Pocket Watch Database
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A complete iltuStroteddescription 0flh€111ih0t$£in6 OfOne Watchef
» ' togetherwithOcondensedhistoryOfthe ’ Illinois Watch Companyo’Sprihg/‘teld
-~. 15 HE Illinois Watch Company was established in 1870, and
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for more than half a century has produced high grade watches. In 1869,Mr."J. C. Adams came to Springfield to interest local capitalists in the organization of a watch manufacturing company. The result was the organization of the Springfield Watch Company, with a capital of $100,000.00.InI\/Iay,1871,underthepresidencyofMr.j. T. Stuart, the Springfield Watch Company began the manu‐ facture of watch parts, and in 1872,the first watches were completed. These watches were 18size, full plate and key‐
wind. In 1873, the company had 125 employees and manufactured five move‐ ments per day. ,
In 1875, after the panic, a re‐organization was effected, the company being incorporatedasthe Illinois‐SpringfieldWatchCompany,withanauthorizedcapital
of $250,000.00 of which $110,000.00. was paid in. . Under the presidency of General E. N. Bates, the company began the manu‐ facture of stem-wind movements for men, and both key-wind and stem-wind movements for women. In a very short time the production amounted to 100
movements per day, but the business was n o t successful and steadily continued to lose money, which necessitated a further re‐organization in 1878.
The third company was organized and is still known as the Illinois Watch Com‐ pany, having been under practically the same management for over forty-five years. M r . Jacob Bunn was elected president in 1878, and continued to direct the business until his death in 1897, when he was succeeded by his son, M r . jacob Bunn, Jr. The policy adopted by the third management is maintained to date.
In 1878, the Illinois Watch Company produced the first open-face watch made in the United States. ,
In 1879, it made the first nickel watch movements made in America.
In 1896,itbroughtoutanewthinmodel,16size,whichbecameverypopular with railroad men everywhere. '
At the present time the output of the factory exceeds 800 watches per day, these being produced by m o r e than 1300 employees.
There is perhaps no greater satisfaction to employer and employee alike, than tohaveservedlongandfaithfullytogether. Inthisconnectionitmightbeofinterest to know that although fifty‐three years have passed since the organization of the company, there are at the present time thirty‐one employees in active service, who started in the year 1880, or before.
Of our 1350 employees, practically fifteen percent came with us twenty or moreyearsago. Thisisindeedaremarkablerecordandthecompanytakesgreat pleasure in thus testifying to their loyalty and efficient service.
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1914; the making of.cheap movements ' was discontinued and the company has since confined itself exclusively to the manufacture of the higher grades, having 17, 19,21and 23jewels. Consequently,the pros‐ pective purchaser will find illustrated and
deScribed in this catalog, only complete watches and movements of the highest grade, ranging in price from $25.00 to $250.00.
The extreme care taken in the selection of all materials that enter into the construction; the precautions exercised in the inspection of every operation; and above all the skill and
superior workmanship entering into the manu‐ facture of these watches, is in itself an assur‐ ance of quality. Illinois watches are now pro‐ duced in many different grades and sizes.
The 16 and 18 sizes, such as the “Bunn Special," “Sangamo Special," “Bunn” and ”A. Lincoln," are strong substantial move‐ m e n t s especially adapted to withstand the shocks and severe'service to which they are subjected by railroad men and others pur‐ suing the more strenuous occupations.
The 12 size watches are particularly well adapted for less severe service, in the hands of professional and business men, students and others who do not subject their watches to such hard service. These watches are much thinner and smaller in diameter than the rail~ road grade movements, as for example the “Mini," “A. Lincoln,” “Marquis‐Autocrat" and the “Autocrat.”
In wrist or bracelet watches, only one size movement is now manufactured, that being the 6/0 size, or 11 ligne, which is one inch in diameter. This m o v e m e n t is illustrated and fully described on page 19.
During the present year an 18/0 size, rectangular movement, will be placed on the market. This small movement will be fully described and illustrated in a supplementary folder, at a later date.
