Pocket Watch Database

Net Price List of Materials Manufactured by the Elgin National Watch Co. (1915)

This Material Catalog was distributed by the Elgin National Watch Co. in May 1915.

Copyright Status: Public Domain (+95 Years)

Acquisition Price: $38.77

Acquisition Date: July 23, 2017

Digitized Date July 31, 2019

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),.0m P , M“ 51 Tflfi FACTORiEs E L G I N -ILLS‐ BRANCH OFFICES I5 MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK TRADERS BANK BLDG.'.TORONTO ‐ -a.,;,- \i:"9 ' . ~6ENERAL OFFICE' ,_10 S.-WABASH-AVENUE~ ( V . f,’ ' I } ; CHICAGO. Eny 1896 we issued our last general material list. since which time we have published, as addenda. suppie’ments in sheet form. Owing to the introduction, during the past eight years, of almost an entire new line of watch movements, both as to sizes and models. it has been deemed advisable to revise our general price list of material, which we now take pleasure in presenting you. We have retained in general the form last used. but have made several altera‐ tions which we think have simplified it in many respects, and we trust will meet with your approval. The classification of movements as given in 1896 is still retained. and the new classes where [he maker/a! is [he same are embodied with them: this may at a glance be somewhat confusing, on account of not being able to as readily find the class required by this arrangement as in the old list. because in that the classes increased from top to bottom of page; but if you will first ascertain the size of material wanted. you can readily find the class, those of the same size being all kept together. Under the heading " Description of Movement " we have left out " Style." " Wind..” " Sett." and ”Series " substituting " Model." and on pages l6 to 20 illustrate the several models. and under the several illustrations of material state whether that shape is suitable for “ Htg. ' or ' O . F‘." movements, We have endeavored to embody in the same line all the classes of movements using material of one quality of finish. thereby condensing the arrangement con‐ siderably over the previous f o r m ‐ s o much so that in about the same space we are able to provide for something over three hundred and fifty different grades, while in the previous list only about two hundred were included. Bear in mind that the illustra/ions of material serve to give the shape only. the quality of finish being shown by the class, movements taking the same shape and finish being embraced in one line opposite the catalogue number of that particular shape. Serial numbers. with a full description of all movements manufactured to date. will be found commencing with page 122. " Classification of Movements as Originally Made.n on pages 5 to 9. will be of assistance. as it embodies a complete description of the several movements, as well as giving the class or quality of finish of material suitable for each particular grade. MAY, 1904. Respectfully yours, ELGlN NATIONAL WATCH CO. Grade, Advance ilruher Time .| Father T i m e , l-‘unznn I’nrwuil Ferry .. Pmuctm ”lllllc: ‘ Grillllor en , Lurly l. .. Liuly H Lunly l ‘ l .n u , , Lnillu, . . Leader . widen” 5 ‘ vala mi 3 (Harland J (Harlan-i , 2‘, Overland 9 ( i vcrlurul. w Raymond .. l Raymond. 65 Raymend 7 Raymend (ll Ryemiu .. ' 4 Tavlor . 3 1‘s}l o r 3 Taylor. ii li lllleil 2u : 7. Sifikei n (llllled n . \ ' lgkel Key Lever l’eml. Lev c r \' e'riluy. \ erlma Verna,K F ! ) .\'igkci syn ‘ Lever R e y o r L e !e r ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. GRADESOFMOVEMENTS -‐‐WITH-‐‐ C L A S S I F I C A T I O N 'AND D E S C R I P T I O N AS ORIGINALLYMADE Train. Key01;Lower Slgw lit ' Kc' is!with ,Kcyoi; w e t Quick list 2-1to illn Bib mi lift Ww WMh 4 4 D 25 fi 2! 34 5 0 (S 5 5 5 Gilded M [glib Gildedq! .\'lekel .. 5") Gilded ad Pond GIliled Isl,to-llh Key05Lever Gildedwe?.!\'leliel 7th In to 4“! m; 5th Lever Keyor Lever L e ie r . l’eml. I Lever | Key ; Lever Gildedor .\'iekel \'clkit1 ill!) (.vllf'led i n ! .edtoin: last to 2d I s li o fl h 2d 1941h Lever .