Pocket Watch Database
Elgin Grade 148
Grade 148 is a 15j or 17j Openface watch maufacturered by Elgin. The size 18s, Model 5 movement features a nickel finish and is adjustedtemperature.
Grade 148 Movement Characteristics
- Size18s
- Jewels15j or 17j
- ConfigurationOpenface
- FinishNickel
- Model5
- SettingPendant
- AdjustedYes
- Railroad GradeNo
Grade 148 Production Info
- Total Production33,885
- Number of Runs34
- Production Years1895-1906
- First Serial5,917,001
- Last Serial11,881,000
- Largest Run3,000
- Smallest Run20
- Most Common Run1,000
Research Notes
15 Jewels: 3rd, 4th, Escape, Pallet (Pairs) 17 Jewels: 3rd, 4th, Escape, Pallet, Center (Pairs)
"Same as G.M. Wheeler" in 1898 S.F. Meyer Catalog (GMW: 17j, Adjusted, Pat. Reg. D.S. Dial)
17j in 1897 BH Catalog
17j in 1903 No. 76 Catalog
1907 A.C. Becken Catalog: "17 Jewels" and "Adjusted to Temperature"