Bridge Model, is the highest grade 16 size railroad watch made. This m o v e m e n t was
designed and built especially for railroad men and others who follow the more strenuous occupations, and who desire an exceptional watch of accuracy and dependability.
Is the recognized standard of all railroad service. This is an extremely high grade, 21 or 23 jewel, 16 size railroad movement. It is notsoldbyusasacompletewatch,but can be fitted to any standard 16 size case of your own selection, from the stock of your retail jeweler. It is a dependable, durable and excellent timekeeper and is unquestion‐ ably the m o s t popular railroad watch made in America.
Is a thin watch of most exclusive design, made especially for the business or professional mandesiringareliable,attractive,durableand high-grade timekeeper for a lifetime of service. Thesebeautifulwatchescanbehadinavariety of attractive cases and are particularly well adapted for presentation purposes.
Is a new thin 12 size model. A half century of experience in making fine watches has enabled us to produce this n e w A, Lincoln ~a timekeeper worthy of its name, because of its satisfactory qualities and true depend‐ ability. Supplied only complete in cases of exclusive and attractive design, in 14 karat, white or green solid gold cases, or in white or green filled cap cases.
This well known watch is especially suited for the young man who is just entering upon the duties of life, or for the man who desires a high-grade, attractive and dependable time‐ piece at a medium price. This is a watch that any retail jeweler can conscientiously
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‘ Inlaid enamel figure dial
Hand carved, raised gold figure dial. bite or green gold
21 e x t r a quality ruby and sapphire jewels; special tempered compensating center arm balance, having gold screws in‐ cluding timing screws; adjusted to temperature, five positions and isochronism;Breguet hairspring; double roller e s c a p e m e n t ; hardened and polished steelescape wheel; p a t e n t Illinois
14k g r e e n g o l d p l a i n D i r e c t o i r e , n o c a p 14k g r e e n gold engraved Directoire,no c a p 14k greengold plain Empire with cap
PLAIN BASSINE Inlaid enamel figure dial
superior m o t o r barrel, both pivots of barrel staff operating in sapphire jewels; patent recoil bar and pinion click; con‐ caved and polished winding wheels; perfect pendant setting mechanism of exceptional simplicity entirely in movement; snap bezel dial.
14k g r e e n g o l d e n g r a v e d E m p i r e w i t h c a p
14k white gold. engraved Empire
1 8 ] : white gold. hand-carved case. Sterling silver dial, 18k applied figures
“ fi l l i n i ”
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Raised figure dial. White or green gold
This is a new, thin, reliable model of excellent design and is a high-grade, dependable move‐ m e n t of exceptional value and is priced within reach of those desiring a good watch
In addition to the watches mentioned in the preceding paragraphs, the company also manufactures a variety of 18, 16 and 12 size movements that can be fitted to any case of standard size. This method of selling affords the purchaser a greater assortment of cases to choose from. The following movements are included in this group :‐
BunnSpecial, 18size, 21jewel, adjustcdto six positions. No. 89, 18 size, 17 jewel, adjusted to temperature.
A. Lincoln, 16 size, 21 jewel, adjusted to five positions. A Special 16 size, 19 jewel, adjusted to three positions. Bunn, 16 size, 17 81 19 jewel, adjusted to five positions. No. 706, 16 size, 17 jewel, adjusted to four positions. No. 305, 16 size, 17 jewel, adjusted to temperature. A. Lincoln, 12 size, 21 jewel, adjusted to five positions. No. 410, 12 size, 23 jewel, adjusted to six positions.
A Special 12 size, 19 jewel, adjusted to three positions. No. 405, 12 size, 17 jewel. adjusted to temperature.
of retailjewelers, who are familiar with Illinois quality and Illinois products, and who rec‐ ommend them to their customers.
The company also has available a highly interesting, three reel motion picture film, entitled‐‐-“The Story of a Watch." This film was produced under the direction of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, United States Government, this department of the government having decided to co-operatewith representative American manufacturers in distributing approved films of industrial proc‐ esses throughout the United States and all parts of the world.