\'ickel nu 55h Pam]. u m lo-lih lReyorLeier Gilded Elli l’end Gildedor Nickel .‐ .‐ Mlg-llh Lever u .\'lelfel Gllded In ed in Jlli n Key Louver Kc ' Slgw .. u C: u P o n d . .. .. .‐ 59 .00 61 .0‘3 .C>3 .61 51 .(15 .06 07. .6S. . 6 9 70 7 1 Quick ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. Grades oi Movements with Classification and Doscnplion as Originally Made. Size. K “Pl. F. Pl. 9 1“Pl. ng. Style. Nickel G i l d e d ModeL Senl 151 2dloill) l s l llig.m‘1‘rl0.1“: Gilded Nickel Gilded m e r - "1 Slow ‘ Quick Slow 2d lo 411) slow is! Quick Gilded O. l". " Nickel “ lllg. “ Lever “, Kay ‘A Nickel Pond. Nickel “ Gilded ‘ 2dlo41h “ ISL " 2d lo -ii,li Nickel l s L Gilded 51h Nickel lst Gilded ‘ " " 2d lo 41!) lst " 2d 10 4111 ‘ " 41h Nickel “ iilgandOil". Gilded . 2d “ - Nickel ," lllg. k/z Nickel is! 2d lo -ill1 S. Sec. ‘ Gilded ‘ i i h liig.und0.17. “ 2d " ‘ Nickel " lilg. Gilded 3d [ligand0.F. “ lat, ”is" :: mg.quoilv'. up. u .. iilg. Nickel lsl " Slaw . Quick Lever 5. Sec, " “ 56Nickel Nickel Gilded 11 u Nickel Gilded Nickel Gilded ngkel Gilded Nickei 2dto 4m “ Bil Edlo villi ‘ l.~i. “ 32d10in, lsl ‘ ‘ ' _' ‘ Q or s. Quick l " l “ Pond. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. Grades 0! Movements Willi Classification and Dourlpiion a; Oliginally Mado‐ Style. Model. Son. Pend. Train. Jewels, Quick "is. u 11 0,"F. "fig. 0. F. il'i'g. Gilded Nickel Gilded chnkcl Gilded .\' le'kel G lldeli N like] Gilded Nickel Ul'x‘led Nickel Gllllul 1,5 Nickel Gilded N Ickcl Gilded 95.\'ickel Gilded .\' lelcel G i i n l e d N lakel Gilded Nickel $4Nigkel Nickel 54.- Nlckel S ickei Xlékel Gilded Nigkcl Gilded Nigkcl Nickel 54min! 55Nickel 14 51h '.'(l to 4111 u 3d 51h Isl u '.’d ikl i. 51]! KLillie»)!!! ' 5! h 2d I0 llh 5|h ' ' 2-1In ~llh i 55h 1st ' 2d 1 : Sci so uh ! nl , 2d lo llh - lllg. llr. 0. R u u l".Br. 1153. our-2 mg. nF. illg. (i, l". lllvg‘ 51h l3! Xlgkcl 61}! 2d .. u 2dlo4m ! Lever l’cnd. Le'yer Pcnd. l;e\'gr en , 51h 75h 51h '.’l| to-l|h . 2d id to 4th 5th 111. " a; 11 “ 5 13 1111. 10 " . 5 " 1 " 10 ' " 56 1s a; 1'1 ~ . 2111111111 ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. Grades oi Movements with Classlfimtion and Descripllon as Ongmaily Made C l a s s S i z e . 511,11. 1 M o d e l . S o n 75 G 91 illg. Gilded 211 Fund. 92 16 “ v,Nickel 11111 “ 94~ 0.1-1 " 7111 " v1 " “ 111g. Gilded 0111 n m““o.1-' 1- 71111" Lcwr 1101111. 1. Lover 111-1111 1‐ | 2111111111 ‘ 1 5111 i 1111111 2111111111 1 1 5111 1 1-11.11 1 211 1 “ Tum ’ chuis Quick ‘ zi P1. 11.1'1. =.' l’i Nickel 8111 1 an 18 03 " 75 G 61 1s 63 " 81 o 93 16 m“" n7111 RI0" “1~1 5,.... .1.. 85~" s211 86"" ~311 “ . 1.1mm 5111 ‘ 19x1ckc1 211 as,.1-- i “ 37..11. .. .. 1. 93 “ ~ 115 “ “ 11-3 1:11 1 131"~1).11. "15111 111 15 37 ss 117 - “ ~' 1-1 " 1qu 1111: 0. 1-‘. 111; 1). 1-2 " “ ; 21111-1111 511-1111 7111 1:1111c11 211 1‘ 1:11 x11-k1-1 1~1 ‐ 1'1. 1“ " 91 1-1. - " 7111 1 2111111111 1 in; 111. o. 11' m. 111: 1;Mum-1 .. G u a m 11111 1 1 513“. ' kau1" 1' si- 12 “ " 1,5 .\ 1c1111 “ “ S7 .. 11 .. ., 1 1 . SS .1 .1 11,1.1 1. 311 ' m1.1...... . 1's “ " 7: " 41 01 1s 1-2 H 90 “ 34 Pl 111.111. 33 I4; ‘ “ 32 .. .. 1. 4. .. ., as “1-~ 0.1‘1:1. -- 71111 -‐ " 1 5111 (51111111 1~1 V, A'ickci (3111 111111011 .. 15x1c111-1 '~ (“1111-11 1.1-11-1 Nickci - 1:11am Nlckel 211 1 “ 1111 1 -‐ 1.~1 ‘ 10-1‐ 1 8111 1 i.11\'1-r . }.1,. “ . 15111 1'1-1111 V;Nickel 1 6111 ‘ " ~ 7111i." 1. 2111. fl :1111 1. 2111111111 1 1.1111 “ 5111 1 l'1~11<1 Nickel 211 1 “ n 3111-‘ " V. Nickel Nickel y. Elicia-i 7111 1 3.1 11.1 211 9111 71h 2d 104111 5111 i.1~11-r 1-11.11. -~ 4‐ 1111111 i’umi. mer l ’ c m l . .. 1 .. 1 1. | 1. Nickel 7111 chur Gilded 20 i’cnd. 5111 y, Nlckci 2d 211 10 1111 c h u r 5111 i’und, Gilded 211 ’/§ Nickel (51h 71h 6115101] 81h 71h 51h ‘A N‘ickci 2d u 211 1041.11 51.11 Dlh Lu1cr 2d i’cnd 3d Grade Size \'o. 298.. ., ,=’ N. No,290 . "“ 5m. 1 Model 2d gm sm. Tuirl c h e i s 1 \' . 3602. ' ' m ' No.45;u,65 Wheeler Over. lax-.l. i l i l l e . .m, 2“.245. 1:11 In.1 . 5 . umkn, Fnrwoll, ,.M 0.\cl'lllllll ( 0 . 