2’1‘111. L e v e r P0114]. 1 Train. Quick 0. mg " o."1'. Ills: B r . 0. 1".In. 0, F. 0. F. “ "lg. Gilded mg, %“eke! " y, Nickel 0.F. “ 111.51. 111g. 0."F. mg. Br. In (111ch %Nickel , " hlckel “ " " Gllded V, .' Joke! Nlckel K N1ckel u G lldcd mike! . 11,169,001 170,001 Glh " T|l1 21! $41] Gill T l l l ‘ . ’ ( l ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. Number and G12de,wilh Clnssi'rcafion cl Matevial and DESCI‘lDlOfl oi Movemenl. jemde. Class. Site. Style. Model. 1 Sun.’ .11‘ 11,100.001 . .. 2343 115 ',' ' ~ 211 ‘pend ”1101.88: ,4. . 1' 109 . . “ 12dlo-lll1‘Lm'cr 1~1> ., ’ 11,103.001 . -. . 1110411111 , ‘ . . ' ll,l(l5.001 -. . . 11.109.00| , :._ .' ll.lll.00l.a‘..'51]:l l‘eml. ll.ll-l,001 . ,’ -. . 61h " 11,116.001 , , ‘ .‘ . . 7111 ‘ ”JV/1001 ,.''".-.'21l ’lm 2d 3d 211 3d N l c k e l 2 d ( 0 41h ‘ANlckcl 2d ‘ " 12d [0 “ l l A . ._ . , ‘ O.'. 3d lllg. Br. Glh 0.1".Br. 71h mg. Glldcd 2d 101th Lever O. F. “ 51h I’cnd. lllg. V1Nickel 2d “ “ Glldcd “ “ l/é Nlclacl “ OF. " zm lllg. 1 2.1 ‘- 1 ‘ ' 101111 5111 Nlckcl “ 1 3111 “ Ulll l’cml " 7111 Lu L'l' l/2Nickel ‘2d1011h ‘ “ I fill) ‘ l’cnnl. H VTlll ' Gilded “ 1/2Nickel 1 2d " Lever l'cntl. 0. F. lllg. Glldcxl Unl “ V;Nickel um l O. l“. “ 7th 1113,,“ 2d O. l". ' “ 5th F.1’l. fifh uw- :: w “ ‘ 2d 10 -lll1x 5m “ 6111 1“. Pl. “ Nickel 211104“) Lever 9.1H. 0,F. " 81h " “ “ R m . lllg. lir. O. 11“.Hr. 0. F. (llh l’cml. 71h " ?'Pl. llt'. “ ' l;e\‘elr 211 cm. “ "E’ 0. F. lug. O. F. lllg. “ 2d 10 11111' 51h (Slh 7111 Lever l’cnd. “ 0 . Hm. 1”. 1041111 51h 61h 31? Lever l'end. " Lever l‘opd. O. F. Ill". .( o. "11. M In". Glldcd 1041h 0. To. '- 51h Hm. l/{_. Nickel O. F. “ llt‘g. n ‘ 51h g”: le‘l‘ld' 61h l " 3&1 ‘ " [041111 Lewr um l 7111 1 3d 211 2d" Lm'ur m ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH co. Nun-nu and Grace wun Classification ol Material and Description 01 Movement inade ; Class I Sun. Slye. ‘ Model. | Sm. I Train. 0! 94’ I’I . lé-Nlckel 3d Pena. Quick ' ' 2 “Us,Iir, 14mm”3,,v,,. 7 -.ll”. sin-(ml : Y' L _ T .. IIx”ml ‘‘ 0. 0. F. 1Ikg. 0. F. 113g. 0,"I", , " l g . Iir. HT 100 1101.1,ln GIIdcd 7111 IOIJ 54N'Ickel 113~ ‘ no "“ 1m' ‘" 1". PI. ..5“,uu E'J . 4 33 , um. m. ll‘l‘g. Nlckel " 1,2 Nickel Lever Pepi]. 12d(0Ilh Lev’er 51h l’cnd. | I 0. li‘. ” llllg. “ Gilded ‘A chkcl fw " lug. U."I". .. I 2d ‘4 " 3d I | I o’lf'’". r" GIId0d u Gilded 1,5 N I c k c l 54.