The film visualizes the complete assembly of a watch, both by actual photography and tech‐ nicalanimateddrawings. Thishighlyinterest‐ ing picture can be secured, without charge, for technical or semi-technical schools, clubs, churches, Y. M. C. A.'s or other gatherings.
The company pays all charges in connection with the transportation of the film. The only responsibility for those showing it, is to have
next point.
at,a moderate price.
WRIST WATCHES (Movements only)
Illinois 6/0 size watches a r e n o t sold complete incases. Whenpurchasingawristwatch,select acase from the stock of your retailjeweler and insist on an Illinois 15 or 19 jewel movement. These movements are high-grade and made for timekeeping purposes and n o t for orna‐ ments.
A T I O N A L advertising campaigns have never been used to market Illinois watches These campaigns are very
expensive and such expense obviously m u s t be added to the price of the product. The policy of the company has always been to make better watches, grade for grade, at a lower price to the consumer. '
Attractive display signs, descriptive folders, matrices and electrotypes are furnished, with‐ o u t charge, to retailjewelers upon request.
Illinois watches are sold exclusively through long established and well known wholesale houses throughout the United States, no sales being made direct to dealers or individuals.
Inquiries, however, are invited from both dealers and individuals, who will be given full information and referred to the nearest jobber handling these movements.
To continue in business for more than fifty years, the manufacturer m u s t make high quality products. Superior quality makes friends for the merchandise and these friends are the best advertisement.
Full credit should be given to the thousands
* “j A halffcentury of experience in making fine watches‘ has enabled us, to produce the n e w L 44
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A. Lincolnthin watch‐a timekeeper worthy of its name because Of its satisfactory qualities and thorough dependability
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No.L6. 14k solid green or white .
g o l d cage. lzlull gags-id elaezeléutlnd
center. i etc .in or er " back. nside c . Sterling silver ‘ ~I handengraveddi withinlaidenamel .
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NtldLhF Bathsolid g r e e n 05 o . u asedcenteran
Fullchasedbezelsandcenter. 5 ecial ;", ( etched, lined or Butler back. een
case. Embossedraised figure dial.
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gold,insidecapcase. wo-color,green and silvered etched or embossed raised figure dials.
extremely thin special model watch, IL size, 19ruby and sapphire jewels of extra quality. Adjusted to five positions, temperature and isochronism. Double roller estapement; steel escape wheel; polished beveled‐arm gold center wheel; Breguet hairspring; p a t e n t regulator; con‐ caved and polished winding wheels; recoil safety
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jgn ' attractive des ’ m 14k
bzlhilte ze5. inractive etched. lined or Butler ac . case. Two‐color. green and white gilded new process etched
click; hardened spring tempered compensating balance and Illinois MO-
, t o r Barrel.
Supplied only complete
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whiteor green goldor in whiteor greengoldfilled cap cases.
dial with ancient Roman figures in relief.
’ ' .
Thesemovementscanbehadin speciallydesignedandextraheavysolidgoldorplatinumcases. Pricesonapplication.
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HE part taken by a modern watch or . clock in the harmonious working of the great and intricate machinery of modem civilization is n o t fully understood n o r appre‐ ciated. If the millions of timekeepers in the pockets of busy m e n and women were suddenly and permanently to stop, a demoralization would result that could n o t be obtained from the removal of any other device of modern civilization‐disorder and chaos would reign supreme. As gravitation keeps the great ma‐ chinery of the universe in harmonious working order, without variation, from sunrise to sunset, from century to century, so the ingenious device of m a n ‐ t h e watch‐keeps the great business and social systems of the civilized
world in one moving unit of order.
As we study the evolution of the develop‐
m e n t of the watch, we find it runs parallel with those of human progress, which go hand in hand withsystemandmethod. Whilemethodmakes time,thewatchdividesit intoseconds,minutes and hours, each u n i t having i t s appointed task in the great system of modern civilization.