1 ’. sou). m, M};( Love u,).m. llnynlolnl (XN., 0.l-.,ve1.e;ot.), I Fargo,Allvnllcw' clllei'. M e . . \’l ).vs . ’ M “, mw ” y M n ll.-r Time,_(0O i ' l F- inal. ("m-l 7"l "0 150. -1 132! “fl" 99. lllu, ,o,as, '.|79,1 » ons mammal: gar. a;x n, um? 53 .lal'crl lo l \o.210mm.257. No.22. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. Grades 0! Movements with C l l i" 'on md Ducviplion u Orig y ! ( e r SL,SI,% xo.xl,u. 1mm.951ml. Km“. 51X0.13.m. 2 . I .\o.mi,213, 22]. \'. I. L a d Elwin OJ?‐ lofia.sos.)(,m' NOMLMSWAIL SQMSHJIL so £95.33‐ -7-7 m I o. . lit". “7: l Gilded xNickel . uick Q" in nrdl-l'Ill"Pluto»or pnrl~\\IlI('IIan-wnlwllto [hemlIll’mostN'Illh'I'llCIOl')Wm istoWlldtheseveralpieces llullareum lnconmcllonnlllllllll'llIIlIhullzlllllnuIl~' tom:lw'lpar“nulljewchofsuitablelloicslficitomthe pllols,zl~ llr-lllls do lllv llpl'l;.llllll-nndten-Mlnkilu, \~ n I.l l - ~ 1’r)cl:~' it ~llonll lu ~l.lt-;~ll “IV-ll kind of .1 mm Spring they are lo lll: used with, ilreguei or Flat, and ii I’nl l~~l/l:. “Ilulll-r illn.\ ~Il0llld l l l l h mo l l r illrcc swath pill~, licnlcr lirldgw for 10~lm .,iI model mnvemcls, will be furnished m the following prices: Grade Nu FollowingareprlccsIorflilIl'll.’someorthe mostprominentpiecesofmmerinl',pricesbeingforeach: at! to Balance ., . ll.llr\'prlnl.: llllll \' Illl’illillf.’ l Swmmr .l-nwl r nr .Iclvcl I‘in. llml . 'I'rlllngznnli l’lmlll RI'I’I‘IOVIIIL,’ broken kL‘vfiIIdIll: Plums ,. llllnluskcvlllng I'll-lei IllinymrlmlJ' ‘nl ..ll| s Tl:ylor,0“crlnnd,‘29 ., u, Iend.scufflzw [July Fig‐in ( 0 . .l’ellll. Sci.J, (" Levgr Sch). 279. l l c r TchcLI-fi T‘nfilor Evernnll. . m l ' l . ”T,151,167. erSe 75. 166. .\o.llu. 10:1, 9 Wheeler. m r- J! 11)..th195' “9,151.04. 2 Culvermlgrl v- lnnlI,ul.I-' ' ' \~ 1'5 " us:i versel.l w 35.33.9359.59. 1m It”), 1.19 .ul.2 4 6 . 1No.907, Ml. No.49. no, 113, fl ] . ill.” . Glldml ilh " l 9Jeweledin 3rd.4thandEscape.bothends. iJeweled in 3d. 41h. E s c a p e a n d Pailen b o t h ends. Jeweled in 4111and scape. bath ends. ‘Jeweled in 8d, 41h. Escape and Pallet, Upper. 1Je ledIn 3d.4th,Escape.Pnilei.andCenter,bothends Gilda Advance slm . . , Model Siyle » . T B a n e ] i Lowei Ton Lallin Leader lsi lO4m 131, 2d “ Dextlinticn 0! Movement Price Each. with Evidges plmomPnlieliTvam eweis Set Veriias . . Yeriins ‘ 91h “ W h e e l e r Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler \'.l.. i s ! 0.0 5 t h G i l d e d 2d to 4m “ 5th Xiekei “ “ ' ‘ . . 4 ‘ 39 Gilded ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. PARTSOF PLA’I‘ES. 157.10ml “ “ .'30,,,ll.--.,iii‘ 151, ‘- , , _.l.l, .‘.iil isllo-iih . zoi __. DexterSi. Father T i m e , FnlherTime, Father Time Furgo,,. Farweli_ “ “' Ferry.le. Frances Ruble Gilil Borden“. . Culver ' “ ‘ .:.30l A‘gin.. Lnd) g i n Ludv Eigill . ' . Nickel " Gilded 151to41h ‘ “ 2d [05l11,7lll i Nickel lst (051h “ isv,to 5m.7“) Sih l s i is! lo 5th 2dto 41h 81h " Gilded Nickel " Gilded “ Nickel 2d 10 dill “ 2d [9 4th 4; 2d isL 2d Le 4111 is! M to uh Isl. Nickel Gilded “u uu 2d (0 4th Nickel i s i . Glifiied au Gilded ' ‘ .' .30 _ . . . . . .:l . ‘ 1.10 1 , . lsi , ‘. . 2d[0 4th Nickel 5111 “ Tih “ \ is! Gilded ‘ Nic'kel Gilded ‐ ‐ Dmvlption oi Monmenl Mvdui CONTIN UED. H % éJeweicd in 3d. 4th, Escapeand Pniiel. both ends. a n e i e d I n 3 1 1 . 4 “ : E s c a p e . m i l e ! a n d Center, b o t h e n d s . zJeweicd in 3d. 4m a n d Escape, b o t h a n ds. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. EDXXIQTFSS ( ) f ? EDIJJXTFIEES, 2-1 10 11h m 1, ml to 1m bl " '.vllo i i i ) : Nickel (jildvll 2d[lo uh , ngkcl Glitlicd l xlcm ' ' Gllilcll " ‘ '.‘d In 4m i~l 2d lg ill) ilh “ " 2d “ l s t 2d to -ili1 h M to ill) is! 61h 51h Gilded u .. nu . .. Siylv filed l‐2 lhxickhci I Nickel ' Gildedl I ~ Nlckcl . 0 ti Jew- els Bum) 5,3, Cotk 1 Nickel Gilded Nickel l,5.\"lckcl Gilsled Nickel Gliticd Nickel léslckci Nickel Pnct Each.with Jewels Se! No.0!5_ _ _ ' Budge: Pol- Plates mm Top .___ Description of Movement Size Price Each, with Jewels Se! . .Jf’w‘inmh; ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. PARTSOF PLA’TES, CONTINUED. 