‘Ickel -- “ 0“:ch 55Nl‘ckcl a GIldcd 54Nickel 0. I", " mg. Gllded I u l'cnd. " Le vcr l’end, « u u Lever l’end. Lever l'elld. " 0. I-‘. Hm. " 01h “ M I -' '.‘d [0 41h Lever 0.I”, " 5!hPena. Gilded |' 5', N‘i‘ckcI Lever l'end. Iu l JG"' o ‘i “ 55Sicko! "u 2a I: Number. 11.400.001 11.403.001 11.4L\I.OUI 1I AON‘OI I 19105.01“ HAMLUUI ' 11,411,000. II.411.001 Grade Class. Size. 91 P1. F. P1. 24’ “Pl. Style. y:.\'|_ Seth 1P e n d . 1 1 1 1 Le\cr Train “315.001 “316.001 11.07.0111 11,419,001 00 11, 3.000. 11.4 16.000. 11,417,000, to 11.403.000.._ 11.1101000. 11,407,000. 11.40‘3000. 11.40.1000. M o d e l , 1.011 2d 2d (0 11 h “1 h 6111 7111 211 N1ckcl 71.11 l/ Xtckcl 1 1:41 211le uh 1 Quli‘ck L l ‘ e u d . 1 11,419.000. ) ELGIN NAJTONAL.VVATCH Co. Number and Grade, l e h Classification of Mnierial and Descnpfion of Movement. Ill-g. Br. . o. w. m. , (ill-11:11 (jihlml ‘- XIL‘kl'l .\ |.<-1 y: Mam fill. .-111 Luci“ 51h l’cnd. 1211104111 61h 7111 211 em 7111 2d lo 41.11 Fun 241 311 ‘.'d 111g. B r . 0F 5111 1113: 2d 2d (0 “11 2d 10 41h (11 F. 5111 t. 0111 am 0. F. 711) mg. 2d 0.1 Ih‘g. 711) 2d 6111 7111 Gllded 54Nickel Gl1rled V, N'1ckol 2d Make) 2d to 41,1] 111g. B r . 0, 14‘. B r . 111g. 0. 1“. 111g. 0. F. ”kg. .. 0. F. Oi F. 1 t '. 0.1 “it. 0. 1". 111g. 11m. Mr. O. 11‘. B r . 111g. 0. 1“. 113g. 5111 a 51.1] 5111 01h 7111 in] 2d (0 uh 5m 2d 0111 2d 10 ul- Leva‐ Pond. M11 I’eml. be.\1m1 21! 3d S111 (1111 1.01er ”flaw. ll,t5“.‘ml ' ' A‐ 1/2 X'i'ckcl ..d10uh Lover j H unm- 11.0101”! II.bII.( “ I l 1,7W,OOI I I .60136!” II lib.l ) ! " IIJflI‘fl ” . Pena g.\ (uh ' |L€JHIMII . ll,ln wt), 1)rum, II.“"(In)” I. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. Number and Gmdc, with Clasarhcafivn of Material and Destripfion of Movement I Grade. , Class,i ..‘ m n.' I Sim. “16 Pl. .' F.“PI. ii "I’l. I".P]. u 1; VI. Sfiyg. Model. i_ _ ‐ ' S m . Train. Le‘yer Quick Pond. Lever Fund. o. F. ll‘t‘g. (In1F.x ' 0." 1". “lg. O. l". Nlgkcl V,» N‘l‘ckel u Glldud '(lz NI“kcl 81h m h '.'d 2d 1041h 51h 61h 7 1 ! ) 0. F. "lg. Hm.Mr, Lever l’end. Lever Pe‘pd. u 3.. L e v e r Peru. u L e v e r Pend. 0. 54S‘I‘ckel 0 . Illgl.‘ B r . Nlake! 2 IIIL'. MNickel 0. 1". "lg. ‘ I i l l ! " ‐ 0. . Gilded 9 4N i c k e l ” "lg. GIIdea 96Nickel OI I". lg. lv‘ u mu. m. .III'Br. 1 '. 'i-. Glldcd 1,6 Nickel '.’d lo 41h i| 01h Gllged 54Nickel Glltlcd y, S‘l‘ckol Gilded u A Arbors. Balance (see Stalls. Balance.. Arbors, Barrel ............ Arbors and Barrels, Fitted . Arbors, Center (seeArbors, Selll Arbors, l’allet... Arbors, Pallets and Forks Arbors. Settlng Arbors Sweep Second Arbors, \\ indlm: Arbors .\luln W heel (see ,\.rbor‘ B trrel) lle\cl l’lnlon l’l\ots...... . B e tcl \\ heels (see \\ heels M a i n ) Brut-res. Balance ( w e cocks) . llrtdges B a r r e l llrltlges, Bevel l’inlon.... llrld-ws, l ‘ u l l e t Brltlgt-u 'l'ta|n.. [ i n hlnfls Bur-rd \ t l m | Bn..hlng~, ('tntex N'tull . Cams. Sctltlng Cum», ettlnxSprtng. ( ‘ u m Levers. . . . Cam Sprlngs Cannon l'lnlons Cannon l’lnlot ‘ Clips. Arbor Cups,Ratchet,Brassand Nl‘ckul Caps, Ratchet,Steel. .. .. . Cap .lenels \rb0r, l‘allel, Loner . Cap .le\ Arbor, l’nllet, Upper CapJent, Plnlon, Escape, Loner. . (.‘apJewels, l'lnlon l‘:\('ll|>t‘, t‘ppur. Cap .Ienels. Stall, Balance, [ m m - r CapJenels, Stall. Balance, I'pper .. - Center Arbor" (see _\rbor~,St-tt1ng Center (“ups .. Center l’lnlons _. .. C e n t e r l ‘ l n l o n \n t s Center l’lnlon \\ ushers Center Stalls........ CenterStat! Bushln Center Stntl' .lenels, L o “or (‘enterStat!‘Janel»,l ppor Center Stall" Washer . Center \\ hel: Center \\ lp-cls, Complete Center W hetl \'uts._ Clamps, Minute Wheel. Clam] . , Rnlchet.. . .. Clamps, Ratchet Wheel Clamps,SettIngWheel... ArborBushtngs. Barrel .. Arbor Caps Arbor Cups Arbor Washers Arms, \' lbratlng Aa| l‘ininn .Is\ '-l~ rp,l,:1nrr 'u|1l,'l’|nm|r l: nu, w r p , l ppur ..»1'|1v£nn.luneis. Ilule, how: , .\rl1or. Puller, Lower. . \1'|mr, 1‘ ”Pl. ("pper ..\rlvor. n'ccpSeconll, l ' p p e I'Inlnn npo,Loner. c k , Ilole i'inlon I',~cu|1e. Upper. ,~. Jlnle. l'inion, Fourth, Loner. u' l'llllOlI Jewels. Ilulo, prpcr , I -vu p " \\'hr->I~' ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , lIolo.Smll,Balance.1\~'~orlcd . a.Hole.Slall. 1mlance. Lower , ,Ivnni~. Ilulv,Mull“, llulum'e."pl-(rt \, IlnltnMani (Jenn-r, Low-r 'el,~, llule ’ all, Cenler, Upper. . pr ‘\'l|1'l"- 1nd I’Inlons \\'l1ml~ n illl Sflckuln ( w e \\'ln'l'l~'. l l o n r ) .... I l l ill Jewels, i’ullel Stones ,. . , .lunuh,Roller,or.lew .Ionvis, Roller, or Jewel l’lus .lunell'ln~.... Key l’osls (see Arbors, lmrrel).. L Levers('ee Forks) . Lever Cum .... Lev , (.‘hnch.. Levers,Sl'lling .... ,. LI er hpnngs. (.‘Iulch , Ln prings‘. elllng Lm-utlon of Dial F et Lower l'lutcs ....... blnln Screw Washers . Main Springs ....... .