A short sketch of the evolution of the me‐ chanical devices to mark time is interesting. Shadows from the sun undoubtedly formed the first attempt to measure subdivisions of the day. The earliest sun dial of which we have any record being that of a Chaldean astrono‐ mer,Berosus,about
Great strides toward perfection in time‐ keepers were made in the latter half of the sixteenth and the beginning of the seventeenth centuries, notably in England, by one Tompion and his successor in business‐Graham, the latter whom invented and patented the Gra‐ ham escapement for clocks, which has main‐ tained its supremacy up to the present day, Nicholas Facio, a native of Geneva, was re‐ sponsible for the introduction of jewels as
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540yearsB. C. This was followed by the water clock of Clepsydra, which
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probably proved the stepping stone from which the idea of the clock run by weights was evolv‐ ed,
The first watch
of which we have
any record was
madein1504,bya I y o u n g Nuremberg
locksmith, and was
known as the
"Nuremberg Egg." HOURGLASS
£1,w w w "
bearings for the balance pivots. -
The earliest watches w e r e v e r y clumsy
affairs, t o o large to go into the“ pocket, and the gentleman who was the fortunate possessor of onehadaman.accompanyhimwhenhewent o u t , whose business it was to carry his watch.
The birthplace of the modern watch was in Switzerland, the Swiss being the first to make them of artistic design and of convenient size to go into the pocket, But while the Swiss were the first to make the watch of modern civilization, it remained for the inventive brain of the American genius to devise and perfect ways and means of producing and standardizing high-grade watches, in such a
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k B r Rw ! h ' t MI ' dO D E l d L e n égse.gl§encigl etchgdfollinegoor 8:5!“ back. terling silver in-
find] figure etched center “ w a s /
Queen case or insidecap case
This new watch was produced to meet the demand for an a t ‐ tractwe hlgh‐g’rade thl‘n model that could be depended upon as an accurate time‐
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1 4 k F ' l l a l d . E G r T e O e N n Mo r wO El ?n g l d c h a s e d casg. Etfied. Butler~ finish or lined ack. mbossedraisedfiguredial
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14k Fgleg.dGéeer; orfiwhsilte gloldgigasekd case. toe, uter n‘ orine ac. Center cngravleddial
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17Jewels; Adjusted to THREE Positions
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SPECIAL quality tempered and
hardened compensating balance;
double roller escapement; steel es‐
cape Wheel; gold c e n t e r wheel;
Breguet hairspring; p a t e n t regulator;
concaved and polished winding
wheels; Illinois Motor Barrel and
* ,
These movements are made of the finest materials obtainable and are thoroughly dependable.
SIDE VIEW AND MOVEMENT 2:0} These movements can be had in specially designed andextra heavysolid gold or platinumcases. Priceson application.
w a y as to plaée them within the reach of the great masses. '
At first watches w e r e made by hand, and because of their intricate mechanism, a year was usually required to construct. a" single watch; From time to time the Swiss invented mechanical devices to expedite the hand work, until when watchmaking was introduced in America, much of the work was done by the Swiss on machines. At first the American
watchmakers imported this machinery from Europe, until the Swiss government became alarmed at the possible loss of their business by new world competition and enacted laws to prohibit the sale of their machinery o u t of their own country. This enactment threw the inventive American upon his own resources‐ thepositionin whichhehasalwaysbeenstrong‐ est‐with the result that ways and means were gradually thought out and developed, which
under other conditions than necessity would never have been evolved, the final result being the highest standard of efficiency in watchmaking ‐‐the American product.
Since 1870 the slogan of the Illinois Watch Company has been quality rather than quantity. The standards set up by the Company at this early date have been i m ‐ proved upon by the inven‐ tion of ingenious devices in special machinery, until the watches made by the Illinois Watch Company are a rec‐ ognized standard of efficiency in America.
rim which is made of brass, is welded to an inner r i m of steel, these t w o metals having a g r e a t difference in linear expansion due to changes in temperature.