51h “ i'd 1041h Gilded Nickel Gilded Nickel ; Gilded Nickel Gilded Nickel Gilded Nickel ‘ Gilderi ‘ “ Nickel 3d “ 5m “ Gilded Nickel Gilded Nickel 3d " Nickel ': Gilded 51h ': Gilded . l s ! " 2d .: Nickel 2dloiii) " " ‘/’=l\'ickel Gilded Nickel Gilded %Nlekel Gilded Niekel 2d lo 4th ill) 81h 2d19“l 51h 15! 2d 2d 104th 51h Style .IBev.;‘a‘ i Gilded ‘ Gilded Niekel l/,Nlekei “ SJewcled in 3d. 41h, Escape and Pallet, both ends. 1Jeweledin ad,“in,Escape.PalletandCenter.bothends. L l e w e l e d i n 341, 4 t h a n d L s c a p e . b o t h e n d s . Neweled in 3d. 41h, Escape. Puller a n d Center, both ends. (except lower Center) Escape a n d Pallet Capped. =Jewelcd in 3d, 4th, Escape. Puller. and Center, both ends, Escape a n d PalletCapped. 3mmPimonipaliep ‘.Cap 5' la I Bridges 9 z Md| s| lama! _ _ _ _ ‘Ranch-i PM, PM“ ' " ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. PARTSOFPLATES, CONTINUED. Deicriplion of Movement [ P l l u Ench. with Juwols Set nc (ya ew- els 5 l Pm“ Pallet cl ,Cock Tm?»i C I anco {LowevI T» 2d[04th szickcl, l". l’l. "5th"' ' ,V N. “ Nickel !4,-.\'lckcl Nlckvl , Glldcd " Slckcl 2d to vnh 51h Tlll 5th 10 Ill) 51h (51h 71h 2d l s ! Blh Shh 75.11 u Glldcd Nlfikel 611: lgNlckcl 7th " F. P]. a 5h .. 2d104th Gilded 'I No.251. 2d to m: “ léxlckcl 9z 2d edto41h "Il 51h | _" 1 2d .ledml:1 om j!§.\'lckcl| l 71h ,“|l fill) Gilded u 71h | " l 81h 5 l h ‘.‘d 2d 10 uh 51h Isl, 61h 7m 1:1 2d 3d 2d to 41h 51h Nlcknxl Ulldwl ' kcl Gilded “ 2d lo uh KSlckel 5w1h " x l l/gNLCkcl 3d 2 2d Nlckcl 3d " J ' :.l l 7) 7 9 g a 7 .30 Description of Movement Pnce Each, with Jewels Size Model Style Nickel G i idcd Nickel ‘ Nickel x/:Sickcl , Nicknl ‘ " L Raxclv K a“ 1 l at »:Bavre| Pimonl Pallet Tmm‘ Can F. Pl. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. IDZXIQUTES ( D E ? EDIlfixflTIEES, CONTINUED. 71h 2d lo 411) 5m " 01h “ 2d ygxickel‘ 3d .. 7th Nickel 2d Gilded 51h “ 2d [0 m: " 5m " 2d 6 t h 7th Gib Gilded xNickel " Gilded xNiflckel Gilded leerl Gilded KNLckel Gilded Vgxickei '.'Jeweledin 3d.4th.Escape,l’nllelnndComer,bothends. - . i e \ v c l e d i n 3 d , 4111, E s c a p e , P a l l e t , a n d C e m e r , b o t h e n d s , E s c a p e a n d P a l l e t C a p p e d . vl Bdl 5.00 w Size, 6th, 16 Sim, lotto Mia and 61h Models us Site, l fl . 2d and 60- Models Cup Jeweled l2 Size, 1“ Model I? Sue, 3d Model Cap Jeweled 0 Size, 1“ Model IS Sin, 2d to 4th Models 18 Sin, 5th Modol 16 Sue. 5th= 7th and 9th Models I2 Sum 2d Model For Style | 0 Sin. 2d Model l8 Size, am Model Cno Jewelod 76 Size, 70! and 901 Models Cap Jeweled I2 Sim. 2d Model Cap Jeweled 10 Sue, Is! Model For 5 m “ 2, 3 and 4 0 Sin, 3d Modol IS Siu, 9th Model Cap Jeweled H Size. lst M'odel 12 Sue, 3d Model 6 Size, m lnd 2d Model rl 10-0 Site. In! M060, 78Sin.id to 4th Modols I" ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. PARTSOFPLATES, CONTINUED. BRIDGES, PALLET. BRIDGES,BEVELPINION. |s Sin, 5th and 7th Models @ l2 Sin. M to 4th Modoll ls Size, 5th Model fé‘t ls Sln, 2d to 4th Moduli IS Slu, 2d to 4th Modal: ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. 1\/IODELS OF MO\7ENIEN’1‘S. 18 Size. is! Model Full Pllle 18 Sue, 2d (0 4th Model Full Plate TOP PLATE . (D Hunting. Kay Vlvnding and Selling 18 Size. 5th Model Full Plate Hunlml Ltuer Selfmg IB $IZL‘, 60» Model Thleu-Qumml Flaw Open Face. Pendant Setting 18 Size, 7th Model Full Pllte Hunhnz and Open Face, Pendant Senmg 18 Size, am Model Thloc'Quavlev Plate Open F l u , Lever Semng Open Face, Lover Setting 18 Size, 9th Model Threo-Quaflev Plate 17 Size. ls! Model Full P m , Hunllnz, Lever 5 m m ; I7 vae, 21! Mouc! 7 m Vat»; ‘ Hunting. Key Winding and 55m": I6 Snze, lst Model , Tmee-Qumu Plan.‐ Huminz. Level Semnz 16 Sue, 2d Model Threeruanu Pluto, Blidzo Hunting and Open Face, Lew!Seflinz E 16 Size‘ 3d Model Thue‐Qunllev Plat‐ Hunfinz and Open Face. L e v " Suiting Hunting. Luv-r Satin: ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. MODELS OF MOVEMENTS. CONTINUED. 