\lnln Wheels ... liuinWheelArbors(see “bow, Ilurrel) Main Wheel Studs MaleSlop Works . Minute llnnds Minute Wheels . ll lnule Wheel Clamps Modelsof Movements Movements}. Description of N Nuts.Center Plnion.. Nuts. Celner Wheel . Nutsand Screws. Regulator.......................... III-Ill'Nlll|1\\0!l\§... I: m. I‘lnlnm h. -:l'lnloni l~ I|I|l|\\l .l-(wv'\\hm-li.lu l"|rrl1\\'l u n i Pinion. ( w - l>ork~nnd ' ,' , . . F o r ) “ l’illlvh’flild Arhor l’ourlh l'lniun‘ Fourth l’lnlnn .Ien I-‘ourlh i’inlun .I\:\\|'l> Upper Fourth\\ln-wl . .. ... .. . . . .. . 1p.) . . . 71! Fourth Win: i’rlcllon R111 1dl’lillfllin,. ....... . G GoingWheels(sec Barrels H Ilnnrls, llournnd Minnie ilmuls, ilour, Minnieand Second, .\ Hands, Minute. . ... Iiunds,Second. Ilnnds.Second. Asaortcd llnml Posts (see A r b o r s J S c n l n g ) liends. Pinion (see Pinions, Center) Ilourilunds llour Wheels Iiubs. llnrrel Hubs, Barrel Arbor.. I Indexes ..................................... Inter-Selling Wheels" ' Inter-Winding Wheels .. i l n i r Springs, Colleled... i l a i r Spring L'ollers lialrSpringStuds. llunris,"our... ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. DJ 16 ... Whm-i- “i111l’lninm1..rc\\'l1uu|~, ”innit-L... livi , IL . \\'l1~., .\l’l1|~.l,~ci l”? . il‘ll '.l , NH : , i f » ; ' (iii . ..................... ' .lvnela, ilole. l'inion, I-‘onrih,Upper liole, i'lnion, Third, Lower. ilole, i'inlon,’i‘l1ird, L'pper... Pallets a n d Fork.» Pallets. Forksand Arbor Pallet .\ rlmrs , Pallet .\rhor.lewe .Cttp L o “er Pttllet ArborJewels, Cnp. Up l m r Pallet Arbor .leueis. llole, Lott er Pallet A r b o r - l u r c h , Hole, Upper Pallet liridge< . . . . , Pallet Stairs (See .\rbor<, Pallet)... Pallet Stones ( J e n 011) Pendant liars ,, Pendant Spri l’inionc, Bevel Pinions. Cannon.. Pinions. Cannon. Plnions‘.C o m e t , Pinion Second “lteels' ( w e \\'he(~ls1 Center) , . Second \\’I111el<11111l l‘in10ns (\e1*\\'i1..\- P11 PAM}: . 103 ~m11'1h) 110 23 213 . 32 3‘1' , 38 l’inionc. Pinion Pinions, F‘ourth Pintons. Fourth 11nd Wheeh _ l’iniom eeond(See Pinion<. Pinions Sweep Second. l’inions.Thlri .. . peand Wheels tith nee l‘inlons Pin.ons. Thirtl anti \\ hee Pinions.\\i1nling(~eePinio Pinion Heads (see l'inlon».Center), Pins, Bevel l’inion Pins, Jewel ., Pins,Setting. PinteS. Lower. Plates.‘1‘op . l’it'ots.Bevel l‘inion ,. Peas. llund (see Arbors. Po>ts1Key(seeArbors,llarrel)...... Posts, Winding (see Arbors, liurrel) Petnnces,..........._._ _ . . . . . Rntchets Ratchet Cups, Steel. Ratchet Cttps, Brassand Xickein RatchetClitmps..........