The rim'ofthe wheel iscut intwo places allowing a free movement of a portion of the rimto expandor contract away from, or toward the center of the wheel, consequently, when the temperature rises, the brass on the outside expands more than the steel, causing the r i m to bend in, thus placing a portion of the weight toward the center, resulting in a gain of time sufficient ~to compensate for the loss which would otherwise manifest itself. With falling temperature, just the reverse is t r u e w a portion of the weight of the r i m being thrown away from the center of the wheel, causing a loss in time sufficient to compensate for the error.
HE balance with its hairspring is the most vital part of a watch. The weight of the balance in connection with the
tension of the hairspring, provides a means of regulating and“ "maintaining“ a correct" and uniform measurement of time.
Compensating "balance wheels are formed of t w o strips of dissimilar metal, usually of brass and steel‐the reason for this being to cor‐ rect an error caused by one of the laws of nature‐that of expansion and contraction.
The effect. of changes in temperature onthe hairspring is somewhat different, however, as a fall in temperature causes the spring to shorten and become stiffer, which causes a g a i n , ‐ the reverse being t r u e with a rising temperature.
. The compensating balance is the only means
CHASED EMPIRE Greenorwhitegold. Moiredial.
ARDENED compensating balance with timingscrews;doublerollerescapement; steelescapewheel;goldcenterwheel;Breguet
hairspring;patent micrometric screw regula‐ tor;safetyscrew center pinion;concavedand polished winding wheels; recoil safety click; rayed pattern damaskeening; gilt lettering. Fitted in the following cases:
14k filled Bassine case
14k filled green gold Empire,case
14k filled green or white gold, chased Butler
or etched dial l4kfllledgreenorwhitegoldchasedEmpirecase 14k green gold Bassine Calumet case
14k white or g r e e n gold, chased Queen
case, Butler finish or lined back
14k green gold Bassine, inside cap, case
14k heavy, green gold hand made chased
border (special shape) case with cap, spe‐
cial luminous or fancy dial
RaisedFigure, Luminous or EngravedDials,on
Green or white gold filled. En- graveddialasshowninboxabove.
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Eh» Auturrzd
The Autocrat is a high‐grade durable and accurate timepiece “at a medium price. Awatchofwhichanymanmaybeproud. ,
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an,» Autnrrat
Green and white gold filled. Raised figure, luminous. engraved center or
5,4, ~ g
Above Illustration Three‐Quarters Size
PLAIN EMPIRE Green gold filled only
17Jewels; Adjusted to Temperature and lsochronism
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In the r i m of the balance wheel are a number of small screws, which make it possible to weight the balance according to the strength of the hairspring. Two of these screws are mean t i m e screws, which afford the m o s t reliable means of correcting the t i m e of a watch after being in service. Turn them toward the center and the watch goes faster,‐turn them from the center and the watch goes slower. The same kind of screws are used in the balance of the finest chronometers, and the same method is usedto regulatethem. As themainspringdrives the train of the watch the power is gradually
released by the action of the escapement. The function of the balance wheel and hair‐ spring is to controlthemovementof theescape‐ m e n t so that the power from the mainspring willnotbetooquicklyreleased. Asthepower is released, the balance wheel moves alter‐ nately back and forth, approximately three‐ fourths of a revolution‐its movement in t u r n
l I NDOUBTEDLY, m o s t persons who have looked i n t o a watch have noticed the peculiarly shaped wheel, having
teeth n o t at all like the ordinary teeth of a gear wheel.
This little wheel is known as the escape wheel and has a most important function to perform in a watch.
The escapement takes its name from the fact that i t ‐ ‐ i n connection with the balance mech‐ anism‐allows the motion imparted to the train by the mainspring to escape, or r u n down, at exactly the proper rate. If the escapement were removed the mainspring would r u n down immediately and the watch would have no
being controlled by the hairspring, one end of which is attached to the balance staff, the other to the balance bridge, thus limiting the degree of motion of the balance wheel.
Breguet hairsprings are used exclusively in all Illinois watches. They are so called after an early watchmaker, who first conceived the idea of bending the outer coil of the spring in such a way that the entire spring will open and close uniformly as the balance oscillates, in‐ stead of tending to open and close more on one side than on the other, as an ordinary flat spiral spring would do. In addition, the use of the Breguet hairspring precludes the possi‐ bility of the coils catching in the regulator pins when the watch is jarred or dropped.