16 Size. 4th Model Three-Quartz! Flue 16 Sum. 5th Model Thee-Quaint Plate! Solid Sweep Setond, Hunting and Open Face. Level Semng 16 Suze, 51h Model Thee-Quayle! Plato Open Face. Pendant Setting 16 $116,6(h Model ThvetrQuarter Plate Open Face. Fendan? Sefiinz 15 Size. 61h Model Thus-Quarter Plate, Bridge Hunting, Pendant Semnz 16 Sue. 71h Model ThmeQuane. Plate 1’@ Hunting“ Pendlnt Setting Open Face. Pendant Sailing ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. h/IODELS OF MO\7E1\4ENTS, CONTIN U ED. | ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. _ 19 i i Open Face, Pundanr 5mm; u sin-i is! Model 7mm. Q, , VW x iz 5m. Isl Model huge-Quark" P m ; i Hunting, Key Winding and Setting 12 Size, 2d Modal i Thin-Quarter Piale Hunting, Key Winding and Setting 12 size. 3d Model Thin-Quark! Plat. MODELSOFMOVEMENTS. CONTINUED, 16 Sue, 7“; Model Three-Quark” Plan), Budge 16Size; 9th Model Thin-Quarter Pine, Bridge Hunting, Pendant Selling Open Fun, Pendant Sminz 10 Size. ist Model Three-Quills, Plate, Style 1 10 Site, lst Model Thlee-Quutel Plate, Style 2 10 Size, lsl Model Three-Quarter Plate, Style 3 IPA/IV5” 1765 © 6 Sue lst Model TmcerQll-zev Plale burnHim? ® H m l m g Lmev Sc-z'mg 0 Size, 2d Model Thlae-Qunner Plate Hunting, Key Winding and Selllnz 10 Size, Isl Model ThterQuaflev Plate. Style 4 Hunting. Key Wlndlnz l'md Seflvnz G Slze, 15! Model Three‘Quafler Plate Solld Hunting, Key Winding and Setting 6 Size. 2d Model Three-Quanta! Plate Hummz. Level s w i n g 0 Size,1st Model Thee-Quartet Plate Hunting. Pendant Setting Hunting. Pendant Selling H u n t i n g , Pandanl Selling ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. h/IODELS OF MO\7El\/IEN’1‘S, CONTINUED. 0 Slze. 3d Model Three-Quads! Plate |0~O Slze, l s t Model Three-Quilter Plale Open Face. Pendant Setting Open Feel. Pendant Setting J to 31.301039. vl|.9>‘. m: . . (5.107m110. . . .- . .: - .. M g . 010. F. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. Piece . ._,. ... ... Pei Dot. Model In 19-1111 ed to 51h um 8th. 01h ls! 2 d,(I ARBO’RS, BARREL. in of Movement l mg 010. F, N0." 6 0 Ilurrel .\ rbors (‘amlogue No. tax. classlllcd as l to 4 andfi to 0. were made with l\' \' Sf]llfl|'0~', and _|sed in the ( I N k >\' um! 1.0 Setting Movements. Slop Works were used wlxb 01115505 l and 2. Uumlogue .\o. 1&8, also will: cllhsua l. J. 7 and 65, Catalogue .\'o. 139. Order» for less thanonclourlh dozen will becharged a! flinglc plccc price. MODELS OF MOVEMENTS. Description FullPL, llunllng.Key Se". hallPL.llunllng,LeverBell. FullPL.Open lv'm.PendantSou. 1; PL. lnu-whnngeublc. Pena-nu. sen. l‘ullI'l,0mmPure.Lever $01.1. 5 Sim' Model I 2d 2d 2d Dmliplicn _ 1 X l’l..Open Face.LeverSc"... ExpnledW. \\ 11. “f l’l..Hunting,[ a v e rSam. Expand W. WI: fulll'l..Hunting,KeySen. FullPL.llunllng. Inversflt. 0 5! PL.Interchangeable. Len-r Salt. X PL, Ilununu. “ v e r s e " - X I'L.Swen] fivmml. Lever so". ‘Kl’l..Open hn-e. I'cnnlnntSou. K PI.‘Hunting. l’cnd.Sell“ Exposed\\'. “ ' l | , ”(1.01o, r. No. 203 Hlx. or 0. F. ' i , Htg. No. 206 No.17‘59 4 0 0 .00 50 A “ ) .50 .00 3 F o r s m p W o r k s .. F o r 5151) W o r k s F o r Slim Works . I. “(Ilo5“! 3d.511) 01h. 71h.mh Uthlh 9.’l’l.IOpenFace.Peru].sag.Exposed\ “ x M. llunmgn.Leversen.ExpumlW. \ in. KP! Open l-ucc.'l.everSerb,p r o w d W.Wk. if N l l u n l l n g , lxey 81m. PL,Hunting.Kay Sen. ' -,’ l'l.,Hunting.l'end.sew.Exposed\\ . Wh. 9‘ PL,Opt-n Pure.l'cnd. Sela,p r o n dW. Wh‐ X PL.lllmtlng.hey Sou. 1KPL,Hunting. Lever Belt. PL, l l u m l n g . Pennant5 m . Pl II||nLInx.PendnmSeu‐ PL.llnntlnw. Pena.Seth.ExposedW. Wyn. l’l..Open Face.l'und.keu..Exposedw.\\'h. K Wu Open Flee.l’vlld.§ett..Exported‘V.“ ll. . 1. ’ 1104.7100 65 116 10310106._...... 5.6 10.11.6110“ 99 16.21.8641.93 17101922lo 20,26 31. 3.7. 40 31 30 40.0‘1000 , , 70 74, ST SS.100.101. 70 74.81.1131 111 10 114 __ _ .‘ . .. ~. P1. . 21120 $111,711! 1>11051h.71h 2d lofilh 151105111 5111.9111 81h (5111 Cone P I N “ Slrulglu l‘lVOI. " . “ Cone Pivot . Stmmhl m m ! “ (‘one PIVOL Strulgbl l’n'ol ‘ “ . ( ‘ o n e P l v m “ ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. ARBORS,PALLET. . , " “ ' ‘ .j151.211.6111.711mm: 151,10 7|h G i l ] . T l I ) , 9111 x1,3d,511110 1m “ 511110711) (31h, 7111 N , ' .