__._.. ._ Ratchet Wheels Ratchet Wheel Clam] Ratchet \\'heel Washer, Regulators Regulator Nuts and Scret Regulator Springs ._ . , Rings, Dust. (see Band . Dust) Rings, Friction R i n g Wheels. Rollers.Safely. Rollers, Table Rollers, Table. w i t h Jewels Roller Jewels or Jewel I’in1 S Safety R o l l e r s . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . _ . . . Scales, Regulating (see Indexes) Screws Screws, Assorted Screws and Nuts. Regulate ScrewTaps .... Sewnd Hands . , ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. liet‘el) .Cltticlt. lmt‘ur Spring,» Setting 1.» Sprit‘igs,1\lttilt Springs, Pendant .. ._ Springs, Regulator Springs Settingv p r t n15 Setting. .\~S‘011e , rings, Y01:11(511;Spr111;.:~1 \'1hr1111111,: .\1'111> 1|1111r12~1..\13lliiigi_Sec .\rl-or- 4 1 m g ) . tlTS.Balance. 5111115. 151111111 Sittils.l’1tllet (‘ee \rbor~. P a l l e t ) Stntl BilslliligS_ Center .......... . Stop works. Femnie. Stop \\'orks. Male Selim; ,\ri1or~ , .. ~11111g lt11r~ ,. _ ,, Hill"Ciil\iS_ .. Setttngt1111111110 S1t|1ng t r h m t‘ t|]1S(S1113ienter t‘ | 1 p ~ 1 Selilllgi1('\t€l‘S SellingLc\t'l'.\|11'il12S Setting l ' i m Setting Sinp . . . . . i11p]11~1‘<. S1-11111: .S'11-11t'rw \\'i111l|11,_'- \rlv111' .Sptt_'11.:.\r111 \ 111111111;r , , . .Spr1n'. ( ‘ o n u ' n (‘Dmpli ( ‘ i i t k (nu-Ralc'hch) . ,'1r0\\n (N4.- “i , Mann... Din]will!I'inmn~he»\\ hock.\iinnw) nl “ i i h \‘o«knels ( w e \\' h(vi~', Iiouri . . Wilccls. .\inin Wheels; Minute .. Wheels; Ratchet Whack, Ring, vlling. . ‘c-cp Second . Wheelc.Winding(weWhoa \\ ilnllm.’ Arbors \\'imllug Arbor Siemo “’ i m i l n g lirid'', see iicvcl Pinion ilyid Win-lingCups . . .. Arbor). Windingi'mions(secl’inIonza,Bewi) W i n d i n g P i n i o n S t u d s( w e I ' i v o l s . B e v e l P i n i o n ) . Winding i'osls (see Arbors, iinrrei) Winding: and Selling Ciulchm Winding Wheels (sec Wheels, Ratchet) Y ‘ ‘ Yoke,(sec-Arm».Vibrating) Winn-i”l,-z,"ll‘r\\ uh Sm In H (~ 0 \\ hoe » m a u v e ) , I lflh uvuil’lni(1x\~:lsoc\\'h.. Hv. Minnie) . I "|r~l . . II ln'vi~ i-‘inl, “ i l i l iinrrcl.\rbor.uul iluiv, “hr-ch. I-ourliL. , . . . . . Fourth Ami i‘ininu. .. ~ Goinghm' iiarreh). .. I.Iour , , \\ Ineis,inn-rSelling. . and i’In.). g fig? E $fl%p’~‘ r, Ws§~ »~‘ a?» $5? 149: h, $%“ afia” W? ': 3 3 $29. Qfi ag If
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