There is more skilled labor and time spent ontheassemblyandadjustmentsoftheIllinois balance and hairspring, than is required to produce entirely, many of the timepieces on the market to‐day.
timekeeping properties whatever. The escape wheel works in connection with the pallet, a small anchor-shaped steel lever, having at i t s ends peculiarly shaped jewels, so arranged that one of the jewels will alternately engage the teeth of the escape wheel, causing an oscillatingmotionofthepallet.
The pallet is connected to a small lever called a fork. The power is imparted to the balance by the action of this fork on a jewel pin, set in a small steel disc on the balance staff, called the “roller." Each t i m e the balance receives an impulse from the fork and roller, it is returned after swinging through i t s proper angle, by the tension of the hairspring.
HE SANGAMO SPECIAL is the highest grade 16‐size railroad watch made. This move‐
m e n t was designed especially for railroad men, and others who follow the more strenuous occupations and desire an exceptional watch of accuracy and dependability.
. 7.3 extra quality ruby and sapphire jewels; gold settings; adjusted to temperature, S I X positions and isochronism; spring tempered compensating balance with gold screws including timing screws; double roller escapement; friction s e t ruby roller jewel; rounded t o p pallet jewels; steel escape wheel; gold
train; patent micrometric screw regulator; safety screw c e n t e r pinion; Illinois Superior Motor Barrel; concaved and polished winding wheels; safety recoil click.
These.movements are fitted, rerated and timed in their specially designed cases at the factory.
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Complete Watch Open Face Only
23 Jewels Adjusted to SIX
Fittedin 14kfilled extra weight screw back hinged bezel case, or
In 14kextraweight,solidgoldjointed case, with inside cap
cheap watches many imperfect stones are used, Which are similar in appearance, but lack the necessary hardness of ruby and
movements are adjusted in six different positions and in addition are adjusted to various degrees of temperature and isochron‐ ism, in fact these high-grade watches receive every care and attention of skilled specialists, which assures a most excellent timekeeper.
Every good watch should have n o t less than 17perfectjewels, locatedasfollows:‐
Center wheel . Third wheel . Fourth wheel . Escape wheel . Pallet 81arbor . Balame staff Roller .
In 19jewel watches, the t w o additional jew‐ elsareplacedonthebarrelarbor,orareusedon the escape pinion. In 21 jewel watches the ad‐
arbor, and in the 23 jewel watches they are used on the m o t o r barrel arbor.
sists of the following parts:‐
made of good material but which have been found defective, due to poor polishing or other defeCts, are also usedin great quantities in cheaper movements.
A perfectly true and polished ruby or sap‐ phirejewel reduces friction to a minimum and assures long wear, while on the other hand a poor jewel is worse than none at all.
High-grade watches made by reliable m a n u ‐ facturers are usually graded according to the number of jewels; however, the mere fact that a watch contains a large number of jewels is no assurance of its being a good timekeeper.
High‐grade American watches, containing 17, 19, 21 or 23 jewels, as a rulevare more accurately adjusted t h a n watches h a v i n g less jewels. As an illustration,‐the 21 and 23
jewel "Bunn Special" and "Sangamo Special"
THE following are the advantages Of the Illinois Superior Motor Barrel used in all 16 and regular 12 size models:~‐
1‐‐The separate winding hub permits the making of necessary repairs or replacements, by simply removing the barrel bridge.
l‐Barrel 2‐Barrel staff 3‐Barrel cover 4‐Snailed hub
S‐Ratchet 6‐Ratchet hub 7‐Ratchet cap with
barrel staff u p ‐ per jewel.
2 ‐ T h e jewel bearings are located at the extreme ends of the barrel arbor, reducing the friction to a minimum by permitting the use of very’small pivots.
3‐_‐‐Permits the use of a thinner mainspring, with the result that the watch runs longer.