-.’ ..1~12&1‘ .. . .' " ‘ ‘ . ' Pvicu Pel Daz, Description 01 Movement Model ‘Thcsem‘horsare made to fit pallet Irlcllonlight In mumof the c]:\~\e~lrol]1.~crc\\ uml nlminn 11111111“; beenusedand care should be tuken lo gh'e correct number. Scrc“PalletArbors“llh( n odii’l’ercn’dlamelcrsofthreadshavebeenused11110NM:111»31‐\'0.<.314und‘lln havelargedinmcter and 2309 small diameter. 2312 small. In 0 slze. clussesu" and 81. No. 1713 11115” large diameter thread and No. 215, 2309 Htg.orO.F. No.224 l e , No.1723 Ha.or0. F. Htg.m 0. F. N0.225,2311 1411. No. 1761 1111.0!0. F. No.1767 . Hz.010.F. . No. 227,231? m g . H t g . or O. F. No.1782 No. 1763 Hm.or0. F. O.F. No.1769 No. 1770 ‘ Hm,cuO. F. Mtg. I Htg.orO.F. .. 1111.010.F. l ‘ ‘ - ' “ ' “ 2d. 311 “ blmlghlmm! 2d 311 151.1030 :.(lLdd him 3d 151 No.1303 H l s z , ol 0, F. N o . 1765 Hm.orO F. No.1771 ‘ No.1304 1412. 0 1 0 . F. No.1766. 2310 1. .. FT.&".100.10I.11110I1I. 1 7010 F3. .. ; F5,Ni.Ill}.11 . . 3.10 . u u 9th MJM " “ " No. 1775 Mtg-070.171 No. 1305 | ng.ovO. F. l ' No.1773 £40. M No.1772 ' No. 1774 No.1775 ”15.010.F‐ Htg.orO. r. Descviptian Pull1'I., Hunting. Rey sou. h i l l l'l..l l n n l l n g ,Lever Sell. l-‘nll I'L,Open Face.I'elulnnl.Sen. l..Open Face.rend.Sew.Exposed\\ . . Hunting,Doversew.Bx wedW. \\ 11, Open Face.Lever Sela, p r w m l W. Wh. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. ARBORS,SETTING. Class _‐ Piece 12 m H... 1 20 , Description of Mow-went PHD“! S i n ; “These Arbors are not furnlahcd separate from the Wheels. For prices sec Sculng Wheels. No. 169 I No. 223 No. 230 No. 231 i i 1=40== o=w== u= Hz.or0. F. ’ Htg. Hiz. Hug. Hg.or0. F. ARvBORS.S\N’EEP SECOND. . PL. lnierchnngcuble. l'emlnm, Sen. l-nllPL upon l-‘uce.Lever Sou. “if PL,fine" Paw.Lowersen...Exposed\\ .1}h. figl’l..Ilnntlng.Lev'ersew. prosedW. \\h. l»n|ll'l..1iunmm'v h e y soil. unung,KeySeu‐ Hnnung.KaySen. Hunting.Pena.Seth. ExposedW. Wk: E Ful}!"”1"l l"m'lung' 'ff:'|i§'$;sm hf 1’|-.5“'cepsecond.LoverSea. 5!PL.OvenPrice.l'endnnv.Sen. 2 : P L , H u n t i n g . P o n d . 5 m . - E x l m fl l “ ' - “ m . 2d 211 ' ’l..Hun-(ink. Pendant.Sell. l g I’l..luff-“nu.feverSen. l ) I.,lluntlngJ’L-ndnnlSen. . '|.,Hunting.Pond.Sen Expo-eaw.’n p. PL,Openhoe.P e n d j c l .Exposed\\'.\\h. P L , O p e n F l e e . P o n d . sew. F J p o w d “ . w n . o. F. Htg.orO. F. moons or movsmzrns. i i i le. 01 O F. ARBORS,VVINDING. Class No. 2052 f Price 1 Description oi Movement ' |‐-‐ ‐ ‐-‐‐‐-‐ Place PMDo: Size ' Model 18 I e; m. amen!) ‘ ' pen Face.Pen-l. sew.hxposulW. \\ h. l..Hnnung,KeySen. L . l l u m l n g . L e v " sen. IT!!!“.r .’ , I 30 2.00'10|91m.| v.I I am: Falcon! Sum i ' _‘ ’ ! ; 1,0; 7 mam. M ARMS, VIBRATING. Pryce PM: PMno;1 , Dnscnptron 01 Movement Model ‘ 21117»th No.1778 No. 55 . * O{ ) © ( : i g o .r . l e . No.1307 No.1306 No.133 No.1737 ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. No. 2101 ng...mg Htg. 94 H! °OO mg. or O, F. ToascertainGrndcOfMovemem,consultIxusx. inorderingMnlerlnl,giveCatalogueNumberandClass,or Number of Movement for \\'thh same is required. Ordersforlessthanone~fourlhdozenwillbechargedat singlepieceprice. No. 1735 No.l777 No. 236 gm Hz.orO F. No.1779 -- l. ' ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. BALANCES. H i z , o r O . F I No.237,235 No. 242 Hiz. o r O . F . m g . Hiz. Hiz.or0, F. /’ Hiz.or0. F. Hiz. Price Pitt-3 I For Dex. I Description 01 ancmenl 51 Model _ _I__h| To ascertainGrade0! Movement,consult.lsnzx. In orderingmnlerinl.giveCatalogueNumberand01053,or Number of Movement f o r which same is required. Orders f o r less than one-fourth dozen w i l l becharged at single piece p r i m . - No. 1780 r, iI “ ° 1 “W 18 i". H. lsl. lo 5th. 71h Compensnling u.. .. .. ‘ I Isl, to 7th ad to Tlh 131,3d.5|h (0 71h is!is 5th l s t ls! tom: 61h Slb. 9111 8th lsl. M isl.2d.6th. 7th Expnnslon steel Nickel C o mDeparting Nickel Compensating " _m, 2d.um.7m,9m 01h.7th Expnnsion Compensating Expansion Compe‘nfliing Expansion Compensating u u Expansion Compensating is! Ca " s o l ! g“ [ f r ‐ 3 2 as 34 16 36 v a s 133 z. , . \ ‘ 0 . 