4‐Permits of a more accurate isochronal
TO assemble, the ratchet hub enters- the lower side of the barrel bridge and the triangle at the top on the ratchet side. Next, place ratchet on triangle followed by the ratchet cap with arbor jewel, on ratchet. These should be fastened together with the three screws which enter the ratchet hub.
It is absolutely unnecessary to disassemble parts 5, 6, and 7,_ to replace a main spring. Remove Barrel Bridge Only by removing the three barrel bridge screws.
To replace the barrel bridge, locate the wind‐ ing' hub on the barrel boss so that it will be centrally located with the main spring hooked.
centrally and pressingdown lightly with the
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The Bunn Special is the recognized stand‐ ard for all railroad service. The thou‐ sands ofthese watches in the hands of rail‐ road m e n everywhere have proventhe supe‐ riority of these m o r e merits,
Will r u n in excess of o hourson0116 wm‘ dm‘ g.
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Selected e x t r a quality ruby and sapphire jewels. raised gold settings.
Special rating and timing. Double roller escapement. Conical pivots.
Best quality Breguet hairspring ILLINOIS Superior mainspring Recoil safety click.
Special quality hardened and tempered c e n t e r a r m compensating balance. Gold screws including mean time screws.
Rounded a r m polished gold train wheels. Entire escapement cap jeweled.
Beveled and polished steel escape wheel Safety center pinion.
Patent micrometer screw regulator.
- ‘
THE BUNN SPECIAL is an extremely high‐grade, dependable, durable and excellent timekeeper and is unquestionably the m o s t popular railroad watch made in America.
The Bunn Special is adjusted to SIX positions, temperatures and isochronism. Will pass the inspection on any railroad in the United States, Canada or Mexico
Plates highly polished and artistically damaskeened. ?7
‘5’: The 23 Jewel Bunn Special Contains the Illinois Jeweled Motor Barrel 5} OPEN FACE ONLY LEVER SETTING, I6 SIZE 3/4 PLATE MODEL
I Madewitheither23or21jewels
Regularly furnished with double sunk enameled dial -Montgomery Numerical Dials furnished on these movements when specified, without extra charge
Concaved, polished and rayed winding wheels.
clockwise" With tweezers until ratchet hub
“squareventers winding hub. The barrel bridge ‘Will'then'become properly seated. The m o t o r barrels used in the thin 12size models are oonstnmtedonthesamegeneralprincipleexcept thewindinghub. In replacingbarrelin move‐
_ " BOUT thirty years ago, the railroads of the country awoke to the fact that a large number of collisions and other
accidents were due to the varying time kept by the watches used by their men.
A time inspection was installed, making it compulsory for every man to have his watch inspected at regular intervals. These inspec‐ tions convinced the railroad officials of the necessity of presenting their difficulties to the watch manufacturers, who proposed supplying them with movements which were rated and adjusted so they would r u n uniformly in the hardest and m o s t exacting service.
The first of these watches were adjusted to temperature and three positions and gave much better service than the former unadjusted watches, but as yet were n o t all that was de‐ sired. In their efforts to still further increase the timekeeping uniformity of their product, the watch manufacturers adjusted their move‐ ments to t w o more positions, making a total of five, as is n o w required by all railroads m a i n ‐ taining a time service.
The increased number of adjustments added greatly to the efficiency, accuracy and u n i ‐ formity of the timekeeping of the watches, but it also added considerable to the cost.
The ”Five Position Watches" were such an improvement over the “Three Position Watches" that this company decided to adjust their high‐grade railroad watches to “Six Positions" to assure reliable timekeepers re‐ gardless of the position in which they were placed.
It requires from eight to twelve months to complete a high-grade watch, a large p a r t of this time being spent in adjusting the move‐ m e n t to the different positions, temperature and isochronism.
ment, place the barrel, first in barrel bridge turning the barrel until main spring becomes hooked. Then, holding barrel and barrel bridge with tweezers slide barrel under cen‐ terwheeluntilcentrallylocated,pressinglightly on barrel bridge