112,774. No. 111,131, 167. $0.11“. n 321034.361039.41.98. I02. 35.40.921001.107l0110_ 3:1. 40 92. 91 109 110 23d Rm: Slulv .71l1.t\|l1 Rm: Nlt'lwl Tarl o r .Overland ( l u a n ' t r S e L ) m.aa.ss.u.79 so. Wh e e l e r l , O v e r . 1111101471ti. er Set.) M1111, l-‘.erry R onion. 3417666125176.'63.81, . , 1 3 113,141,97s' 1271, Ogden. l-Arwell, l-nrzo,Ad\nnce, 7,169,12A15'3'1i1’89’ 51.66.15d7 37.as: %,m111. 112, it.a. 1o102. 30.62 13163971171; Ilaman u12 17711070.F'. I’and. 1 2 Set-i“77, m m , 106.1 N o . 3 3 . u . .\'u.59. N o . 0 6 L n d y ‘ E l g l n ( O F. . , Pond.3064L)“ Lev. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. BANDS,DLIST. 76“1110311015010. do No.106140. .l . Wheeler. Over» l a n d , ( 0 . 1 - ‘ . . I ’ e n u . s e n . ) 44.75.1211, 124.147.1411270. No.4 81 0 92,,111127.136, 136. 31.\'o 101.105.1211, .\”, 1 137.117.1951 5 5 . 2 1 3 , Pucu Pueco‘ 5110 1, 7111 ST.I13 (lllxlwl 67106 . 70.87.II(J0.1II.1I3 (vlllll'll .\lL‘lu'l 7lt0 73 74. ( Q . 101, H 2 , H4 . 4 4.5... 491.0 51. BARS,SE’I‘i‘ING. Place .In 3.30 Per Do: 1,00 2.00 k a v l flilllml hickn-l (.1lllml .\l(‘Lul Desc'lpwzn cl Movemvht Model Raymond. l-Amer 711710411171.Lev er sex.).l'2..07, 70, 149. 164. 153. Tnylor.0\'er1n|ul. 9 \'o. 107,1051 No.191,197. 5 NJ.207".200,210,264.: w... Hm. CLASS OF MATERIAL AND MOVEMENTS USED IN Htg. 54l.\0.121,134,168. No.l‘.. $03,907,211218.261. 2 0 1 . 2201216210202. mnc'elfslhubli. y F‘“ey \Vlnd),fi ,. Gull Bordon.Dex‐ m 50,171,122, as. 5:1,M. V ND. 7L N o , 66, 67. X 0 . 45: M . 6 5 N o , 9 4 . 9 5 . 1 0 ] . .o. 122,170. .l‘ 42 $0.37. 4L 42 46. 43 \ ' c . 34. 35,160,159,“. 44N0.2’l:‘lme(0.'"l-..110ver 45.\'o.242630SI. .\'o.250 RnymondJ-‘nther Descuphon 01 Movement Model 1 4 , ‘.'d (0 41h 5111.7“) 5111 ‘ Glldvd slam Gilded Nickel G i l d e d l ’.'d m 17]: l ~ l Llldv Elm" ( 0 , F set.h 51117111 Nlckvl Vcrllru (u. R, L e v e r ken. 239. Inn-mend ( 9 ; PL, .Loverb‘et.). 14062101.212,220257. No. 211, 213, 221, 240 .m N0 30] m. 310.3“. No 303.3 0 ]311.315. Nu.m.2an.29!.,:rzs. N 0 . 2 9 8 . 3 l 8 . 3 2 0 , 1 ! 2 3 . N o . 3 “ , 3 2 4 . 01h Mh 07h 1~1 Ulldn-d NIL'k-‘l . Glldvd Slhln " N o . 25l. 252. No. 253, 254. I’ ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. BANDS, DUST. le, Hm. No.257. 253. No. 261, Mix. No. 262, 263. '| mg.0'o, F, I ‘ .j x'z l e , No.IBSZ,2099,2|43.2|44. No.1308.1539» |r No-1883,21m, 2145. '| 1e| i ‘1 lI I zi 1 g ,Q ‘E 1 Hm.orO,F, ; No. 255. 256. mg,or0 F, th.or0 F. J QNo.1740, 2117, 2 | 3 l , 2140, 214i, 2I42. Htg. m 0 F. __._____._‐_‐_‐‐ 4 1131051531651 '£..-'16,75. 115 81}. 116. H T . 1 . _....._ (11111111) Nil‘l'l (111161,‐ N1n1<1-1 .. 1.11.1.-.1 “ 1\11-1,1:i , 1 Wheeler Orer- lers e t“. $1115; 71 o No'fizz7s.99 91,1 . 7 1111 $1111 Fn'ther Time,(0.l-‘. l’end. 5333317' no, 160. Vo.73 112. No.199 39.99. 310. 93. No. 1193211,215. N13.597,111,211,211, 2l No.219. No.2911215,2xa,262, , 299. 316. No.2xfl1 291, 9 317. 3‘10. “1.305. No. 396. No.293, 312. No.291, 192, 111 N- 99 N Gull 1101115119“. ( G r 59.,21,22, 23, 233. No.199. N.o219.212,229,257. 33 211.737“) 22 a Pond.1sec.)(,9.56.' ‘ Na.1s,71, 115,119 179,127,229. No.15l,152135. No.1111,215. \0.1 . No. 1 N val‐Er,Leader‘11, 155, 2, _11Z 1 _o, 51,62, 1 No.91, 11. 12,19. 289. N o . w Raymond Fnlhor ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. BARRELS. Piece c h D o z . $111- Train Quick Slow (31111111 Price Descnphon 01 Movement 1 M o d e l 151105111 ix! (0 41h 2d105111,71i1 mi 10 51]: 0111 5111 $111, 0111 151.1311 16101111 1511115111 “1,311,5111107“) h i . .11. i i i “ . T i l l i.~l 111»I1|1.01i1. 7111 1'1111 1117111 11111 311, 51111117111 1.51 211. 211i 4 E7.&Q,i00.i01,lillo 1.1111111] 87, SS, i00, 10]. i i l l ‘StopWorksareusedon Barrels,Iii1131r1111011$0,201. 13111551,“3and 7; .\<11'.'137,1‘i11~1 1,7 11111111'1; No. 13711, C111“ 16.21.3611nd 41. O b s e r v e t h a t 1 8 s i z e H u m i n g l i o v c m e n l s a r e m n d e h o l h Q u i c k T m i n . 1 1 1 1 1 S1 t 1 - . 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 teethin Barrei,ur1din order1.11111there may beno mistake.careshould 11213111311111111cuiiipulu 11111111111011.1111 11! Barrel [0 be replaced with the number gh en in Catalogue. “ween ordering 11new Barrel, ( b e Barrel Arbor for same should be sum, 111111 we may properly 111 11111111 10 Ar 1. O r d e r s f o r l e s s t h a n o n e - f o u r t h d o z e n w i l l b e c h a r g e d 111 s i n g l e p i e c e p r i c e . CLASS OF MATERIAL AND MOVEMENTS USED 1 Raymomu'uhur T1me,(flu_:.. L e v er SeL),27 99,79, 119,164,1d. TaylorOverland, 29No.197,1931 51N 121,131,191. N . 1211. $0,191 No.-9o,2199,219,2111. I 2151.11.11151211110. F. 111111. S e c . ) ‐ 93 2 Cul'ver(mgL e v erSet . 76. w1'1ee1er, O v e r - 131, 1331321951 No.355,2.13. No.15121.1,212. No. 117,112,119133 1331152921121). 7 s M . L e v e r $ 9 9 . 2 12 1] ?1 . Verltns 11.111erécz.).239 11111101111 Pi ofF.,1.11vef-§§ev.j,' 29. u N o .. Vorims. (1111: 5 Tu l o r 616145511 1311.11.15.“ 59.35.939253.19.99, 1956.10.F..|’end. Sen), 11,7, 121, 117,1111279.' No.11'12,71. No111,131,191. 1111111set1,-74‐ 1-5. 111.111.1551!529.1, No. 199, 119. No. 191. 195, 123, 99, 119,113, 1 9 1 1 1 5 9 3 1 2 9 1:19, 173, 271. 2 1 3 1 , 5 1 : , . . 1291:§3:‘;M,3940. Tlme(0F.1.51or 391.2139 111,252, 0266.12 ahhzo F. warIn . .. Lever Set). 265, 39,31. {Since}?1151111111? y n ey w1n11),23.,25 31:1. No 321. 110.322. No.391.392,219.31g. No1303.301,3ll,3l . \ 53 No.9z,i11,127,135, .u,111. N 293. No.239,2119.291.3w‐ 153 $ 9 , 1 1 1 , 122,179. N 192 0.1: . 1o. 11, 1 1, . {36.53 51.551"?231. ~ .'o.,. . 91 3151 13215412} | o p gags-£8,320,” 1;n.. o. 1. No 225, N o . 212233,253,2591 N o . 231, 215,251,269 Verimn ( 0 . 1~‘., , , (.|‘11I1-1i 51111 1;111i1‘1i No. 1784 @ Hz, or O. F. No.290,291 BARRELS. No.1785 O F . No.292, 293 Hzg. No.2054,2132 Hu. or 0. F. No.1783 mg. or 0 F. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. Description | Site 16 l l i M II Model Descnnlion Fulll’|.,Hunting.Key Sou. l-‘ull PL,lluntlnu.Lever sen. h i l lPL,Open FMB.PendantS e n , Kiri.Interchangeable.Pendant Sou. 3 Pl OpenI ’ m ,l'end.Seu..ExposedW. Wu. KPl Hunting.um-Sen"Expandw. Win. 1 Pl OpenI'm.LeverSe hymn!W.Wk, § PL,lluuung,Keysen. II‘4.OpenFluLeverSen. 12 X PL.OpenFace,Loversen. xpoled“’.Wh. L”. “5PL.Ill-nun!!-Leversew, poled W. Wb. 12 SunPL,Hunting. KeySen. 10 FullPL.Hui-link.Leversou. 6 PL,Humbug.Key Belt. 1:PL.Hunting.Pent].Seth.Ego-edW. Wh. PL.Intel-elm»reuble.L e n t Belt. x PI“llunllng, Lever 80". X PL.Hunting,l’e'ndunsat. x PL,Hunting.Pendants“:‐ X PL,Hunting.Pena.sen"Expo-edW. wu. § PL.OpenP m ,Penn.Sew,ExposedW. WI!‐ PL,Huntlnp. AverSen. 5;PL,swoonsecond.Lever sm. PI.,0 en Face l’ondunv,senv film, "Tu-mg. l‘onu. s a w , B x p o l e d w. w. Pl Open Face,I’end.sen~ExpowdW. Wh‐ No.275.277 No.2100.2l77 mm, W“ “W Hg, or 0 F. No. 276 Hm.or0, F. No. 265, 269 CD = Hz.orO.F. MODELS OF MOVEMENTS. <5» Htl.orO.F. No.1782 Hfz.or0. F. No. 266 L, pen nee.l’e‘nd. Seth. M W .wn l'l..l'lllntlng,Keyset!‐ 2 1 2 i 2122 2133 A90 0.10 8.00 ‘ isi ‘ “ Gihlml " X I C L 1 ' 1 “ 1 Glldwl “ ‘ .\IanI 1.2. 3.4_ 5.0.0 8.50 ‘118 14104111 ‘ (mick \ 0110.0 7.0‘“.“u 0.j .. .. .. .. 1 .. 1,11 11," 1.1 " ' 1: " “ -- h "".20.Rd ~ “ ‘ ..1..‘.. ..... ‘ 10'-gm" i U1u‘nH' ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH Co. BARRELSANDAIQBOlQS,FI'F'TEI). cn- Price Descnpiion 0! Movement . 1 1 nlozue Clnss m f ‐ f A «‐ ‐ ‐ 7 * ‐ ‘Tram‘ Teeth No. P1ece,PerDm. 5110 Made! 1 ‘ 1 ‘u1,,, ‘ ‘ 8.00 " “ 20105111 7.00 ‘ .. ‘ '- ~ ~ 0. . J. . 0111 v (”1.0.1 7.50 " - ‘ " . " " 0,1171"' Mon 0:35"1'1 -‘". 3.4 7.0“"‘"slow1" 5.0 7.00"."g"--" 7.50 “ 1 “ 5 20104111 " “ s: " " 211105111.~1“ a.4. 5.6 0.501“.“,“"i“ 3.1 7.50“"‘“Quick.“ 1 . 1 l. 4.8. 9. 7.00"." ~~ -'" 1 "1" 1. 7. 1.3. 4, 0 . 5.s.10 1 . . . 0,25 " ‘ ' 1 10.50 ‘ " 11.711. ; .. valwl 2.11 0.50 -' 1' " . " . , 1 11' m 1 ; (um-k Bli'lul 1 ,-‘’"‘“(”1.10.1 ‘ S l o p Works are used on Barrels. Catalogue No. 204. Class 1 and 2; 297. Class 1. 2 and 7; 30.2. ClflSh 1, T and 65; 312,Clnss18and21; 1311,Cluss36und41. Observeihnt18SizeHunting;Movementsaremadeboth Quick Train, wlih 78teeth, and Slow Train, \\'lih 00 teeth. in linrrelmnd in order Ll]!!! there be no mistake. care should he 1uken and compare numbe